God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1198: Heavenly Demon City (third shift)

Luo Qingheng didn't expect that they would let them in in the end!

Originally, he planned to take the opportunity to push Mu Qinglan into the fire pit, but now, facing this danger, it was Luo Xiyan!

How did it become like this?

After Mu Linghan brought the fourth elder Chang, he easily reversed the direction of the matter, so that it has reached this point now!

But they can't really let Luo Xiyan go, can they? !

The Goddess of the Luo Clan was actually going to be sent as a hostage to Emperor Qianjue of the Black Demon Sect!

No matter how it develops in the end, Luo Xiyan's reputation will be completely ruined!

"No! This is simply risking Xi Yan's life!"

Lord Wang Yan's eyes were slightly cold.

"Why didn't Patriarch Luo say he was risking my precious disciple's life just now? Could it be that the life of your Goddess of the Luo clan is noble, while the lives of others are cheap?"

Luo Qingheng choked: "This, how can this be confused! Xiyan is not Mu Qinglan after all, do you think you can really fool Di Qianjue?! Maybe everyone will be involved in the end!"

"Then why didn't you think about this when you were discussing sending Qinglan to exchange? Huh? Besides, she is not a person at the top of the gods, why should she be involved in this matter?"

Lord Wang Yan finally let out a bad breath!

I looked down on Mu Qinglan all kinds of things before, but now I think of her again. How can there be such a good thing!

Luo Qingheng couldn't help looking at Yun Pei.

"Patriarch Yun! What do you say!"

With no expression on Yun Pei's face, he said calmly:

"What are you so impatient for?"

"How can you not be in a hurry? Di Qianjue is still waiting!" Luo Qingheng said suppressing his anger.

In the hall, everyone fell into silence.

Luo Xiyan's eyes drooped slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while, she suddenly raised her eyes.

"I go."

"What?!" Luo Qingheng looked at Luo Xiyan in shock, "Xiyan! Why do you—"

Is she crazy?

How dangerous the Black Demon Sect is, and how ruthless Di Qianjue is!

When she goes--

A faint smile appeared on Luo Xiyan's face, and she shook her head lightly.

"Since everyone is in such a difficult situation, it is indeed the best solution for me to go, isn't it?"


"Patriarch, this is not just a matter for our Luo family. If Xiyan can do something for everyone, it will be worth it."

Luo Qingheng really didn't understand what Luo Xiyan was thinking.

She will not know how dangerous it is to go this time!

Even the other people present looked at Luo Xiyan in surprise.

However, Luo Xiyan seemed to have made up her mind.

"If everyone has no objection, let's settle this matter."

On the silver barrier of the Burning Heaven Domain, a wave suddenly appeared.


The guard in charge of guarding realized something and watched in shock.

"Could it be that the young master and Miss Mu are coming out?"

After the words fell, a crack suddenly appeared on the silver enchantment!

Afterwards, the crack gradually expanded, and two figures rushed out suddenly!

Terrible coercion suddenly swept over!

The expressions of the guards all changed.

"Meet the young master! Miss Mu!"

It's only been three months, how come they really came out! ?

And, moreover, this strength——

The two of them have clearly officially become the powerful masters!

Yun Yi looked calm: "Get up. What's going on in the clan recently?"

The guard hurriedly said: "Young master, Elder Yunji came here five days ago. It seems that he has something urgent to find you and Miss Mu! He said, once you two come out, I invite you two to go to Wanwan as soon as possible." Temple!"

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Elder Yunji actually came to look for him in person?

Then something must have happened.

Yun Yi and Mu Qinglan looked at each other, and they left together!

After realizing that the two had really left, the guards raised their heads boldly.

And the figures of those two people had already disappeared.

"...Young Master and Ms. Mu really came out so quickly...and even made a breakthrough!?"

"It's terrible... It seems that the patriarch's evaluation at the beginning was not exaggerated at all..."

"I just don't know what's going on outside, and I seem to be in a hurry?"

"That's not something we can worry about, let's keep it here!"

The news that Yun Yi and Mu Qinglan came out of the Burning Heaven Realm quickly spread throughout the entire Yun Clan.

The two went straight to the Pantheon without hindrance.

However, when they arrived, they found out that Yun Pei had brought several elders to the Luo clan.

"The top ten families plan to join forces with the other party, the Black Demon Sect?" Mu Qinglan was a little surprised. She didn't expect that this matter would eventually be found on the Black Demon Sect.

