God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1125 Luoshen Jue (Part 2)

In an instant, Mu Qinglan's whole body glowed in the cave, and several huge figures appeared one after another!


With a clear cry, Suzaku flapped its wings, and the crimson flames blazed, instantly raising the temperature in the entire square!


The two dragon chants resounded almost simultaneously!

A huge silvery-white figure instantly appeared in front of Mu Qinglan!

On the back, there are eight protruding bones, which are particularly conspicuous!

And behind Mu Qinglan, a huge golden figure is like a hill, majestic and majestic!

The three primordial beasts instantly surrounded Mu Qinglan! The momentum is amazing!

Even though they had seen these three primordial beasts before, it was still inconceivable for everyone to see them again.

Especially Suzaku, who has changed from her small and exquisite appearance to a majestic and huge figure!

Swinging down the flaming wings, I'm afraid it can destroy half of the arena in an instant!

Two rank eight primordial beasts, one rank nine primordial beast, and among them the Suzaku and the golden dragon, all belong to the purest bloodline of the ancient divine beasts!

With such a lineup, even the top ten family members present may not be able to gather together!

Primordial beasts are arrogant by nature and disdain to be with others, let alone a race with pure blood power, it is even more impossible to be inferior to others easily.

But at this time, these three top-level Yuan beasts are all supporting Mu Qinglan!

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to contract one primordial beast of this level, but she contracted three!

Even if there is an equal contract between the golden dragon and her, but she has the dragon blood in her body, which represents the complete trust and loyalty of the golden dragon!

That is almost a more powerful existence than a contract!

Even if she is only the initial stage of the domain master, with so many powerful forces to help, how can she not have the power to fight?

While shocked, more people were curious: Didn't Mu Qinglan come from a humble background? How did she manage to contract so many top-level beasts together and let them coexist peacefully?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this kind of luck is against the sky!

"...These primordial beasts are willing to make a contract with her, and it's really an evil..."

People from the Luo nationality paid special attention to this game, and there were many discussions about it.

Luo Qingheng snorted coldly when he heard this.

So what if there are three primordial beasts?

Luo Xiyan has the power of an ancient phoenix in her body!

The remnant soul of the ancient phoenix that was sealed on the Phoenix Mountain has only been summoned by the goddesses of the Luo tribe, and it is for her own use!

Although it is a remnant soul, it is still an ancient divine beast!

Even the ninth-rank golden dragon is inferior!


The sword soul of Hongyujian stabbed towards Mu Qinglan with the sword!

Suzaku uttered a cry, waved its wings, and rushed up immediately!

The blazing flames burned quickly from the ground, and those extremely hard stones were only burned by the Suzaku fire for a moment, and immediately left a scorched black mark!

If it takes longer, there is no guarantee that it will not turn into a pile of ashes!

A crimson flame turned into a sharp arrow and headed towards Hongyu Sword!


At the moment of impact, a crisp sound came!

But then, the Suzaku fire quickly transformed, enveloping the Hongyu sword in the blink of an eye!

For a moment, the red flame and the blade of the sword were tightly entwined, and it was impossible to tell them apart!

Almost at the same time, Yinfeng also jumped up, and then opened his mouth, letting out a long and thick dragon chant!

The extreme cold air quickly condensed into a sharp frost in midair, piercing towards Hongyujian's sword soul!

One soul and two beasts, fighting together immediately!

Only the golden dragon was left, entrenched in mid-air, staring at Luo Xiyan indifferently and coldly.

Luo Xiyan's eyes flickered slightly, and then she stretched out her left hand, and a burst of powerful power suddenly burst out from the ring of the goddess engraved with dark patterns!

A phoenix cry resounded through the heaven and earth!


The golden-red afterimage rushed out instantly!

It was the remnant soul of that ancient phoenix!

It was a little different from the appearance when it was summoned just now, but the appearance of this remnant soul seemed to be clearer and more solid than before.

If the previous one was like a translucent afterimage, then this one almost has a concrete appearance now!

Even every feather on it is extremely magnificent and real!

Mu Qinglan's heart sank slightly.

Wanting to condense such a realistic appearance from the soul is definitely not something that can be done overnight, unless...

She had already made all the preparations long ago, just waiting for the remnant soul of the ancient phoenix to be summoned and condensed directly!

Even Mu Qinglan has to admit that being able to do this step is enough to prove Luo Xiyan's ability!

She stared and saw that the ancient phoenix was entrenched on top of Luo Xiyan's head, and its figure was more than twice the size of the real Suzaku.

With its wings spread out, it can almost block out the sky!

It has an incomparably magnificent red color, which is very similar to Suzaku, but the difference is that the feathers on the top of the head and the end of the tail are all brilliant golden.

