God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1491 Life Breath (four more)


A loud whipping sound suddenly sounded!

The black ruler fell and hit Mu Linghan hard!

His head was tilted to one side, and his clothes were torn apart from his left shoulder to his chest!

You can even see the bloody wounds under the torn clothes!

Everyone was stunned—even if it was God's punishment, why didn't Mu Linghan hide?

No matter how arrogant he is, he won't be able to make things difficult for himself like this, right?

Or...he can't hide?

"Yuan Rui Li!"

Kagura looked terrified and was about to rush towards Yuan Ruili immediately.

As soon as Master Ran moved his footsteps, he blocked her way.

Kagura looked at him in amazement and anger:

"Even you want to stop me!?"

Master Yiran shook his head helplessly.

"Kagura, I know you are worried, but this is the matter of the Yuan Clan after all. If you interfere blindly, it may not be good."

Kagura gritted her teeth.

How could she not know this truth?

If she really got into a fight with Yuan Ruili, it would mean that the Supreme Shrine completely broke with the Yuan Clan.

Even if she doesn't think about herself, she still has to think about the children of the Supreme Shrine.

Moreover, in the final analysis, she is indeed an "outsider".

Even speaking of it, most people would still side with the Yuan Clan.

No matter how they deal with Mu Linghan, it is true that others have no right to comment.

But asking her to watch helplessly like this is tantamount to torture!

Seeing Kagura's tangled expression, Master Yiran sighed softly.

"How do you know that the child will not be able to resist?"

Kagura was taken aback, then gritted his teeth.

Since he is that person's child, his talent and strength are definitely not bad.

Maybe, he can really survive the nine divine punishments.

"However, he was clearly injured before. In this case, he has suffered a disadvantage in dealing with the nine divine punishments! Besides—even if he can survive it, the final result is just to destroy the Yuanmai and linger on his last breath That's all!"

Master Yi Ran knew that it was difficult to persuade her, so he gave way and said:

"I won't stop you. But you have to be clear, he is trapped in the life card, and he can't leave that position at all. If you insist on helping, it is not a simple matter. If you are not careful, you may hurt that life card. At that time, I'm afraid it will make him even more dangerous."

Kagura finally hesitated.

"Also, he doesn't necessarily want help from others."

Master Yiran's last sentence finally shocked Kagura's heart.

She looked at Mu Linghan, and saw that although he was embarrassed, his expression was still calm and composed, stubborn and stubborn.

——This kind of expression really resembles his mother's.

Kagura closed his eyes, and finally took two steps back.

"I'll just wait and see."

If Yuan Ruili insisted on taking his life, then she would stop her whatever she said.

But before that, he has his pride, and she won't make a move.

"Baby apprentice, how are you...how?"

Lord Jiulei asked cautiously, feeling very worried.

That's really Baby Tuer's brother!

Seeing my elder brother endure such torture with my own eyes, no one can bear it, let alone my precious apprentice?

For today, she has suffered a lot.

Originally, Lord Jiulei thought that when Yuan Ruili made a move, Mu Qinglan would step forward to stop him, but she didn't.

On the contrary, she was still standing here, motionless, just looking at the situation in the arena steadfastly.

She was so calm, but God Master Jiulei was even more worried.

Mu Qinglan's lips moved, and she could already clearly smell the blood between her lips and teeth.

She said in her heart:

"My brother told me to wait, so I will wait."

Lord Nine Thunders was very surprised:

"He asked you to wait? When? Didn't you just say nothing? It seems that you only glanced at it?"

Mu Qinglan was silent for a moment.


God Lord Nine Thunders suddenly had a flash of inspiration—could it be that the moment they looked at each other just now, the two of them connected with each other?

Yes, the two of them are brothers and sisters, and it seems normal to have telepathy.

With such a tacit understanding, there is no need to speak.

It's just that it's hard for my precious apprentice to watch with my own eyes like this...

So what exactly does Mu Linghan want to do?

He was curious in his heart, but he also knew that this was not the time to continue asking, so he only said one sentence:

"Anyway, dear apprentice, just do whatever you want! There is still a teacher to support you! No matter how bad it is, don't you want to return those old guys!"

Although everyone could not understand each other and was not convinced ten thousand years ago, it is different today.

