God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1394 Good job (one more)

Feng Tian lowered his head, looked at Zhu Zhu, and then opened his eyes wide.

This, this is clearly an ancient phoenix!

But—how could she be so small, she just turned into a phantom. Humanoid! ?

"you you…"

Because people from the Yuan Clan didn't tell him the news in detail, Fengtian was shocked when he saw a small bead at this time, and even stuttered.

Zhuzhu wrinkled her nose, Yuxue's cute little face was very serious, with a bit of vigilance.

This old man... why is he looking at her with such eyes?

Zhuzhu snorted again.

"I can tell you! She is the person I want to protect, no one can bully her!"

Mu Qinglan's heart warmed up.

Although Zhuzhu usually has a cold and indifferent appearance, but when it comes to critical moments, she will always rush to her to protect her without hesitation.

Even though she was only as tall as her waist at this time, but standing in front of her, she didn't flinch at all.

Mu Qinglan gently squeezed Zhuzhu's little hand.

After being yelled at by Zhuzhu, Fengtian finally woke up, looked at her with complicated eyes, and then at Mu Qinglan.

"You...you mean...you want to protect her?"

Zhuzhu raised her head, not giving in at all.

"What? Have an opinion?"

Mu Qinglan couldn't help coughing.

After all, Fengtian is also the patriarch of the ancient Phoenix clan in the Phoenix Valley, Zhuzhu is like this, it seems a bit too much...

But where does Zhuzhu care so much?

Since she was born, the first person she met was Mu Qinglan. Although the original contract happened by various chances and coincidences, in Zhuzhu's heart, she had already regarded Mu Qinglan as her relative.

Her only and closest person.

What Phoenix Valley, she hasn't even heard of it before, okay?

Comparing the two, it is clear at a glance who is near and who is far.

Just now Fengtian wanted to do something to Mu Qinglan, she felt it clearly.

So as soon as they met, she didn't have a good impression of him.

Fengtian obviously didn't expect Zhuzhu's temper to be so bold, so he froze in place for a while.

In Phoenix Valley, his status is the most respected, and all clansmen respect him.

Has anyone ever said that to your face?

But the other party is still a child, he can't argue with a little girl, can he?

And this is one of the things that shocked him the most now.

——The ancient phoenix family can only transform into adults after they reach adulthood. Human form, so the young ancient phoenixes in the clan are all in their original form.

And little dolls like this are almost non-existent.

But the opponent is indeed an ancient phoenix!

Moreover, for some reason, he always felt that the aura on her body was vaguely familiar.

Feng Tian was a little confused for a while, and couldn't help frowning.

"...You are an ancient phoenix! How can you make a contract with a human race?"

Everyone who was watching, heard this, and they could naturally see that Phoenix Valley didn't know about Mu Qinglan's contract with the ancient phoenix!

Moreover, it seems that the ancient phoenix next to her is not very familiar with Phoenix Valley...

With Feng Tian's expression, it is clear that he has never seen it before!

Many people who were afraid of Mu Qinglan before felt more relaxed.

Without the backing of Phoenix Valley, dealing with Mu Qinglan would be much easier than imagined...

Mu Qinglan didn't care about the various gazes falling on her body at all.

The real good show hasn't started yet, so what's the point now?

A hint of impatience appeared on Zhuzhu's face.

No contract, no contract!

She has heard this sentence too many times!

But she is a contract, so what! ?

Not only did she not die, but she lived better!

"Why can't it be?"

Feng Tian's expression became more serious: "There have been rules in the clan—"

"Does everyone have to abide by the rules?"

Zhuzhu immediately retorted.

Feng Tian choked.

If he said that, how could he answer it! ?

Rules are made for people to obey!

He frowned, and had already decided to act like a patriarch.

"Although it is not clear how you were exiled, the blood of the ancient phoenix is ​​still flowing in your body after all! Now that you have come back, then--you must abide by the rules of the clan! The Phoenix Valley is Your home!"

Zhu Zhu was not intimidated by his posture at all.

She tilted her face up and said confidently:

"I'm not one of your wandering clansmen, I was Suzaku before!"

Feng Tian was startled.

"What did you say?"

Zhuzhu smiled proudly, and grabbed Mu Qinglan's hand tightly.

"When I made a contract with her, I was just a sixth-grade Vermilion Bird! Why didn't I see you come out to stop me then? Now that I have become an ancient phoenix, I want to obey your orders in everything? How can there be such a reason in the world?"

Zhuzhu's voice fell, and the whole square fell into a brief silence.

After a while, there was a sound of air-conditioning.

Rank six Suzaku! ?

She was just a sixth-rank Suzaku before? !

That's right, after Suzaku was born, in its infancy, it was indeed a sixth rank...

In other words, when Mu Qinglan met her, she had just been born.

Under such circumstances, the contract is also conceivable.

Even in Shenmotian, there are still people who want to make a contract with Suzaku.

However, there is a huge gap between Suzaku and ancient Phoenix.

Theoretically speaking, Suzaku has a chance to break free from that shackle and break through to become an ancient phoenix.

But how small is that probability?

Fengtian knows this matter best.

In fact, within a hundred years, perhaps not even one Suzaku will succeed!

Because that catastrophe was really too terrifying.

I don't know how many ninth-rank Yuan beasts died in the last checkpoint.

So Fengtian was also very surprised when he heard Zhuzhu's words at this time.

Thinking about how she looks now...

The hands in Feng Tian's sleeves trembled slightly, and he asked with some difficulty:

"Then... how old are you now?"

Zhuzhu turned her face away.

She really didn't like this old man who asked questions as soon as he came up, and even wanted to do something to Qinglan.

Therefore, he didn't even bother to answer his question.

Feng Tian suddenly became embarrassed.

