God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1376 Take off (one more)

Mu Qinglan walked forward again.

It seems that she has gotten used to staying in this lake, so her speed at this time is faster than at the beginning.

However, the energy consumption is also greater.

She was still staring at the Qianye lotus, and many thoughts flashed through her mind.

When she arrived again, she took a deep breath, and instead of going forward, she closed her eyes.

This Qianye Honglian is extremely sensitive. She tried many methods just now, but it still didn't work.

So this time, she plans to change to a bold idea.

Seeing Mu Qinglan close his eyes, the God Lord of Nine Thunders also calmed down, looking forward to it.

Mu Qinglan's resilience was beyond his imagination.

Originally, he thought that after repeated failures, she should be very frustrated, and might even give up directly.

Unexpectedly, she was still persisting.

In the beginning, he was just joking, and planned to wait for Mu Qinglan to try a few times before helping.

After all, he couldn't bear to make things difficult for such a beautiful talking girl.

But she didn't say a word of pleading, just kept trying herself.

Now, his view of Mu Qinglan has changed a lot in his heart.

Such a junior is indeed qualified to receive his inheritance...

Mu Qinglan didn't know that God Lord Nine Thunders was thinking about this at this moment.

She held her breath and concentrated, the power of the primordial spirit spread!

Then, she raised her hands and waved them lightly.

Streams of silver light flew out of her palm in an instant, and then went in all directions!

"Huh? This girl is still a Star Array Master?"

Lord Nine Thunders murmured.

"However, it is not that simple to build a star array here..."

This is his god's tomb, and every place is full of his power. To build a star array here means to break his power.

This is no simple matter.

In the dark space, these streamers of light are like the stars piercing the dark night, extremely dazzling.

The reflection on the lake is equally moving.

Soon, those streamers began to intertwine with each other.

Several stars appeared on it, shining brightly!

Only then did God Lord Nine Thunders discover that Mu Qinglan was actually a sixth-level Star Formation Master!

"At this age, you are already a sixth-level star formation master... But this star formation cannot be displayed by a sixth-level star formation master..."

Nine Thunder God Lord was a little surprised.

Although he is not a star array master, but as a god master, he has seen many top star array masters.

So, more or less have some understanding.

He could feel that before Mu Qinglan built the star array, he had checked the surrounding area with the power of the primordial spirit.

The power of her primordial spirit is extremely powerful, so she can easily perceive the strength distribution of the main power of the Nine Thunder Gods in this space.

She found some relatively weak places, and controlled the power of the stars to shuttle through!

She turned the power of the stars into a needle, and cleverly connected her own star array with the power of the Nine Thunder God Lord!

In this way, the power of the two is fused together!

This is extremely difficult to do, and if you are not careful, you will lose your balance and lead to failure.

But Mu Qinglan seems to be very comfortable doing it!

God Lord Nine Thunders was finally completely shocked.

The strength of this female doll is definitely not just a sixth-level star formation master!

This ability to freely control the power of the stars and the power of the primordial spirit... definitely cannot be obtained through hard work!

This is absolute talent!

Soon, above the lake, a huge star array appeared!

The bright light shone on her face, and the long eyelashes cast shadows, deceiving Sai Xue's skin, even a little transparent.

Afterwards, Mu Qinglan dispersed a force from the star array, and headed towards the thousand-leaf red lotus in front of her!

When that ray of light gradually approached, Qianye Honglian did not resist at all!

Mu Qinglan was overjoyed!

has hope!

Because of the star formation, her power is mixed with the power of the Nine Thunder God Lord, so even this Qianye Honglian can't tell the difference at this time!

That streak of light gradually spread out, forming a silver cover, covering Qianye Honglian!

Between each other, there is only the last distance left!

Mu Qinglan held his breath, and then his heart moved!

The silver cover instantly tightened! Wrap Chiba Red Lotus in it!


Just heard a crisp sound!

That thousand-leaf red lotus has been picked off!

Mu Qinglan opened her eyes suddenly, and stretched out her hand forward!

The silver cover wrapped Qianye Honglian, like a silver-red lamp, lightly falling into her hands!

It's done!

Mu Qinglan suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, and looked at the thousand-leaf red lotus in the middle of the lake.


"Hahahaha! You girl doll is very smart!"

