God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1437 God Tribulation (Third Watch)

The second catastrophe appeared so quickly?

Seeing this situation, everyone was taken aback.

Everyone knows that in order to break through to the ninth rank, the eighth rank primordial beast usually needs to withstand the test of the nine heavenly tribulations.

Some primordial beasts were able to withstand all nine catastrophes and successfully break through, but most of them died in the front.

That ice-eyed bone dragon does seem to have some strength, and it was expected to be able to take over the first catastrophe.

But... is this too fast?

At this moment, all the rays of light from the first Heavenly Tribulation had dissipated from Yinfeng's body.

In other words, the power of that catastrophe has been completely digested by it.

Although there were several shocking scars on its body at this time, it was obvious that it was still in good condition.

This catastrophe did not have much impact on it.

"It's just the first one... Wait until the end, it will suffer!"

Many people have such thoughts in their hearts.

Soon, the second catastrophe was also slammed down!

This time, the power of Tianjie is obviously much stronger than before.

However, Yinfeng took almost the same time to receive the second catastrophe.

The dragon scales on its body were lifted, its skin was ripped apart, and its blood flowed continuously.

However, it is quite different from the dying picture that everyone imagined.

The third catastrophe will fall soon!

At the same time, on Jinling's side, the second catastrophe finally appeared!

For a moment, there was continuous roaring in the sky.

The heavenly tribulations that were wrapped in strong power fell one after another, almost deafening people's ears.

However, everyone gradually became numb.

Because... these two primordial beasts don't play cards according to common sense at all!

Is it difficult to cross the catastrophe as promised?

What about the promised narrow escape?

How come it's not like this at all when it comes to them?

The first two or three Heavenly Tribulations were not strong enough, so it's okay to deal with them quickly.

But behind, why is it still like this?

Obviously, they can all clearly feel that the further they go to the back, the more terrifying the power of the catastrophe will be.

But those two seemed to have no feeling at all!

third way.

fourth way.

Seventh way!

The time seemed to be extremely long, and everyone present felt very tormented.

But in fact, from the beginning of the breakthrough to the present, it was only a short period of two sticks of incense.

Both Yinfeng and Jinling were already covered with scars, and there was almost no good place on their bodies.

Everyone feels that it's time, it's time to fail...

But they never fell down.

Seeing, Yinfeng has already waited for the eighth catastrophe!

And Jin Ling is about to break free from the seventh catastrophe!

The square, which was still full of discussions at the beginning, was now completely silent.

say what?

Everyone can see that it is not difficult for these two to break through the ninth rank!

In fact, even Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

She had thought before that the strength of Yinfeng and Jinling should be stronger than that of ordinary eighth-rank primordial beasts, so this catastrophe might not be so difficult for them.

I didn't expect it to be like this...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mu Qinglan sighed in his heart.

The scene of the contract with Silver Wind back then is still very clear.

At that time, a few catastrophes almost killed Yinfeng.

If it wasn't for her and Yan Lao's help later on, I'm afraid it was...

At that time, how could she, or Yinfeng, have thought of today's scene?

And Jin Ling.

It has been dormant for the past few years, and it has obviously put in a lot of effort in exchange for today's ease.

Mu Qinglan let out a long breath, glanced at the sky, and pursed her lips slightly.

Silverwind took some time to deal with the eighth catastrophe.

When it reappeared, many wounds on its body were already visible to the bone.

Its breath has also weakened a lot.

However, in those icy blue eyes, there is a crazy fighting spirit, burning fiercely!


The Ninth Tribulation finally appeared!

Everyone was terrified when they saw it—this ninth heavenly tribulation might be more powerful than the previous eight together!

At this time, Yinfeng, can it survive...

At this moment, Yinfeng suddenly moved and rushed towards the sky!


Among the crowd, there was a sound of gasping for air.


It actually took the initiative to meet the ninth catastrophe! ?

I really don't want my life!

From the perspective of most people, they feel that Yinfeng is asking for a dead end.

If it hadn't been injured at the beginning, it might still have a three-point chance of winning, but now——

The ninth catastrophe finally collided with the silver wind in midair!

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, the violent power spread towards the surroundings!

The bright and dazzling light almost illuminated half of the sky!

Almost at the same time, Jin Ling finally passed the eighth catastrophe!

What's even more shocking is that it didn't stop, and even rushed towards the sky!

Everyone was dumbfounded—the ninth catastrophe, but it hasn't been accomplished yet!

When the Golden Spirit arrived, the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation had just torn apart the dark clouds and emerged from it!

Jin Ling rushed forward! Fight with the Ninth Tribulation!

Between heaven and earth, there is turmoil!


You Yue and the others saw their hearts pounding.

Isn't it the eighth rank breaking through the ninth rank?

How could there be such a big commotion?

This Mu Qinglan is a lunatic, and her primordial beast is also a lunatic!

Long Zhan glanced at him, and finally spoke lightly.

"It's shocking now, it's a bit early."


You Yue subconsciously glanced at Long Zhan, but saw the corners of Long Zhan's mouth slowly raised, and then lifted his chin.


What are you looking at?

You Yue was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously followed his gaze to look over.

Above the sky, the two primordial beasts were struggling in the midst of the catastrophe.

have what…


The last cataclysm has fallen, so why hasn't the dark cloud dissipated?

In You Yue's mind, an extremely absurd idea suddenly popped up!

He subconsciously shook his head and muttered: "Impossible... Impossible..."

However, Kagura suddenly became energetic and stood up.

Yuan Ruili frowned.

Master Yiran patted the shoulder of the child in front of him, and said meaningfully:

"looks great."

This is... a truly rare scene...

In the sky, behind the dark clouds that were fighting in chaos, a ray of light suddenly appeared.

It was a bolt of lightning like a spirit snake.

Not stout, not majestic.

However, it is colored.

That is the divine catastrophe that can only appear after breaking through the ancient dragon!

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