God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1178: Cute (3rd watch)

The matter of crossing the sky finally came to an end.

However, what happened in the past few days is enough to make people talk about it for a long time, and it is even engraved in their minds, unforgettable.

The Yun Clan scattered up and down, and on the surface, calm was restored.

The three Jin Qi elders accompanied Mu Linghan to the Pantheon.

And Mu Qinglan was brought back to Shenyue Palace by Yun Yi to recuperate.

In the eyes of outsiders, Mu Qinglan must have suffered a serious injury and will need to take care of her for a long time, but in fact, only Mu Qinglan knows that her health is almost recovered.

But she was indeed very tired, so after returning to Shenyue Palace, the first thing Mu Qinglan did was to take a good bath.

The warm water wrapped her body warmly, seeming to relieve her fatigue.

Mu Qinglan changed the water three times to completely wash off the blood on her body.

Those scars were faintly visible on her body, but most of them had scabbed over, and it just looked a little scary.

Mu Qinglan stared at it for a while, closed her eyes and rested, thinking that it would take about ten days for these scars to disappear completely.

During this period of time, we should guard against Dian Yunyi and not let him see it.

By the way, brother can't leak it.

Fortunately, there were no scars on her face, and there were only two shallow marks on her neck, which were not too noticeable.

Mu Qinglan leaned there, hot mist filled the air, and a sense of fatigue and drowsiness hit her heart.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep just like that.

When Mu Qinglan woke up again, she was awakened by a rustling sound.

Sensing someone approaching, she immediately opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

It seemed to be the sound of footsteps coming from outside the window.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

Shenyue Hall is Yun Yi's bedroom, and few people usually come here, and the guards here are very strict, so outsiders can't get close easily.

Yun Yi had ordered everyone not to disturb her earlier, why would someone suddenly come now?

It happened that the water was getting a little cold, so Mu Qinglan simply got up, quickly changed her clothes, and then walked to the window.

The person who came seemed to be very careful and approached a little bit.

Then, Mu Qinglan heard something prying on the window.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and then opened the window.

A small head suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Was it a seven or eight-year-old girl?

Moreover, she is still a very cute little girl.

It seemed that she didn't expect the window to open suddenly. The little girl was still holding a small wooden stick to pry the window open, and she just stared at Mu Qinglan blankly.

The two stared wide-eyed.

"...Sister Fairy...Sister Fairy..."

The little girl muttered in a daze.

Mu Qinglan: "..."

The little girl blinked her grape-like eyes, and then asked bluntly:

"Sister Fairy, have you seen my sister-in-law?"

Mu Qinglan raised his eyebrows slowly.

She remembered that Yun Yi had a younger sister.

It seems to be called... Yunxi?

Considering his age, he seems to be exactly this old...

Seeing that Mu Qinglan didn't speak, Yunxi looked inside again, and said strangely:

"Hey, they clearly said that my sister-in-law is here, why isn't that true?"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

She stretched out her hand and tapped the tip of the little girl's nose.

"Who is the sister-in-law you are looking for?"

Yun Xi said obediently: "My sister-in-law is my brother's wife!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing: "If you want to see him, just tell your brother, why did you come secretly?"

Yun Xi flat-mouthed, very wronged:

"My brother won't let me see my sister-in-law! I have begged him several times before! But he said that my sister-in-law was injured and was recuperating, and he was afraid that I would disturb her. And I don't know why, Aunt Jin has been refusing to let me see my sister-in-law. I went out, I thought of a lot of ways, and I escaped today!"

She wrinkled her nose and continued: "I heard from them that my sister-in-law seems to have had a... what day, and got hurt again! I just want to come and see."

She looked around worriedly, and lowered her voice: "I managed to sneak in! It would be bad if they found out!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help curling the corners of her lips.

I'm afraid Mo Yu secretly let people in.

Otherwise, with Yunxi's small body, how could he escape the guards?

Mu Qinglan stretched out her hand: "Give me your hand."

Yunxi quickly grabbed her hand.

Mu Qinglan pulled Yunxi lightly into the room.

