God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1143 Don't hook me (11th update)

Although Yun Yi wanted to stay with Mu Qinglan very much, but this is the Yun family after all, and he had to consider Mu Qinglan's reputation more.

He has been waiting for so long before, not bad for these few days.

Mu Qinglan frowned: "Mo Yu, thank you for your trouble."

Mo Yu was flattered, and quickly said: "Miss Mu, you are welcome. This is what we should do, because it is too hasty, so some places may not be handled well enough, if you have any request, just say it."

This attitude, compared to when she was still facing her brother's face, is completely different...

Mu Qinglan held back her laughter, Yun Yi had already led her towards the West Palace.

"I'll take you."

The Shenyue Palace is the place where the young master of the Yun clan lives. Since Yun Yi ascended the position of the young master a few years ago, he has moved here.

However, in the past few years, he has often been outside, even if he returns to the Yun Clan, he may not rest here.

Therefore, although the entire Shenyue Temple is very large, there are not many people serving it, and it even seems a little deserted.

But Yun Yi himself has such a temperament, he will get bored when there are too many people, so he has always been like this.

The guards and waiters around are all his confidants, and compared to other places, it is a bit safer.

Mu Qinglan followed Yun Yi all the way, looking at the Shenyue Palace with great interest.

It has to be said that the Yun clan is indeed rich and powerful, and every plant, tree, brick and tile in the Shenyue Temple is extremely precious.

Things that are rare to see outside, are ordinary objects here.

Moreover, the overall construction and decoration are very simple and elegant, but they were indeed repaired and arranged according to Yun Yi's temperament.

The West Hall is next to the main hall of Shenyue Hall. Although it is not as magnificent as the main hall, it is definitely an excellent place to live.

After Mu Qinglan entered, he looked around.

There are not many things in this room, but all of them are treasures, and the whole room is spotless, clean and simple, Mu Qinglan feels very comfortable looking at it.

"Do you like it?" Yun Yi looked at her.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "I'm just resting here for a few days, so there's no need to be so troublesome."

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"That's right. You will always live next door in the future, so you really don't need to spend too much time here."

Next door, of course, is the main hall.

Mu Qinglan gave him an angry look.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Yun Yi didn't seem to care, her voice was cold.

"Wherever you go in the future, I will go there. It is also possible."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

The tsundere Young Master Yun is really...better and better at talking...

Mu Qinglan walked to the chair, sat down casually, then raised her eyes to look at Yun Yi, and asked word by word:

"Crossing the sky, what kind of place is it?"

Yun Yi looked slightly cold.

After a while, he said:

"The ancestors once said that those who cross the sky can gain the power of the gods!"

Mu Qinglan's face was filled with astonishment, and for a moment she even suspected that she had heard it wrong.

This means... those who successfully cross the crossing sky can gain the power of the God Lord? !

This is different from Luo Xiyan's inheritance of the power of the god master. This is clearly a complete change of the human body, so that the blood can obtain the power of the god master!

In the world, is there such a place?

Mu Qinglan thought that she might know why those people looked like that when they heard about crossing the sky.

You don't need to see this place with your own eyes to know that it is definitely an extremely dangerous place!

I'm afraid it's not an exaggeration to say it's peeling and cramp!

What kind of power can allow an ordinary person to possess the power of the blood of the God Lord?

Just thinking about it casually shows what a challenge this is!

Mu Qinglan held her breath and didn't speak for a long time.

Yun Yi looked at her, her phoenix eyes were as deep as the sea.

"Three days later, Crossing Heaven will open soon. Qing'er—"

"If there is only one way," Mu Qinglan interrupted Yun Yi, and slowly laughed, "No, even if there is no way in front of us. For you, Yun Yi, I will fight a bloody way!"

She smiled so brightly, flamboyantly, brightly, like a high sun in the clouds, and even more like a fiery flame, which seemed to set him ablaze too!

The worries and apprehensions in Yun Yi's heart suddenly dissipated at this moment!

An eager power gushes out from the bottom of my heart!

He clenched his hands slowly, then nodded.

"I'll accompany you."

"There are still three days, you just need to rest assured and adjust your state to the best."

Mu Qinglan said, "Yun Yi, there is one thing you need to help me with."


Mu Qinglan pointed to the door: "For these three days, don't let anyone in except you. After three days, I will come out and go to cross the sky."

Yun Yi's eyebrows moved slightly, and then he suddenly understood something: "Do you have other things to do?"

