God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1139: The Beloved (Seventh)

The feeling of calling came from the red jade slab!

"What are you looking at?"

Luo Qingheng, who was following behind, immediately looked at Mu Qinglan vigilantly.

Almost instantly, that feeling suddenly disappeared!

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes, suppressed the fluctuations in her heart, and glanced at Luo Qingheng with a half-smile.

"I heard that even people from the Luo clan may not be qualified to enter this Luo Temple. Since I'm here today, I naturally have to pay more attention to it."

There was a hint of contempt in Luo Qingheng's eyes.

Really never seen the world!

That's right, with Mu Qinglan's background, he must have never seen it in his life. What does a temple enshrining the position of a god-lord look like?

"It's useless to look again. If it weren't for the special situation today, do you think you can enter here?"

Luo Qingheng took a step forward, his expression full of impatience: "Let's go!"

Standing here, Mu Qinglan felt that the floor of Luo Temple was dirty!

Mu Qinglan snorted lightly, then quickly glanced at Luoshen Temple, then looked away, turned and left.

She didn't want to come here at first, but now... She can consider coming next time, when should be more suitable!

Seeing Mu Qinglan coming out of the Luo Temple, everyone turned their attention to it, and they couldn't help but feel a little surprised—this seems to be too fast, right?

Many people stared at Mu Qinglan's face carefully, trying to see something from it, but she still had her usual lazy smile on her face, making it hard to figure out what she was thinking, let alone what she was thinking. What's the situation inside.

Luo Qingheng also came out afterward.

Although the heart aches for those formulas and weapons, but after confirming that what Mu Qinglan holds is indeed what they want, Luo Qingheng's heart is still full of excitement and excitement.

——The Luo tribe has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one has ever been able to find the second incomplete black jade slip! And he did!

What a feat!

In the future, his name must also be famous in the Luo people's history!

In contrast, what was lost was nothing at all!

Also because of thinking of this, Luo Qingheng's expression did not froze, and there was obvious happiness between his brows and eyes.

Everyone is clear - it seems that this thing has been changed!

And obviously, what Luo Qingheng got from Mu Qinglan must be worth far more than what Mu Qinglan proposed!

Otherwise, according to his temperament, it wouldn't be like this.

People who don't know the inside story are full of curiosity, and those who know something about the inside story are pity and heartbroken.

That is indeed an incomparable treasure!

At Mu Qinglan's place before, they still had a glimmer of hope to compete, but now...things have been robbed by the Luo clan. In the entire summit of the gods, how many people can fight against the Luo clan?

The Yun Clan is one of them, but Yun Pei's attitude from the beginning to the end, he doesn't care at all.

And for others, don't even think about it!

Lord Wang Yan walked up to greet him quickly, and looked Mu Qinglan up and down:

"Qinglan, how is it? Did that old thing bully you?"

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "He really wants to, but it's a pity that so many people outside are waiting to watch, so he can't do this, can he?"

Venerable Wang Yan heaved a sigh of relief, but his expression was still a little cold: "Hmph, that old bastard even did things like stealing your things in public, he has lost his face a long time ago! Who knows if he will touch you!"

Mu Qinglan blinked.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person to be bullied!"

Lord Wang Yan felt even more distressed when he heard it.

She also said not to be bullied, and everything was snatched away, this girl can still laugh?

As if knowing what Lord Wang Yan was thinking, Mu Qinglan gave him a meaningful look.

"Master, I have my own discretion in everything."

Seeing her eyes, Venerable Wang Yan's heart moved: Does this girl have other arrangements?

Mu Qinglan had already held one of his hands, and then sent the mustard ring over.

"Master, you must keep the things inside here carefully!"

The mustard ring lay quietly in the palm of his hand, but Venerable Wang Yan felt that it was like a ball of fire, extremely hot!

"Qinglan, this thing, as a teacher, I can't—"

"Master, just take it, I can't use it all by myself. I have already selected some of them, and you can put the rest in Tongling Sea."

In fact, she doesn't have much to use here. After all, these cards on her body are almost all top-notch, and there is no need to add anything.

So she picked some specially and prepared to give them to Ouyang Mo and Qing Wu.

Master Wang Yan was moved, but he still refused to accept it.

"Qinglan, I know that thing is very important to you. Even if you change these things now, it can't make up for your loss. Because these are equivalent to using your life in exchange. As your master, there is no Helping you at a critical time, I feel extremely guilty as a teacher, how can I still want your things? It doesn’t matter if you don’t need them for the time being, maybe you will need them in the future!”