Yun Xi was full of excitement: "Thank you, Sister Fairy!"

Then he quickly closed the window, as if afraid of being discovered.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said, "I'm not some fairy sister. I'm Mu Qinglan."

Yun Xi was stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on his small face.

"Ah! Then you—then you are my sister-in-law?!"

Mu Qinglan really wanted to see what was going on in her little head, and said with a smile, "I'm the only one staying here. Who do you think I am?"

Yunxi covered her mouth, her big black eyes were about to overflow with excitement, then she stomped her feet:

"Hmph! No one told me that my sister-in-law is so good-looking!"

A long time ago, those people said that this sister-in-law was inferior to Sister Xiyan in all aspects, which made her think...

But obviously the sister-in-law in front of me looks better!

Although Yunxi was not very old, she had a clear mind, and she vaguely felt that it was not good to say these things, so she didn't say anything, and just ignored the past.

Mu Qinglan smiled and rolled her eyes: "You and your brother look so similar, I recognized it right away."

Both brothers and sisters are also stunning.

Yun Xi happily asked: "Really?"

Mu Qinglan nodded: "Of course it's true."

Yunxi clapped her hands happily: "Now I know why my brother likes you!"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"Because I like you so much too!" Yun Xi leaned forward, and Mu Qinglan squatted down to look at her.

Yun Yi blinked and asked, "Sister-in-law, can I touch your eyes?"

Although Mu Qinglan was surprised, she nodded, "Yes."

Yunxi stretched out her hand carefully, and gently touched Mu Qinglan's eyes.

"Sister-in-law, your eyes are like stars! They are so beautiful!"

Brother must also like sister-in-law's eyes!

Mu Qinglan burst out laughing.

She squeezed Yunxi's soft little hand.

"You are also very good-looking. And...I think now, you are much cuter than your brother."

The two brothers and sisters have completely different personalities.

Yun Yi is like ice, taciturn, cold and aloof.

But Yunxi is completely different.

She is lively, cheerful and simple, and she is like a little sun, which makes people feel very warm.


At this moment, Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a chill, and then heard that familiar deep and cold voice.

Yun Yi actually came?

Mu Qinglan turned her head in horror, and she saw the door. Yun Yi was already standing there at some point, looking down at the two of them.

Mu Qinglan coughed dryly: "... When did you come?"

Yun Yi had no expression on his face, and said lightly:

"Just arrived. I just heard a word."

In a word?

In a word!

What was her last sentence?

"You are much cuter than your brother."

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Is it too late for her to retract this sentence now?

With a glimmer of hope in her arms, Mu Qinglan asked, "...that... I don't even remember what I said just now..."

Yunxi stepped forward, hugged Mu Qinglan, and said crisply:

"Sister-in-law, you forgot! You just said that I am much cuter than my brother!"

Mu Qinglan's eyes darkened.

Never, never, never, she shouldn't have forgotten that this is Yun Yi's territory!

And... what is the best way to describe Yun Yi, but "cute"?

Mu Qinglan felt wronged.

Yun Xi was right in front of her eyes, and the two of them had a great chat, what was Yun Yi doing here at this time?

Still heard this sentence?

Yun Yi seemed to laugh.

Mu Qinglan's back was numb, and she said with difficulty, "...Actually...I just said it so casually...I mean...Yunxi is very cute..."

Yunxi asked in surprise: "Sister-in-law, do you know my name?"

Mu Qinglan thought to herself that not only do I know your name, I also know that your brother is angry!

Yun Yi looked at Yun Xi, and said softly, "Aunt Jin has been looking for you for a long time. This time you sneaked out and went back to receive the punishment yourself."

Yunxi trembled suddenly - Aunt Jin will definitely let her copy books again!

Maybe I won't be able to come out for several days!

She must fight for victory!

Yun Xi's thoughts turned, and she raised her small face immediately, and said proudly:

"I don't!"

Yun Yi: "Huh?"

"Sister-in-law has already said, I am much cuter than you! Compared with brother, sister-in-law must like me more!"

Yun Yi: "Oh."

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