God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1483 You Are the One Who Hit (Third Watch)

Mu Qinglan broke through the Star Array King Master, shocking everyone inside and outside the ancient battlefield.

However, almost at the same time, there was an astonishing fluctuation on the third battlefield!

Someone quickly came back to his senses, and when he saw the scene clearly, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"That Feng Qiqi broke through the Holy Lord!"

Hearing this sound, many people subconsciously looked at the scene of the third battlefield, and they saw that the young man from Piao Miao Shenzong had formally broken through to the Holy Master!

In front of him, there is an identical silver figure with a strong aura!

—it was his Eucharist!

"He actually broke through smoothly..."

I don't know who murmured in a low voice.

Everyone's expressions were a bit complicated.

Seeing Mu Qinglan directly break through the Star Formation Master Wang was already shocking enough, but I didn't expect her subordinates to break through at the same time.

Although this result was expected by everyone before, the moment of seeing it with one's own eyes still makes people feel emotional.

The square became more and more silent.

But this silence was soon broken.

"That also broke through! Is it called Jin Qi?"

Although the people on the third battlefield were not in the same place, the people watching outside could still see clearly.

That person is indeed Elder Jin Qi of Piaomiao Shenzong!

And the point is, after he broke through the Holy Master, he didn't stop!

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Elder Jin Qi flew all the way, directly breaking through the middle stage of the Holy Lord!

When he was in the Shengyuan Continent before, he had stayed at the peak of the Lord for many years, and he hadn't taken that last step for a long time.

After coming to Shenmotian, he has been continuously accumulating strength, but because he has not cultivated a satisfactory holy body, he has been suppressing it.

Until now, I finally got the inheritance of a certain divine master, and successfully condensed the Eucharist!

As a result, the energy he squeezed before surged out! It directly made him break through to the middle stage of the Holy Lord!

Although on the third battlefield, several other sects also had breakthroughs one after another, none of them was as shocking as the Piao Miao Shenzong.

Soon, on the second battlefield, Elder Nine Feathers and Lian Fourteen also broke through the Holy Master one after another!

Everyone was shocked from the beginning, and gradually became numb.

A rough calculation shows that a total of more than a dozen people have entered the Piaomiao Shenzong, and up to now, one-third of them have successfully broken through!

Such a ratio, among the top four, undoubtedly ranks first!

Finally, someone couldn't help but ask:

"How many holy masters does Piaomiao Shenzong have now?"

No one answered.

The Piaomiao Shenzong at the beginning had only two or three Holy Masters to support the scene, and the lineup was dilapidated, anyone could step on it, and they were contemptuous and disdainful.

but now…

Not only did they break into the semi-finals, but they also seized the opportunity and made breakthroughs one after another!

After the breakthrough, Mu Qinglan insisted on watching the match between the two Star Array masters.

Although she couldn't fully comprehend it at this time, it was still much better than at the beginning.

Mu Qinglan saluted seriously:

"Thank you two seniors."

If it wasn't for them, she really didn't know when she would find an opportunity to break through.

The two Star Array Grandmasters completed the task and were in a good mood.

The god of sunflower is a little bit reluctant:

"Why don't we fight again and you can watch more?"

Mu Qinglan: "..."

God Lord Yu Gan laughed.

"Don't tease her! She has just broken through to the Star Formation Master, so let her digest it."

Only then did Mu Qinglan feel relieved.

This scene has already exhausted her, and if it happens again, she may really not be able to hold on anymore.

God and Lord Tiankui explained a few more words before finally leaving.

It's not that they are in a hurry, but if they continue to stay, there will be another quarrel in the dark area.

Mu Qinglan watched the two leave before turning around and looking at Yuan Ruili and the others.

Several people on the colorful stone platform were a little speechless looking at her expression.

Especially people from the Yuan clan.

As soon as Mu Qinglan moved, he returned to the colorful stone platform.

She looked at Yuan Ruili with a smile, and asked:

"Now, can I participate in the final competition? Oh, I almost forgot, it seems that only Hongshi and I are qualified now?"

Yuan Rui choked.

He said the words before, but now that Mu Qinglan read it out, it really seemed to have slapped him in the face!

Yuan Xingze and Yuan Lingshu were also trying to comprehend the star formations of the two star formation masters just now, but they didn't last long before they were defeated.

Only Mu Qinglan not only persevered, but also successfully broke through the Master of Star Formation!

How did this make Yuan Ruili happy?

"Xingzhe also summoned the artifact, so he should be able to participate in the finals, right?"

When the arena was quiet, a woman's voice suddenly came.

Mu Qinglan took a look and smiled.

Yuan Lingshu?

