God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1258 Passage (one more)

The man seemed a little surprised that Mu Qinglan would ask such a question, but immediately smiled leisurely.

"It seems that I still underestimated you."

The whole process before and after is so hidden, but Mu Qinglan can still guess this point, she is indeed extremely clever.

"Since you have already guessed it, there is no need to hide it from you. This place is indeed the Heaven of Gods and Demons. I remember you came here a while ago, didn't you?"

Mu Qinglan's heart suddenly felt cold!

This man actually knows this!

Except for the few of them, almost no one knew about the fact that she followed the Fourth Elder Chang and others to the Piaomiao Temple of the Gods and Demons, but this person...

How many eyes and ears does he have! ?

Not only does he know all these things in the Western Territory like the back of his hand, but he also clearly controls many situations in Shenmotian!

Mu Qinglan suspects now that he is not just spying on her - the scope of his control must be bigger than she imagined!

Blood Soul Cult... how strong is it? !

"You know quite a lot." Mu Qinglan sneered, "It seems that you have really worked hard on me."

"You are so precious, what are these?"

The man smiled lightly, with a bit of exclamation.

"I thought I would have to wait a few more years, but I didn't expect you to grow so fast... It really saved me a lot of time."

Mu Qinglan frowned slightly.

"You've been following me since three years ago?"

"You can't say that. If your mother's identity hadn't been exposed, you wouldn't have been discovered so quickly..."

The man's tone was understated.

He only said this, but Mu Qinglan found that things were more complicated than expected.

In Jiuge back then, the mother's identity had no choice but to be exposed, thus attracting the mysterious family behind her and forcibly taking her away.

But unexpectedly, this incident attracted not only that group of people.

The members of the Blood Soul Cult actually set their sights on them at that time!

However, at that time they just took Dad away, but for her, they seemed to have waited for several years on purpose.

As the man said before, he didn't expect Mu Qinglan to grow up so fast, saving a lot of time and energy.

So, that is to say, in the past few years, something in her body has changed as her strength increases.

Although she doesn't know what it is now.

Mu Qinglan didn't intend to ask him.

She knew that even if she asked, this man would never say anything more.

Finally, the iron chains passing through her two wrists gradually stopped swallowing her blood.

The feeling that something was passing away gradually faded away.

Except for the severe pain of the wound, her whole body seemed to be the same as before.

The part of the blood that was sucked didn't seem to have much effect on her.

But Mu Qinglan knew that this was just the beginning!

From Dad's appearance, one can guess how much damage this daily torture will cause to a person's body!

If she can't escape... she will spend every day like this in the future!

"Sure enough..."

In the darkness, the man's low exclamation came, but it was creepy!

"I regret it now, I let you come so late..."

Mu Qinglan forced herself to suppress the disgust and hatred in her heart, and asked in a cold voice:

"The two people who came with me, what do you do with them now?"

Everything happened so fast that she didn't even have time to react.

By the time she realized what had happened, she had already separated from both of them.

If I remember correctly, my brother and Yun Yi seem to have also been involved in that door...

But from then until now, she hasn't heard any news about them.

In all likelihood, they are also controlled by this mysterious man. But Mu Qinglan's only thought now is to hope that the two of them will not fall into the same situation as her.

"I'm not interested in the two of them. Although that Yun Yi is interesting, but...compared to you, it's nothing at all."

The man said indifferently.

There was an air of arrogance and dignity in the words.

It seemed that they didn't pay attention to those two at all.

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It is enough to have her alone, if someone else is involved in this, it will be even more troublesome...

I don't know how they are now...

Although the man said he didn't care, Mu Qinglan was still somewhat worried.

Who knows what kind of things this mysterious and treacherous man will do!

She now just hopes that both of them are safe and well.

"If you miss them very much, I can let the two of them come too, how about that?" the man said suddenly.

Mu Qinglan stared at something ahead vigilantly:

"I don't have the slightest interest in your jokes! Just because I stay instead of my father doesn't mean I will be slaughtered! You'd better not touch my bottom line, otherwise..."

"He has a big temper."

The man's voice was full of indifferent ridicule.

"Just stay here, I'll come see you tomorrow."

After speaking, the surroundings fell into a dead silence again.

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes and let out a soft breath.

