God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1382: Breaking Out (Part 1)

On the West Mountain Mirror, it seemed as if a stone had been thrown into the lake suddenly, causing ripples in circles.

And that figure rushed out quickly!

Yuan Longyuan and the others retreated immediately, giving way to a large open space.

However, their eyes were fixed on the figure that rolled to the ground.

——This is the first person to rush out of the God's Tomb in this Western Competition!

It was a middle-aged man who looked about forty years old. Although he was burly, his movements were very flexible. After rushing out of the Xishan mirror, he rolled on the ground and got up quickly.

Unlike the others, he was striking with a mess of red hair that looked like it hadn't been done in years.

At this time, everyone has recognized his identity.

The head of Qianhongmen - Lie Qi.

Although the Qianhongmen's strength is not as good as that of the top sects like the Yuan Clan, it still has its own place in the Heaven of Gods and Demons.

However, in recent years, Qianhongmen has become even more popular than before, and has gained a lot of limelight.

All of this is because its head, Lie Qi, had officially broken through the peak of the Holy Master five years ago!

"Hey, I almost missed it!"

Lie Qi yelled, while looking back at Xishan Mirror thankfully.

"Fortunately, I run fast!"

After he finished speaking, he realized that the surroundings were quiet, turned his head and looked around, and asked:

"Why do you all look at me like this - the head of the sect?"

One didn't pay attention, and almost shouted the word "Lao Tzu" to everyone.

It's fine for him to say this word by himself, but these people in front of him belong to the Yun clan, no matter how careless he is, he will not offend these people casually regardless of the severity.

Yuan Longyuan was the first to react, a faint smile appeared on his gentle and refined face, he took a step forward, and said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Head Lie."

Lie Qi chuckled: "Lord Long Yuan, you are welcome!"

Both of them are at the peak of the Holy Master, although Yuan Longyuan's grade is a little younger than him, but his status is precious, so Lie Qi's attitude is also very good.

"This time, our Qianhongmen will finally have a chance to go up to Shenmeng Cliff, right?" Lie Qi asked enthusiastically.

They also came to the last Ten Thousand Gods Grand Gathering, but unfortunately at that time his strength was not too strong and his luck was average, Qianhongmen couldn't get out of the road to the tomb of the gods, and naturally he was not qualified to go to Shenmeng Cliff.

And this time, he finally seized the last chance!

According to the rules, in a sect, as long as one person comes out of the road to the tomb of the gods in time, the entire sect can be sent to Shenmeng Cliff.

What's more, Lie Qi is still in charge.

In this case, it is normal for him to be happy and excited.

Yuan Longyuan smiled and nodded:

"It's natural."

"Hey! That's good! This sect leader almost thought there was no chance!" After getting an affirmative answer, a stone in Lie Qi's heart was finally let go.

Yuan Longyuan said:

"You can just wait here. After the road to the tomb of the gods is completely closed, the remaining people from Qianhongmen who have not come out will be automatically sent here."

Lie Qi nodded and scratched his messy red hair.

"It's not a waste of time! I don't know who the opponent will be this time..."

As he spoke, he subconsciously looked around, only to realize something was wrong.

Because here, apart from the people from the Yuan clan, there seemed to be no one else!

At this time, those people were also looking at him.

Lie Qi stopped and looked around strangely, only then was he sure that besides him, there were indeed no other sects here.

"Why is there no one else here?"

The road to the tomb of the gods is about to be closed!

Generally speaking, isn't there five or six sects coming out of each sub-arena?

Yuan Longyuan looked as usual, but his voice was a little tense.

"Master Lie is indeed the first one to come out of the West Arena."

Lie Qi opened his mouth wide in surprise, before he could say anything, Yuan Longyuan continued to ask:

"So, in fact, I really want to ask Sect Leader Lie, what happened in the Road to the God's Tomb? Why did the closing time suddenly come earlier?"

