God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1160 Misty Divine Sect (28th update)

"Ms. Mu's ringing of the bronze bell was the sound of a summons. When I received this order, I should have come quickly. However, it has been a long time, and the bronze bell only rang once, so it took me a while on the road."

The old man sighed softly: "Originally, we were already about to arrive in Honghe City, but we received news halfway that Miss Mu had left and was not in Honghe City at this time. In desperation, we had no choice but to come to Xiejun Mansion, I hope to see Miss Mu. Unexpectedly..."

Unexpectedly, people are still not here.

If you say it is their fault, too much time has passed, and the power of the bronze bell has been greatly weakened, which caused them to gradually lose contact with the bronze bell on the way, and took a lot of wrong roads.

Moreover, for some reason, after that, Mu Qinglan never issued the power to summon again.

This also makes it more difficult for them to find a job.

Mu Linghan and the others fell into a strange silence, and couldn't help but look at each other, only to find that each other's eyes were filled with shock and bewilderment.

Bronze Bell…

Could it be the one in Honghe City?

But... isn't that just an ordinary bronze clock?

Why did Mu Qinglan just hit the clock, and attracted three powerful masters at the peak, and said they were her subordinates?

What's more, Mu Qinglan's bump at that time seemed to be to kill Shui Tianyue...

Ouyang Mo suddenly thought of something, and her expression changed slightly.

"Everyone... Are you a member of Piaomiao Shenzong?"

As soon as these words came out, several people in Qingfeng Palace looked at Ouyang Mo in unison.

The old man was a little surprised, then nodded and smiled and said: "Since this young lady knows Piaomiao Shenzong, she must have a close relationship with Miss Mu. Yes, we are indeed members of Piaomiao Shenzong!"

Both Huo Zunting and Mu Linghan looked shocked.

Piao Miao Shenzong!

This name, which has disappeared on the continent for nearly a thousand years, will reappear unexpectedly!

Didn't it mean that Piaomiao Shenzong had already perished?

What is going on with these few peak masters in front of them?

Also, why did they want to find Mu Qinglan?

Ouyang Mo smiled slightly, and said: "Little girl Ouyang Mo, I have met all the seniors. When Qinglan got the soul-suppressing stone before, I happened to be there, so I know these things."

When the few people heard the "soul-suppressing stone soul", their expressions immediately became respectful, and they even had a high opinion of Ouyang Mo.

"I see. Miss Ouyang forgive me for being disrespectful earlier."

Ouyang Mo was overwhelmed by flattery, and hurriedly said: "Everyone is so disgusting to me. The soul-suppressing stone soul was taken by Qing Lan. Even if you want to respect her, you should respect her. It's just... I didn't expect a few people to respect her." After hearing the bell, they actually rushed over.”

In fact, what she wanted to say was that she never thought that after such a long time, there would be such a strong person in Piao Miao Shenzong!

You must know that when they were in Xiling College, although Elder Qixing and Dean Chuyu both admitted that they were members of Piaomiao Sect, Mu Qinglan and Ouyang Mo didn't think that much at all, thinking that Piaomiao Sect had fallen.

After all, on the mainland, the name of Piaomiao Shenzong has disappeared for a thousand years, and it has almost become a legendary existence.

To this day, it would be nice to still have some people, who would have thought that there would be even a peak master!

And there are still three!

Just these three people are almost comparable to half of the Evil Monarch's Mansion!

"We are also to blame for this matter. The Piaomiao Divine Sect has been passed down for thousands of years. Although it is now hidden in the world, it has never been interrupted. Just because the soul-suppressing stone has not been born for a long time, I thought that maybe there is no hope in this life... Unexpectedly, I am very lucky I have waited until this day!"

The old man couldn't hide his excitement, and the two people behind him also nodded in agreement.

The man with the feather fan in his hand asked with a smile, "I've searched this big circle, but I don't know where Miss Mu is now?"

As soon as these words came out, the Qingfeng Palace suddenly fell into silence.

The three of them also sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere and looked at each other.

The old man's expression was slightly restrained: "Could it be... Miss Mu is in any trouble now?"

Mu Linghan got up and said: "I'm not sure if there is any now, but even if there is no now, there will be in the future. But if there are three to help, I, as the elder brother, can feel more at ease."

"Young Master Mu, you are welcome. Since Ms. Mu has already obtained the soul-suppressing stone soul, even if we are going through fire and water, we will not hesitate to wait!" The old man said, with a trace of arrogance on his face.

"Although Piaomiao Shenzong has been hidden from the world for thousands of years, it is not to be bullied! Don't worry, Mr. Mu. I am here this time in the hope that Ms. Mu can lead Piaomiao Shenzong to re-enter the world! If anyone dares to bully her, I will wait for you!" You must be the first one!"

Mu Linghan breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect that there was such a hidden force behind Mu Qinglan!

With the addition of these three peak masters, even if something really happens in the future, they will not be easily manipulated by others!

Mu Linghan clasped his fists in his hands, and saluted the three of them seriously:

"Mu Linghan thanked the three here first!"

Huo Zunting laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Ling Han, you can rest assured now! With the help of these three, it can be regarded as even more powerful! Unexpectedly, Piao Miao Shenzong, who has been hidden for thousands of years, still has such strength!"

The old man heard the sound, glanced at a few people, then laughed and explained:

"Palace Master Huo, you may have misunderstood a little. I am not the only three of us in the Misty Sect. It's just because the three of us are relatively close to Honghe City, so we came here first."

Several people were stunned.

"And...with the strength of the three of us, but barely ranked in the middle, I absolutely dare not represent Piaomiao Shenzong."

With that said, he looked at Mu Linghan and asked with a smile:

"I don't know, what trouble is Miss Mu having now?"

Mu Qinglan didn't know anything about what happened in the Xiejun's mansion.

She looked at the thin ice that had spread over her knees, and couldn't help frowning.

The toughness of this thing far exceeded her imagination.

She tried to escape by running Yuanli before, but she didn't move at all.

Taking a deep breath, she clenched Qingyuan Zhan tightly, and swung it down fiercely!

"Qingyuan Slash—Shattering Mountains and Rivers!"

She displayed her artistic conception and slashed three times in succession before finally completely shattering that layer of ice!

After that, she continued to go up without hesitation!

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated, and the whole world gradually dimmed.

However, only the crystal pillar between the sky and the earth, as well as the reflection in the sky, still exudes a faint glow, which is extremely clear!

And the figure inside has become the focus of everyone's attention!

"This night is the real hardship..."

Elder Yun Ji sighed softly, and couldn't help but glance at Yun Yi.

Could it be... can he continue to read?

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