God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1423 Flame (Part 2)

Now, even people who didn't notice her abnormality at first looked over.

When they found out that Mu Qinglan was actually devouring the energy of the world, everyone reacted for a moment, finally understood, and then looked shocked.

"What's the situation! Mu Qinglan—is she breaking through!?"

"How is that possible! I heard that when she fought Xiaoyao Ridge before entering the road to the tomb of the gods, she was only in the early stage of the lord! Even if she broke through to the middle stage of the lord after entering the tomb of the gods, how could she be so fast? Breakthrough?"

"But—this situation, isn't it intended to break through?"

"...Think about it, it's still the tomb of the gods..."

"It seems that there have been similar situations before. It is rumored that three hundred years ago, the elder Wuxin of Tianwen Temple accidentally entered the tomb of the gods, and broke through from the early stage of the Holy Lord to the peak of the Holy Lord overnight! If he and Wuxin Compared to the elders, Mu Qinglan is nothing..."

"But after Elder Wuxin's breakthrough, until now, he has never crossed the threshold of a divine master."

"Any cultivator will know that successive breakthroughs are basically doing more harm than good. Mu Qinglan still did this... Could it be that she is preparing for the next competition?"

There was a burst of laughter among the crowd.

Not to mention the peak of the Lord, even if Mu Qinglan breaks through to the peak of the Lord at this time, it is actually useless.

Their Piaomiao Shenzong is really too weak.

You know, there are several peak Holy Masters in Fire Cloud Pavilion!

It doesn't compare at all.

After everyone was surprised for a while, they gradually calmed down.

Some people even looked at her curiously, wanting to see what level Mu Qinglan could break through to.

Seeing that Mu Qinglan was about to break through, the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong quickly became vigilant.

Xueyou breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at Mu Qinglan lightly.

This girl... I knew there would be such a movement, why did I have to cover it up before?

Just let these people watch!

At this moment, Mu Qinglan couldn't care about the outside world at all.

The power in her body was continuously stimulated, and then formally transformed into her own yuan power.

During this process, the energy of the outside world surged towards her body uncontrollably.

Time passed bit by bit.

An energy vortex gradually appeared above Mu Qinglan's head.

Her eyes, however, remained closed.

Within the sea of ​​qi, the aura of the ancient gods became stronger and stronger.

And the golden light became more and more dazzling.

There were waves in the lake.

The villain formed by Mu Qinglan's primordial spirit has gradually become more solid.

Two days passed in a hurry.

The competition between Extreme Shrine and Feixiao Palace finally came to an end.

The Feixiao Palace is already the last person - Chuanwu, the master of the Feixiao Palace.

As for the Supreme Shrine, there were still two people who hadn't played yet.

By this time, the end was already very obvious.

Chuanwu tried its best to fight, but still regretted losing.

So far, apart from the Yuan Clan, Tianwen Temple, and Extreme Shrine, the top four of the Pantheon of Gods have only the last seat left!

And the person who can occupy this last position will be selected among Piaomiao Shenzong and Huoyun Pavilion!

When the people from Feixiao Temple and Extreme Shrine finally left the arena, Yuan Chenghe swept both hands and each won a jade medal.

"Both sides in the last game, I believe they have already understood."

He spoke in a low voice and glanced around.

The eyes of everyone also fell on the people of Piaomiao Shenzong and Huoyun Pavilion.

The people of Huoyun Pavilion are eager to try.

On the other hand, Piao Miao Shenzong had a dignified atmosphere.

Yuan Chenghe finally looked at Mu Qinglan, frowning slightly.

Because at this time, Mu Qinglan still hadn't woken up.

It stands to reason that it would not take so long to break through from the mid-term of the Lord to the peak.

But...Mu Qinglan had just broken through the middle stage before, and continued to break through the peak after only a few days. There is indeed a huge gap in the middle, and it needs an extremely abundant supplement of strength to succeed.

Maybe that's why she's so slow.

He glanced at the jade token in his hand.

"The first person in Fire Cloud Pavilion: Lu Mingyan!"

In the Fire Cloud Pavilion, a young man in red came out.

He is handsome and looks personable.

However, the breath on his body is shocking!

The middle stage of the Holy Lord!

Elder Chang Si frowned slightly, and said in a low voice:

"Lu Mingyan is the leader of the younger generation of Huoyun Pavilion. He has broken through the middle stage of the Holy Master at a young age. It is rumored that when he broke through the Holy Master, he was only 25 years old. Now that seven years have passed, I did not expect that he is already a Holy Master. In the middle of the main period."

Xueyou nodded.

This first round is a bit troublesome...

At this time, Yuan Chenghe's voice came again!

"The first person of Piaomiao Shenzong: Xueyou!"

Xueyou raised her eyebrows, but it was not surprising that Mu Qinglan would write his name first.

Although the situation of winning is not big, it should not be too ugly.

At least this first match...should be won.

But Fourth Elder Chang and the others were a little worried.

"Xueyou, your first match..."

"Take care of her." Xueyou laughed, left this sentence, and walked forward without hesitation.

All the elders could only watch him play helplessly.

The order of the list is decided by Mu Qinglan himself, so they themselves don't know the order of the next competition.

Elder Wushen sighed.

"Actually, it's good to let Xueyou go up in the first round."

At least there is hope of winning one game.

Although the opponent's Lu Mingyan is not weak.

If it were them, they would have lost the first game directly.

On the court, Lu Mingyan's eyes lit up when he saw Xue You playing, and he bowed his hands very politely to him.

"Fire Cloud Pavilion, Lu Mingyan. Brother Xueyou, please give me your advice."

Xueyou glanced at him lightly.

"It's a competition between you and me, what can I teach you?"

Lu Mingyan was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled.

"Brother Xueyou, please don't misunderstand me. I just saw your strength in the competition earlier, so I was very happy to have the opportunity to compete."

Xueyou sneered in her heart.

What Lu Mingyan said was nice, but unfortunately he forgot to hide the disdain and provocation in his eyes.

He was obviously very confident in himself, and he didn't even put Xue You in his eyes at all.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so relaxed, and he didn't feel nervous at all because of this game.

His "politeness" is nothing but alms from above.

Xueyou just looked at him quietly.

Soon, the smile on Lu Mingyan's face couldn't hold back.

This Xueyou's eyes are like knives!

He just looked at him like he was a joke!

This person is not so easy to fool!

After figuring this out, Lu Mingyan simply didn't say anything more.


As soon as the words fell, a red flame suddenly appeared in his hand!

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