Lie Qi asked strangely:

"Isn't this what you decided?"

Yuan Longyuan shook his head helplessly.

"We can only open the road to the tomb of the gods, but the specific closing is not within our control. Generally speaking, it takes about seven or eight days from opening to closing. But this time it was suddenly two days earlier. Just before you came out, we realized that the road to the tomb of the gods was about to open, and we didn't know what was going on."

Lie Qi was bewildered.

"So... I thought it was you..."

He has never been successful before, so he doesn't know much about it.

So when he was inside, he sensed that the road to the tomb of the gods was about to be closed, and he thought it was done on purpose by the Yuan people who were outside.

"Then I don't know about that. We didn't meet many people there. After we realized something was wrong, we managed to get out."

It's good that he can take care of himself, so what else can he care about?

Didn't he bring out a single person without watching the whole Qianhongmen?

But fortunately, after he succeeded, the people from Qianhongmen could also keep up, so he didn't waste his thoughts on other things at all.

Yuan Longyuan was a little disappointed.

He thought he could find some clues from Lie Qi, but looking at it now, there was no hope.

If they can't find out what's going on inside—


At this moment, there was another wave of fluctuations on the Xishan mirror!

Yuan Longyuan looked back, and saw a heavy shadow quickly appearing on the Western Mountain Mirror!

Someone is coming out again!

Everyone fell silent, and they all stared at the Xishan mirror!

Obviously, it was definitely not just one person who came out this time!

Even Lie Qi couldn't help looking at it curiously.


A few figures, rush out quickly!

Yuan Longyuan took a look, and it turned out that people from two sects came out together!

Two of them are the lord Su Yin and the Great Elder Su Zhen of Guangming Castle, and the other is Lou Yuanming, the lord of the Eight Star Pavilion.

The strength of these two families is stronger than that of Qianhongmen, and basically they can get the qualification to go up to Shenmeng Cliff every time, so after they come out, the three of them seem not as excited and excited as they were before Lieqi.

On the contrary, Lou Yuanming still had a look of regret and unwillingness on his face.

And the two people in Bright Fort also looked a little gloomy.

After coming out, the two sides looked at each other, and the dark tide surged!

Looking at it like this, it is clear that there is a contradiction in it...

It was not the first time Yuan Longyuan saw such a scene.

In fact, after entering the road to the tomb of the gods, all major sects are considered rivals, and it is normal to fight with each other.

It's just that, generally speaking, only the winner has a chance to come out, but these two companies succeeded together.

From this, it can also be seen that the strength of these two companies is almost equal, and they are both extremely strong.

Yuan Longyuan cupped his hands:

"Congratulations to the three of you, Bright Fort and Eight Star Pavilion, have obtained the qualification to enter Shenmeng Cliff this time."

Both Su Yin and Lou Yuanming showed Yuan Longyuan a lot of face, and each bowed their hands in return, but the atmosphere between them was obviously still very tense.

Yuan Longyuan glanced left and right, and asked with a calm smile:

"I didn't expect a few of you to come out together, what a coincidence..."

"Where is there any coincidence? If there is a chance, the owner of the pavilion will not want to come out with them!"

Lou Yuanming couldn't help shouting angrily, making no secret of his hostility towards Su Yin and the other two.

Su Yin sneered.

"You should be the master of this castle, why can't we be together with you? If it weren't for the sudden closure of the road to the tomb of God... today's event, the master of this castle will remember it! Wait until we reach the Godly Dream Cliff, and then we will have a showdown!"

The two sides were at war, and Yuan Longyuan and the others looked puzzled.

After all, these few people are all distinguished people. If something didn't really happen, they shouldn't tear their faces so directly...

Lou Yuanming let out a "ha".

"You delayed the pavilion master's entry into the tomb of the gods, and now you still have to settle it?! This account must be settled later!"

Yuan Longyuan's heart was shocked - the tomb of the gods!