Because my hands are hung high, I can only stand. This posture is actually very tiring.

But fortunately, her feet were not bound, and she was able to move around freely in this square inch.

Of course, this doesn't make it easy for her to go anywhere.

Many thoughts flashed through her mind.

Although there was no sound or movement around, Mu Qinglan knew that her every move was being watched all the time.

Now, she has to figure it out on her own.

However, this opponent... is the strongest she has ever seen in this life!

And since this is the Heaven of Gods and Demons, she is even less dominant.

Anyway, this time, if you want to escape, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult...

"Qinglin, do you know where this is?"

After a while, Mu Qinglan carefully asked this sentence in his heart.

In this situation, Qinglin is the most reliable.

After a long silence, Qinglin said:

"In the Heaven of Gods and Demons, the Blood Soul Sect is also an extremely mysterious existence. No one knows where they are, let alone who is behind them."

Mu Qinglan asked in surprise, "Even you don't know?"

Qinglin sighed lightly.

Mu Qinglan's heart sank.

If even Qinglin doesn't know... then the Blood Soul Cult is really hard to deal with...

But Qing Lin changed the subject and asked:

"What does he want from you?"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

This point, she also wants to know!

If she knew the man's purpose, she wouldn't be so passive!

"I do not know either."

Qinglin paused and lowered his voice.

"...Is there really something wrong with Mu Feng? But why didn't I see it..."

It seems to be very precious.

There are too many secrets about Mu Qinglan, that man might know some of them too.

But he didn't even take the awakening of the Yuanmai in Mu Qinglan's body seriously.

Could it be that what he was looking for was actually more precious than these?

Mu Qinglan was also lost in thought.

The man mentioned it before, as if he wanted to ask about the ancient gods, but later, after he got her blood, he didn't mention it again.

Did he forget, or... In contrast, he no longer cares about those?

Mu Qinglan didn't know.

In fact, she knew that the doubts in Qing Lin's heart at this time were no less than hers.

Because if there were really any secrets about Daddy, then those people would not have disliked Daddy so much back then, and would have stopped him from being with Mother no matter what.

Now this problem is unresolved.

"Forget it, don't think about this for now. Let's think about how to get out!"

After thinking about it for a while, there was no result, so Qinglin simply stopped thinking about it.

Mu Qinglan also agreed in her heart.

It's just that she doesn't even know where this place is now, and the cage seems to have been completely separated from the surroundings, and no one is approaching.

If you want to write an article, you still need to spend a little more thought.

Qinglin suddenly asked: "Girl, do you still remember the way when you came here?"

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment.

"You...you mean...the space channel?"

Qinglin let out a "huh".

Mu Qinglan: "...I almost fainted at the time, I just felt a mess, and when I opened my eyes again, I was already here."

Under such circumstances, how could she remember those things?

Why did Qinglin ask this question?

"Think about it carefully. Although the turbulence in the space channel is rampant, it is basically regular. Didn't I teach you before?" Qing Lin insisted, "As long as you think about the space channel at that time Whatever it is, there is a chance to go back along the original road!"

His tone was very calm, as if he was saying that the weather is fine today.

But these words were like a thunderbolt, which suddenly exploded in Mu Qinglan's heart!

Go back the way you came! ?

is it possible? !

Space passages have always been mysterious and unpredictable. If you pass through them, or if you have relevant instructions, you may still be able to pass through them smoothly.

But the current situation is clearly not like that!

Not only was it the first time for her to walk through this space passage, but she didn't have time to react at all, and she almost didn't remember anything, so how could she go back along the original path?

What's more, this place is God and Demon Heaven!

Going back to the western border from here is more than ten thousand miles away!

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, something suddenly flashed through her mind!


From the Heaven of Gods and Demons to the Western Territory?

—she passed!

Although it's not the same road, but...she did walk it!

And most importantly...

"I remembered?"

Qinglin sneered.

"If it were someone else, this method would naturally not work. But you are different."

"In your hand, there is a map of the special passage left by Dean Xiling back then!"

Going back from Gods and Demons Heaven was an easy task for her!

Although the two roads are different, there is one most deadly key point - they are both special space passages connecting two places!

If Mu Qinglan could recall it, she would definitely be able to enter this passage and return the same way smoothly!

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