God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1136 Bartering (four more)

Mu Qinglan finally figured it out, she couldn't hide the matter of the ancient god's tome hidden in her body, and instead of trying to hide it, it's better to disclose it directly!

It's not just the Luo people, I don't know how many people are ready to move about the ancient gods!

She is in the light, and those people are in the dark, so she is naturally at a disadvantage.

Simply pull those who are in the dark to the light!

Want to expose this matter, and then make her a target and let others bully her?

She's not that easy to bully!

For a long time, she had hidden many rare treasures on her body. Because she was worried about the crime of being pregnant, Mu Qinglan was always cautious, and tried every means and means to cover it up, for fear of causing any trouble.

But now, everyone knows the existence of Xiaoyue, especially Xiaoyue's special and powerful attack power, which has attracted the attention of many people.

Also, the soul-suppressing stone hidden in her body, and the star array on it, have also been used.

Even in order to win against Luo Xiyan, she simply summoned her ancient real body!

The few hole cards she has been hiding so hard have been revealed!

Now, even the black jade slips were finally poked out by Luo Qingheng!

Then, if she continues to endure it, there is no need at all!

How can they know? Now she is no longer the helpless, humble and weak Mu Qinglan back then!

Since she dared to stand here, she already had enough courage and strength to face the coming storm!

If they want to grab it, let's see how capable they are!

Luo Qingheng frowned and said, "Anyway, if you don't explain what happened today, you will never leave Luoshan!"

Mu Qinglan spread her hands and smiled: "Patriarch Luo, I really want to explain it well, but you have to give me a chance, don't you? I don't even know what your so-called inheritance treasure is, how do I know my body? Is it the same?"

Hearing this, Luo Qingheng couldn't help looking at Luo Xiyan.

Just now, Xiyan told him with certainty that Mu Qinglan's Master's True Body Art is the black jade slip!

Remembering that she went to interrogate Shui Yanyu last night, Luo Qingheng felt a little relieved.

These... should all be correct.

"Luo Qingheng, don't deceive others too much, do you really think that I, Tonglinghai, am a vegetarian?"

Lord Wang Yan frowned and stepped forward, and said coldly: "No matter what it is, since it is in Qinglan's hands now, then it is hers! She can take it if she wants to, and don't take it if she doesn't want to! This king wants to see it today. Look, do you dare to touch her with a finger today!"

Luo Qingheng scolded angrily: "Wang Yan! Don't be too arrogant!"

Lord Wang Yan sneered coldly: "Everyone knows who is being arrogant! Don't you dare to order her to hand over your things so blatantly because Qinglan girl is not the top of the gods? I told you You! As long as Tonglinghai is here, you will be Qinglan girl’s backer! Taking ten thousand steps back, your stuff has already been wandering outside. Calculating the time, it will take thousands of years. Just like this, you are still ashamed to say that the thing is Yours?"

Luo Qingheng didn't want to pay attention to Lord Wang Yan at all, so he simply turned his eyes away and didn't look at him.

"I don't care who Mu Qinglan's backer is, I only know that she has something from my Luo family! She must return it today!"

Mu Qinglan lowered her head and chuckled.

It seems that this is intended to be tough?

"Patriarch Luo, I think you don't want to confront me anymore. After all, you just want me to hand over the things to you, right?"

Luo Qingheng squinted his eyes: "I didn't say that, you are talking nonsense! It seems that you don't want to hand over your things today, since that's the case... come here! Fengshan!"

Luo Qingheng fell down with a sound, and his deep voice rang out in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the people of the Luo clan in the square quickly surrounded the place!

And above Luoshan, many figures immediately appeared, quickly occupying the surrounding space!

For a time, all the Luo people were under martial law! All the family members of many families were besieged!

Now, anyone with a discerning eye can tell who is deliberately tossing about!

Not only Mu Qinglan and Tonglinghai were unhappy, but even members of other families were also dissatisfied.

"Luo Qingheng, what do you mean?" Tantai Mo was the first to speak with a gloomy expression.

The status of the Tantai Clan is almost equal to that of the Luo Clan, and Tantai Mo is not a good friend. At this time, Luo Qingheng suddenly behaved like this, so he naturally didn't have a good face--Luo Qingheng simply didn't treat other families Put it in your eyes!

Luo Qingheng cupped his hands: "Please forgive me, this matter is extremely important to our Luo family. Therefore, I have to wrong you for the time being. Of course, if Mu Qinglan can hand over things, we will naturally It wouldn’t be such a big fight.”

The implication is that Mu Qinglan has implicated other people.

He Lianxiao laughed loudly and said: "The Luo clan is also a big family after all, so it doesn't seem very good to embarrass a little girl like this?"

Luo Qingheng sneered coldly: "If she is really just an ordinary person, how could she come here and even win so many people? Isn't it all due to her real body of the Lord! Mu Qinglan, who is here for you today? It's useless to beg for mercy! Someone! Arrest her for me!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Yes!"

The group of people in the front rushed towards Mu Qinglan immediately!

