God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1435: There Are Really Not Three (One more)

That sword energy hit the barrier in front of Mu Qinglan and dissipated abruptly!

It is true that the Yin-Yang Fire Sword is a divine weapon, and the power contained in it is extremely strong. If this sword energy really falls on Mu Qinglan, she may not die or be disabled.

It's a pity that it hit the barrier built by Qianye Honglianzi!

The enchantment showed a faint red color, and looked at it suddenly, it was nothing special.

However, how could the thousand-leaf red lotus seed that had grown for thousands of years be so easy to deal with?

What's more, this Qianye Honglian is also the destiny of the Nine Thunder God Lord to continue to survive!

The ancestor of Huoyun Pavilion was indeed a divine master, but compared to the Jiulei divine master, he was still far behind.

What's more, this Yin-Yang Fire Sword is only an element after all, but behind this Qianye Honglian... is the genuine Nine Thunder God Lord!

The two sides are not comparable at all.

Especially, against the background of the thunder in the sky, all the movements of Lu Xing's sword were compared.

If you don't pay attention, everyone will think that this sword didn't stir up any waves at all, and just disappeared without a sound.

Lu Xing stared blankly at this scene, suddenly a gust of energy surged up between his chest and abdomen.

He feels humiliated!

Mu Qinglan was going too far!

What time is it now? what's the situation? How could she say such a thing?

The god's tomb she found was indeed very powerful, but it simply didn't take people seriously!

Wait a minute?

"Mu Qinglan! Don't be too arrogant! Don't think that you can do whatever you want with the inheritance of the God Lord!"

Finally, Lu Xing couldn't hold back anymore and scolded angrily.

Mu Qinglan shrugged helplessly.

"What can I do? I'm helpless too! My Yuan Beast wants to break through, can I stop it!?"

Lu Xing was speechless.

He looked up, and sure enough, he saw countless dark clouds gathering towards Mu Qinglan's head in the sky!

There were gusts of wind and thunder, faintly visible streaks of silver lightning, swimming among them like spirit snakes!

It turns out that there is really a Yuan beast that wants to break through...

Lu Xing looked at Mu Qinglan unwillingly, looked her up and down, and suddenly thought of something, his heart tightened:

The ancient phoenix next to it didn't move, obviously she wasn't trying to break through.

So...is that the golden dragon?

The golden dragon broke through again, but it was——

Ancient Dragon!

It was not only Lu Xing who thought of this.

Long Zhan reacts faster than anyone.

He had already noticed an unusual movement in Mu Qinglan's body before.

He is very familiar with that wave, it is indeed a dragon!

Could it be that the golden dragon contracted by Mu Qinglan is really about to break through?

Although he is not familiar with Mu Qinglan, he is the patriarch of the ancient dragon clan after all.

The bloodline of the ancient dragon is noble, but its ability to reproduce is extremely low, so the entire dragon clan regards the matter of breaking through as extremely important.

If that golden dragon really breaks through... then it must be counted as a part of their Shenlong Island.

And if that's the case, Mu Qinglan...

"Hey, it seems that this time, the old man will witness the birth of the ancient dragon with his own eyes!"

Feng Tian beside him laughed, and cupped his hands at Long Zhan.

"Here, I have to congratulate Brother Long Zhan first!"

The ancient dragon clan may not be able to give birth to a new ancient dragon in decades. If it can be done today, then...Mu Qinglan will be considered related to Shenlong Island.

Long Zhan really expected this in his heart, and he didn't hide it.

"The success rate of the golden dragon breaking through the ancient dragon is actually not high. The specific situation, we still have to look at it... I hope it has this strength and luck."

As soon as these words came out, the people around couldn't help but glance at Long Zhan, with different thoughts.

Sure enough, the golden dragon is about to break through!

Mu Qinglan contracted an ancient phoenix, which is enough to make people jealous, but he didn't expect that the golden dragon is about to break through!

Once successful... in Mu Qinglan's hands, it is equivalent to having two divine beasts!

Then Phoenix Valley and Shenlong Island, I'm afraid they will also become her backing!

Fengtian has already expressed his attitude. For Zhuzhu's sake, no matter what troubles Mu Qinglan has, he will help.

Now, is even Long Zhan going to do the same?

He looks like this, but he clearly looks forward to the birth of a new ancient dragon!

How much virtue did Mu Qinglan accumulate in her previous life to have such heaven-defying luck? !

Lu Xing was aggrieved.

Continue to fight?

The barrier around Mu Qinglan is like an iron wall!

The rosette under her is too difficult to deal with!

Stop for a while?

That would make him even more useless!

This Mu Qinglan fights as soon as he says, and stops as soon as he says, what is he?

But except for Lu Xing himself, no one cared whether he felt uncomfortable or not.

All eyes were on Mu Qinglan.

Including people from Huoyun Pavilion.

The vast majority of people actually don't want to see another ancient dragon born under Mu Qinglan's men!

Mu Qinglan sat cross-legged on the lotus seat, her whole body was covered by a light red barrier, and the top of her head was already covered in black.

