God Concubine Supreme

1191 Chapter 1191: It's What I Want (Eighth)

"I'm talking nonsense!"

Elder Yun Ji, who had just walked into the Pantheon Hall, heard this, and immediately burned with anger, and sternly shouted.

"Yun Mi! You have to speak with evidence! You dare to say this to slander the future Mistress of the Yun Clan. If you can't produce evidence, you don't have to turn against me. Everyone in the Yun Clan will not let you go!"

Yun Mi snorted softly: "Elder Yun Ji, why are you so excited. I just heard such a rumor, but I didn't say that I firmly believe that this matter is true."

"As an elder of the Yun Clan, in a place like the Pantheon, you talk nonsense and keep your mouth shut as rumors. Have you ever thought about what kind of impact your words will have?" Elder Yunji said angrily.

Elder Yun Mi raised his eyebrows.

"The truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true. Of course I believe Miss Mu, but these rumors don't exist just because I don't tell them. Elder Yunji, do you know that many people outside are saying that the emperor Qian Jue sincerely loves Miss Mu, how many times did he follow him when he was in the Demon Palace? Now he has become the suzerain of the Black Demon Sect, which can be said to be powerful. There is no guarantee that he will not do anything out of line for Miss Mu What about..."

Elder Yunlin glanced at him coldly, and said:

"Do you think that Di Qianjue, who can break through the siege and become the suzerain of the Black Demon Sect, will be the kind of person who has no brains for the sake of beauty?"

Elder Yun Mi choked.

Elder Yun Zhen's expression was cold: "Anyway, the one from the Shui family and the Black Demon Sect must be related to the Blood Heaven Cauldron. Although there has never been such an evil spirit in the Black Demon Sect over the years. However, they have always been cruel in heart and vicious in means, and they are secretly involved with Xue Tianding, and it is unknown. Although there is no evidence to prove that Miss Mu is related to this matter, but... the rumors spread, and they always have shameless faces. Light! Therefore, the best solution is to clarify this matter immediately. Otherwise, wouldn’t we be involved with the Yun Clan as well?”

Elder Yunji laughed back angrily.

"Did I hear you right? Could it be that Elder Yun Zhen meant that the Young Master and Ms. Mu should come out of the Burning Heaven Realm right now? It's only been three months since they entered, and you're making such a request , isn't it difficult for the strong?"

Everyone knows that it took Yun Yi half a year to come out, but now it's only been three months. If they said they didn't do it on purpose, no one would believe it!

Elder Yun Zhen did not shy away, saying:

"Didn't Elder Yunji go to the Burning Heaven Realm just now? It seems that he got nothing. If this is the case, all the troubles will be left to us."

In the words, there is a gun with a stick.

Elder Yun Ji asked back:

"Elder Yun Zhen is so anxious, why don't you go in and bring the young master and Miss Mu back together?"



Yun Pei, who was sitting at the top and hadn't spoken much, finally spoke out.

As soon as he spoke, the people below automatically silenced the sound, and the whole hall became tense again.

"The Luo family has sent messages to all the families now, and it's nothing to do with the Black Demon Sect. It's just that some rumors about Emperor Qianjue were spread intentionally and fueled the flames behind, trying to kill Qinglan and Yun. The family is involved in it. His heart can be punished!"

Everyone didn't expect Yun Pei to speak so bluntly, and his attitude was very tough, and... he clearly wanted to protect Mu Qinglan?

It seems that he values ​​Mu Qinglan more than everyone imagined...

Or, is it simply to protect Yun Yi?

After all, Mu Qinglan has the closest relationship with him...

"It's about the Blood Heaven Cauldron. The top ten families will definitely join forces this time to discuss countermeasures. Now, the Luo family has allied with the Shui family to thoroughly investigate the Black Demon Sect. The Li family and the Tantai family have vague attitudes. As for the other families ... haven't let you move yet. But think about it, it should be soon."

As for the Yun Clan, they must not stay out of the matter.

On the one hand, this matter involved the Xuetian Ding, on the other hand, those rumors intensified, and it was clear that someone was targeting Mu Qinglan and the several forces behind her.

Three people become a tiger, even if it has nothing to do with her, if it is planned by someone with a heart, maybe something will happen.

Yun Pei knew this truth very well, so from the beginning, he had no intention of avoiding this matter.

The Luo tribe is obviously still brooding about the previous incident, so it is very likely that they are leading this matter.

But in such a chaotic situation, it is impossible for Yun Pei to single out Luo Qingheng and warn him not to be a demon.

Now that he has fallen into a passive situation, what he can do is to try his best to control the situation from spreading.

"Since Yun Yi and Qinglan are still in the Burning Heaven Realm, there is no need to urge them. Even if the two of them come out now, it is impossible to find out this matter immediately." Yun Pei said lightly.

"However, patriarch, the elders of the Luo clan have issued invitations, inviting all the great families to gather in Luoshan to discuss and investigate the matter of the Black Demon Sect. During the meeting, someone will definitely mention Miss Mu..."

"Other people mention it, but he mentioned it, and he either needs to produce evidence, or..."

Yun Pei didn't finish speaking, but everyone felt a strong coercion coming!


Black Demon Sect.

The hall, where black and red intersect, is filled with terrifying coercion and strong killing intent by these two extremely intense colors.

The man sitting at the top is wearing a black cloak, only the hem and cuffs are embroidered with big red mandalas.

He was leaning on the chair slantingly, propping his chin with one hand, with a lazy posture, a smear of red spread in the corners of his long and narrow eyes, revealing a bit of sharp publicity, but his lips were as red as blood. When he smiled, he was more Divided into evil spirits.

In front of him, everyone knelt down and worshiped.

"Oh? That old dog Luo Qingheng, is it true that Mu Qinglan and I have a close relationship and an ambiguous relationship?"

A slightly hoarse and beautiful voice resounded in the hall.

The man kneeling at the front leaned lower and said tremblingly:

"Return to the suzerain: Yes! And... at this time, the news has spread throughout the entire summit of the gods! The Luo clan has issued a call to join hands with other families to deal with our Black Demon Sect!"

Di Qianjue's fingers slowly brushed over the smear of demon red in the corner of his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Although the old dog is not a thing, but this rumor is..."

"I like it very much..."

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