"Yes. And...the suzerain of the Black Demon Sect has put forward a condition for this..." Elder Yun Ji stayed in the Yun Clan, and when he was speaking, he looked at Mu Qinglan from time to time.

Mu Qinglan felt something was wrong and asked, "What conditions?"

Elder Yun Ji glanced at Yun Yi with some hesitation.

"He wants... wants us to trade you for..."


Mu Qinglan was even more at a loss.

What does this have to do with her?

Yun Yi suddenly understood something, and his expression was slightly cold.

"The suzerain of the Black Demon Sect is now Di Qianjue?"

Elder Yun Ji nodded.

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

How long did it take for Di Qianjue to become the suzerain of the Black Demon Sect?

Although she doesn't know much about the Black Demon Sect, she has also heard that the various factions in the Black Demon Sect are intricate and complicated. Di Qianjue has many opponents, and all of them are ruthless characters.

He actually won those people and became suzerain?

And the point is...

"What does he want me to do in exchange?"

Elder Yunji paused.

"He said that if he sends you there, he will cooperate with the top ten families to investigate the matter of the Blood Heaven Cauldron in the sect."

"He's not dead-hearted."

Yun Yi said with a cold expression.

Having reached this point, he is still thinking about Qing'er.

Mu Qinglan also vaguely guessed something in her heart, but she felt more that what Di Qianjue did was the ancient divine code in her body.

It seems that Di Qianjue knew clearly from the very beginning that what was hidden in her body was the ancient divine tome. Before Yun Yi knew it, he was already determined to obtain the ancient divine tome!

But now, more fears still come for this thing.

However, there is no need to explain these words to others.

"What's the result of the discussion between the top ten families?" Mu Qinglan asked.

Elder Yunji's expression softened a lot.

"You don't have to worry about this. After discussing with each other, Luo Xiyan has already asked Luo Xiyan to pretend to be you and go—"

"What?" Mu Qinglan frowned, "You said... Luo Xiyan!?"

"Yeah...Of course this is also a helpless move..."

With that said, Elder Yun Ji explained the situation at that time.

Including Mu Linghan and Elder Chang's obstruction, and Luo Xiyan's last initiative to compromise.

"Because you and the young master were still in the Burning Heaven Realm at the time, everyone agreed to do this in the end."

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment.

This matter is full of dangers, and if you are not careful, you will put yourself in danger.

But Luo Xiyan offered to go by herself.

Of course, it is impossible for her to help Mu Qinglan, and it is even more impossible to help the family investigate Xue Tianding.

A person like Luo Xiyan would never do such a business that is likely to lose money.

When she even smiled, she could clearly calculate the curvature of the corners of her mouth. How could she be so reckless?

The only explanation is - for her, this choice must have more advantages than disadvantages!

But...she pretended to be her, went to the Black Demon Sect, and tried to deceive Di Qianjue, what good would there be?

After much deliberation, Mu Qinglan couldn't think of a reason for her doing so.

Di Qianjue has a perverse and ruthless personality. If he knows that he has been deceived, he must first tear the person who lied to him to pieces!

Could it be that Luo Xiyan is sure that she can escape safely?

Or...she has other plans?

"Has she gone now?" Yun Yi asked.

Elder Yunji nodded.

"Yesterday, Luo Xiyan left for the Black Demon Sect. If there is no delay on the way, she can basically arrive tomorrow. There are also patriarchs and elders from several big families who go with her. Of course, there are not too many people, mainly I'm going to negotiate with Di Qianjue."

Mu Qinglan stood up suddenly.

Yun Yi looked at her: "What's wrong?"

Mu Qinglan paused.

"It's nothing, I just feel that this matter involves me after all. Now that I've come out, it's better to go there in person."

In fact, she didn't know why, but she always felt a faint uneasiness.

I don't know where this anxiety came from, but it always lingers in my heart.

Elder Yunji hurriedly said: "Why do you do this? Since Luo Xiyan has already pretended to be you, why should you go again? This trip is full of dangers, and if you are not careful, you may encounter accidents. Anyway, now People outside don't know that you and the young master have come out. After this period of time, you are—"

"Yeah, Luo Xiyan doesn't understand such a simple and easy-to-understand principle?" Mu Qinglan asked back.

Elder Yun Ji was speechless for a moment.

In fact, many people couldn't understand the reason why Luo Xiyan did this, but no one thought about it deeply. After all, apart from this method, there was really no other better solution at that time.

