God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1411 Secret (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan's ears finally became quiet.

She secretly let out a breath, only thinking that if these two continue to quarrel...

Zhuzhu is not crazy, she is going crazy too.

After all, it is quite burdensome to listen to such smart scolding by strong men of this level.

Zhu Zhu raised her head from her arms, the serious expression on her little face finally relaxed, but her ears were still slightly red.

Apparently, what she accidentally yelled just now left a deep impression on her heart.

Mu Qinglan suppressed the smile in her heart and patted her on the head lightly.

With a glance, she saw that the face under her feet had disappeared.

But she could feel that God Lord Shentu was hovering in the area under her feet.

Although he didn't speak anymore, Mu Qinglan could still see his nervousness and anticipation from the flowing blood lines.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at the field again.

At this point, the game has reached the seventh game.

Because this is a team competition, each family sends three people to go out together, so it saves a lot of time.

The game went fast.

Among them, there are also some outstanding characters.

However, the intensity of the competition was slightly lower than the first one.

Moreover, in the previous six games, no one had noticed the aura of the tomb of God.

The seventh match made everyone a bit more interested.

Because they were fighting against Tianwen Temple and Xiaoyao Ridge.

Xiaoyaoling's strength is average, but its reputation is very high. Due to the Nether Palace, many people dare not speak out against them.

Especially for today's Ten Thousand Gods event, Gao Rong followed.

This is clearly to support the situation.

So at the beginning, everyone in Xiaoyao Ridge was very optimistic.

And the others also secretly prayed not to encounter Xiaoyao Ridge.

It's not that I don't dare to provoke, but I don't want to provoke trouble.

Unexpectedly, the Nether Mansion was directly defeated in the first round, and lost all face!

Now, the awe of the Nether Palace in everyone's hearts dissipated a lot.

The peak is also obvious, not as arrogant as it was at the beginning.

Now Gao Rong can't take care of him anymore, all he can think about is Youjue.

He knew that he must not make any mistakes now, otherwise it would add fuel to the fire.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen to him then.

But Gao Feng didn't expect that he would be so unlucky that he would run into Tianwen Temple!

Tianwen Temple is the most special one among the four major clans.

Because they really are a temple.

They don't know how to meddle in the many trivial matters of the gods and demons.

The Pantheon of the Gods is one of the few things that they will participate in.

The people in Tianwen Temple are all monks, but they are also very powerful monks.

Otherwise, they would not be where they are today.

Gao Feng knew that Xiaoyaoling had kicked on an iron plate.

As it turns out, it does.

After the game started, the two sides played against each other, and quickly distinguished the pros and cons.

Xiaoyao Ridge was almost powerless to fight back, so he was crushed and beaten by Tianwen Temple.

Although Gao Feng himself is the middle stage of the Holy Master, the people in Tianwen Temple are obviously stronger than him!

Moreover, Gao Jingyou was injured and poisoned before, and he has not recovered yet.

Although he reluctantly played along, he was completely vulnerable.

The seventh game, which took the shortest time, was over.

Gao Feng fled back in embarrassment with his people, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

How embarrassing!

Although I knew I would lose, but this loss was too fast, too ugly!

Mu Qinglan took a look and couldn't help but chuckle.

"The people of Tianwen Temple are truly compassionate."

It turned out that the battle was resolved so simply and neatly.

If it were her, she would have to play with it for a while.

Xue Ning knew what she meant and laughed along with her.

"Tianwen Temple has always been like this. Maybe it's because people in Tianwen Temple are rarely entangled in mundane matters. Most of the people in Tianwen Temple put all their attention on cultivation. This way, it is easier to achieve results."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

That's true.

It's a pity that Gao Feng and the others are cheaper.

But now that the Netherworld is in trouble, it naturally has no energy to clean up Gao Feng's mess.


At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly came from the square!

Mu Qinglan looked intently, but found that the voice seemed to be coming from under the transparent rock?

Her heart moved, and she immediately saw several blood lines wandering towards the middle.