Lord Nine Thunders laughed out loud, and there was obvious joy in his deep and deep voice.

He is really happy.

At first, thinking of giving away so many things, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

But now, he has fully approved of Mu Qinglan.

Such a genius, the future is limitless!

Now he can finally understand why she was able to obtain that ancient divine tome!

She was the one favored by heaven!

Let alone a dozen pieces, even if he was asked to give away all the items, he would be willing to do so!

Now, when he meets those old things again, he will have a lot to talk about!

The laughter reverberated throughout the space, making Mu Qinglan's eardrums ache a bit, but it was as if a fire was burning in her chest, and she was uncontrollably excited and excited.

She did it!

She could tell that God Lord Nine Thunders was really happy for her!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath and looked at the Chiba red lotus in her hand.

The silver cover has turned into a streamer, gradually dissipating.

Qianye Honglian lay quietly in her palm, resplendent and bright.

Holding it with your hand, you can even feel that Chiba Honglian is a little hot.

It's like being inside, wrapped in flames.

"Since you have already picked off the Qianye Honglian, it is naturally yours! Try injecting Yuanli into it!"

Lord Nine Thunders laughed.

Mu Qinglan nodded lightly:

"Thank you, senior."

Afterwards, she split a ray of energy and rushed towards Qianye Honglian.

As soon as it came into contact, the petals of Qianye Honglian swayed gently, absorbing her energy directly!

Then, the outermost layer of petals gradually withered!

Mu Qinglan looked at it with some surprise.

She could feel her own energy, as if being guided by something, slowly entering the Qianye Honglian.

As more and more yuan power poured in, more and more petals fell from the top.

Inside is a small green lotus pod.

Mu Qinglan's palm was burning hot.

That temperature came from this small lotus pod!

It is only about the size of a longan, and its overall color is emerald green, which is as clear and moist as emerald.

This is…

Mu Qinglan looked at it curiously, then couldn't help stretching out her finger, and tapped it lightly.


That little lotus pod split open from the middle!

A green elixir ran out in a whirl!

Mu Qinglan immediately felt a powerful fiery force rushing towards her body along the palm of her hand!

She was startled:

"This is…"

"This is the Chongyuan Pill, which can help practitioners break through to the peak of the Holy Lord. Moreover, after using this Chongyuan Pill, the probability of breaking through the Divine Lord will also increase."

Lord Nine Thunders laughed.

"The old man managed to get this thing back then, but he didn't use it later. I didn't expect that it was picked by you."

Mu Qinglan secretly took a breath of air.

Can help people break through to the peak of the Holy Master! ?

What kind of treasure is this?

As the cultivation level increases, breakthrough becomes more and more difficult.

Every step up will consume countless time and energy of the practitioner.

Most of the time, it may not be a smooth breakthrough.

And such a small pill can directly help people break through to the peak of the Holy Master...

A strong divine master, his attack is really extraordinary!

But God Lord Nine Thunders seemed to be interested.

"Aren't you going to continue to pick and choose? Maybe there will be someone who is suitable for you?"

Mu Qinglan said gratefully:

"Senior's great kindness, this junior will never forget."

"Haha, what a great favor! It's just a Chongyuan Pill! There is a real treasure inside, but you haven't found it! Whether you can find it or not depends entirely on your luck!"

Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly: "In this case, the younger generation will not be polite."

Nine Thunder God Lord laughed.

"Why are you being polite! It should be yours! However, you used too much time before, and the remaining time may not be enough..."

The opening time of the tomb of the gods is limited.

Now that half of the time has passed, if Mu Qinglan can't speed up, I'm afraid she won't be able to get everything.

What's more, he still has a little selfishness...

Mu Qinglan suddenly laughed.

"You don't have to worry about this, senior."

As soon as the words fell, a powerful primordial power gushed out of her instantly!

The entire star array suddenly burst into bright light!

Several powers, immediately fall!

The target——is Chiba Honglian below!

God Lord Nine Thunders was startled: "What!?"

In this battle, Mu Qinglan actually plans to take down all these Qianye Honglians directly! ?

Of course, Mu Qinglan didn't intend to pick off all the Qianye Honglians.

After all, she had already won one before, and her own should be given by Lord Nine Thunders himself.


She just wanted to pick thirteen more.

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