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed slightly: "Master..."

"Master just said that you use these for filial piety. You were just joking. You have come to this point, you have suffered too much, and it is too late for you to feel sorry for the teacher. How can you take these?"

Lord Wang Yan's attitude is very firm.

Mu Qinglan hesitated and said: "...then these..."

"You keep it for yourself first, and what you plan to do with it, you can think about it slowly! As for Tonglinghai... it is also one of the top ten aristocratic families, among other things, there are still quite a few treasures that should be there!"

Mu Qinglan thought for a long time, and finally nodded.

Lord Wang Yan refused to accept anything, so she could only hold it by herself first.

"Hey, is Yun Yi still waiting for you?" Lord Wang Yan raised his chin.

Mu Qinglan turned her head to look, and sure enough, she saw Yun Yi still standing there looking at her.

It seems that his thoughts still haven't given up...

"Qinglan, since Yun Yi has said so, you just go back with him once. It sounds like you are looking for something? Why don't you take this opportunity to go?"

As if afraid of Mu Qinglan's worry, Venerable Wang Yan patted her on the shoulder and comforted her:

"Now it's different from before. This time, the talent and strength you showed in the family competition are enough to make everyone here know you again! From now on, no one will look down on you again! Although Yun Pei hasn't Show your attitude, but didn't you also talk to you once before? It can be seen that he still favors you in his heart."

Otherwise, according to Yun Pei's temperament, even if Yun Yi was really involved in this, I'm afraid he wouldn't say that much.

At most, just do it directly!

Therefore, Venerable Wang Yan still has a relatively optimistic attitude towards this matter.

Although he has no interest in marrying Yun Clan, but... who made his precious apprentice like Yun Yi?

Of course, Yun Yi is also very good to her. At least from his point of view, he is very satisfied with Yun Yi.

So he also supports this matter.

Mu Qinglan nodded: "Thank you, Master, for your teaching. Then... I'll go there and I should be back soon."

Lord Wang Yan urged: "Go! Don't make Yun Yi wait!"

Mu Qinglan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she turned and walked towards Yun Yi.

The matter was over, and there was nothing good to watch, so everyone left naturally.

After going back this time, I have to reorganize the relationship between the top ten events...

Mu Qinglan walked up to Yun Yi, and Yun Yi naturally held her hand.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the patriarch."


Yun Pei?

Mu Qinglan was startled, and quickly grabbed him: "Hey, wait! Didn't you just say that you were going to the Burning Heaven Realm? Besides, even if you want to meet, this place doesn't seem to be suitable..."

At least there should be a formal occasion or something...

She had a fight with Luo Xiyan just now, and her body was covered in blood, just going to meet people like this... It's not very good...

A faint smile flashed across Yun Yi's eyes.

"Don't worry, the talent and strength you showed today is the best attire."

There is no shortage of beauties in the world, but for the people of the Yun clan, strength can explain everything!

Yun Pei has been used to storms all his life, so why would he care about these?

Mu Qinglan thought for a while and said, "That's fine."

Don't say anything else, thank you first, it should be.

Yun Yi pulled her towards Yun Pei.

Many people around who hadn't left yet could not help being secretly surprised to see Yun Yi leading Mu Qinglan towards the Yun Clan.

What does this mean?

Could it be that Yun Yi intends to ask Yun Pei to admit Mu Qinglan's identity?

I don't know Yun Pei's attitude towards Mu Qinglan...

Those who were planning to leave also slowed down, and those who hadn't left just looked at them without blinking their eyes.

At this time, Yun Pei had just got up, and everyone from the Yun clan gathered behind him.

Although the number of people is not very large, but because these people are all powerful, standing together, the invisible coercion still makes people feel a lot of pressure.

Yun Yi brought Mu Qinglan closer.

Mu Qinglan broke free slightly, and wanted to let go of her hand first, but was held tighter by Yun Yi.

Aware of his thoughts, Mu Qinglan simply stopped struggling and clenched his hand with his backhand.

The two walked up to Yun Pei just like that.


Yun Yi stood still with a calm expression.

"I'll bring someone to see you."

As he spoke, his hand gently pushed Mu Qinglan's waist.

Mu Qinglan took half a step forward, her waist straightened like a pine and cypress, neither humble nor overbearing.

On his cold and graceful face, there was an undisguised warmth and tenderness.

"The person I love - Mu Qinglan."

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