God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1415 Braised Red (Three Watches)

Lu An's strength is much weaker than You Jue's.

So dealing with him, Mu Qinglan was not as troublesome as before.

What's more, there is Zhuzhu to help.

"Qing Yuan Slash!"

Mu Qinglan had just broken through the middle stage of the Lord, and her own strength had improved a lot. At this time, when she used Qingyuan Slash again, it was a little different from the previous feeling.

Qingyuan Zhan itself is a heaven-level method. In the past, due to the limitation of Mu Qinglan's own realm, he could only display a part of his strength.

But now, she could clearly feel that the extreme cold power in Qingyuan Zhan was even more turbulent!

When that thin layer of ice covered Qingyuan Zhan, there was also a layer of frost under Mu Qinglan's feet, which was rapidly freezing!

The bitter cold air immediately hit Lu An!

At the same time, behind him, two red-golden flames, like long whips, slammed towards him fiercely!

Lu An's thoughts turned, and he waved his sleeve robe, and something suddenly fell out of his sleeve!

Mu Qinglan looked carefully, only to realize that it was a bronze tripod tripod the size of a palm.

And on the bronze tripod, there are black inscriptions.

It was suspended in mid-air, and Lu An's Yuanli was continuously pouring into it!

Soon, the black inscription suddenly flew away from the surface!

Afterwards, the inscriptions one by one began to rotate along with the bronze tripod.

A cyan light quickly erupted from the bronze tripod!

"Tiangang Ding-Guard!"

Lu An shouted heavily, and the bronze tripod grew in size rapidly!

At the same time, the inscriptions spinning around also started to speed up!

With the naked eye, it is already impossible to distinguish the appearance of the inscription!

The blue light quickly dispersed.

Mu Qinglan immediately felt a strong suction coming from the so-called Tiangang Ding!

When the cyan light approached, it seemed like there were thousands of hands grabbing her body, trying to drag her into it frantically!

Lu An took a quick look at Mu Qinglan, and then stood directly under the cauldron of that day, and punched him out!

With this punch, he didn't hit Mu Qinglan, nor did he attack Zhuzhu, but -- he hit the bottom of Tian Gangding!


The distant impact sound spread immediately!

Mu Qinglan instantly felt a buzzing in her ears!

The voice seemed to linger, lingering in her ears.

The scene in front of her suddenly became much more ethereal and illusory.

At this moment, an inscription the size of a thumb suddenly flew towards Mu Qinglan's face!

Mu Qinglan's body took a step forward uncontrollably!

The sharp breath came suddenly!

Mu Qinglan suddenly woke up in his heart, before he had time to think too much, his body shortened, and his slender waist instantly bent into an incredible arc!

That inscription, like a blade, flew over her body!

Mu Qinglan could even feel a chilly breath coming against her skin!

She stabbed Qing Yuan Zhan out with her backhand, supported her body, and then used the strength of the rebound to get up quickly!

She stared at Lu An.

The sound of the Tiangang Ding can actually make people lose their minds!

If she had reacted a little slower just now... I'm afraid she would have been injured now!

Lu An was also surprised.

He didn't expect Mu Qinglan to react so quickly!

When most people saw his Tiangang Ding for the first time, they would think that the powerful suction generated by the inscription was the strongest attack.

But in fact, there is a sonic attack hidden in it!

He has always been very good at making a lot of noise.

So he deliberately showed weakness earlier to let Mu Qinglan relax his vigilance, and then directly resorted to his own trick - Tiangang Ding!

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to be resolved by Mu Qinglan!

What he didn't know was that Mu Qinglan himself also practiced sonic attack, so he was extremely sensitive to it.

Moreover, there is a strong immunity.

The sonic attack of the Tiangang Ding may be very effective for ordinary people, but it is a pity that it is no more than that for Mu Qinglan.


A red golden flame was drawn on his body in an instant!

Before Lu An could dodge in time, his body burned instantly!

Severe pain hit immediately!

Lu An's eyes darkened, and he immediately panicked to extinguish the flames on his body.

But the real fire of Phoenix, how can it be so easy to extinguish?

After struggling for a while, he finally thought of taking off his outer clothes.

