God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1122 Too lazy (Part 2)

One night, fleeting.

Members of the top ten aristocratic families boarded Luoshan again.

The sky was clear and bright, cloudless.

However, above Luoshan, there was a tense atmosphere.

Compared with the liveliness of the previous day, everyone at this time was inexplicably quieter, only when they looked in certain directions, did they show meaningful eyes.

Everyone knows that today is the final of the family competition, and more people care about Mu Qinglan and Luo Xiyan's battle today than who can get the first place!

Although almost everyone believed that Luo Xiyan had won, it was undeniable that they were still full of curiosity about this match.

On the square, the crowd gradually gathered.

"Tell me, how many moves can Mu Qinglan make against Luo Xiyan today?"

"Ha! It's still guesswork? She lost one hand yesterday, and her strength has been greatly reduced. Besides, Luo Xiyan's strength is already much stronger than hers. How can the two be compared?"

"Don't forget that she also has a golden dragon..."

"So what? Luo Xiyan is now a goddess of the Luo tribe, but she has the power of an ancient phoenix in her body! Even if it is a golden dragon, it has to bow its head in front of the ancient phoenix, right?"

"I just don't know about Yun Yi...Shh! Someone is coming!"

While everyone was discussing, Luo Xiyan also came up.

There was a moment of silence on the field, and then it returned to normal.

Many people secretly looked at Luo Xiyan, and saw that on her delicate and dignified face, she still had a decent and elegant smile, and her every move was impeccable.

It seemed that today's game had no impression on her at all.

Thinking about it, she can definitely crush Mu Qinglan with her strength, so she naturally doesn't have to worry about anything.

Luo Xiyan walked to her seat and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, Luo Chenxuan who had been waiting beside her for a long time came over.

His complexion was still a little pale, which made his original stern face a little more gloomy.

"...Xiyan..." He said with some difficulty, "Yesterday...I'm sorry..."

Luo Xiyan raised her eyes, glanced at him, and smiled slightly.

"Where did you say that?"

Luo Chenxuan choked.

He wanted to say that he originally planned to stop Mu Qinglan, but unexpectedly, he lost!

As a result, now, Luo Xiyan has to do it herself.

"I was looking for you yesterday..."

He pursed his lips, hesitantly.

Luo Xiyan's expression suddenly became much lighter.

"You're injured and don't take good care of yourself. What do you want me to do?"

Luo Chenxuan slowly clenched his fists.

He knew that Luo Xiyan was angry, and he also knew that it was not appropriate to say these things in front of so many people, but...

"I have something to tell you—"

"You have nothing to apologize to me. You did your best yesterday, didn't you?" Luo Xiyan laughed, but her eyes were still indifferent.

This look made Luo Chenxuan's throat choke.

Luo Xiyan looked at Luo Chenxuan in front of her, feeling a little impatient.

He has always been very smart, knowing what to say, what not to say, and when to do something, as long as she looks at him, he can always do well-of course, excluding the one who lost yesterday that one.

But what happened to him now that he apologized to her in public?

Sorry for what?

Afraid that others would not know that he deliberately targeted Mu Qinglan for her sake?

"Chenxuan, you're tired, you should take a good rest." Luo Xiyan stared into his eyes and said word by word.

Luo Chenxuan knew in his heart that it was really inappropriate for him to do this, but he had never been able to find Luo Xiyan, so he had to think about some things, so he had better tell her.

"I just want to tell you, that Mu—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Luo Xiyan's eyes and suddenly looked behind him.

In an instant, a bit of cold breath flashed across the eyes that were originally gentle and moist!

Luo Chenxuan frowned and looked back.

Sure enough, it was Mu Qinglan who came up.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he feels that today's Luo Xiyan seems to care about Mu Qinglan very much.

She didn't seem to take Mu Qinglan seriously before, and this is one of the things he admires about her - she is the proud daughter of heaven, why should she lower herself?

But today, something seems different...

He was a little disappointed. After thinking about it, it would be better to tell her later when no one is paying attention.

That Mu Qinglan... seems to be hiding her strength...

When Mu Qinglan came up with Wang Yan and others, he noticed countless eyes falling on him.

Excitement, exploration, anticipation, contempt...

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but feel amused.

Unexpectedly, people from the top of the gods family have such a strong curiosity about this kind of thing.

Among these people, it is estimated that nine out of ten want to see how she lost to Luo Xiyan.

And the remaining one didn't care about it.

Of course, there is also the most unignorable gaze.

Mu Qinglan looked up, and his eyes collided with Luo Xiyan's.

Luo Xiyan seemed to smile, but there was no expression in her eyes.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Luo Xiyan seems to be... more hostile towards her...

