God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1430 Secret (3rd)


The red-golden flame suddenly slanted out from Zhuzhu's hand like a sea wave!

The flame hit the ripples hard!

There is no violent roar or impact as imagined.

Two terrifying forces began to silently entangle and devour each other.

A series of black spatial cracks, like the bloody mouth of some giant beast, swallowed the Phoenix's real fire one after another.

But the existence of Phoenix True Fire did hinder the ripples from continuing to spread.

With Zhuzhu's help, Mu Qinglan finally felt a little more relaxed.

But it is not an easy task to fully unleash the power.

A powerful force crushed her body, instantly breaking her jaws!

There seemed to be something heavy pressing on Qingyuan Zhan, and it was extremely difficult for her to even hold it.

Her blood soon flowed onto Qingyuan Zhan, and it looked even colder, which was shocking.

But Mu Qinglan still didn't let go.

She circulated all the power in her body, and finally raised the Qingyuan Zhan in her hand!

Then, chop it off!

"Qing Yuan Slash!"

The blue-black sword light, wrapped in a biting cold air, flew out in an instant!

Lu He raised his eyes, unmoved.

The next moment, his finger suddenly curled up, and then popped out!

A ball of flames flew forward immediately!

The flame was originally only a small ball, but when it flew out, it swelled against the wind!

Soon, the flame covered those fluctuating ripples!

The two flames began to intertwine and fight with each other!

The Sun Red Flame was still inferior to the Phoenix True Fire, but the flame that Lu He displayed was the extremely pure Sun Red Flame that he extracted, and it was equal to the Phoenix True Fire for a while.

Although Zhuzhu is already the real fire of the phoenix, it hasn't been long since she broke through, and she doesn't have much combat experience. Faced with this situation, she can only fight with brute force.

Looking at this scene, Feng Tian beside him felt anxious for a while.


Feng Tian looked at it for a while, and finally couldn't help but patted his thigh.

"This child!"

Zhuzhu's power is obviously very strong, but she doesn't seem to know how to use it, so that now the Phoenix True Fire will be equaled by the Sun Chiyan!

He looked really aggrieved!

This kid looks like he has no experience.

However, think about it. Zhuzhu once said before that she used to be a sixth-rank Suzaku, and after following Mu Qinglan, she broke through to the ancient Phoenix one after another.

Well, naturally no one taught her how to fight.

If Zhuzhu can follow him back to Phoenix Valley, and teach him well... his strength will definitely improve a lot!

How could this happen!

Anyway, he has already decided that after the Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meeting is over, he must take Zhuzhu back and teach him well!

Zhuzhu on the field naturally didn't know that Fengtian was already thinking about these things at this time.

Although she has fought against the strong in the middle stage of the Holy Master before, it is the first time that Lu He has fought against a peak Holy Master like Lu He.

At this moment, the bluish-black saber light came suddenly!


The knife light cut down instantly!

However, that power was like something falling into a swamp and being slowly swallowed.

Mu Qinglan's heart sank.

Lu He took a look and said with a smile:

"This trick is good, but unfortunately, your strength is too weak."

Even if Mu Qinglan tried his best, in his eyes, it was just a joke.

Although that ancient phoenix temporarily blocked his strength from moving forward, but Mu Qinglan wanted to fight him, but she still thought too much.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help but clenched Qingyuan Zhan tightly.

At this moment, she deeply understood: In the competition of Yuanli, it is impossible for her to get any benefit from Lu He!

Afterwards, she simply cut Qing Yuan away.

That being the case, she'd better find another way.

With a wave of her palm, the soul-suppressing stone was suspended in front of her.

But at this time, the three stars on it were even more dazzling than before.

Mu Qinglan took a look and pursed her lips slightly.

The next moment, she withdrew her gaze and sat cross-legged.

Lu He laughed indifferently.

Finally going to use the star array?

If it was before, he might still be a little surprised, but——Mu Qinglan had already used this trick in the match against Youjue. In fact, from Lu He's point of view, there was nothing new about it.

The star array on the soul-suppressing stone...is indeed complicated, and its power is indeed extremely strong.

However, for him, it was nothing more than that.

She will soon know how strong the Holy Lord is at the peak.

Mu Qinglan closed her eyes.

Then, all the power of her primordial spirit gushed out!

On the soul-suppressing stone, countless stars appeared in an instant!

The previous three were instantly submerged in it.

Lu He didn't notice.

With a thought in Mu Qinglan's mind, a star formation instantly appeared!

This time, she summoned the star array faster than before!

But in the blink of an eye, several star formations had covered her whole body!

Sensing the coercion from the star array, Lu He smiled without a smile.

Immediately, he took a step forward!

Those ripples disintegrated instantly!

The sun's red flame and the phoenix's true fire entangled and devoured each other even more frantically!

At the same time, in front of Mu Qinglan, the ninth star array finally appeared!

