God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1183 His Pain (Part 2)

When Shui Yanyu heard the word "innocence", her expression suddenly turned ferocious, and she looked at Luo Xiyan with resentment!

clean! ?

She even had the nerve to mention this in front of her! ?

"Luo Xiyan!"

She squeezed three words out of her throat, as if carrying a monstrous hatred! I can't wait to peel off Luo Xiyan's skin immediately like a cramp!

Everyone above the main hall was shocked when they saw her sudden reaction.

This way... how does it look like, it seems like she hates Luo Xiyan?

But there should be no grievances between the two, right?

The anger in Shui Yanyu's chest was burning wildly, and she was about to rush towards Luo Xiyan immediately!

However, there were not weak guards standing on her left and right sides, and they easily suppressed her tightly, preventing her from moving.

"Luo Xiyan! You—"

She wanted to scold her for a terrible death, and wanted to tear off Luo Xiyan's hypocritical and disgusting mask!

However, at this moment, Luo Xiyan raised her eyelids slightly and glanced at her.

His eyes were mocking, but with a cold killing intent.

"If you don't tell the truth, then no one will be able to protect you."

Shui Yanyu suddenly froze in place as if struck by lightning.


Even the Shui family has completely abandoned her now, and her biological father is even more eager to get rid of her immediately!

The only thing he worries about now is that she will implicate him and the entire Shui family, right?

What he said just now...she could hear them clearly!

Shui Yanyu's nails were deeply embedded in the palm of her hand, almost biting her silver teeth, and trembling all over.

In fact, the night before, Luo Xiyan went to see her again.

Luo Xiyan made it very clear that if she wanted to survive, she had to listen to her.

Shui Yanyu hated Luo Xiyan deeply, how could she listen to this?

But Luo Xiyan only said at the time that no one else could rescue her except her.

Not even the water family!

In fact, Shui Yanyu still had the last hope in her heart, so Luo Xiyan deliberately had someone take her to hide beside her, so she could hear those words clearly!

Shui Yanyu knew that this was Luo Xiyan's last warning!

And at this time, she finally believed that - if she didn't do what Luo Xiyan said, then her life in the future would be worse than death!

Luo Xiyan lowered her eyes, and said lightly: "I believe you don't want to live this period of detention again. If you speak up, it will be better for everyone to understand this matter sooner."

Thinking of the experience during this period of time, Shui Yanyu couldn't help but tremble all over, and a deep fear welled up in her heart that couldn't be suppressed.

Then, she finally gritted her teeth stiffly and said:

"…I said!"

Burning Heaven Domain.

Mu Qinglan had been wandering among the red bell trees for half an hour, but still couldn't find a way out.

Fortunately, Suzaku's fire can help her block the poisonous gas, otherwise her body will be affected for such a long time.

When she saw the familiar knife marks on the trees again, she finally frowned and stopped.

——It's not an option to go on like this!

This is an illusion, if you can't find a way to break through, you will only be trapped here forever, unable to get out.

It was useless even for her to leave marks on all the trees.

Mu Qinglan looked up, the sky was gray.

Everything here seems to reveal a cool atmosphere.

At this moment, behind Mu Qinglan, there was a sudden sound of footsteps.

She looked back, her eyes lit up immediately:

"Yun Yi!"

However, Yun Yi didn't seem to hear her voice. When walking towards this side, his eyes quickly passed over Mu Qinglan's body.

Mu Qinglan was taken aback: This is...

Yun Yi didn't see her?


Mu Qinglan then found out that Yun Yi's appearance didn't seem quite right.

The clothes on his body seemed a little messy and stained with some blood. He clenched the Divine King Sword tightly in his hand, his expression was tense, and there was a stern look between his brows and eyes.

It seemed that they had just experienced a fight.

The most important thing is... There seems to be some slight changes in his appearance.

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly, and called again: "Yun Yi?"

Yun Yi still didn't respond and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, suddenly a few Hong Lingduo flew towards Yun Yi!

Yun Yi raised the knife in his hand, and the silver sword light flashed, and instantly chopped those red Lingduo into pieces!

His face seemed to have turned pale, but he was still moving forward.

Mu Qinglan noticed that every time he walked a certain distance, he would leave marks on the red Suzuki.

That was what she taught him back then.

Mu Qinglan glanced at it, but suddenly her expression froze, and then a chill came over her body!

——She clearly remembered that she also carved a mark on that tree just now, but at this moment, it had already disappeared!

When did this happen?

Why didn't she notice it at all?

