God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1408 God Lords Are Very Casual (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan was not surprised that Yuan Ruili could see this.

In fact, anyone with a bit of a brain, seeing that she suddenly won against Youjue just now, must have guessed that she should have obtained some treasure from the tomb of the gods.

However, she didn't expect Yuan Ruili to ask so directly in person.

The square suddenly became much quieter, and almost everyone looked over, wanting to hear Mu Qinglan's answer.

The Chilong Glazed Palm that Youjue had just used, as well as the secret method to temporarily increase his strength, had already appeared in front of everyone.

You can probably guess what he got out of it.

But Mu Qinglan didn't seem to reveal anything from the beginning to the end.

The only abnormality is that the last star formation suddenly burst after being swallowed by the red dragon.

You must know that the red dragon is a formula obtained by Youjue from the tomb of the god, which combines the power of the god master.

If you want to crack it, only the power of the divine master at the same level can do it!

In other words, the ninth star array that Mu Qinglan flew out at the end must have contained the power of the divine master!

There was also a bit of curiosity in Kagura's eyes.

"Little girl, did you get your soul-suppressing stone soul from the tomb of the god?"

Mu Qinglan had a good impression of Kagura, and she could feel it. Kagura didn't have any other intentions when she asked this question, it was just curiosity.

She smiled and shook her head slightly.

"This soul-suppressing stone is left by the ancestors of my Piaomiao Shenzong, not the relics of the gods of Shenmengya."

Kagami nodded knowingly, then blinked.

"But your soul-suppressing stone soul is also quite powerful!"

The ancestor of Piaomiao Shenzong could leave such a thing, logically speaking, he shouldn't be unknown. Why was Piaomiao Shenzong not famous at all before?

Mu Qinglan's eyebrows and eyes were crooked with a smile.

"Thank you, Palace Master Kagura, for your compliment."

She also knew that Kagura helped her speak before.

Therefore, her attitude towards Kagura is better than that towards everyone else.

But this answer still didn't answer everyone's questions, and instead made them even more confused.

If she originally had the soul-suppressing stone, then... how did she manage to defeat Youjue just now?

Yuan Ruili pondered for a moment, seeing that Mu Qinglan had no intention of explaining, he knew that if he continued to ask, he would only be embarrassed.

So, he just nodded slightly.

"Your chance is really good. Countless cultivators have come to God's Dream Cliff, but most of them don't even know what the God's Tomb looks like."

Mu Qinglan looked relaxed and said with a smile:

"My luck has always been good."

Yuan Ruili hesitated to speak.

Yuan Yikang had told him before that the god's tomb that Mu Qinglan entered probably belonged to a superior god.

This matter is extremely rare, within a hundred years, perhaps no one will find the tomb of a god master, so even Yuan Ruili is a little curious.

But Mu Qinglan made it clear that she didn't want to say more.

Although she was smiling, she was clearly wary.

Yuan Ruili stopped asking any more questions, and after glancing at Mu Qinglan, he finally looked away.

"I hope your luck will always be this good. On Shenmeng Cliff, there hasn't been such a wonderful match for a long time."

Mu Qinglan smiled modestly.

"Patriarch Yuan is over the award. What am I? The really exciting ones should be yet to come."

To most people, these words are just Mu Qinglan's self-effacing.

But only she herself and Xueyou and the others know that this is a warning!

Yuan Ruili didn't hear anything wrong, his eyes fell on the court, and he ignored Mu Qinglan.

Seeing that the situation had finally recovered, Yuan Chenghe announced that the second match would continue.

Probably because the first game was too intense and explosive, the second game seemed a bit dull.

Both parties participating in the competition are well-known gangs in Shenmotian, but compared with the Yuan Clan and others, they are still much worse.

There is not much difference in strength between the two sides, and it took a long time to decide the winner.

Moreover, no one found the tomb of God.

In contrast, the eyes of some people looking at Mu Qinglan were full of envy and jealousy.

From her body, one can see how beneficial it will be to find the tomb of the gods and get the inheritance!

If they also have such an opportunity... Maybe they will perform better than Mu Qinglan!

However, this is just a thought.

Unlike others, Mu Qinglan watched it with gusto and seriousness from beginning to end.

The performance of these people may seem a bit boring to others, but to Mu Qinglan, it is an excellent opportunity.

One, an opportunity to get to know the various gangs of Shenmotian well!

Although the elders of Wushen and others have already collected the information of each family, they can directly recognize each other's identity at a glance, such as Wuyun Mansion.

But to truly understand, it is definitely not as simple as just asking about some things.

Observing their games is the most intuitive and efficient way.

Mu Qinglan didn't want to steal a teacher, but wanted to use this opportunity to learn more about Shenmotian.