How can I say that group of people used to be the top powerhouses in Shenmotian, and they are definitely more than enough to deal with a Yuan clan!

In fact, at this time, many divine masters who are still in the dark realm are also ready to move.

At first they didn't know what happened, but now that things have come to this point, a fool can guess Mu Qinglan's identity!

"Is that kid really Qinglan girl's brother?"

"Hey! Are you blind! Didn't you see that the siblings look exactly alike?"

"Bah! You are the one who is blind! Although the two look alike, they are a boy and a girl. How come they are exactly the same!?"

"What are you talking about? Those god-lords can't tell, can't you old bastards also see it? Girl Qinglan and that kid belong to the same lineage! Their breaths are so similar, they are definitely brothers and sisters! If you don't believe me, just ask Xiling!"

Dean Xiling didn't know much about it, so he immediately pulled out the Ice Blue Excalibur.

"Specifically, let Bing Lan tell you. He knows more details."

The Ice Blue Excalibur rolled its eyes at Xi Ling, then sighed a long time, frowning tightly, with a mournful look.

"If you want to talk about girl Qinglan, that's really pitiful! At the beginning, she and her brother were selected into the Zhongyuan Secret Realm because of their outstanding talents. I didn't expect that later..."

The Ice Blue Excalibur immediately told about Mu Qinglan's life experience and the experiences of these years.

In fact, he didn't know the inside story very well, but what he knew was enough.

All the gods were deeply moved when they heard this.

"I didn't expect Qinglan girl to be so pitiful...we have to help her no matter what!"

"That's right! No one backs her up, don't we still have us?!"

"How about we go down now?"

"Wait a minute, I see girl Qinglan, she seems to have other plans..."

The voices of the gods were not deliberately covered up, so Mu Qinglan could hear them very clearly.

There seemed to be a warm current in her heart, and she said:

"Qinglan is here first, thank you seniors."

Dean Xiling asked:

"Girl Qinglan, when are you going to ask us to help?"

Mu Qinglan paused and said:

"It's not the most suitable time yet. Please, seniors, wait a moment."

When the gods heard the words, they could only continue to wait. At the same time, they were also curious: what are these two brothers and sisters planning to do?


The sound of the black ruler lashing the flesh makes one's heart tremble.

Tick, tick...

This was the sound of Mu Linghan's blood dripping on the ground.

From the beginning to the end, he seemed to be trapped in that position by invisible shackles, and was forced to suffer the divine punishment of Yuanrui Li!

This is already the seventh way.

There was no good place on Mu Linghan's body, and his whole body was covered with scars.

But in fact, his inner injuries were more serious than those on the outside.

Because of this divine punishment, the pressure on the soul is even stronger!

If you can't support it, you will be out of your wits!

And Mu Linghan has already survived the seventh stage!

But judging by his appearance at this time, no one can guarantee whether he can survive the nine divine punishments.

Mu Qinglan opened his eyes, watching this scene without blinking, his eyes were already scarlet.

Every time the black ruler fell down and left a scar on her brother's body, she would remember to hate Yuan Clan more in her heart!

hold on…

Mu Qinglan kept admonishing herself in her heart! Be sure to hold back!

Otherwise, all the hardships my brother has suffered will be in vain!


The eighth divine punishment fell heavily!

Just hearing a crisp breaking sound, Mu Linghan's body was suddenly knocked down to the ground!

And the life card that has been hanging beside him has almost completely dimmed at this time! There is only the last bit of starlight left, like a candle in the wind, which will go out at any time.

Once the life breath in the life card collapses, the person will also die completely!

Mu Qinglan only felt that something in her chest was about to explode!

Yuan Ruili looked at Mu Linghan condescendingly.

He is dying.

With this last and ninth divine punishment, Mu Linghan would definitely die!

However, Mu Linghan suddenly managed to raise his head, looked at Yuan Ruili, and smiled provocatively.

"But... so..."

court death!

Yuan Ruili's expression was serious:

"Anyone who violates the family rules should bear this responsibility!"

As he spoke, he raised the black ruler in his hand, and the last divine punishment came down suddenly!


The last bit of light in the life card finally completely disappeared!

Toothache, pain, pain, pain

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