God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1460 Fighting (one more)

Mu Qinglan was actually with nine holy bodies! ?

Does this let others live?

If it was not You Yue who was fighting her, but other Holy Lord powerhouses, wouldn't she be doomed to be beaten by gangs?

Everyone's expressions became strange.

Especially the people in Huoyun Pavilion are in complicated moods.

Lu Xing and the others, who had fought against Mu Qinglan before, looked at this scene with wonderful expressions.

For a moment, Lu Xing felt a little rejoiced—fortunately, he was quite sensible when he and Mu Qinglan competed. If he really insisted on fighting to the death, he really didn't know what Mu Qinglan would do next. …

Look at these people who have fought against her, almost all of them are healing, but what about her?

Not only did the injury heal, but it even broke through!

Nine Eucharist...

This is why a divine master like You Yue has the strength to resist, right?

Yu Yue also had a headache.

If there were only three, he could easily subdue them.

Three more came, although he felt a little troublesome, but they were divine masters anyway, and these holy bodies were not enough to pose any threat to him.

But Mu Qinglan summoned three more?

If the thunder pool in the sky had not dissipated, You Yue really would have wondered if Mu Qinglan had more holy bodies!

The current nine are enough to bore him.

The most hateful thing is that Mu Qinglan is sitting cross-legged in such a leisurely way at this time!

She closed her eyes in peace?

What is she planning to do? Is it still possible to break through? !

This thought flashed across You Yue's mind, and he felt that it was ridiculous, but when he thought that Mu Qinglan didn't play cards according to common sense, he felt a little nervous for no reason.

After taking a closer look at Mu Qinglan and finding that the aura on her body did not fluctuate, You Yue was completely relieved.

It doesn't look like it's going to break through...

At a moment when Youyue was stunned, the three sacred bodies that were restrained before suddenly broke free from the ice-blue rope and rushed out from under the rune!

You Yue was startled, and immediately came back to his senses!

Abundant energy poured out in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, Yu Yue fought with those nine saints again!

Although he is a divine master, it is very troublesome to surround him with so many holy bodies.

For a while, Youyue was exhausted, all his thoughts could only be focused on how to deal with these holy bodies again, and he had no time to take care of Mu Qinglan.

Violent energy shocks rushed towards Mu Qinglan from time to time, but there was already a layer of red barrier around her, blocking all those fluctuations.

No one knows what she's doing.

Within the sea of ​​air, the thousand-leaf red lotus seed quietly floated above the lake.

A faint radiance shrouded it with a layer of gentle power.

Mu Qinglan sighed softly.

This Chiba Red Lotus Seed is really hard to deal with...

She had tried several times before, but she was still unable to open the Chiba Red Lotus Seed.

The red light outside is like a solid barrier that cannot be broken.

Think about it too, after all, it is the life-long painstaking effort of God Lord Nine Thunders, if it can be opened so easily, it is too inappropriate.

Mu Qinglan calmed herself down, gathered the strength in her body, and tried again!


Once not twice, twice not three times!

Mu Qinglan has completely forgotten the passage of time, just trying again and again tirelessly!

Until a certain moment, Mu Qinglan finally felt that the barrier outside began to tremble!


Mu Qinglan regained her spirits immediately, and continued to try hitting again and again!

Every time I tried, Chiba Honglianzi seemed to vibrate, and the amplitude became bigger and bigger.

At this time, Mu Qinglan's body strength had been exhausted, and she was exhausted.

But she still gritted her teeth and continued to pound!

Time passed bit by bit.

At this time, Mu Qinglan was completely focused on the Qianye Honglianzi, so she naturally had no time to care about the outside world.

In fact, Youyue has gradually gained the upper hand.

The nine holy bodies have been dragged on for a long time, but it is a bit difficult to win Youyue.

There was a surge of anger in You Yue's heart, and his attacks became more ruthless.

The icy blue rope has now become a huge cage!

The nine sacred bodies, together with You Yue himself, were all locked inside!

But this is You Yue's territory after all, so not only will it not restrict his actions, but it will be more beneficial to him.

The nine Eucharist were separated individually.

Only then did You Yue begin to make breakthroughs!

Although she doesn't know what Mu Qinglan is doing, the fool can also see that she is deliberately delaying time!

In any case, he had to end the battle as soon as possible!

It stands to reason that he is the God Lord, and there is no need to worry about Mu Qinglan.

But—but because this person is Mu Qinglan, it is always full of uncertainties!

Although You Yue is not afraid, but there is a faint worry.

He quickly glanced at Mu Qinglan, his gaze was slightly cold.

Then, from his two hands, countless yuan energies gushed out crazily!

The ice blue armor quickly covered his hands!

A shocking violent breath spread from his body!

Aware of this movement, many people's expressions changed.

——Is Yu Yue finally going to use the power of the divine master? !

The next moment, Youyue's hands grabbed the two ice-blue ropes passing in front of him!

Then, pull it hard and throw it out!

A crackling sound spread far away!

I saw that ice-blue rope, when he swung it, it burst like crazy!

Countless sparks splashed in all directions!

Those terrifying forces spread wildly around!

Wherever he went, the space collapsed one after another!

Some people covered their ears with horrified expressions, while others quickly set up enchantments in front of them!

Yuan Ruili squinted his eyes, waved his sleeve robe lightly, and a transparent barrier enveloped the battlefield.

Youyue's power hit the barrier, causing ripples!

Several holy bodies were thrown out at the same time!

bang bang bang!

All those golden holy bodies flew out!

Under the impact of this terrifying force, they all hit the surrounding barriers!

You Yue sneered, then suddenly looked at Mu Qinglan!

The nine holy bodies did take him a lot of time.

Before this, he did not expect that Mu Qinglan could push him to this point.

"All under the God Lord are ants. It's time to end!"

As soon as his figure moved, he rushed straight towards Mu Qinglan!

At this moment, within Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​qi, there was finally a slight cracking sound!


Something, from the Chiba Red Lotus Seed, gushes out crazily!

Mu Qinglan suddenly opened his eyes!

You Yue suddenly noticed something, he was startled, and his eyes widened!

Without even thinking about it, he backed away immediately!

But why did Mu Qinglan give him this chance?

She put one hand on the ground and turned over!

"Just in time!"

After the words fell, her eyes were already blazing red!

This is a little less, you have to go out for a trip.

Strive for three shifts at four o'clock in the afternoon.

If there are only two changes at four o'clock, it will be made up at six o'clock

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