Even Yuan Ruili and the others wouldn't show him such a face, but they didn't expect to be humiliated by a little ancient phoenix today.

Mu Qinglan rubbed Zhuzhu's head, thought for a while, and said:

"Clan Chief Fengtian, I believe you can tell that the current Zhuzhu is indeed underage. In fact, it has been almost seven years since we met."

In fact, the more than two years that she was on the chessboard were also counted.

In fact, Zhuzhu spent almost that much time practicing.

Dead silence.

This sentence…

Fengtian's eyes widened in shock, and he looked at Zhuzhu in disbelief.

Could it be——it only took seven years for her to break through from the sixth-grade Suzaku to the ancient phoenix! ?

How can this be! ?

In the square, people with different thoughts were also dumbfounded when they heard the words.

Almost everyone sat up straight subconsciously.

The amount of information contained in this sentence is too great!

Mu Qinglan frowned imperceptibly.

She suddenly felt that she should extend the time a little longer...

The eyes of these people almost devoured Zhuzhu.

Mu Qinglan embraced Zhuzhu into her arms, her eyes looked coldly around her.

Some people subconsciously averted their eyes.

Fengtian stared at Zhuzhu in a daze, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves!

seven years...

From the sixth-grade Suzaku to breakthrough to the ancient phoenix!

What a heaven-defying talent!

What kind of opportunity is needed!

Even in the entire Phoenix Valley, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find someone who can cultivate so quickly!

If she can return to the Phoenix Valley...the future may be limitless!

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Fengtian's mind.

At the beginning, he still had a slightly superior attitude, but at this moment, the pride and self-sufficiency in his heart was gone!

No matter what, he must let her go back to Phoenix Valley!

After thinking this way, Fengtian's attitude immediately changed drastically.

The serious expression on his face disappeared, replaced by an earnest smile.

"Zhuzhu? Your name is Zhuzhu, right?"

Zhuzhu wrinkled her nose.

After Mu Qinglan gave her this name at first, she still disliked it very much.

But now, I'm getting used to it.

However, she only wanted Mu Qinglan to call her by that name.

When others shouted, it was always hard to hear.

How scheming is Fengtian?

He saw Zhuzhu's thoughts at a glance, and even saw Zhuzhu holding Mu Qinglan's hand tightly.

This isn't even an ordinary contract anymore.

He could tell that the current Zhuzhu was clearly dependent on Mu Qinglan!

After all, they have been together since childhood, and the relationship cultivated by the company day and night is of course much deeper.

Feng Tian secretly sighed in his heart.

As it is now, if he forcibly separates them, it will only be counterproductive.

So, now we can only follow along.

Feng Tian's expression became very kind.

"Zhuzhu, don't worry. Since you signed the contract early on, we naturally won't say much. It's all my fault that I didn't understand clearly before, so there was a misunderstanding. Don't mind. In the future, such things, It will never happen again."

Everyone's jaws were about to drop.

Did you hear me right?

Feng Tian, ​​who is so proud of the sky, actually sometimes apologizes to others?

And it seems that she doesn't reject Mu Qinglan so much anymore...

Some people who had just cheered up before became in a bad mood again.

Zhuzhu glanced at him suspiciously.

Although she is young, she has been following Mu Qinglan for the past few years. What kind of tricks have she never seen?

Therefore, she is not so easy to be coaxed.

Although Feng Tian's words sound nice, but I'm afraid the sincerity in his heart is only three or four points.

As soon as Zhuzhu's eyes rolled, he already had a consideration in his heart.

She looked at Feng Tian up and down, as if she didn't believe it.

"What you said, is it true?"

"I am the patriarch of the Phoenix Clan in ancient times, so I naturally take my words seriously." Feng Tian said with a smile.

Zhuzhu turned her face away.

"I do not believe!"

"Hey——this child, how can you not believe it? So many people are watching, can I still lie?" Feng Tian said a little helplessly, but also a little funny.

This is to say that with her, if it were another person, he would never be so polite and earnest.

Zhu Zhu looked back at him suspiciously.

"Then...unless you swear that from today on, no one will bully us. If anyone treats us badly, you will fight back for us, I will believe it!"

Mu Qinglan gave a thumbs up in her heart.

A word pulls a big backer.

— Well done!

Fengtian was obviously also confused, and he said after a while:

"This this…"

This seems a bit inappropriate? !

The corner of Zhuzhu's mouth twitched.

"I know you are not sincere! Forget it! Anyway, I am not from the Phoenix Valley, and you don't need to worry about me! I don't need your protection in the future, and you don't need to worry about my affairs!"

As he said that, he wanted to pull Mu Qinglan away.


Feng Tian hastily shouted.

Zhuzhu looked swollen and didn't stop at all.

"Then - I promise it is!"

Feng Tian gritted his teeth.

Zhuzhu paused and turned to look at him.

"Really? There are a lot of people watching here! You can't go back on what you said!"

Gao Feng and the others are all watching!

Feng Tian looked solemn: "If I want to do this, it's not difficult. But, you have to promise me one condition - after this matter is over, you have to go back to Phoenix Valley with me."

Zhuzhu immediately nodded in agreement.


She had planned to do the same.

Since the other party took the initiative to come, it happened to kill two birds with one stone!

A stone in Fengtian's heart fell to the ground.

"It's a deal!"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly.

For some reason, she seemed to... heard someone grinding their teeth...

Mu Qinglan laughed, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Then Qinglan will stay here first, thank you Fengtian patriarch."

Feng Tian gave Mu Qinglan a strange look.

What thanks do you have now? It's too early, isn't it?

Mu Qinglan smiled without saying a word.


No, no, she needs it very much now...

Believe me, it should come in handy soon.

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