"The one who knows me is Yun Yi!"

A sly smile appeared on Mu Qinglan's face.

"I can't tell you yet, but I promise, nothing will be delayed."

Yun Yi looked at her, and for a while he couldn't figure out what she was thinking, but seeing her expression, which seemed to be excited and somewhat smug, he was not very worried.

"Okay. However, I have one condition."

Mu Qinglan was stunned: "What conditions?"

Before he could react, Yun Yi had already stepped forward, pulled her up from the chair, and then hugged her horizontally.

"I haven't explained clearly what happened that night. It just so happens that you are free today. Please explain it carefully. Who taught you? Hmm?"

Mu Qinglan was embarrassed immediately, it had been several days, how could he still remember it! ?

Seeing Yun Yi walking towards the bed, Mu Qinglan didn't know well, and hurriedly struggled to jump off.

"Oh, didn't I say it all, I did it unintentionally, unintentionally!"


Yun Yi sneered.

Mu Qinglan's heart trembled when he laughed, and her struggling movements froze immediately.

As a result, he was so dazed that he felt something suddenly touch his back.

Mu Qinglan suddenly woke up - bed!

As soon as Yun Yi loosened his arms, Mu Qinglan quickly grabbed the skirt of his chest, and blinked aggrievedly.

"That... that... It's still daytime, everyone is waiting outside, it's not good..."

Yun Yi looked down at her from above, with undisguised aggression in her phoenix eyes.

"We are just discussing some things, why is it not good? Or... are you thinking about something else?"

Mu Qinglan glared at him: Who the hell is thinking about other things! Is it okay to beat back?

Yun Yi was stunned by her angry stare, something suddenly surged up in his heart, he bullied him without thinking, held her face and kissed her.

Mu Qinglan: "...Hmm!"

Don't you want to listen to her explanation? Give her a chance!

How can you speak now!

Attacking the east and the west, attacking the city and occupying the territory, sweeping up the sky.

Disarm and surrender.

Winners and losers.


When Young Master Yun was finally satisfied and let go of Mu Qinglan, her black hair was already messily scattered on the pillow, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were slightly swollen, and her eyes seemed to be filled with water, shaking lightly.

Seriously, the world is stunning.

Yun Yi reached out and covered her eyes.

Mu Qinglan said softly, "Yun Yi, what are you doing covering my eyes?"

Yun Yi leaned close to her ear, panting, his breath was hot, and his voice was low, as if he was suppressing something:

"Don't hook me."

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing.

Where did this come from? She was the passive one from the beginning to the end, okay?

"Who hooked you? Don't blame people! Besides, didn't you ask me who taught me? I'll tell you!"

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows, and reluctantly got up to look at her.

Mu Qinglan's eyes were still blindfolded, so he saw that ruddy little mouth burst into a smile, and elongated his voice:

"I just played in the front, and the rest...you taught me by yourself..."


Yun Yi suddenly felt that he shouldn't be so impulsive today.

She did it on purpose!

His arms tightly wrapped around Mu Qinglan's waist, as if he wanted to crush the person into pieces and melt into his body.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I will record this account first, and you will pay it back later!"

Mu Qinglan was forced to pay some interest first.

After paying back, Young Master Yun left satisfied and aggrieved.

Mu Qinglan sat cross-legged on the bed, closed her eyes, and began to adjust the strength in her body.

When fighting Luo Xiyan, she directly broke through the middle stage of the domain master, which helped to recover some of the injuries in her body, but after all, after going through several battles, she still needs to recuperate.

By the way, in my mind, I replayed those duels several times, summed up my experience, and learned from each other's strengths.

Although she won these few games, both Luo Chenxuan and Luo Xiyan did have extremely strong combat effectiveness, and they could learn something from those who showed it carefully.

She can win now with these few hole cards, but not necessarily in the future.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already dark outside.

Mu Qinglan walked to the window, just in time to see a sickle-like moon hanging above the night sky.

"There are still two and a half days."

she murmured.

Then, she looked inside with her soul, and within the sea of ​​qi, the incomplete black jade slip was lying there quietly.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and then asked in her heart:

"Qinglin, can you do me a favor?"

After a while, Qinglin's slightly disgusted voice came.

"You want me to take you back to Luoshan?"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing, Qinglin really knew her well.

She nodded.

"Now, only you can help me."

It takes a full three days to travel from the Yun family to the Luo family. If there is another round trip, it will take six days!

But now, she only has two and a half days!

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