She snapped her eyes open.

Lu He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Why, are you going to attack with all your strength?"

The tone is lofty.

Obviously, he didn't feel that Mu Qinglan's attack would affect him at all.

Previously, You Jue would be defeated by this blow purely because he was not strong enough.

At that time, although he used the secret method to forcibly raise his strength to the middle stage of the Holy Master, compared with the real mid-stage Holy Master, he was still far behind.

What's more, Lu He is the pinnacle of the Holy Master.

Therefore, he didn't take Mu Qinglan's words seriously at all.

When Mu Qinglan heard this, he suddenly laughed.

Her appearance was already extremely beautiful, but against the backdrop of the countless stars around her, she appeared more and more clear and beautiful like jade.

Many people also saw this scene.

Kagura sighed lightly, feeling a little tight in his chest.

It doesn't matter if they look alike, but they all have such high talents in the star array...

Anyone who looks at them like this will feel that there is a relationship between them!

This scene is really very similar to that time...

She couldn't help looking at Yuan Ruili, but saw that his expression was cold and calm.

She wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was meaningless, so she fell silent.

In fact, Yuan Ruili was not at peace at the moment.

Ever since he saw Mu Qinglan, he couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Appearance, name, talent...

These are too much of a coincidence.

But because of such a coincidence, he didn't dare to think deeply.

However, at this time, when he saw the woman enveloped in the star array again, a long memory once again appeared in his mind.

Yuan Ruili finally couldn't hold back, and looked at Yuan Longyuan who was at the side.

Yuan Longyuan seemed to sense something, and looked back.

Looking at it, one could see the suspicion in Yuan Ruili's eyes.

His heart skipped a beat.

Yuan Ruili hesitated for a moment, wanting to ask about Mu Qinglan's details, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them anyway.

Everything is going well, if he asks a question at this time, wouldn't it seem...

Yuan Ruili turned his eyes, and his eyes fell on Yuan Yikang.

"This time, the Pantheon of the Gods is extremely exciting. I command the people below to start well and finish everything well."

Yuan Yikang's heart was shocked, and he quickly bowed his head in response.

"Follow the orders of the patriarch."

Is the patriarch... reminding him to take care of those two people?

Looking at the appearance of these two people, Yuan Longyuan felt an inexplicable uneasiness for some reason.

It seems... there is something, he doesn't know...

Could it be that Mu Qinglan's appearance reminded the patriarch of that person?

Yuan Longyuan thought silently, sighing in his heart.

Yuan Yikang had already secretly revealed before that the patriarch would not easily bypass that person... I don't know what his plan is after the grand meeting of the gods.

Lu He felt a little puzzled by Mu Qinglan's smile.

She was about to lose, yet she still laughed! ?

While he was thinking, Mu Qinglan had already thrown out the ninth star array!

Zhu Zhu, who was confronting Lu He, suddenly retreated.

Her sudden movement surprised Lu Min.

She even withdrew with Phoenix True Fire.

This time, it made Lu He's Sun Chiyan useless in an instant.

Seeing Zhuzhu's action, Lu He was not the only one who was surprised.

Is Mu Qinglan crazy? Or are you too confident in yourself?

Previously, with the help of the ancient phoenix, she could barely hold on, but now that she made a move, even the ancient phoenix withdrew?

Before everyone could figure it out, the star array had already flown in front of Lu He!

Lu He's relaxed and sarcastic expression suddenly froze!

——This constellation is wrong!


There is something in this star array!

He looked intently, but the star array was reduced by Mu Qinglan to only a small ball, countless stars piled up together, glittering and translucent, where can you see what is going on?

Lu He looked horrified, without even thinking about it, he backed away immediately!

In this star array - there is the coercion of the God Lord!

He is not Youjue, his strength is stronger, and he is only one threshold away from the God Lord, so he is more sensitive to these things!

No wonder Mu Qinglan is so courageous!

No wonder Youjue was directly destroyed before!

No wonder!

Lu He had no time to think about anything, and fled at his fastest speed!

Seeing him like this, everyone who was waiting to see the ending was a little surprised.

——Isn’t Lu He about to win? The ancient phoenix withdrew, and the two of them had no obstacles before, so it was a good time to take down Mu Qinglan!

Why did he back away suddenly?

But looking at his expression... there seems to be something wrong?

Some people couldn't help but look at the star formation strangely.

Isn't it just a star array?

Even if it is a real master of the star array, he is not the opponent of the peak of the Holy Lord.

What is Lu He afraid of?

Lu He is very fast, but the star array is even faster!

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Lu Min was extremely anxious and his body stiffened!

After Mu Qinglan used this star array earlier, he was swallowed by the secluded red dragon, so the others didn't know what was tricky in it!

But now!

He finally understands now - this is what Mu Qinglan got from the tomb of the god!

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