These two extremely bright and strong colors are mixed together, showing an unparalleled sense of dignity.

Even if it's just a remnant soul, the coercion on this ancient phoenix is ​​extremely tyrannical!

In particular, it has an indescribable aura that seems to come from ancient time and space, which makes people feel fear and awe!

And this kind of breath...even the golden dragon is a little inferior!

Anyone who sees this scene has to admit that among the primordial beasts, the bloodlines do have powerful crushing power!

With a movement of the golden dragon, a golden shadow was drawn in the air, and then stood in front of Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan looked up at it.

"Senior, please excuse me."

Originally, she didn't want the golden dragon to get involved here, especially since the ancient phoenix did have blood pressure.

But the golden dragon insisted on doing so, which made Mu Qinglan very grateful.

In fact, in the end, although she helped the golden dragon, it has already repaid the favor several times, so there is really no need to take such a risk.

The golden dragon communicated with her, so he naturally understood what she meant.

"Although the ancient phoenix and the ancient divine dragon are not close, they have some kind of friendship because they are both ancient divine beasts. Although I haven't broken through the shackles, my blood has awakened, and I am the leader of the ancient divine dragon. The ancient phoenix family has had iron rules since ancient times. No matter whether it is the body or the soul, after death, they must hide in the phoenix tomb. It's obviously a bit tricky. Even if it's for the sake of the ancient Phoenix lineage to clear the door, this fight must be fought!"

Mu Qinglan nodded knowingly.

She had heard this before, so when she first saw Luo Xiyan summoning the remnant soul of the ancient phoenix, she was also very shocked.

I didn't think too much about it at the time, but now I hear what the golden dragon means, and it seems that there is really something famous in it...

"This remnant soul seems to be powerful, but it is not. It has been sealed for many years, and it does not seem to be the first time it has been summoned. Its power has been greatly reduced. The most important thing is... this ancient phoenix seems to have been eliminated. Insane, controlled by others."


Mu Qinglan was really shocked now.

The ancient phoenix has the supreme bloodline, it is a divine beast! How is this possible?

Could it be - this remnant soul in front of him is just a puppet?

"The specific situation needs to be investigated again. However, it is not far from ten." After the golden dragon said a word, his figure flew out suddenly, "In that case, I will come to investigate in person!"

Almost at the same time, Luo Xiyan shouted:


The ancient phoenix immediately welcomes it!

Although it was huge in stature, it was still a bit worse than the golden dragon, so it was immediately blocked by the golden dragon!

With a fierce flick of the golden dragon's tail, it was about to entangle the body of the ancient phoenix!

The latter flapped its wings and flew up suddenly! A red golden flame immediately swept towards the golden dragon!

The temperature on the field suddenly became higher!

The golden dragon uttered a dragon chant, and its powerful breath rushed away immediately!


The strength of the two collided fiercely!

All of a sudden, countless red-golden sparks flew in all directions!

That flame was finally torn open from the middle!

But in the process, the power of the golden dragon's roar is also being consumed crazily!

The fierce confrontation between the two began to devour each other!

At this moment, the ancient phoenix suddenly turned around, bypassed the flame, and flew behind the golden dragon!

The golden dragon turned around, and then charged forward swiftly and fiercely!

Opening his mouth wide, his extremely sharp teeth shone with an icy color!

The ancient phoenix suddenly shot out a flame!

In an instant, the flame turned into a sea of ​​flames, surrounding the golden dragon!

The tip of the golden dragon's tail was stained with flames, and it was thrown out violently immediately! The powerful impact force once again forced the ancient phoenix that interrupted the charge back to its original position!

But by doing so, it was stained with more flames!

Phoenix Nirvana, the divine fire born, is several times more powerful than Suzaku's fire!

Even if the golden dragon is reinforced and iron-framed, it may not be able to stop it!

A red golden flame suddenly turned into a sharp arrow, stabbing fiercely towards the golden dragon!

At the same time, Luo Xiyan also suddenly raised her arm, stretched out an index finger, and pointed directly at the sky!


Above the sky, under the dark clouds that have not dissipated, countless forces are frantically gathering!

Then, a huge finger slowly protruded from the clouds!

It was a jade-like finger, white and slender, and on that finger, there were mysterious runes, faintly visible!

"Luo Shen Jue!"

Then, the rune on that huge finger suddenly became brighter!

As more and more forces gather on it, the coercion becomes stronger and stronger!

When Luo Xiyan fell, the rune on that finger began to fall down, heading towards Mu Qinglan!

Those bright runes, like large flakes of snowflakes, fell down with incomparable lightness.

Then, surround Mu Qinglan!

A huge cage was formed in an instant!

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