God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1116 Confrontation (Part 2)

The match between Chong Shuangshuang and Helian Gaefeng was much more peaceful than the last one, but the waves in everyone's hearts were not weak at all.

And these are all because of Chong Shuangshuang's physique, which has been noticed by many people.

Chong Shuangshuang didn't care much about it herself. After winning the game, she ran to Mu Qinglan's side to see her injury.

Mu Qinglan felt helpless and funny, but also warm.

"I'm really fine. You see, it's all scabbed. It will be fine after ten days and half a month."

While talking, Mu Qinglan suddenly saw Chong Shuang wrinkled her nose, as if she was smelling something, then widened her eyes and looked at her hand in shock.

"My God! This is—"

She seemed a little unbelievable, and looked up at Mu Qinglan again.

"Sister Qinglan, your hand... Brother Yunyi bandaged it for you just now?"

Mu Qinglan nodded in a daze: "Yes."

This should be seen by everyone, is there something wrong?

"What's wrong?"

Chong Shuangshuang was full of amazement, and looked at her hands again.

"...As expected of Brother Yunyi... This colorful spirit stone can be used in this way... When I was injured before, it was difficult to beg my father to give me some!"

Mu Qinglan asked, "Colorful Lingshi?"

Chong Shuangshuang nodded seriously, and said: "Yes! This colorful spirit stone is extremely precious. On the top of the gods, only the place where the god master once sat down can produce this thing! And the growth is extremely slow, sometimes a hundred years. It may not be possible to grow a crystal block the size of a thumb!"

Only then did Mu Qinglan understand, and she was also a little surprised.

Since it is only in the place where the gods sit and transform, it must not be accessible to idlers. Moreover, I want to know what kind of coercion and danger there is in that kind of place!

"This colored spar contains the essence of the power of the God Lord. Grinding it into powder, as long as a fingernail is so small, it can bring people back to life!"

While talking, Chong Shuangshuang looked at her hand with envy and amazement.

The special aura unique to colorful spirit stones is very strong! I don't know how much more than the one she used at the beginning!

Mu Qinglan was secretly speechless.

Just a little bit of fingernails can bring back the dead, flesh and bones?

Then Yun Yi just now... But she directly sprinkled her hand...

No wonder she always felt that Lord Wang Yan and the others looked weird just now, and she was shocked when she thought about it...

However, if they knew that she still had the phoenix crown of Mistress Yun in her body, what kind of expression would they have?

Compared with this colorful spirit stone, the phoenix crown really contains the endless power of a divine master!

In contrast, the colorful spirit stone is a derivative of the place where the god master sits and transforms, but it can't be compared with the phoenix crown that the god master of the Yun clan devoted all his efforts to create...

And...the divine spirit pearl that her brother gave her...

Mu Qinglan coughed and turned away.

She suddenly found that there were quite a lot of treasures on her body...

"Anyway, sister Qinglan is fine! I was so worried when I saw it just now!" Chong Shuangshuang's eyes were still a little red.

Mu Qinglan's heart softened, and she pinched her face.

"Don't worry, I told you I'm fine. Do I seem to be the one who ruined my hand for Luo Chenxuan?"

Chong Shuangshuang thought about it, but it was true. As soon as Shui Lingling rolled her eyes, she looked towards the arena.

"Hey-sister Qinglan, did you know... his identity before?"

Chong Shuangshuang lowered his voice and asked curiously.

Mu Qinglan followed her gaze, her expression slightly concentrated.

This time, it's Yun Yi vs. Po Tong!

She shook her head: "I don't know."

She always thought that Po Tong was born in the mountains, after all, such a keen beast-like intuition can only be obtained in countless fights with Yuan beasts.

There is a wildness in him, which is definitely not something that a family like the Tantai clan can teach.

According to those people's rumors, Po Tong suffered from an accident when he was a child, which caused him to live outside for so many years. It was not until some time ago that he returned to the Tantai Clan.

Mu Qinglan only regarded him as a younger brother at the beginning, how could he have imagined that he had such a background?

Chong Shuangshuang murmured: "I didn't expect it either... But judging by his appearance, he seems to be different from before..."

Mu Qinglan thought so too, but maybe, the broken pupil back then wasn't his completely real appearance?

What's more, with such a huge identity change, it would be really bad if he remained the same as before.

It is not an easy task to survive in such a large family.

