God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1501 Divine Grade Bloodline (3rd watch)

By the way, almost forgot this.

Mu Qinglan suddenly remembered what Qinglin had mentioned before, saying that after coming to Shenmotian, if he couldn't compete with the Yuan clan, he would test the Yuanmai and make those people change their minds, so they had to compromise.

But after coming here, just as Mu Qinglan's identity was revealed, he happened to invite all the gods to help.

She didn't think about it.

At this time, after listening to Dean Xiling's words, Mu Qinglan remembered again.

But... they are about to sever ties with the Yuan family, so why mention the Yuanmai test?

Seeing the gloating looks on the faces of Dean Xiling and the gods around him, Mu Qinglan felt even more strange.

In fact, when Qinglin said that, Mu Qinglan had doubted it, and even asked if it was because her Yuanmai level was relatively high.

But Qinglin did not answer directly at that time, saying that he would not know until he arrived.

At this time, the reaction of Dean Xiling and others made her feel that perhaps this conjecture was correct.

But... the Yuan family is very powerful, it is almost the top family in Shenmotian, and the most indispensable thing is genius, right?

What level must they reach before they can be willing to bow their heads?

Yuan Ruili was also stunned.

Then, his expression changed slightly.

Because he suddenly remembered that the light on Mu Linghan's life card just now was clearly extremely bright!

Although he hated seeing the two brothers and sisters very much in his heart, he had to admit that their lives seemed to be stronger than Yuan Xingze and the others!

At first he thought it was because the lives of the brother and sister were mixed together, so it looked extraordinarily bright.

But now, he was a little uncertain.

Dean Xiling has already opened his mouth with a smile.

"Anyway, it doesn't take much effort to test the Yuanmai level, how about... come and try?"

These words were directed at Yuan Ruili.

Seeing Dean Xiling's eagerness to try, Yuan Ruili subconsciously wanted to refuse.

He suddenly had a premonition—he had better not agree to this proposal!

"The Yuanmai test needs to be carried out in the Yuan Clan. At this time and here, it is not—"

Before Yuan Ruili finished speaking, Dean Xiling raised his eyebrows and interrupted him.

"You are the patriarch of the Yuan clan, you can directly test the Yuanmai level, can't you? Why is it so troublesome?"

Yuan Ruili closed his mouth.

Even a fool could feel it: The other party made it clear that they wanted to test the Yuanmai level of Mu Linghan and Mu Qinglan on the spot!

There was a brief silence in the field.

Yuan Yixuan, who was standing behind everyone, suddenly involuntarily clenched Mu Linghan's hand when he heard the sound.

Mu Linghan was watching the commotion over there, and when he noticed his mother's movements, he glanced at her calmly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seeing Niangqin like this, why does she seem...a little nervous?

Mu Linghan held her hand backhand.

Yuan Yixuan glanced at him.

Mu Linghan said in a low voice:

"Mother, don't worry. After all, there are senior god masters here. He can't hurt you, and he won't hurt Qing'er either."

Yuan Yixuan nodded, his eyes drooping slightly.

Yuan Ruili finally said:

"Since you insist, then... a test is fine."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and a jade tablet appeared in his palm.

The jade tablet was no more than the size of a palm, and the whole body was shiny and translucent, and the whole was carved into the appearance of a divine seal.

The moment the jade tablet appeared, a faint coercion descended suddenly!

"This is the fate card of the ancestors of the Yuan clan. Although the ancestors have passed away, the power still exists. You just need to put your hand on the fate card and inject the power."

As Yuan Ruili said, he sent the life card forward.

The life card was suspended in midair, exuding a faint glow.

Mu Qinglan stared intently and squinted her eyes.

The fate card of the ancestors of the Yuan clan back then?

No wonder the coercion on it is stronger than that on Yuan Ruili...

Come to think of it, only the previous patriarchs are qualified to hold this thing, right?

Mu Qinglan's footsteps moved slightly, and she was about to step forward when she heard her brother's voice behind her.

"Qing'er, I'll come first."

Mu Qinglan turned her head and saw her brother walking over with her mother.

Mu Qinglan helped her mother up.

It seems that my brother is still not at ease with this fate card, so I have to go first...

Mu Qinglan nodded slightly.

The two siblings glanced at each other quickly.

Mu Linghan walked towards the fate sign.

He walked up to the fate card and stood still, took a quick look at the fate card, and then put his hand on the fate card calmly.

Then, he closed his eyes, mobilized the energy in his body, and poured it into the life card!

