God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1157: Thirty-Three Heavens (25th)

For a moment, Mu Qinglan even thought that the scene above was real.

Because that is so realistic!

Cangxu Peak, Qifeng Bridge, and even people gathered in groups or piles in all directions...all of them can be seen clearly!

When Mu Qinglan looked up, he could vaguely see himself!

At this time, "she" in the reflection above the sky is also looking up at her!

Such a scene made Mu Qinglan feel a subtle sense of weirdness uncontrollably.

For a moment, it seemed impossible to tell whether it was the reflection in the sky, or the place where she was, the reflection!

At the edge of the scene above the sky, there is a clearly visible black line—that is clearly a crack caused by the distortion of space!

And between the sky and the earth, that column of water that was slowly flowing gradually condensed! At first glance, it looks like a huge crystal pillar!

Mu Qinglan looked intently, and was shocked to find that the inside seemed to be hollow!

"Crossing the sky, as the name suggests, starts from Hanxingtan, crosses across, and reaches the sky in one fell swoop!"

Yun Pei's deep and deep voice echoed far away!

Mu Qinglan was shocked!

Starting from Hanxingtan, cross over and reach the sky in one fell swoop!

It turns out that this is the so-called "crossing the sky"!

Is it going to reach the sky step by step from the Hanxingtan below here?

Yun Pei turned to look at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan was certain in her heart and stepped forward.

Yun Yi suddenly grabbed her hand.

Mu Qinglan turned her head and squeezed his hand tightly, a bright and firm smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"Yun Yi, wait for me to come back."

Her smile successfully comforted Yun Yi.

His thin crimson lips pursed into a cold straight line.

Immediately, he nodded.

"I'm waiting for you."

Mu Qinglan nodded, then walked to Yun Pei's side.

Yun Pei raised his hand and pointed:

"The time for crossing the sky is three days in total. If within three days, you cannot successfully ascend to the sky from the Hanxingtan. Then, within the crossing sky, there will be punishment from heaven, even if you have the real body of the Lord , will also be crushed to pieces, and his soul will be scattered!"

Mu Qinglan's heart trembled.

three days!

"Thank you, Patriarch Yun. I will do my best." Mu Qinglan said with firm eyes, "Let's begin!"

Yun Pei took a deep look at her.

Afterwards, with a wave of his sleeve robe, Mu Qinglan felt a strong attack, and then swept her, heading towards the Hanxingtan below!

Everyone in the Yun Clan held their breath and watched this scene nervously.

Over the millennia, the number of times the crossing sky has been opened is very small, and no one has ever successfully passed through!

And now, it's finally Mu Qinglan's turn!


Mu Qinglan's figure instantly entered the Hanxingtan!

The location is exactly the bottom of the huge crystal pillar!

The moment she entered the Hanxingtan, Mu Qinglan immediately felt icy cold all over her body!

The clear blue water flowing around her seemed like countless steel needles were crazily stabbing at her body!

Mu Qinglan was startled, she didn't expect such a power to be contained in this seemingly simple Hanxingtan!

The degree of coldness is even worse than the power of extreme cold!

Mu Qinglan immediately cast a barrier around her body, but found that it was useless at all.

With a frown, she simply gave up the barrier and summoned the Suzaku Flame.

A layer of red flames quickly enveloped her body.

The biting cold feeling immediately eased a lot.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help being secretly surprised.

The power of extreme cold is the power naturally generated by the heavens and the earth, and it is extremely pure. Before this, Mu Qinglan never thought that there would be a more piercing and cold power than it.

No wonder it is called "Hanxingtan"...

Mu Qinglan glanced down, and found that the pool of water was actually dark, and it was impossible to see how deep it was.

The surrounding water is still flowing slowly, but the power above it cannot be underestimated!

Mu Qinglan finally looked up!

At this time, she is under the huge crystal pillar between the sky and the earth. She only needs to take a step forward to officially enter it!

Everyone was looking at the figure in the water, and when they saw Mu Qinglan's body was quickly wrapped in a layer of red flames, many people glanced at each other.

In places like Hanxingtan, even members of the Yun clan dare not enter easily.

The icy power inside is not so easy to deal with!

"I forgot that Mu Qinglan still has a contracted Vermilion Bird... In this way, the influence of the power of the cold pool on her has been greatly reduced!"

