God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1456 Nine (four more)

Persimmons should be picked soft.

In You Yue's eyes, among the major sects currently occupying the position of the top four, the best to deal with is Misty Divine Sect.

The remaining Yuan Clan, Supreme Shrine, and Tianwen Temple are all existences of the same level as their Nether Palace.

In the past Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meetings, nine times out of ten, their four major sects occupied the top four.

As for the four of them, each has its own outcome.

Although You Yue is not afraid, but he is not sure enough to win against the others.

In contrast, of course the Misty Divine Sect is the best to win.

What's more, their Nether Palace was eliminated by the Misty God Sect before, and now they challenge again, and they can stand up wherever they fall.

Old and new grudges must be settled together.

The square fell silent for an instant.

Everyone's eyes wandered back and forth between You Yue and Misty Shenzong.

However, there was no surprise on the faces of most of the people, instead they were suddenly "so sure".

I also know that the Nether Palace will never let it go.

Otherwise, this face will be completely lost.

In the next ten years, how can they still hang out in the gods and demons?

Thinking with their toes, they all knew that they would definitely challenge Misty Shenzong.

Elder Wei Yue narrowed his eyes slightly.

You Yue asked: "What? Is the Misty Divine Sect afraid to fight?"

Elder Wei Yue smiled: "How could that be? However, as far as I know, if this challenge fails... It seems that the Nether Palace will lose the qualification to participate in the next Ten Thousand Gods Festival, right? So, the Lord of the Nether Palace will continue to challenge Am I Misty Divine Sect?"

You Yue's face was a bit ugly.

Do you still need Elder Wei Yue to remind you of this?

If he didn't have this confidence, he wouldn't have raised this challenge!

"Elder Wei Yue seems to have great confidence in the Misty Sect..." You Yue said with one hand behind him, his voice a bit cold.

Elder Wei Yue smiled indifferently and said:

"Since Lord Youfu has already proposed a challenge, we will naturally not refuse. However, please wait a moment, Master Youfu. After our lord breaks through, it is not too late to talk about these things? After all, the few who went down earlier seem to be They haven't come up yet."

According to the rules, the Big Four Tournament can only continue after all the people who entered the tomb of the gods come out.

But until now, none of the few people who went down came out.

Everyone is waiting.

You Yue paused: "No problem. I just hope that when the time comes, you won't go back on your word."

Elder Wei Yue didn't seem to care about his words, he just nodded and walked towards Mu Qinglan again.

It seems that Youyue's words are not as important in his heart as seeing Mu Qinglan's breakthrough.

This feeling of being ignored immediately made You Yue feel much worse.

He clenched his fists, suppressing the anger in his heart.

Just walk and see!

"The Thunder Tribulation summoned by Your Majesty seems a bit unusual..."

After Elder Wei Yue walked back, he looked up at the sky again.

"Changfu, it seems that there is more movement than when you broke through back then."

Elder Changfu snorted softly.

"Of course we can't compare with Your Majesty."

In fact, among the five of them, although Elder Weiyue is the eldest, it was Elder Changfu who caused the most commotion when breaking through to the Holy Master.

His temperament has always been proud, that's why Elder Wei Yue deliberately teased him like this.

Elder Wei Yue chuckled, feeling a little surprised.

Chang's temperament has always been somewhat lonely and proud.

At the beginning, when he noticed that there was a change in the soul-suppressing stone, Changfu's reaction was also the coldest.

He once made it clear that if the new mission Junshang is not strong enough, he will not be convinced.

So when he came, Elder Wei Yue was somewhat worried.

However, from the looks of it, it seems that Changfu's attitude towards His Majesty has changed a lot.

In fact, after Elder Changfu arrived, he had already probably heard about what happened at the previous Panoramic Gathering.

Although Mu Qinglan's own realm is only a lord, she led Misty Shenzong all the way to Shenmeng Cliff, and fought her way to the top four.

He knew in his heart how difficult it was.

So he had already changed his mind about Mu Qinglan and admired him.