Moreover, Luo Xiyan's eyes were a little more probing, as if she wanted to find something from her.

"Qinglan, how confident are you today?"

Wang Chan on the side asked in a low voice.

Mu Qinglan glanced at her with a smile.

"Everyone is thinking how many times I will lose, but you are asking me how sure I am?"

Wang Chan snorted softly: "They don't know you, but we do! You must still have a hole card, right?"

Among other things, just because Mu Qinglan has solved the problem of Tongling Hall, they are full of confidence in her!

Can ordinary people have this ability?

That was a problem that Venerable Wang Yan had been having a headache for a long time!

Therefore, in the eyes of people like Tonglinghai, Mu Qinglan still had a good chance of defeating Luo Xiyan.

Looking at the serious eyes of Wang Chan and the others, Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, then shook her head and smiled.

"It's hard to say. If you win, then one percent is one hundred percent. And vice versa."

Wang Chan and the others looked at each other.

What does this mean?

But judging by Mu Qinglan's appearance, it seems that she is relatively relaxed, so she should... be more confident, right?

I just hope her hand doesn't get hurt again.

Lord Wang Yan waved at Mu Qinglan: "Girl Qinglan, come here."

Mu Qinglan walked over, eyebrows curved: "Master."

Lord Wang Yan looked at her, as if he wanted to ask something, but hesitated.

Mu Qinglan showed a questioning look.

Venerable Wang Yan patted her hand, then wrote a word on the back of her hand calmly.


Mu Qinglan was stunned for a moment, then understood, seeing Lord Wang Yan's cautious look, couldn't help laughing.

Master meant to ask her, why didn't she break through to the sixth-level Star Formation Master?

Perhaps it was difficult for him to ask questions in front of so many people, so he was so secretive.

Seeing Mu Qinglan's cheerful smile, Venerable Wang Yan was not so relaxed: This child, why is he laughing like this when he is talking about serious things?

This is a major event related to today's victory or defeat!

The power of her primordial spirit has clearly broken through to a sixth-level Star Array Master, but her main star is still at the level of a fifth-level Star Array Master.

You must know that there is a huge difference in strength between the two!

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Master, you also know that I have always been lazy."

Lord Wang Yan reacted, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely: What does she mean...too lazy to break through? !

For a moment, looking at the bright little face in front of him, Lord Wang Yan really wanted to pry open her brain to see what was going on inside! ?

Others have been practicing hard all their lives, seeking breakthroughs, but when they come to her, they become lazy?

How embarrassing is this for those star array masters who have been trapped in the fifth-level star array master for many years?

Even Venerable Wang Yan felt faintly sad: Thinking about how much energy and time he spent in breaking through this shackle, this girl actually said that she was too lazy to break through? !

Seeing Lord Wang Yan's expression was a bit wrong, Mu Qinglan's thoughts changed, and she asked cautiously.

"If you're in a hurry...then I...today...?"

The game is about to start, you are telling me to break through here?

Lord Wang Yan regretted it unceasingly, he really shouldn't have asked her at this time.

Either sooner or later, why today?

Did she really not care, or... didn't take it seriously at all?

But now I can't say anything about her, I can only hope that she can win this game.

Mu Qinglan felt helpless.

She is really lazy!

For more than two years inside the Zangxuehai chessboard, she has been comprehending the Eight Spirits Conferred God Formation, how could she care about these?

And after breaking through the star array, her primordial spirit power has already reached the level of a sixth-level star array master. As long as she thinks, she can break through at any time, so she is not in such a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Lord Wang Yan was suddenly worried about this right now.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure." Mu Qinglan comforted with a smile.

Lord Wang Yan snorted softly.

"I only have one precious apprentice, if you're not careful, you'll come back with injuries all over... See if I don't deal with you!"

Even if he doesn't care, there is Yun Yi over there!

"If your brother knows that the teacher failed to take good care of you, how can he face you in the future?"

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed up.

"I know."

So many people are worried about her, this time, she must win beautifully!

"Family Competition Final Four, Tongling Haimu Qinglan will face Luo Xiyan, the Goddess of the Luo Tribe!"

Luo Nanshan was much more excited today, and his face was almost full of pride.

He has already figured out how to announce the result of the game, and the momentum will be stronger.

Luo Xiyan stood up, and Luo Chenxuan behind her opened her mouth, and was about to speak, but she jumped up, her movements were elegant and nimble, and she was on the restored arena in an instant!

She has a straight waist and a dignified posture, and she is very graceful in a water blue dress.

With a smile on the corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth, she stood up and walked forward step by step.

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