In the previous years, she had been staying in the Shengyuan Continent, and she knew about Shenmotian, which was not long ago.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in a hundred battles.

Her opponent was the Yuan family, but this time, the Yuan family was the organizer and directly booked one of the top four seats.

Except for the final Final Four, they won't move at all.

This is not good for Mu Qinglan.

Therefore, she decided to start with these people.

When people from the Yuan family watched the game, they would definitely react.

The only thing she can do now is to judge the strength of the Yuan Clan in various aspects from the reactions of those people.

Xue Ning glanced at Mu Qinglan, and was a little surprised to see her serious expression.

The performance of most of these people is not as good as Mu Qinglan...

Perhaps it was because this was their first time climbing up to Shenmeng Cliff...

Mu Qinglan didn't care about the eyes of Xue Ning and others.

In addition to watching the game seriously, she was also quietly observing the layout of the entire top of Shenmengya Mountain.

Here is a huge plane, as if someone had leveled it with a sword.

In all directions, there are people from the Yuan clan.

Mu Qinglan's eyes flickered slightly.

It seems that there are not many people from the Yuan Clan, but in fact they have surrounded the whole place, shrouded in their sphere of influence.

If she really broke up with the Yuan family and wanted to get out of the body, it would be a problem.

Therefore, she must prepare in advance.

However, what to do in the situation at the top of Shenmeng Cliff...

Mu Qinglan felt a little headache.

If it was only herself, she would naturally not be afraid.

But the key point is that behind her are the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong.

Once something happened, it was absolutely impossible for her to abandon them and leave.

It's better to have a complete plan...

Just as Mu Qinglan was thinking, she suddenly felt a movement under her feet.

She unintentionally lowered her head for a glance, and her gaze froze instantly!

At some point, countless bloodlines had gathered under her feet!

In fact, the blood line has been swimming on the transparent rock, and Mu Qinglan didn't care about it before.

But the current situation under his feet is obviously not right!

This is too much - too much!

Moreover, when they gradually approached Mu Qinglan's feet, they actually began to gather a little bit, and then - merged! ?

Looking at the gradually condensed red round spot, Mu Qinglan felt more and more strange in his heart.

This... What is the situation?

Because the round spot appeared between Mu Qinglan's feet, and it was covered by clothes, so others didn't know what was happening on Mu Qinglan's side.

Strangely, Mu Qinglan didn't feel any tendency to attack, nor did she feel any danger.

Even, the rage that surged under the transparent rock before seems to have subsided a little...

Mu Qinglan felt that this might be his own illusion.

But soon, she realized that it wasn't that she was wrong.

Because from the bloody round spot, she faintly sensed a familiar aura!

That is - the coercion of the God Lord powerhouse!

Mu Qinglan was shocked!

As if aware of Mu Qinglan's shock, the blood-colored round spot gradually changed and quickly formed a small portrait.

Because the formed portrait was only the size of a palm, and the whole body was red, so Mu Qinglan could barely see that it seemed to be a figure, but the specific appearance could not be seen at all.

But before she could figure it out, a laugh suddenly came from above the small portrait.

"Hey hey! Let me find it!"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

This voice is very strange.

This tone is very... obscene.

Mu Qinglan quickly suppressed the dangerous thoughts in her heart, closed her eyes and confessed.

sin sin.

Anyway, he is also a strong God Lord, so he has to respect him a little bit...

However, before Mu Qinglan could open his mouth, the God Lord Nine Thunders in the sea of ​​qi had already cursed suddenly:

"Old dog Shentu! Why haven't you died yet!?"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback for a moment: co-author... These two know each other?

The portrait at her feet changed rapidly, forming a mocking face.

"Hmph, the old man knew it was you who is shameless! As a god master, you are hiding in the sea of ​​anger of a little girl, and you are not afraid to say it out of embarrassment!"

Previously, the voice sounded a bit obscene, but now the voice changed, but it became a bit sharper.

Lord Nine Thunders sneered triumphantly.

"She's my apprentice! What's the shame?"

Divine Master Shentu cursed secretly: "I knew that you, an old man, would play tricks! I didn't know who said before that I was not interested in accepting apprentices, but now you are slapped in the face!"

Nine Thunder God Lord groaned, then forced himself to say:

"Anyway, the old man didn't say that! The apprentice is already mine, so don't think about it!"

God Master Shentu screamed.

"Oh! You're panting when you say you're fat? Why can't I grab it? Let me tell you, I'm sure I'll grab this person today!"

As he said that, he changed into a smiling face, and said eagerly to Mu Qinglan:

"Little girl! Tell me quickly, do you want to be the disciple of the divine master? Oh, I almost forgot to say, the old man's name is the divine master Shentu, you can just call him master!"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

Were all the previous gods so casual?

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