The number of thunder disasters in the sky is still increasing.

The square gradually fell silent.

When the silver snakes gushed out, the atmosphere gradually became tense.

Some people even started to look at Mu Qinglan from time to time.

——Why haven't you stopped yet? When exactly did she break through? !

This wait is a full hour.

Most of the sky has been covered by dark clouds, and a huge thunder pool appears in the sky, the scale is astonishing!

Even just looking at it can be frightening.


A loud noise suddenly spread between heaven and earth!

Everyone's heart trembled—here we come!

Almost at the same time, Mu Qinglan suddenly opened his eyes!

In her eyes, a golden light flashed quickly!

The next moment, a silver thunderbolt from the sky quickly struck down!

The target——it was Mu Qinglan!

Without any hesitation, Mu Qinglan quickly flew up with a touch of her toes!

There was a gasp from the crowd.

"Is she crazy? She wants to fight this thunder disaster head-on?"

"Looks like he's really brave... With so many lightning tribulations, I really don't know how powerful it will be!"

"If Mu Qinglan can really successfully break through the Holy Lord today, all the power of thunder and calamity will be transformed into her power..."

To that extent, it is truly terrifying.

Everyone's eyes have been focused on the woman in black!

The energy in Mu Qinglan's body was running wildly!

She stared at the Thunder Tribulation, clenched her fists tightly, and then punched without hesitation!

She has really, seen too many things like Heavenly Tribulation!


Mu Qinglan directly collided with Tianjie!

A strong light quickly enveloped her whole body!

Half of the sky was immediately illuminated!

Many people subconsciously covered their eyes, but they didn't want to miss it, so they forced themselves to open their eyes to see.

"She actually used her physical body to fight against Lei Jie?"

There was a murmur from the crowd.

When ordinary cultivators break through the Holy Master, they will make preparations in advance, and even lay down several layers of barriers.

As long as you can survive the thunder disaster, you can break through smoothly.

There are even some star array masters who are not strong enough in physical strength, and often build star arrays specially to resist the power of this thunder disaster.

But when it comes to Mu Qinglan...why doesn't he seem to care about the thunder calamity at all?

Soon, Mu Qinglan's figure became clear again!

However, her body was unscathed!

The terrible thunder tribulation just now didn't seem to have any effect on her!

Everyone was stunned.

Mu Qinglan looked up at the thunder pond, turned her wrist, and murmured:

"It seems a little numb..."

a bit numb...


Hearing her words, the expressions of the holy lord powerhouse present all became a little strange.

I don't know how much thought was spent in breaking through the Holy Master back then, even risking my life!

But when it comes to you, Mu Qinglan, it becomes... a little numb? !

Who are you looking down on! ?

When everyone was shocked and speechless, they suddenly saw Mu Qinglan rushing towards the Thunder Pond!

In the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared into that piece of silver light!

Above the square, there was a dead silence!


You Yue was stunned, and stuttered for a moment.

I've seen crazy ones, but I've never seen such a desperate one!

Mu Qinglan really thought that she was invincible in the world! ?

Yuan Ruili frowned.

Mu Qinglan will never do anything unsure, but it is indeed too risky to rush directly into the thunder pool...

What is she trying to do?

Master Yiran seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and his expression was startled.

Kagura's eyes flickered, and a pair of beautiful eyes suddenly narrowed and smiled.

Could it be... is it really as she thought?

Mu Qinglan rushed directly into the thunder pool in one breath.

When she stood still and looked around again, there were already wandering silver thunders all around her.

Her appearance obviously attracted the attention of these Lei Jies.

Some of them have already started to move around, planning to attack her!

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath.

It is really troublesome to break through the Holy Master...

The next moment, with a thought in her mind, a golden light erupted from her body!

Afterwards, several golden figures were stripped from her body!

It was those nine ancient avatars!

Mu Qinglan murmured:

"The power in this thunder pond should be enough..."

——For others to break through the Holy Lord, they only need to upgrade a real Lord. But she's in trouble.

She's going to raise nine!

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