God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1172 Awakening (forty more)

Mu Qinglan felt as if his body was surrounded by blazing flames, and every part was scorching hot.

Indistinctly, she seemed to feel something changing in her body.

This feeling is not the first time.

She vaguely remembered that this seemed to be a bad sign.

But when she wanted to stop it, she found that she was out of control.

Her Yuanmai also seemed to be burning with flames.

In a trance, something seems to be breaking, something is about to move, wanting to come out.

She didn't know what it was.

But when the flame burned, there was always a warm current rushing towards the limbs and bones.

She curled up, as if entering a warm embrace.

It seems like I haven't had this feeling for many years...

Mu Qinglan's eyes were closed tightly, but there were still tears, which kept overflowing.

There seemed to be something stuck in her throat, and she wanted to speak, but she couldn't utter a word.

The surrounding sounds have all dissipated and become extremely quiet.

At this moment, she forgot that she was within the crossing sky, and instead seemed to have returned to a long time ago.

At that time, all the people she loved were still there.

Just open your eyes and you can see them.

Mu Qinglan's hand scratched in the void, but nothing was caught.

Her tears fell more fiercely.

The endless pain in her body almost made her collapse.

She couldn't remember how many times she wanted to return to that warm embrace, but she was still unable to achieve it.

She didn't even know if there was such a chance in this life.

Yun Yi stood just outside the crystal pillar.

Seeing Mu Qinglan like this, his last trace of rationality was almost swallowed!

However, just when he was about to make a move, he suddenly saw the jade color gradually appearing between Mu Qinglan's brows!

He looked shocked!

Then, he closed his eyes and looked carefully again!

how come…

He thought he had read it wrong, but the jade-colored rune appeared very clearly between Mu Qinglan's eyebrows!

A ridiculous idea suddenly flashed in his mind!

Could it be—

As if to confirm his guess, when the jade color between Mu Qinglan's brows appeared, Yun Yi discovered that the scars on her body were gradually beginning to scab!

This speed is terrifying!

Even if he used colorful spirit stones before, it still takes a certain amount of time to work, but now, Mu Qinglan is clearly unconscious, as if she has fallen into a deep nightmare, but in her body, there is It seems that there is an extremely powerful force that makes the scars on her body heal quickly!

He saw Mu Qinglan's tears constantly overflowing, and saw her curled up into a ball sadly and aggrieved, like a wounded little animal, and he felt that his whole body seemed to be in excruciating pain.

But at the same time, an uncontrollable surge of hope arose in his heart.

——If...if his guess is true, then...

Mu Qinglan didn't know that the seal in her body had almost completely peeled off.

Her body was covered with a layer of very light jade color, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

And under the wrapping of this layer of jade-colored light, the surrounding forces finally couldn't hurt her at all!

Her injuries are also recovering quickly!

From the inside to the outside, every inch of flesh and blood is warmed by that powerful and gentle force.

The afterglow of the setting sun in the sky is reflected.

Mu Qinglan's eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally a murmur came out of his throat:


At the same moment, thousands of miles away, in the gloomy and cold cage, a woman finally opened her eyes.

Tears, big and big, fell to the ground.

Finally, the day has come...

Mu Qinglan heard a call.

The voice was familiar, she had heard it many times.

From small to large.

But I never get bored of listening to it. On the contrary, the more I listen, the more joy I feel.

She finally opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Yun Yi's face.

The corners of her lips twitched, her brows and eyes curved into smiles.

Then, she sat up and looked back.

"elder brother!"

She yelled, only then did she realize that he probably couldn't hear her.

It's just... why is my brother's face so cold?

Mu Linghan saw the jade color between Mu Qinglan's eyebrows, which was extremely clear!

His heart sank violently!

Take all precautions... The most worrying thing still happened!

He quickly walked towards Mu Qinglan!

It was only then that Mu Qinglan remembered that she was still in the crossing sky.

She rubbed between her brows.

For some reason, she seemed to have had a dream. The content of the dream was completely lost, but it seemed that she had cried.

She stood up, only to find that most of the scars on her body had already healed?

She blinked, only to realize that her body seemed to be a little different.


A sigh came suddenly.

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, and asked, "Qinglin, why are you sighing?"

Qinglin didn't speak, but Mu Qinglan soon felt a layer of power enveloped him.

The whole body is a faint blue color - it is the power of Qinglin!

She suddenly remembered something.


Qinglin once said that the seal of her Yuanmai is about to be lifted, and once it comes to life and death, it is very likely that it will completely dissipate!

Mu Qinglan still remembered that his expression was unusually serious at that time.

so now...

After shaking hands, Mu Qinglan realized that the injury in her body had completely healed!

And... it seems to have infinite power!

She raised her eyes and looked at the last step——

Thirty-three heavens!

"What? People from the Luo clan are here again?" All the elders were shocked when they heard the guard's report.

"What are they here for?"

"Hmph, what else can I do, there's nothing good to do anyway!"

Yun Pei glanced at Mu Qinglan, who had already stood up across the sky.

"Please come in."

He suddenly looked at Elder Yunlin and the others, and said:

"It's time to choose a date for Yun Yi's marriage."


Not only Elder Yunlin, but also the other elders were all stunned.

Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?

Could it be—

Almost subconsciously, they all looked at Mu Qinglan!


A bell!

Crossing days will be closed!

When Luo Qingheng, Luo Xiyan and the others came in, they happened to see a figure covered in blood standing across the sky!

Luo Qingheng sneered, and a smug look flashed in his eyes.

The time has come!

God's punishment is coming!

Mu Qinglan——dead!

Luo Xiyan's eyes flickered slightly, and after looking up and down at the embarrassed Mu Qinglan, she looked at Yun Yi again, her eyes slightly mocking.

Is this the kind of woman you like?

There was a slight icy arc at the corner of her mouth.

But immediately, the smile on her face froze suddenly!

Because standing there, Mu Qinglan, who was covered in blood, suddenly took a step up!

Step into the Thirty-Three Heavens!

In an instant, the entire crossing sky was shattered!

Of course, the promised 200,000 yuan is not enough to explode just that much!

In the early morning of February 4th, continue to make appointments!

Tickets fly!

Of course, in the middle of these days, is it normal to update at 9 o'clock in the morning?

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