God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1193 Honored Lord (1 more)

Mu Qinglan looked up and was shocked!

Because she could feel that the aura of the real body of the Lord was stronger than all the real bodies of the Lord she had seen before!

This is not at all the aura that a person who has just stepped into the realm of the Lord can have!

Between the sky and the earth, there was a piece of silver and white, but that silver figure still easily snatched away all the light!

Mu Qinglan could see countless silver streamers flowing on her real body, noble and powerful!

Then, the silver real body slowly opened its eyes!

The cold silver light flashed by!

Just at this glance, Mu Qinglan immediately felt a chill all over his body!

She became vigilant almost subconsciously! The vigilance of the whole body has been raised to the highest level!

Fortunately, the avatar of the Lord quickly closed his eyes, turned into a stream of light, and came towards Yun Yi!


A huge roar sounded!

Yun Yi's entire figure was instantly shrouded in a layer of silver light!

It looked as if a banished immortal had descended!

Afterwards, Yun Yi's aura started to soar again!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

Because Yun Yi has already broken through the realm of the Lord, now he only needs to condense the real body of the Lord to become a real master.

However, why is the coercion around him still gradually increasing?

Could it be——Yun Yi is going to take advantage of the situation and directly break through to the mid-stage of the Venerable Lord? !

This thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind quickly.

She held her breath and stared at Yun Yi without blinking.

As his aura grew, the divine seal between his brows gradually became brighter!

"The talent is really powerful..."

Yun Jing, who had been silent all this time, finally gave a word of admiration.

Mu Qinglan glanced at him, just in time to see the undisguised surprise in Yun Jing's eyes.

Being able to make such a peerless powerhouse say such words shows that Yun Yi's talent is really strong!

What Mu Qinglan didn't know was that the reason why Yun Jing was so emotional at this time was more because he really didn't expect Yun Yi to successfully practice that volume of formulas in such a short period of time!

Even though he hadn't practiced it himself, he had studied it for a long time. After all, the treasure that can enter his eyes is not something that is taken lightly.

The practice of that method is actually extremely dangerous, even he himself is not fully sure that he can succeed directly.

In fact, he can assert that if anyone in the world tries this formula, they will fail in all likelihood.

Moreover, it is different from other Venerable Lord's True Body Techniques, if this volume fails to succeed, there will be extremely serious backlash!

That's why he hesitated to give this thing to Yun Yi at the beginning.

Yun Yi chose to accept without hesitation.

In the past three months, Yun Jing's heart has always been in suspense.

Seeing that Yun Yi had really achieved great success at this time, he was naturally more emotional in his heart.

At the same time, he was actually a little surprised.

Because he found that the real body cultivated from this book of formulas seems to be stronger than he expected before...

The sky gradually became dark, the wind howled, and the snow fell, almost completely burying the mountain they were on.

Mu Qinglan looked up and could almost see a shadow gradually appearing on the distant sky!

Her heart skipped a beat, and she realized that this was the "dark night" that Yun Jing had mentioned before, and it was coming soon!

Yun Jing frowned slightly, looked at Mu Qinglan and said:

"The day is coming to an end, and there is still one hour left before this place will be completely swallowed by the night. You must break through immediately!"

He stretched out his hand and waved it lightly in the air, his voice low and cold.

"The energy between this piece of heaven and earth is about to freeze."

In fact, Mu Qinglan already felt something.

When that shadow appeared from the horizon, the power and flow speed around her obviously slowed down.

Although Yun Jing said that there was still an hour, but in reality, what she could really use was probably only half an hour.

She nodded, closed her eyes immediately, and continued to crazily devour the energy around her!

She had already faintly felt that barrier before, but every time she wanted to touch it, she always felt that it was a little bit close.

Three months, from the middle stage of the domain master, to breaking through to the realm of the lord, the span is really too big.

If it gets out, I don't know how many people's jaws will be shocked.

However, at this time, Mu Qinglan had no choice.

She looked inside with her primordial spirit, and the ancient gods were still lying quietly in the sea of ​​air, and two golden villains were sitting cross-legged on it.


I don't know the ancient gods, can you help her?

This thought flashed through his mind, and Mu Qinglan immediately summoned the ancient gods without hesitation!

No matter what, she has to give it a try!

Soon, a black pentagram appeared on the ancient divine tome!

The pentagram slowly floated up, it was obviously a small piece, but Mu Qinglan inexplicably felt that there was an aura of looking down on the world on it, easily covering the entire sea of ​​energy!

Those two little golden men suddenly jumped up and stood under the pentagram.

Almost at the same time, the rare ones that had been staying quietly in the sea of ​​qi opened their eyes at the same time and looked over!

Mu Qinglan clearly felt the excitement of the birds, and even looked forward to them. As if something good is about to happen to them.

On top of the black pentagram, a golden light gradually shone down!


When the golden light fell on the jade slip, Mu Qinglan immediately heard a loud sound coming from within her body!

At this moment, countless primordial forces began to pour in from the limbs and bones towards the sea of ​​qi!

Mu Qinglan was startled, and only then did she feel that the energy around her body began to enter her body at a faster speed!

These forces are like raging waves, surging in Mu Qinglan's body!

If it was changed before, Mu Qinglan's Yuanmai might not be able to bear it, but now, after the Yuanmai is completely lifted from the seal, it has extremely amazing resilience.

No matter how crazily these forces raged, after entering her Yuanmai, they became obedient and obedient.

After those heaven and earth forces entered the black jade slips, they quickly transformed into black yuan power gushing out, and finally hovered around Yuanjing!

In Mu Qinglan's body, Yuan Jing, the main star, and the pentagram gradually formed a three-legged confrontation!

The two golden villains merged again, transformed into a golden ball, and flew to the middle of the three.

Mu Qinglan had no idea that things would develop like this, but somehow felt that it was not a bad thing.

Looking at the scene in her body, she only felt that the golden ball seemed to gradually become solid.

And the black primordial crystal also became more solid silently.

The aura on her body finally started to rise crazily!

Yun Jing looked at Mu Qinglan in shock—he was just thinking that Mu Qinglan might not be able to break through before the end of the day, why did he suddenly change?

He had just clearly felt that Mu Qinglan's strength was still a long way from finally breaking through to the realm of the Lord.

That is definitely not something that can be made up in just one hour.

but now…

No, in fact, since just now, he has already noticed that something is wrong.

Because the speed at which Mu Qinglan devours power is really too fast!

Even though the surrounding energy had started to solidify gradually, her speed actually rose instead of falling!

She is like a black hole, absorbing those powers endlessly!

Yun Jing stared.

If this continues, Mu Qinglan's breakthrough will not be a problem at all!

Among them, the most important thing is——


A terrifying force suddenly erupted from Yun Yi's body! Spread towards the surroundings!

The snow that is deeply covered all around is rising one after another!

Yun Yi has directly broken through to the middle stage of the Venerable Lord!

At the same moment, the golden ball in Mu Qinglan's body finally collided with the black crystal!


The black Yuanjing shattered instantly!

But at the same time, the golden ball transformed into countless streamers, completely fused with the shattered primordial crystals!

Soon, a black-gold round crystal appeared in Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​qi!

It is the soul of the Lord!

The pentagram quickly disappeared and finally disappeared into the black jade slip.

Above that, the main star and soul echo each other from a distance!


Mu Qinglan heard a crisp sound coming from inside his body.

Officially crossed the realm of the Lord!

Above the sky, that thick shadow has covered half of the sky!

Between heaven and earth, it gradually became dark!

A golden light quickly enveloped Mu Qinglan's whole body!

Yun Jing murmured:

"... unexpectedly... broke through!?"

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