The whole world seemed to have darkened.

A few silver lightning bolts shuttled through the dark clouds, but they didn't show any tendency to fall, but instead became thicker and thicker.

Anyone can see that this is calling for a catastrophe!

"A ninth-level primordial beast breaks through to a divine beast... such a scene is rare."

Master Yiran stroked his beard and sighed.

The child beside him widened his eyes curiously, looking up at the scene in the sky.

Master Yiran smiled slightly.

"The opportunity is rare, this time you have to take a good look."

The child nodded half-understanding, his eyes sparkling.

"I don't think it looks like it's going to break through the beast."

You Yue, who hadn't spoken for a while, suddenly spoke lukewarmly.

It is difficult for ordinary people to see this scene, so it is inevitable to be novel at this time.

But for them, being able to break through the God Lord proves that they have seen the most terrifying catastrophe.

What is this now?

While speaking, he looked at Long Zhan.

"Patriarch Dragon, when breaking through the ancient dragon, the battle should be much bigger than this?"

Kagura couldn't bear his cynicism, so he glanced at him.

"You know it well, but I haven't seen you contracting an ancient dragon or an ancient phoenix."

Feng Tian coughed awkwardly.

Only Kagura dared to say this kind of thing in person...

Long Zhan was unmoved, and said lightly:

"When the results come out, everything will be clear."

You Yue made fun of himself, snorted coldly, and closed his mouth.

Long Zhan frowned.

In fact, he also felt that something was wrong.

Because, this is indeed not the appearance of breaking through the ancient dragon.

To be precise...it's more like trying to break through the ninth-rank primordial beast.

But the golden dragon is a ninth rank...

At this moment, a huge shadow suddenly appeared in front of Mu Qinglan!


Everyone's spirits were shocked, and they quickly looked closely!

However, after seeing it clearly, there was an uproar inside and outside the square.

--What? what is that?

A giant silver cocoon of light?

Not a golden dragon?

Those who were waiting to see the golden dragon were all dumbfounded at this moment.

Long Zhan's gaze instantly became much deeper.

That was...


On the silver light cocoon, there are actually several cracks.

After it appeared in front of Mu Qinglan, after a moment of silence, the crack began to gradually expand!

Click click click!

The speed at which the light cocoon shattered became faster and faster, and soon, the cracks on it spread like spider webs!

Mu Qinglan looked at the light cocoon floating quietly in front of her eyes, and sighed softly in her heart.

silver wind...

After waiting for so long, it finally broke through.

I haven't seen it for a long time, I don't know... what will it look like after this time?


With a bang, the light cocoon finally shattered completely!

Countless silver fragments fell in all directions! In an instant, it was like a galaxy falling!

However, this is not the most noticeable.

What makes people unable to move their eyes away is——in the cocoon of light, a huge figure rose into the sky!


A dragon chant spread instantly!

The world seems to be shaking!

Dead silence!

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the figure that suddenly appeared, their faces full of astonishment.

Not a golden dragon!

But - this is also the Dragon Clan!

The whole body is silver, extremely noble, and under the sunlight, it looks even more majestic.

And on that back, there are clearly eight protruding bones!

"Rank 8 Bone Dragon with Ice Pupils!"

Among the crowd, there was an exclamation from nowhere.

This voice, like a stone thrown into the lake, made the originally quiet square boil instantly!

"Ice pupil bone dragon!? How is it possible!"

"Mu Qinglan actually has a contract beast!?"

"My God! Is she crazy!?"

"Three...three...all of this level...how did she do it?"

"Wait! This eighth-rank ice pupil bone dragon is about to break through to ninth rank!"

A series of discussions, like waves, set off one after another.

Everyone can't sit still.

It's not bad that the star array master can contract many primordial beasts, and the people here are all famous figures in the gods and demons, and most of them have seen such people.

But—Mu Qinglan, what is this?

She has contracted the ancient phoenix and the golden dragon!

This eighth-rank ice pupil bone dragon is actually her lowest-level contracted beast? !

And now they are about to break through!

Lu Xing looked at the scene in front of him, and didn't even know what to say for a while.

Yinfeng opened his eyes, his icy blue eyes looked at Mu Qinglan with deep thoughts and rolling curtains.

It moved forward, bent down, and put its head in front of Mu Qinglan, as if waiting for something.

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"Have you slept well recently?"

Yinfeng rubbed against her palm lightly, and nodded.

Everyone petrified.

Mu Qinglan said reassuringly:

"That's good. You must have waited a long time for today."

Yinfeng raised his head again and looked towards the sky.

Heavenly Tribulation is rapidly gathering!

"You...you actually have three contract beasts..."

Lu Xing managed to hold back a sentence.

Mu Qinglan glanced at him and shook her head sincerely.

Lu Xing was taken aback.

Then, there was another loud noise in the sky!


Long Zhan stood up suddenly!

Those are two catastrophes!

This means—

The corners of Mu Qinglan's lips curled up slowly.

"Sorry, I really didn't contract three primordial beasts."

The next moment, a golden light cocoon appeared in front of her again!

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