Finally, they gathered at the feet of an extremely young man in Tianwen Temple.

He froze for a moment, then realized what had happened, and opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Everyone immediately held their breath and stared at that place tightly.

--Holy grave!

This is the breath of the tomb of God!

After the previous rounds of competition, in the seventh round, someone finally got the chance to enter the tomb of the gods!

The young man looked back at Master Yiran.

Master Yiran smiled and waved.



The man responded, and looked at his feet excitedly again.

Soon, the place where the blood lines converged was torn apart by a crack in space!

He took a deep breath and stepped in!

Everyone only saw his figure, and instantly disappeared in place!

"Look! There he is!"

Soon there was an exclamation from the crowd.

Mu Qinglan looked along, and saw that the man had already reached the bottom of the transparent rock!

If you want to enter the tomb of God, you have to follow that aura to find it.

The man's expression quickly became painful.

Obviously because of the hostility.

He hastily set up barriers all over his body, and even used defensive elements.

But there is no obvious effect.

After struggling for a while, his face was already flushed red.

However, he didn't completely panic and lose his mind. After a brief moment of nervousness, he quickly collected his mind, gritted his teeth and rushed down!

Seen from above, he seemed to have dived directly into the hell-like layers of steep mountains.

"I really don't know if he can succeed... But I heard that he is a closed disciple of Master Yiran, so he should have some ability." Xue Ning whispered beside him.

Mu Qinglan narrowed her eyes.

Tianwen Temple... is indeed much higher than the Nether Palace.

Compared with this person, You Jue is nothing at all.

But Youjue's reputation is much bigger than him.

I believe that after today, the situation in Shenmotian will change again...

The figure of that person quickly disappeared into the abyss.

"First of all, I want to congratulate Master Yiran. Lingtu Hongshi is a good seed. This time, he should be able to enter the tomb of the gods."

Yuan Ruili spoke first, congratulating with a light smile.

Master Yiran's expression was as calm as ever, and he smiled:

"It's just the beginning, the result depends on God's will."

Kagura blinked.

"You can't say that. Look at the previous games, didn't this happen? Your disciple looked quiet, but he was a big deal. It's not like some people who are very famous. It's actually vulnerable!"

It is very clear who this irony is.

You Yue refrained from speaking.

He must endure now!

Only when he waits until the final four, can he have a chance to fight back!

Otherwise, everything you say and do now is a joke!

Kagami was happy to see him like this, and didn't bother to fight with him anymore, leaning back in the chair.

Because Tianwenji Hongshi suddenly got the news of the tomb of the gods, the atmosphere in the square has undergone some subtle changes.

Everyone who was already a little tired at the beginning, saw this situation, and they all regained their senses.

Those who have already competed look regretful, while those who haven't had time to compete have vague expectations.

Seeing everyone eager to try, Gao Feng, who was already disheartened, felt even more aggrieved.

It's also a competition, how come the people from Tianwen Temple can find the tomb of the god, but he can't?

Mu Qinglan did the same before!

Why do these people have such good luck? And he has nothing?

Gao Feng felt really uncomfortable.

He glanced at Gao Rong not far away, she was looking at You Jue anxiously.

You Jue was seriously injured before, and has been in a coma, and has not yet regained consciousness.

At a time like this, how could anyone care about him?

Gao Feng scoffed coldly in his heart, and then for some reason, his eyes fell on Mu Qinglan again.

Mu Qinglan seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly turned her eyes to meet him!

Afterwards, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and the corners of her eyes and brows seemed to be sarcasm.

For some reason, Gao Feng shivered suddenly.

He subconsciously turned his gaze away, just in time to see Elder Chang Si beside him.

At this time, Elder Chang Fourth's complexion had returned to normal.

And the aura on his body seems to have recovered more than half!

Something flashed through Gao Feng's mind quickly.

——Chang Si was clearly poisoned before, and the antidote was only available to people from the Nether Palace, so...how did he detoxify it! ?

For some reason, a face suddenly appeared in his mind!

Xue You!

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