God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1200 Flying Rainbow Palace (Part 2)

There, it must be the center of the Black Demon Sect—Sen Luo Hall!

There is no doubt that Di Qianjue is also most likely there.

As for Luo Xiyan...it's hard to say.

People from the top ten aristocratic families came here yesterday, and Luo Xiyan must have come here together.

And during this whole day and night, I don't know how the discussion between them went.

I don't know what happened to Luo Xiyan.

She should not have been discovered yet, otherwise, the entire Black Demon Sect must have been in chaos.

Zhu Ping glanced at Mu Qinglan, and when he realized that her eyes were fixed on the Senluo Temple on the top, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes and whispered:

"You are crazy! Where are you looking!? That place is not for you!"

Mu Qinglan glanced at him with a smile.

"That place? What kind of place? Why can't we go?"

Only then did Zhu Ping realize that he had gotten into big trouble.

The target of these two people is not him at all, nor his cousin, but very likely...

Thinking of this, his heart almost jumped out!

"I, I can warn you! If you want to think about it yourself, you can, but don't pull me!"

Mu Qinglan looked at him as if looking at a fool, and kindly reminded:

"How come? We were brought in by you."

Zhu Ping's eyes darkened.

But at this time, Mu Qinglan suddenly changed the topic:

"Where is your cousin's resting place, let's go!"

Zhu Ping found that he couldn't understand these two people at all.

Before, it seemed that he was ambitious and wanted to go to Senluo Palace, but in a blink of an eye, he followed him to his cousin's place.

The location here is about the lower half of the mountain. There are many houses. The people here are obviously of low status.

Even Zhu Ping's cousin's house is bigger than those around him.

But farther away, Mu Qinglan knew that there was also a house with the same specifications.

On the Black Devil Mountain, there is obviously a strict hierarchy, and the defense is extremely tight.

Even if you get in by luck, it is extremely difficult to take a step forward.

There were occasional people passing by, but it was obvious that Zhu Ping was very familiar with them here, so he didn't pay much attention when he greeted them.

Zhu Ping hoped that someone would find out about the anomaly, but he was afraid that if he was discovered, he would be implicated.

Just like what that person said before——he brought them in!

Now, he can only hope that his cousin will come back quickly, so that he can have some confidence.

Moreover, only my cousin can control these two people.

"Zhu Ping, why are you here?"

Just as the three of them were staying in the house, the atmosphere was getting tense, and when Zhu Ping was fidgeting, suddenly a person walked in.

The person who came was dressed in black armor, with a strong breath and a bit of blood. Obviously, he had experienced some life-and-death battles, and he was not comparable to an idiot like Zhu Ping.


Zhu Ping jumped up and was about to rush over when Yun Yi glanced at him lightly, his legs immediately went limp and he couldn't move a step.

"Cousin, why did you come back so early today?"

Zhu Ping was surprised and nervous.

Zhao Zhengfeng still stood at the door and said:

"I heard from the people below that you came and brought two friends with you, so come back and have a look."

As he said that, his eyes fell on Mu Qinglan and the two of them, and his pupils shrank immediately!

Although these two people concealed their aura very well, their keen instincts made him immediately vigilant!

Mu Qinglan greeted her generously, and said with a smile:

"This is Consul Zhao, right? We came here in a hurry today, please forgive me if I offend you."

Zhao Zhengfeng still didn't dare to relax his vigilance in his heart, and he looked at Mu Qinglan and the two calmly, especially when his eyes were still on Yun Yi, staying for a moment longer.

Finally, he looked at his cousin - Zhu Ping.

Zhu Ping's face was stiff, and the worry and fear in his eyes were undisguised!

These two have a problem!

"Where. I don't know what you two are looking for me for—"

As he spoke, he fumbled for the jade badge around his waist.

Yun Yi glanced at him.

Zhao Zhengfeng immediately rushed to a cold and powerful force, covering himself, unable to move!

He was shocked - the strength of these two people was much stronger than him!

Being able to serve as a consul on Tianmo Mountain, he is still a mid-term domain master, but before the two men in front of him made a move, they directly crushed him!

"Don't worry, Consul Zhao, we just have a little business to trouble you." Mu Qinglan said with a smile.

Zhao Zhengfeng's heart sank.

"What do you want to do? This is the Black Devil Mountain!"

After so many years, this was the first time he met someone who dared to come here to make trouble!

"Old Zhao! What's the matter with you? Today you are leading someone on duty. You said something happened when you came back. Why haven't you returned for so long—"

At this moment, a rough man's voice suddenly came from outside.

Then, the door was suddenly pulled open.

A burly man appeared in the sight of several people.