However, when he finished all this, his waist and back were completely burned.

Muscle atrophy, flesh charred.

Fortunately, he is the Holy Master, otherwise this physical body would have been lost.

Before he could catch his breath, a gust of cold air suddenly approached!

He turned back in horror, only to see that Mu Qinglan had already arrived in front of him!

How is she so fast! ?

This thought quickly flashed through Lu An's mind, and then he didn't care about anything. He gritted his teeth and directly injected the remaining power into the Tiangang cauldron!

The cyan light emanating from the Tiangang Ding is getting stronger and stronger!

Lu An narrowly avoided Mu Qinglan's knife! Then he controlled the Tiangang Ding and flew towards Mu Qinglan!

Seeing it, he planned to devour Mu Qinglan directly!

Mu Qinglan's clothes were loose, and her whole body seemed to be wrapped by that powerful suction.

She looked up, narrowing her eyes dangerously.

Then, she tiptoed and headed towards Tian Gang Ding!

Lu An was overjoyed, thinking that his attack had worked.

However, before the excitement in his heart arose, he suddenly found that his feet seemed to be locked by something.

He looked down, but saw black vines, spreading over at some point! Wrap his ankles tightly!

He looked along the black vine, but saw Mu Qinglan at the other end!

Mu Qinglan smiled brightly at him.

"It must be very interesting, why not come together?"

Lu An immediately exclaimed: "No!"

With a flick of Mu Qinglan's wrist, she has already pulled Lu An up!

Lu An immediately shot and cut off the black vines under his feet!

However, almost instantly, more of the broken vines appeared, sweeping towards him!

Lu An was about to continue hiding, but suddenly felt a wave of heat coming from behind him!

His waist and back were still hurting, and when he sensed this breath, he almost immediately rushed forward reflexively!

At this moment, the sea gold sand vine quickly spread away, wrapping him tightly.

At this time, Mu Qinglan had reached the edge of the Tiangang Ding, and was about to be swallowed!

She raised her hand, and Qingyuan Zhan stuck it on the Tiangang Ding!

At the same time, her other hand quickly flipped over and dragged Lu An over!

Just as Lu An was about to struggle, Zhuzhu behind him gave him an impatient look. With a wave of his little hand, a flame flew out and shot him in front of Mu Qinglan.

As soon as Lu An looked up, he saw a bright smiling face.

Even though this face is stunning and alluring, at this moment, he only feels as terrifying as a devil from hell!

Mu Qinglan showed her white teeth.

"Your Tiangang Ding is a bit small, it seems that it can only accommodate one person."

Lu An suddenly felt uneasy.

Mu Qinglan smiled and said:

"Why don't you go in by yourself?"

As soon as the words fell, she slammed it suddenly, and then kicked Lu An directly into the Tiangang cauldron!


A dull impact sound came suddenly!

But Mu Qinglan didn't stop.

With a flash of the saber in her hand, a thick layer of ice directly sealed the mouth of the Tiangang Cauldron!

It seems that because Lu An was attacked, the inscriptions spinning around gradually dimmed.

Mu Qinglan glanced at it, then waved at Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu snorted softly, and several sparks flew out quickly! It actually wrapped the inscription directly and started to burn it!

Within the Tiangang cauldron, there were constant crashing sounds.

Obviously Lu An was struggling to get out.

But how could Mu Qinglan let him go so easily?

She tapped the Tiangang cauldron lightly, and said with a smile:

"Since you want to send me in so much, how about enjoying yourself first? Don't worry, I will let you out when the game is over."

When everyone heard the words, they all fell silent.

This Tiangang Ding, who is it...

Lu An was trapped, feeling so aggrieved that he was dying!

This Tiangang Ding is his good, so he is unlikely to be seriously injured.

But being sealed inside like this is a shame!

He tried several methods, but Mu Qinglan's power was stronger than he imagined.

Coupled with the help of the ancient phoenix, he really couldn't escape!

Moreover, the flame was burning the inscription, and it was actually burning with the Tiangang cauldron!

The Tiangang tripod was quickly burned red.

Mu Qinglan took a look and murmured worriedly.

"Yeah, isn't it too good to braise so much?"

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