But...even if Luo Xiyan really has some selfish intentions, she probably won't be able to hurt Mu Qinglan...

Elder Yun Ji thought for a while and asked, "But if you go now, wouldn't you expose all of this immediately? When you arrive at the Black Demon Sect, she must have already arrived. Let me tell you, don't be angry. Maybe it will cause dissatisfaction from other families..."

Mu Qinglan nodded: "I know what you mean. The major families are carefully making all preparations to investigate the matter of Xuetianding. If I expose all this, their previous efforts will be in vain. "

"Then you—"

Mu Qinglan suddenly evoked a smile, his eyes were sly.

"However, I didn't say, I have to use my true face."

Elder Yunji froze.

This goes on and on, or should I go?

Yun Yi said, "I'll be with you."

Elder Yunji had a headache: "Young master, what is this—you know, in order to make Di Qian never doubt, they have already thought up their excuses, that is, Ms. Mu is willing to be a hostage in exchange, and because of you I happen to be in seclusion, so I don't know anything about it. If you go too..."

"Just change your face."

Yun Yi stood up and exchanged a glance with Mu Qinglan.

"It's getting late, let's go now."

Elder Yunji just wanted to continue to stop him, but seeing the resolute expressions of the two, he couldn't say anything more.

Mu Qinglan blinked at Yun Yi.

"Why don't you ask me why I'm going?"

Yun Yi said:

"You have your own reasons. Besides, some things should be settled sooner."

Di Qianjue has been thinking about Qing'er for so long, and now he is even blatantly important, which has broken through Yun Yi's bottom line!

So this time, he doesn't care about other people's affairs, and he doesn't want to get involved with Xue Tianding, only Di Qianjue...

He must let him know that there are some people that he is not qualified to covet!

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi soon left the Yun family.

Both of them made disguises, and Mu Qinglan pretended to be a young man in his twenties, with an ordinary appearance and a slightly pale face, which seemed a little weak.

On the other hand, Yun Yi pretended to be a man in his thirties, with very ordinary facial features, but his tall figure made him a little more handsome.

In this way, they are considered brothers for the time being.

Mu Qinglan is very good at this aspect, she can pretend to be whatever she wants.

The cold and noble aura on Yun Yi's body was too conspicuous, and after several corrections by Mu Qinglan, the aura was finally completely hidden.

Even if these two people are thrown into the crowd now, no one will look back for a second time.

In this way, Mu Qinglan was finally relieved, and then went to the Black Demon Sect with Yun Yi.

The Black Demon Sect is located on the Black Demon Mountain, but its sphere of influence is not just a mountain, but a city.

Heavenly Demon City.

In the Sky Demon City, with the Black Demon Mountain as the center, it spread to all directions, and there were people from the Black Demon Sect everywhere.

Those who can go to the Black Demon Mountain are all extremely talented practitioners who have a place in the Black Demon Sect.

Ordinary people can only stay in the Sky Demon City and cannot climb the Black Demon Mountain.

For them, the suzerain of the Black Demon Sect is their greatest belief.

Although the Black Demon Sect has a bad reputation, many people still come to Sky Demon City every day, wanting to become a member of the Black Demon Sect.

When Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi arrived in Tianmo City, it was already three days later.

The two dressed like this, but they did not attract the attention of others.

At this time, the entire Heavenly Demon City was full of jubilation and excitement.

Everyone was talking about the fact that people from the top ten families came to the Heavenly Demon City the day before.

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi walked to an inn, and there were endless discussions around them.

"Hey, tell me, what is the plan of these ten great families? Why did the Black Demon Sect come all of a sudden?"

"I heard that they came this time to investigate something! Besides, the suzerain did not agree with it. It was people from the top ten families who thought of a way and finally agreed!"

"Oh? The suzerain just took office, and he can tolerate people from the top ten families? Doesn't he hate these things the most..."

"Hush! Let me tell you, don't tell me! My cousin is working in the Black Demon Sect. He said that the suzerain made it clear that he would hand over one of the ten great families! He only agreed!"

"Really? Who?"

"Hey! You'll never guess it! It's Mu Qinglan, the fiancée of the young master of the Yun clan who was rumored to be on the summit of the gods!"

"How could it be - aren't the suzerain and Yun Yi dead enemies?"

"Hey, I heard that Mu Qinglan's celestial beauty attracted the suzerain like this, but it's also—"


The man who was talking suddenly burst the cup in front of him!

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