She didn't succeed by herself, she looked a little frustrated, and when she saw it, she was a little dissatisfied.

"Aya Shu."

Yuan Xingze didn't expect Yuan Lingshu to speak for him, so he quickly stopped her.

What occasion is this? Where do they have the qualifications to argue?

No matter how bad it is, there is still the patriarch ahead!

Yuan Lingshu also realized that she was a little impulsive, bit her lip, and gave Yuan Xingze a wronged look.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and asked:

"I haven't participated in the Pantheon of the Gods before, so I don't know much about these rules. I don't know... Summoning artifacts, does it count?"

As she said that, she still looked at Yuan Xingze curiously.

Yuan Xingze suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

When those clear and lingling eyes looked at him, he felt a little ashamed.

Compared with the other party who summoned the two Supreme God Lords, the fact that he summoned the divine weapon was indeed a bit unresponsive.

Yuan Ruili was actually a little embarrassed.

These are actually not expressly stipulated.

Yuan Xingze seems to have hit the edge of the ball.

It is okay to say that you are qualified, but if you are not qualified, no one will stop you.

It's just... I'm afraid of comparison in everything.

Mu Qinglan's casual question made him feel very awkward.

"Sacred weapons are also extremely important to the God Lord. In my opinion, they should be considered qualified."

Master Yiran smiled and came out to smooth things over.

Yuan Ruili let out a sigh of relief.

Mu Qinglan turned his eyes slightly on the several people and smiled.

"Okay. Whatever the senior says, it's what it is."

Yuan Ruili suddenly felt very embarrassed.

When did their Yuan clan fall to such a state?

"It's been a while, and it seems that Hongshi can't succeed." Master Yiran didn't mind this.

Hearing the sound, Hongshi finally stood up with guilt on his face.

"Hongshi is ashamed, let the master down."

Master Yiran shook his head.

"You did your best. And…"

He paused and didn't say the rest.

In fact, he felt that the first battlefield seemed a bit weird.

But it doesn't make sense to say that now.

Kagura didn't care about this, and went directly to comfort Jinse, and said:

"Then there are only three of them who are qualified now. Do you want to compete together?"

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

Compare together?

Could it be that the three of them are going to compete together?

"Then let's go together." Master Yiran nodded in agreement.

Mu Qinglan blinked.


Yuan Ruili had no choice but to disagree.

"Then let's start directly."

After the discussion, everyone retreated to the edge and gave up the middle field to the three who were about to compete.

Mu Qinglan stepped forward first and stood still.

Hiroshi followed closely and stood on the other side.

Yuan Lingshu couldn't help pulling Yuan Xingze's sleeve.

"Xingze, I believe in you."

Yuan Xingze nodded slightly, and then also entered the stage.

The three of them each occupy one side, forming a powerful force.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense!

Mu Qinglan glanced at the two of them, thinking about how to fight.

If there are three people, it is indeed a lot of trouble...

If one person strikes at the other first, the third person has an advantage.

If it is not guaranteed, someone will join forces.

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan suddenly looked at Hongshi.

Hongshi seemed to be aware of it, glanced back, and shyly avoided his sight.

Mu Qinglan smiled brightly.

"Hongshi, why don't you join hands with me?"

How about you and me joining forces? !

Everyone suspected that there was something wrong with their ears, and looked at Mu Qinglan dumbfounded.

Is there anyone else who pulls people so openly, two against one? !

Yuan Lingshu frowned, and couldn't help saying:

"How can you do this!?"

Mu Qinglan blinked: "How am I?"

"Aren't you a bully?" Yuan Lingshu thought of Yuan Xingze's danger and worried in her heart, so she said impulsively, "This is not fair at all!"

Mu Qinglan sneered.


"I'm fighting you Yuan Clan today, what's fair and unfair!"

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On her wedding anniversary, her husband got her drunk and put her on the bed of a strange man with his own hands.

After a night of humiliation, she wanted to find out, but found that the world had changed overnight.

The company changed hands, her parents were killed, and even her elder brother and sister-in-law were in a car accident, all because of her beloved husband.

And she once thought that she was willing to spoil her husband for the rest of her life. After throwing down a divorce agreement to force her to divorce, she turned around and hugged other women, and even had a five-year-old son.

The three years of love turned out to be an illusion.

Falling from heaven to hell, Su Qing vowed to take revenge.

But how to get revenge is also a skill.

The strange man who spent the whole night with her smiled coldly, "I'll help you. As for you, I will pay you."

Yesterday, I was in pain until two o'clock in the middle of the night, and I barely fell asleep. I woke up in the morning to write an update.

Now the saliva hurts and screams (manual goodbye)

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