Po Tong has been away for many years, and going back suddenly will inevitably involve the interests of many people in the clan. If he didn't have enough strength and strategy, it would be impossible for him to come to the family competition with such a distinguished status!

Mu Qinglan sighed softly in his heart.

No matter what, everyone has their own path to choose, and outsiders like them, no one can make the choice for him.

It's just... She thought of the thin boy who was like a small animal, and maybe he would never look at her with clean and clear eyes again, and she still felt a little bit sad in her heart.

For most people, this game is not suspenseful.

Yun Yi has a long-standing reputation. He has been on the top of the gods for so many years. Among the younger generation, almost no one can beat him!

Therefore, almost everyone has decided in their hearts that Yun Yi will definitely win this game.

It's just that I don't know how many tricks that young man from Tantai's family can go through under Yun Yi's hands?

"I heard that this young man is not a simple character. When he first returned to the Tantai Clan, he was suspected of his identity. After the identification of his blood, he was finally recognized! How long has passed, and he has become a member of the Tantai Aristocratic Clan? A leader among the younger generation?"

"It's hard to say... I heard that Tantai Mo likes this son very much. He is not a soft-hearted person. It is absolutely impossible that he treats this young son so well because he feels indebted. It must be something in that boy. What's extraordinary...Although Tantai Mo is arrogant, he will never make fun of the reputation of the Tantai clan!"

"It sounds good to say that after many years of experience outside, he finally came back. In fact, who doesn't know what happened? The Tantai family has been searching for so many years and failed to find it. They have already given up, and even the young master has already been selected! Who would have thought that he would come back suddenly! It has only been a long time since he came back, and he has directly occupied the position of young master! Such a person, will he have no means?"

"I just don't know what the talent and strength are... Before they came, they should have awakened their bloodlines. Maybe this person has a high level..."

"Can he surpass Yun Yi? Even if he is good in all aspects, it is absolutely impossible for him to be Yun Yi's opponent today!"

"Also... this scene should end soon."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, most of which were not optimistic.

Only the members of the Tantai clan were very calm from the beginning to the end, as if they stayed out of the matter.

Tantai Mo's eyes fell on Po Tong, and he slowly turned the ring on his hand, a look of unknown meaning flashed in his eyes.

The two men faced each other from a distance, and the atmosphere gradually became stagnant.

Yun Yi looked at Po Tong with a calm expression.

"You really are back."

The color of broken pupils moved slightly.

He was not surprised that Yun Yi would guess his identity.

When he was in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, he seemed to have noticed something, but he never broke it.

Po Tong said: "When the time is up, I will return naturally."

Originally, he wanted to wait for a while, at least until his strength reached the level of the domain master, before returning to the clan.

However, what happened at Xiling College later forced him to speed up his pace.

Although after making this choice, he suffered more pain and suffering, but he has no regrets.

After all, it was enough for him to stand here aboveboard.

Listening to the conversation between the two, everyone was a little puzzled: These two... seem to have known each other before?

It's just that the atmosphere between these two seems to be... a little tense?

"There are some things that should be settled."

As Yun Yi said, a silver light flashed in his hand, and he directly sacrificed the God King Sword!

The crowd was in an uproar.

Yun Yi has never used the God King Sword in the previous battles, so it can be seen that he values ​​this young man from the Tantai family very much!

Po Tong's expression is awe-inspiring, and the momentum of his whole body soars!

A powerful coercion immediately swept over!

"Eight-Rank Tianmai!"

Everyone was taken aback when they realized the coercion of that extremely familiar force.

This is clearly very similar to Luo Chenxuan's aura just now!

He turned out to be an eighth-grade Tianmai!

Po Tong folded his hands in front of him, and a mass of ice-blue energy quickly gathered in his palm! It quickly formed a fist-sized ball!

And above the sphere, there are several silver-white lightning bolts, constantly flickering and floating!

The faint crackling sound made people tremble even more!

The power between heaven and earth also began to frantically gather towards him!

"Sirius palm!"

Po Tong let out a sharp shout, and then squeezed his hands hard!

The icy blue ball was instantly crushed! The power above wrapped his hands tightly in an instant!

Then, he pushed forward with both hands!

An icy blue palm print flew out quickly!

At the same moment, Yun Yi raised the God King Sword in his hand and slashed it down with all his strength!

A silver light pierced the sky in an instant!

In an instant, like the Milky Way falling, countless starbursts surged in!

Two extremely powerful forces collided fiercely!


Terrible power, started a frenzied killing and devouring!

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