Everyone couldn't help looking at it, and even became nervous together.

I don't know what level Mu Linghan's Yuanmai is?

The Yuan Clan opposed Yuan Yixuan's marriage with outsiders so much back then, and even for so many years they never gave up looking for it, and punished him at all costs. In fact, the biggest reason was that they didn't want the blood of the Yuan Clan's God Master to be affected.

It was rumored that the man Yuan Yixuan had his eye on back then, the father of Mu Linghan and his sister, was an ordinary cultivator.

The child born to this husband and wife does not know how talented he is.

There was a brief silence.


Suddenly a buzzing sound sounded, and the life card suddenly shone brightly!

Everyone opened their eyes wide in shock, staring blankly at this scene.

Yuan Ruili frowned.

This light...Mu Linghan's Yuanmai level is indeed not low!

Yuan Xingze and Yuan Lingshu were also stunned at this moment.

Others don't know, but they, as members of the Yuan clan, know it best.

Mu Linghan's light was basically determined to be Tianmai.

Moreover, it is very likely to be the Ninth Grade Tianmai!

Didn't it mean that their father was just an ordinary person who didn't even have divine veins?

How could there be a ninth-grade Tianmai?

"Sure enough...their talents are no worse than those in the clan."

Yuan Xingze looked at this scene with complicated eyes.

In fact, after knowing Mu Qinglan's identity just now, he had already vaguely guessed this point in his heart.

Because he fought against Mu Qinglan, he knew Mu Qinglan's talent and strength better than others.

She definitely didn't just rely on the power of the God Lord to get to where she is today.

Her own potential should never be underestimated!

Yuan Lingshu bit her lip, a little dissatisfied, and said in a low voice:

"So what if it's really a ninth-grade Tianmai? There are at least hundreds of people in the clan who have reached this level."

The Yuan Clan is very powerful and has always paid attention to the cultivation of the younger generation, so there are many geniuses in the Clan.

Although the ninth-grade Tianmai sounds very powerful from the outside, it is not uncommon in the Yuan Clan.

Yuan Xingze glanced at her, and the gentleness and tolerance in the past were no longer in his eyes.

"Lingshu, if you are really dissatisfied, you can challenge her later."

Yuan Lingshu was startled, her face turned pale.

With so many gods standing beside Mu Qinglan, how could she be his opponent?

Is Xingze angry?

Is he speaking for the brothers and sisters?

That's because the patriarch said that the two of them are evil sons!

"Xingze, I thought you would be on my side..." Yuan Lingshu felt aggrieved, and grabbed his sleeve, "Just, just now she scolded me, you—"

Yuan Xingze shook his head and pushed her hand away.

"You should change your temper."

Yuan Lingshu felt sad and angry, and said involuntarily:

"Then my origin veins are also stronger than theirs! Back then, I almost broke through the divine blood!"

On top of the ninth-grade Tianmai, there is actually a legendary god-grade bloodline.

Both she and Yuan Xingze almost reached this level, so among so many geniuses in the younger generation of the Yuan clan, they are still the best.

Yuan Xingze didn't bother to pay attention to her, and looked at Mu Linghan again, frowning slightly.

It stands to reason that the test should have ended by now, and the results should come out.

Why didn't Mu Linghan stop?

Others also noticed this one after another, and their expressions became playful.

Especially Yuan Ruili.

As the patriarch of the Yuan clan, no one knows the situation in the Yuanmai level test better than him.

If Mu Linghan stopped at this moment, he would definitely be judged as a ninth-grade Tianmai!

But on the life card, there is no level displayed!

The light on it is still growing!

Yuan Ruili's heart hung up.

Back then...Yuan Yixuan back then was of the divine blood!

She is also the only one who appeared in the Yuan Clan within a hundred years!

That's why the Yuan Clan devoted the most effort to her! Give the most high hopes!

So when she left the Yuan Clan, it was a huge blow to the Yuan Clan.

Could it be...Mu Linghan is also a god-grade Tianmai! ?

But how could his father, that mediocre man, give birth to such a bloodline?

Yuan Ruili couldn't help but fix Mu Linghan tightly!

The surrounding sounds seemed to dissipate, and all he could see in front of his eyes was the ever-brightening fate card!

Finally, a brilliant colorful light suddenly burst out from the life card!

Mu Linghan frowned slightly, and finally moved his hand away.

On the life card, a line of writing slowly appeared!

"Divine Bloodline!"

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