God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1396 Battle (Third)

The Grand Gathering of the Gods is a contest between the various sects of the Gods and Demons, so in the finals, it is not as simple as sending one person from one family to the competition.

This time, the total of the four sub-venues that entered the finals was exactly twenty-three.

Adding the last Yuan family, there are twenty-four families.

In this way, it will take several rounds to determine the final winner.

Generally speaking, the power holders of each family will not make a move in the first round.

Because they often represent the strongest strength.

But at this time, the Misty Divine Sect where Mu Qinglan was located, and the Nether Mansion where Youjue was located, were in a somewhat special situation.

Mu Qinglan is the weakest among this group of people.

This is still the case even if she has broken through to the middle stage of the Lord.

As for Youjue...

Because Youyue, the lord of the Nether Palace, is a strong God Lord and cannot enter the road to the God's Tomb, Youjue took his place.

And behind Youjue, those standing are actually the top powerhouses of the Nether Palace!

When they came up just now, Mu Qinglan made a special observation and found that among the people brought by the Netherworld this time, half of them were the powerhouses of the Holy Lord!

Among them, there is even a holy master peak!

In contrast, the strength gap between the two sides was immediately revealed!

Whoever looked at it, this game was basically without any suspense.

On Mu Qinglan's side, there are only three holy masters.

Moreover, Elder Chang Si, who was the highest among them, was also injured.

Under such circumstances, it would be extremely difficult for them to win.

It seems that no matter who is sent, it is nothing more than a piece of cake for the Nether Palace.

But even so, everyone is still full of expectations for this one.

——Because they also want to see what kind of scene it will be like when two people who have both entered the tomb of the gods fight!

Of course, what they want to know more is whether Mu Qinglan and Youjue have obtained any treasures or even inheritances from the tomb of the gods!

That's what they care about most.

Mu Qinglan casually placed the jade tablet on the one in front of her, her expression as calm as ever.

She looked around casually as if she was okay, as if she was looking at other people's game numbers.

At this time, everyone has already got the number, some are happy and some are worried.

At this moment, a gasping sound suddenly came from the side.

Mu Qinglan turned her head to look, only to see Xue Ning holding a jade tablet with a shocked expression.

She followed his gaze, but saw that there was a word "zero" on it!

"This is..." Mu Qinglan's mind turned quickly, and he immediately thought of something, "Immunity?"

Hearing her voice, Xue Ning came back to his senses, looked at her excitedly, and nodded vigorously.

"That's right! This is really immunity! I didn't expect—I didn't expect that I would have such luck!"

The so-called immunity refers to the direct exemption from this game and the qualification to advance to the next round.

The reason for this is because the Yuan Clan, as the host, has a privilege this time.

——They don't have to participate in the previous competitions, and directly occupy a place in the semi-finals.

Correspondingly, for the twenty-three players in the first game, in groups of two and two, there will be one more family.

In other words, Xue Ning got a bye.

No wonder he was so excited.

Everyone in Wuyun Mansion is full of joy.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing and said:

"I really want to congratulate Palace Master Xue. It seems that the luck of this grand meeting of the gods is not ordinary."

Xue Ning was in a turbulent mood, looked at Mu Qinglan and said repeatedly:

"It's all thanks to you!"

If Mu Qinglan hadn't helped them, they wouldn't even be qualified to go to Shenmeng Cliff, so how could they have encountered such a good thing!

Xue Ning breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at Mu Qinglan, he remembered that she had actually drawn number one, and the opponent was Netherworld!

As one of the four major sects, the strength of the Nether Palace is beyond doubt.

Meeting them in the first match was almost unlucky.

He couldn't help showing a bit of worry.

"But your competition...the Nether Palace is very powerful, you guys...be careful."

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly.

Xue Ning's words were a bit cryptic, but she heard them very clearly.

It's nothing more than fear that the other party will play some tricks.

After all, Gao Feng had done this before.

And their poisonous needle was something from Nether Palace.

Mu Qinglan nodded.

"I have my own measure."

Everyone looked at Xue Ning, envious and jealous for a while, only secretly hating themselves for not having that luck.

Yuan Chenghe glanced at both sides.

"The first match, Misty Divine Sect, against the Nether Palace! Please choose three people from both sides, and go forward to fight!"

Mu Qinglan frowned.

This time, it turned out to be a team battle...

Under the attention of everyone, Youjue got up first.

He straightened his collar and sleeves before saying:

"Nan Zhu, Jing Tian, ​​let's go."

With that said, he walked forward.

Behind him, two men who looked about thirty or forty years old followed immediately.

Seeing that these three people played in the first game of Nether Palace, everyone whispered.

"You Jue actually came out in the first scene?"

"After all, this is the first time to participate in the Pantheon of Gods, and I guess he wants to perform well... Besides, he has entered the tomb of the gods before, and Mu Qinglan too... In this heart, there is something that wants to compete mean?"

"It's true... However, the two people he brought with him are not even elders. It seems that they don't pay attention to Misty Divine Sect at all."

"That's not necessarily the case. Although those two are not elders, they are both strong in the middle stage of the Holy Master. In addition, You Jue himself is the early stage of the Holy Master... I am afraid that this match is still more than enough to win."

Mu Qinglan turned a deaf ear to everyone's discussions.

She stood up and looked back at Xueyou.

When the two eyes met, they already understood each other's meaning.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up slightly.

"Although it's a bit early, but...it doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

Xueyou nodded with a half-smile.

"Young girl really understands me best. As soon as this golden hand came out, she caught a good opponent."

Others didn't know what kind of riddles were being played between the two of them, and they all thought they were just joking.

On the contrary, Elder Chang Si and Elder Wu Shen, who had a little doubt about Xue You's identity before, had complicated expressions.

Mu Qinglan laughed.

"Xueyou, elder Wushen, let's go!"

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