Yun Yi suddenly took a step forward and said coldly:

"I'll see who dares!"

A powerful coercion suddenly erupted from Yun Yi's body!

The people who were rushing towards this side sensed the danger and were about to retreat, but they were unable to avoid it and were hit by the strong wind!

A group of people flew out together, and some of them even vomited blood!

Luo Qingheng's expression became serious: "Yun Yi, do you really want to completely oppose my Luo clan for Mu Qinglan's sake?"

Yun Yi said coldly: "I should be the one to ask you! Mu Qinglan is the future mistress of the Yun Clan, I see who dares to touch her today! If you Luo Clan insist on doing this, you will tear it apart from my Yun Clan." Disgraceful!"

Luo Qingheng was terrified and furious: "You - you are presumptuous!"

In their territory of the Luo people, they dared to utter wild words, it was extremely bold!

Yun Pei suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at Luo Qingheng.

"Luo Qingheng, I, the Yun Clan, have no intention of interfering in other matters, but... Yun Yi, as the young master of the Yun Clan, is second only to the old man in status, you are calling him around like this... Are you not paying attention to the old man at all? ?”

His voice was neither soft nor heavy, but it made people feel a strong coercion in their hearts!

Luo Qingheng's lips trembled, and he gritted his teeth.

What Yun Pei meant was that he planned to admit Mu Qinglan's identity?

It would be fine if only Yun Yi was protecting Mu Qinglan, but if Yun Pei wanted to intervene, I'm afraid...

Although the Luo clan has gradually become stronger over the years, in the final analysis, there is still a slight gap with the Yun clan.

If he hastily offended the Yun Clan, the days to come would definitely not be easy.

That's not worth the candle...

Luo Qingheng calmed down a little, and said in a cold voice: "Patriarch Yun, don't misunderstand, we are just impatient for a moment, afraid that Mu Qinglan will play some tricks. I tried to persuade her just now, but she refused to hand over the things, so we just You can use tougher methods. This matter is about Luoshen, so don’t neglect it! Even if we want to offend everyone today, we have no choice but to do so!”

He presented Luoshen. Although everyone knew it was an excuse, they couldn't say anything for a while.

But what the Luo people did today...the food looks too ugly!

However, Yun Pei's words seemed to be defending Yun Yi, but... more or less he meant to admit Mu Qinglan... Otherwise, he would just ask Yun Yi not to interfere?

Thinking of this, many people secretly exchanged glances, with different thoughts.

However, when the two sides were in a stalemate, Mu Qinglan suddenly nodded:

"Okay! If that's the case, I'll take it!"

"Qing Lan!"

Lord Wang Yan and the others were taken aback, and looked at Mu Qinglan in shock.

How could she agree?

Even if they don't know exactly what it is, it must be an extremely precious treasure to make Luo Qingheng make such a fuss!

How could she just give it away so easily! ?

What's more, Yun Yi is standing beside her, and the Yun Clan seems to be a little inclined towards her. Even if she really doesn't give it, Luo Qingheng will never dare to really do anything, how can she——

Yun Yi frowned slightly, and looked down at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan blinked, and lightly stroked his palm with her fingertips.

This matter, she has her own calculations in her mind.

Yun Yi's brows and eyes widened, but he didn't continue to stop him.

Luo Qingheng was also taken aback, and looked at Mu Qinglan suspiciously.


Would Mu Qinglan not know how precious it was, and would hand it over so easily?

Mu Qinglan nodded incomparably freely:

"If I don't hand it over, you all want me to offend all the great families on the summit of the gods. No matter how arrogant I am, I won't dare take the blame!"

Luo Qingheng's face turned pale and was about to explode, but Mu Qinglan raised a finger again.

"However, I have a request."

Luo Qingheng waved his sleeves: "Say it!"

He wanted to see what tricks this Mu Qinglan could pull off!

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes and said slowly:

"No matter how you say it, I got it through untold hardships. If I were to hand it over like this, then I would be at a loss."

Luo Qingheng sneered in his heart, with a bit of contempt on his lips.

Sure enough, he is a person from a humble background, with such short-sightedness, and so eager for petty profits!

"Then what do you say?!"

Mu Qinglan raised her chin:

"It's easy! Barter for something!"

Luo Qingheng mocked: "What do you want?"

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"It's very simple! I want ten volumes of the Lord's True Body Jue, fifty volumes of the Heavenly Jue, and one hundred pieces of Heavenly Elements!"

Luo Qingheng's voice suddenly became sharp: "Are you crazy!?"

With so many things, Mu Qinglan really opened his mouth like a lion!

Everyone present was also shocked, and looked at Mu Qinglan dumbfounded.

This... What kind of courage is this, dare to ask for so much?

Mu Qinglan asked strangely: "Hey, didn't the patriarch Luo just say that this thing is related to Luoshen, and it is a priceless treasure to you. How much do I want, and you think it's too much? Could it be that Luoshen is in your hands? In your heart, even this is not worth it?"

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