Mu Qinglan immediately looked around, only to find that where Yun Yi walked, on the red bell trees, all the traces she carved had disappeared silently!

She immediately looked at herself, only to find that her body had become transparent at some point!

Soon, Yun Yi walked past her eyes.

Mu Qinglan turned around and followed.

Suddenly, those red Lingduo around seemed to be guided by something, and rushed towards Yun Yi crazily!

When they were about to reach Yun Yi, they all burst open again!

Mu Qinglan's eyes were instantly filled with red!

Yun Yi swung his sword, and it fell like a galaxy in an instant, surging towards it!

The red Lingduo, which was like a red river, was immediately cut off by this sword light!

Countless violent forces scattered away!

However, Mu Qinglan discovered that the impact of these forces had no effect on herself!

She is like a remnant soul wandering here, who can see everything, but seems to be separated by an invisible barrier...

Mu Qinglan suddenly thought of something, and his expression changed!

Could it be—

Everything that appears in this illusion now is the scene when Yun Yi was here before?

And now, all of this is happening again before her eyes?

This thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind quickly, and then she saw a slight sound suddenly coming from Yun Yi's shoulder!

A flower of blood exploded suddenly!

The bright red blood stained on his white brocade robe, quickly smudged! Like plum blossoms in the snow, they are extremely beautiful.

Mu Qinglan's heart couldn't help but tugged.

However, Yun Yi didn't seem to care about it, he kept walking, and continued to move forward!

During this process, perhaps because of those red Lingduo, the aura on his body began to rise crazily!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback—it's impossible for Yun Yi not to know that running Yuanli here will cause a large amount of violent power from the red Lingduo to pour into his body! But he didn't stop! Instead, he allowed these forces to enter his body!

Perhaps it was because he couldn't bear this manic and violent force, blood began to burst out everywhere in his body one after another!

Mu Qinglan could even feel how terrifying the power of his body rolling over was!

"Yun Yi!"

Even knowing that Yun Yi couldn't hear him, Mu Qinglan couldn't help calling his name, as if something between her chest and abdomen was about to explode!

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but clenched her fists—she knew Yun Yi did it on purpose!

He is clearly absorbing the power of these red Lingduo crazily!

But he is undoubtedly putting himself in danger of life and death!

"Yun Yi!"

Mu Qinglan wanted to make him stop, but even if he stopped, so what?

Yun Yi must get out of here!

So he will definitely do it!

At this moment, Yun Yi's aura finally reached a critical point!

Immediately, he lifted the hem of his clothes, sat cross-legged, and made seals with his hands in front of him, and he directly started the breakthrough like this!

Mu Qinglan realized that his state at this time was already in the middle stage of the domain master, and if he broke through again, he would be the peak domain master!

At that time in the narrow wind bay of Tongling Sea, when the Nine Tribulations of God was summoned, Yun Yi suddenly appeared, and she was even a little curious—how did Yun Yi break through one after another in such a short period of time?

Now, she finally knows the answer!

Yun Yi's body was already covered with blood, and his face was extremely pale.

His eyes were tightly closed, and his face, which had always been noble and graceful, was as clear and cold as frost that had condensed in early winter.

Soon, the surrounding energy began to rush towards Yun Yi's body frantically!

Mu Qinglan's eyes instantly became hot, and the tip of his nose was extremely sour.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Yun Yi's mouth again, and those forces quickly formed a huge energy vortex around him, completely enveloping him in it!

Mu Qinglan saw very clearly that the flesh and blood on Yun Yi's body were being strangled to death by that violent force!

His expression was tense, his brows were wrinkled, and he was obviously suffering from great pain!

However, from beginning to end, he never yelled, let alone stopped!

The blood on his body continued to flow down, and finally seeped into the ground silently.

Only the strong smell of blood in the air made people understand what kind of pain and torture he had gone through!

Mu Qinglan's chest seemed to be pressed by a huge stone, oppressed, oppressed, and heartbroken!

She couldn't speak a word, and her body trembled slightly.

At this moment, she finally understood how desperate it was to see her loved one suffer such pain, but she was helpless!

She remembered that when she crossed the sky, she was covered in blood, and Yun Yi's almost crazy eyes.

How painful was his heart at that time?

At this moment, Yun Yi's aura finally broke through!

A terrifying coercion strikes!

He suddenly opened his eyes, flew up, and slashed out with a sword!

In an instant, countless red Suzuki were cut off!

A road finally appeared in front of my eyes!

The tears in Mu Qinglan's eyes finally fell.

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