God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1168 Thirty-two Heavens (Thirty-six more)

When the first light of dawn shone down, Mu Qinglan, who had been silent all night, finally opened her eyes!

Without any hesitation, she stepped up to the 30th floor!

Her movements were extremely simple and neat, as if she was not bound by anything, she stepped onto this floor very easily!

The Yun Clan, who had been silent for a long time, finally became noisy again!

She actually went up to the Thirty Heavens!

From the last thirty-three heavens, there are only the last three floors left!

As long as she crosses these three thresholds again, she will be able to ascend to the sky successfully!

"She actually came here..."

"So what? The last three heavens are more difficult than the previous ones combined! There are only a few hours left, maybe she can't do it?"

"That's true. But I think it's pretty good for her to come this far. Those who have crossed the sky, there are at most three people who have made it this far, right?"

"Aren't those three people dead as well?"

"Hush! You are courting death! The young master and the others are still watching!"

On the surrounding mountains and on the Qifeng Bridge, everyone was whispering, discussing something.

Only the atmosphere on Cangxu Peak was particularly stagnant.

I don't know if it's because of nervousness or something else.

At this time, not only Yun Pei, but even the elders all silenced and stopped speaking.

Although in their hearts, they did not have any hope for Mu Qinglan, but now that she has come here, it is inevitable that people will not be a little curious.

——How far can she go?

Mu Qinglan didn't know what people outside were talking about and thinking. In fact, she didn't have the time or energy to think about it.

The sky has gradually brightened, and the third day has arrived!

She must reach the top floor before evening!

Mu Qinglan walked up and stepped on the 31st floor!

All of a sudden, there were gusts of wind and thunder!

Above her head, several streaks of silver lightning suddenly gathered rapidly!

Standing here, you can feel the terrifying power contained in it even more!

Mu Qinglan looked intently, her eyebrows slightly moving.

In the next moment, countless catastrophes struck down one after another!

A golden figure appeared in front of her in an instant, and then rushed upwards quickly!

Countless catastrophes hit the ancient real body!

Soon, scars appeared on the ancient real body!

Almost every power of the Heavenly Tribulation here can be compared with the eighth Heavenly Tribulation in Sifengwan!

Even if Mu Qinglan's physical strength is extremely strong, if so many catastrophes hit all of them, he might not be able to bear it.

What's more, there are two floors behind her!

On the ancient real body, countless silver lights swam quickly!

Mu Qinglan slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then directly summoned the second ancient real body!

The two real bodies officially appeared in front of everyone!

With this barrier in front of him, almost all the catastrophes were blocked!

Although several scars gradually appeared on that golden figure, they were always standing in front of Mu Qinglan!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Also, can it still be like this?

One is not enough, another one?

Even if you have the real body of the Lord, don't you be so arrogant!

Previously, everyone was a little skeptical about the fact that Mu Qinglan had two real bodies of the Lord, but now, the facts are in front of them, which makes people unconvincing!

If it is a clone, after the previous one suffered a lot of attacks, the clone will actually be greatly affected.

But now it is clearly not the case!

Mu Qinglan actually used up two avatars of the Lord and this day's calamity!

Even if everyone envies, envies and hates, there is still nothing to do - let alone two real bodies of the Lord, they may not even have one!

Gradually, the number of those cataclysms finally decreased until they disappeared completely!

Those two golden lords were covered in bruises, but they still stood there!

Mu Qinglan summoned him back, and at the same time, took another step!

Thirty-one heavens!

Almost the moment he stepped on, Mu Qinglan felt an unprecedented coercion pressing on her body!

Her body knelt down uncontrollably!


The knee was knocked down heavily, but this little pain was nothing compared to the coercion she was enduring!

In an instant, Mu Qinglan's body seemed to be scraped by thousands of knives quickly!


Several bloodstains appeared one after another!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth—the power of the Lord's real body has almost been exhausted after this long period of torture!

Now, she can only go up by herself!

She wanted to stand up, but found that her body could hardly move!

On the shoulders, there seemed to be some kind of power pressing down on her!

Mu Qinglan urged the vitality in his body to run quickly, and then suddenly lifted his breath, and was about to get up!

However, as soon as the knee got up a little, it immediately fell down heavily again!

Mu Qinglan's eyes darkened for a while.

Under her body, thick and bright red blood has gradually smudged!

Because the entire crystal pillar is transparent, even though everyone is in the lower position, they can still clearly see Mu Qinglan's blood, gradually dyeing the steps red!

Yun Yi's eyes were fixed on that figure, his heart was almost constricted into a ball, his blood was rushing wildly, his temples seemed to be throbbing, as if something was about to erupt from his body in the next moment!

He didn't know how much effort it took to restrain his impulse!

to wait...

To trust her...

Yun Yi's palms were clenched into fists, and blood gradually flowed out of them, making them sticky.

But he didn't seem to notice it, his expression was tense, as if covered with frost.

The elders exchanged a glance.

Like this, I'm afraid it won't work...

If you want to go from the thirty-first heaven to the thirty-second heaven, the difficulties you encounter are even more terrifying than the catastrophe just now!

Mu Qinglan's real body of the lord has exhausted his strength, and his biggest hole card is useless, so how can he continue to go on?

It's just a pity... such a rare genius, I am afraid that he will perish in the crossing sky again...

The scene in front of Mu Qinglan began to blur.

She summoned Qingyuan Zhan, clenched her hands tightly to support her body, but she couldn't get up no matter what.

Is it... really going to stop here... She can only be alone...

"Who said you were alone? Where did you put me?"

Xueyou snorted coldly.

"Isn't it just a step, if you can't go up, I'll help you!"

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised when she heard Xueyou's voice.

After breaking through the Holy Master just now, he returned directly to the ancient divine tome, as if he wanted to solve some final problems.

Didn't expect him to move so fast?

Mu Qinglan's face was pale, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, she felt a powerful force gushing out from the sea of ​​qi in an instant! In the blink of an eye, it flowed to the limbs!

Mu Qinglan gritted her teeth, got up and stepped onto the thirty-two heavens!

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