Mu Qinglan noticed that he was wearing the same black armor as Zhao Zhengfeng.

The man looked around.

"Who is this?"

Zhao Zhengfeng winked at him.

The man immediately realized that something was wrong, turned around and was about to run!

However, as soon as he moved, he tripped over something and fell to the ground suddenly!

A closer look revealed that black vines were wrapped around his ankles at some point.

With a movement of Mu Qinglan's fingers, the sea gold sand vines quickly spread up, and soon bound the man tightly.


Just as he was about to shout, the sharp thorns on the sea gold sand vines touched his neck.

"If you want to die faster, you can shout."

Mu Qinglan stepped forward and closed the door.

The man obviously realized something, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Who the hell are you!?"

Mu Qinglan turned around and said with a smile;

"None of that matters."

On the Black Devil Mountain, it is divided into three areas.

The bottom part is where most of the guards rest, and it is also the lowest existence on the entire Black Devil Mountain.

The middle part is the territory of the elders.

The Senluo Hall at the top, and the scattered palaces around it, are where the suzerain is.

If there is no jade card, the people below are not qualified to go up.

The place where Zhao Zhengfeng and the others rested was undoubtedly the worst.

However, Zhao Zhengfeng's jade tablet can enter the second area.

But the more upward, the more dangerous, and the greater the possibility of being discovered.

After all, it was getting closer and closer to the core of the Black Devil Mountain.

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi pretended to be Zhao Zhengfeng and Liu Yan respectively, and walked up.

Liu Yan is the man who accidentally sent him to the door just now.

Mu Qinglan was worrying about Zhao Zhengfeng's jade card, and she and Yun Yi couldn't act together, so Liu Yan was in need.

After the two came out, they also met some people, but they were obviously in awe of Zhao Zhengfeng and almost no one looked at Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi carefully, so naturally they couldn't find the tricks.

Later, there were many fewer people on the road, but the security was obviously more stringent.

It wasn't until the two of them reached the second area that they were stopped.

"Consul Zhao, Consul Liu, why are you two here together?"

The person in charge of the guard was obviously familiar with them and asked.

Mu Qinglan cupped her hands:

"We happened to have something to report to the Fourth Elder, so we came together."

The voice was exactly the same as that of Zhao Zhengfeng.

The man obviously felt a little strange: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Mu Qinglan's expression became much darker, lowered his voice, and said:

"This is not something you and I can discuss in private. If it is delayed..."

The man suddenly showed a look of comprehension.

"I know I know! You go!"

After saying that, they inspected the jade cards of the two, and then let them go.

Mu Qinglan warned again: "This matter is confidential, and you must not tell anyone about it."

The man patted his chest.

"Are you still worried about my work?"

Mu Qinglan laughed, and continued to go up with Yun Yi.

After entering the second area, there are obviously fewer people, but there is a lot more hidden atmosphere.

Mu Qinglan and the two were walking when they suddenly met a few old men walking towards them.

The old man at the front is actually a strong Lord Lord!

And the two people behind him are also peak domain masters.

It's just that at this time, the faces of several people are very ugly.

The two men behind have been persuading something in a low voice.

"Fifth Elder, don't get angry. That's just the way he is!"

"Hmph, in front of so many people, I can't get off the stage. I can't swallow this breath no matter what!"

The old man was obviously very angry, but he didn't dare to reprimand loudly, his voice was full of resentment.

It was only then that Mu Qinglan saw that there was a distinct slap mark on his face. At this time, half of his face was already swollen and bruised.

The corner of the mouth also seemed to be split, and there was a little blood.

This was obviously beaten.

"Oh, Fifth Elder, don't talk about it! If this is heard, it will be even worse for us! Besides, getting beaten is better than losing your life, right? You don't know, since this Come up, who will die one day? The ones dragged out of the Senluo Hall alone can be piled up into a hill!"

The old man's expression was shaken, a deep fear flashed in his eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and said:

"Who would have thought that it would be him in the end—I thought he would be dispatched to the Demon Palace, and he would never be able to make any waves again in this life, who knew..."

Who knew that that person would have established his power on the Black Devil Mountain long ago! Just waiting for something to happen to the suzerain in the end, he ascended to that position in one fell swoop!

In the eyes of outsiders, Di Qianjue is in charge of the Demon Palace, with a respected status and is highly valued by the suzerain.

But in fact, only people from the Black Demon Sect knew that it was simply exile!

In addition, in these years in the magic palace, he behaved arrogantly and had an arrogant personality. Everyone thought he had given up on himself. Who would have thought that he would come back in the end?

One said tentatively:

"Fifth Elder, how about... let's go to Feihong Palace to see who? I heard that the suzerain cares a lot about that..."

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