"Although I said that, I heard that her contracted Vermilion Bird is now an eighth-rank primordial beast, and has not officially grown into a ninth-rank beast. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to help her."

"Didn't it mean that Suzaku has begun to awaken the power of blood? Even if it is not as good as the ninth-grade Suzaku, it is still somewhat useful..."

"What is this bit of torture in Hanxingtan? The real difficulty for her is still to come!"

Just when everyone started talking, they saw that red figure taking a step forward!

Then, officially entered the huge crystal pillar!

Everyone looked shocked!

Yun Pei stood with his hands behind his back with deep eyes.

Yun Yi's expression was calm, but his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and his breath was extremely cold!

His eyes were fixed on the figure in the Hanxingtan, his palms were slowly clenched, and his knuckles turned white.

Mu Qinglan took this step almost without hesitation.

It's all here, is there any reason to escape?

What's more, time is running out, she must successfully ascend to the sky within three days!

As soon as he entered the middle, Mu Qinglan immediately felt a heavy coercion coming!

When looking from the outside, it seems to be a clear and bright crystal pillar, but when the real Ao gets close, you will understand how powerful the energy is contained in it!

And the moment Mu Qinglan poked her head out of Hanxingtan, a bell suddenly sounded from above her head!


Mu Qinglan was numb from the shock, and immediately raised her eyes to look, but saw that countless forces were rapidly condensing inside the crystal pillar!

A step suddenly appeared above her!

But then, Mu Qinglan discovered that there was not only one!

In the entire crystal pillar, spreading from bottom to top, a spiral staircase appeared!

"Thirty-three heavens, just like the huge gap between ordinary practitioners and those who possess the power of a divine master, if you want to pass this threshold, you must walk through these thirty-three steps!"

Yun Pei said in a low voice.

If he can walk through the thirty-three heavens, Mu Qinglan can successfully ascend to the sky, completely change his body, and endow the blood in his body with the power of a god!

If she can't...there is only one way to die, she will be punished by heaven, and her soul will be scattered!

The power of a divine lord is a huge temptation for anyone, but at the same time, it also means a huge danger!

Mu Qinglan didn't look at how many steps there were.

After just one glance, she understood what she was going to do, and then she held her breath and jumped! Heading towards the first step!

Because of the limitation of coercion, her strength has also been suppressed a lot, but fortunately, this first step is not too difficult for her now.

She stood on the first step.

One day!

The moment her feet stepped on it, Mu Qinglan immediately felt her body sink!

That level of coercion on her has actually increased again!

A icy breath suddenly flew from all around!

Mu Qinglan's expression froze, and he immediately swung a blue-black light blade in his hand!

Keng Keng Keng!

A series of crisp beating sounds came!

Mu Qinglan looked intently, only to find that those ice skates were as thin as cicada's wings, only an inch long in general, but extremely sharp, and the attack power they carried was also extremely strong!

She looked around, only to realize that these skates were flying from above the crystal pillar!

Perhaps it was because the crystal pillar was originally formed by the condensation of water in the Hanxingtan, so the ice skates that flew out also contained that piercing chill!

There are more and more ice skates around, and they are getting faster and faster! It has almost enveloped Mu Qinglan in it!

However, Mu Qinglan's movements were also very fast!

She has already discovered that the enchantment here has no blocking effect at all. Those ice knives, like the biting chill in the Hanxingtan, can easily penetrate her enchantment!

Mu Qinglan simply gave up the barrier and fought head-on!

The Qingyuan Zhan in her hand swung so fast that people could only see the afterimage of Qingyuan Zhan!

Outside of her entire body, countless knives and lights intertwined, forming a huge barrier!

Apart from the constant clanging and impacting sounds, it was impossible to see how she dealt with these skates, let alone how much she had blocked!

While coping, Mu Qinglan moved forward and took the second step!

A cold and stern breath spread from under his feet in an instant!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and suddenly speeded up, jumping suddenly, avoiding the strange power attack, and successfully went up to the second floor!

She quickly lowered her head to take a look, only to see that there was an ice thorn suddenly protruding from the place she stepped on just now!

If she moves slower, she will definitely be pierced!

But she couldn't pause for too long, because the ice thorns under her feet began to appear one after another!

Chi Chi Chi!

In a short while, the steps on the second floor were covered with icicles!

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