Su Yin showed sarcasm:

"The tomb of the gods can only be entered by those who have the ability. You don't have the ability, let alone the luck. How can you blame us if you can't get in?"

"If it weren't for you all rushing to enter the tomb of the gods, how could we waste so much time!" Mentioning this matter, Lou Yuanming was still furious.

Originally, they found a god's tomb with great difficulty. They planned to enter it, but they didn't expect that the people from Guangming Fort came just as they arrived at the entrance!

Su Yin wasn't stupid either. Naturally, he immediately saw that the tomb of the gods was about to open, and immediately started arguing with Lou Yuanming and others.

As a result, the road to the God's Tomb was suddenly closed before the two sides could decide the outcome!

In desperation, they only had time to come out as soon as possible, and they didn't care about the tomb of the god at all.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be even worse if they didn't even have the qualifications to go to Shenmeng Cliff?

And because of this, the two sides have completely formed a bridge.

So much so that at this time, this place is still fighting.

Yuan Longyuan was listening, with a slight frown between his brows.

It seems...they didn't open the tomb of the gods before.

Now a total of three have come out, and three-quarters of the area above the Xishan mirror has been completely dimmed!

The Road to the Tomb of the Gods is about to close!

The person who entered the tomb of the gods still hasn't come out!

This is so abnormal.

Everyone knows that if you can enter the tomb of the gods, you will get a great chance in all likelihood.

Leaving the road to the tomb of God should be a very simple matter for those people.

But now, there is still no sign of everything...

There was a brief dead silence in the arena.

Everyone looked at Xishan Mirror.

Once the road to the God's Tomb is closed, only the sects that have already arrived here can go up to God's Dream Cliff.

This is only three...

"Castle Master, do you think there are traces of the opening of the Shenmu?"

At this moment, Su Zhen, who had been standing next to Su Yin without speaking much, suddenly spoke in a low voice.

Su Yin was startled, and quickly looked at Xishan Mirror, and sure enough, she saw the last piece, which seemed a little abnormal.

It looks like there was a spot of light before...

He had also participated in the Ten Thousand Gods Festival before, so he had seen this kind of trace twice.

This is indeed how the tomb of the gods has been opened!

Su Yin's heart tightened, the expression on his face quickly subsided, he stepped forward a few steps, and stared closely at the spot of light that was about to disappear.

In fact, the spot of light has dimmed a lot, and only a little trace can be seen vaguely.

But he was sure in his heart that in this West Arena, someone had indeed entered the tomb of God!

Moreover, it seems that it is still a quite powerful tomb of the gods!

Lou Yuanming, who was on the side, heard the words, and couldn't care less about getting angry, and hurriedly looked over.

Hearing Su Yin's affirmative words, his face quickly became uglier.

Originally, he had a chance to enter the tomb of God! They were all disturbed by this Su Yin!

It's good now, someone else took the lead!

I really don't know who is so lucky!

Yuan Longyuan and the others didn't speak, all they could do now was to wait quietly.

The time seemed to be extremely long, and everyone was staring at Xishan Mirror intently.

The last bright spot on the top is also rapidly shrinking!

Yuan Longyuan couldn't help but secretly worried—could it be that this time, only three companies broke through in the West Arena?

Among other things, those who enter the tomb of the gods should be able to come out in time...


In this tense atmosphere, in the Xishan mirror, someone finally rushed out again!

Everyone looked quickly, and when they saw who it was, they frowned more or less.

Because the person who came out was none other than Gao Feng.

Most people don't have a good impression of Gao Feng, and even Xiaoyao Ridge as a whole.

But they were not surprised by this scene.

On the one hand, Gao Feng does have some strength, on the other hand... since he has come to this grand meeting of the gods, he must have come prepared.

Even if he can't help it himself, is his sister a living?

Therefore, in everyone's minds, it has already been tacitly agreed that the peak will come out.

As for how he got out of it... I don't know.

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