God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1504 Break (Part 2)

Even the power of divine punishment directly entered her body, hiding invisibly.

From the beginning to the end, it didn't have much influence on Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment.

In fact, Yuan Ruili and the others were also shocked at this time.

God's punishment fell, why does Mu Qinglan look like a normal person?

Even if she is also of divine grade blood, it doesn't seem like this should be the reaction, right?

Yuan Ruili frowned, and unbelievingly waved out another wave!


This time, the power of divine punishment was still quickly swallowed by Mu Qinglan!

Didn't even stir up a splash.

Everyone fell silent, looking at Mu Qinglan as if looking at a monster.

Even the previous Mu Linghan didn't have this kind of situation!

What is going on with her?

In fact, Mu Qinglan also wanted to know how this happened.

She vaguely felt that the power of God's Punishment seemed to be swallowed into the Sea of ​​Qi, but then disappeared without a trace and could not be traced.

It seems... It is gradually scattered in the Yuanmai.

But because he couldn't look carefully, Mu Qinglan wasn't sure.

However, it seems that there is no threat to her.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes, looked at Yuan Ruili and said:

"Come again."

Come again...

Come again? !

You are still addicted, aren't you?

Yuan Rui's polite eyes twitched.

Ever since he met this Mu Qinglan, he felt that everything was not going his way!

When I didn't know her identity before, I was still able to comfort myself. This is because children don't know the heights of heaven and earth, so they don't have to worry about her.

But now, Mu Qinglan's identity is revealed to the world, and even Yuan Yixuan and Mu Linghan are still watching from behind!

From Yuan Ruili's ears, everything she said and did at this time was provocative!

What's more, in front of so many people!

He clenched the black ruler in his hand, and quietly increased the power in it!

Since Mu Qinglan is resistant to this divine punishment, then... let's see if it really works!


This time, Mu Qinglan simply raised his arms and stood in front of him!

The divine punishment on the black ruler hit her arm!

Hearing that crisp sound, Mu Qinglan snorted secretly.

This time, Yuan Ruili was heavier than before!

He clearly did it on purpose!


It seems that there is still nothing wrong?

Mu Qinglan put down his arm and took a look.

Except for a little tingling, nothing else.

She believed that if she opened her sleeves at this time, Bao Buqi wouldn't even have a wound on her arm.

Seeing Mu Qinglan's reaction, Yuan Ruili knew that it was useless again.

He could not help but be filled with doubts.

how so?

Mu Qinglan has just broken through to the Holy Master and Star Array Master, and it is impossible for him to reach this level of ease in his own realm.

Could it be that she borrowed the power of a strong divine master?

But he didn't feel the fluctuation of the divine master.

That thousand-leaf red lotus had returned to Mu Qinglan's body as early as those god masters had descended one after another.

Probably not.

Mu Qinglan said:

"Patriarch Yuan, please hurry up, our family is in a hurry."

Yuan Ruili's chest felt oppressed for a while, and he just felt that he had lost all his face today!

He no longer hesitated, and continued to drop divine punishments, each one being heavier than the other!

However, Mu Qinglan didn't seem to care at all from the beginning to the end.

During the last divine punishment, Yuan Ruili had even mobilized all his remaining power!

But the result still hasn't changed!

At this time, Mu Qinglan could clearly feel that the power of divine punishment spread rapidly after touching her skin, and was absorbed into her body.

I still don't know what's going on, but...

Finally, I have survived the nine divine punishments!

Mu Qinglan stretched her muscles and looked at Yuan Ruili with a stiff face.

"Oh, that's right. I said earlier that there is still my mother, right? Since I am a daughter, I naturally have to help. The nine divine punishments that my mother received, let me do it too!"

As Mu Qinglan said, she raised her chin at Yuan Ruili, signaling him to do it directly.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Who the hell is being punished?

Why did Mu Qinglan wake up?

On the contrary, Yuan Ruili's face became more and more ugly!

Yuan Ruili swallowed forcefully and said:

"No! Whoever it should belong to is whoever it is!"

Knowing that this divine punishment has no effect on Mu Qinglan, if he continues, isn't it to make himself unhappy?

As he said that, he looked at Yuan Yixuan, his eyes darkened.

But before he could speak, Mu Qinglan took two steps and stood in front of Yuan Yixuan.

"Patriarch Yuan, didn't you hear what I said just now? I said——I took this divine punishment for my mother."

There was no smile on Mu Qinglan's face, she stared at Yuan Ruili and said word by word.

The atmosphere in the field is slightly condensed.

Just when Yuan Ruili was about to refuse again, he suddenly felt a coercion falling on him!

He was startled, and then looked behind Mu Qinglan.

Those god masters are staring at him at this moment!

Although they didn't speak, the threat in their eyes was very obvious!

In fact, the idea of ​​the gods is very simple: so many of them are standing here to support Mu Qinglan. It stands to reason that she can do whatever she wants, and there is no need to suffer this so-called divine punishment.

Even if he left directly, would Yuan Ruili dare to say "no" one more word?

It was only because of what Dean Xiling said just now that they decided not to be tough first.

Who knew Yuan Ruili was so ungrateful?

He did it just now, but he didn't show any mercy, did he?

Although it didn't have any impact on Mu Qinglan, this account still has to be counted!

None of them were willing to show their faces to Mu Qinglan, but this Yuan Ruili was good, he did everything! Also shot!

Seeing his expression, the god masters naturally didn't think it was a big deal.

Yuan Ruili gradually felt that the temperature around his body was dropping, and even the space was condensing inch by inch.

Mu Qinglan was a little impatient.

"Patriarch Yuan, do you want to do something?"

Yuan Ruili gritted his teeth secretly, and finally withdrew his mind, and changed his target to Mu Qinglan again.

Immediately, he raised his hand, and the black ruler fell heavily!

The result is of course the same as before.

Several divine punishments fell, but did not have any impact on Mu Qinglan, not even leaving a wound.

Only a sound of whipping was heard in the field, which sounded frightening.

However, this scene is a bit strange.

Everyone watched Mu Qinglan survive the nine divine punishments again!

But she didn't even change her face!

At this point, no one could tell that something was wrong with Mu Qinglan.

But with so many gods standing behind her, who would dare to ask? Who dares to question?

Finally, the power of the last divine punishment gradually dissipated in Mu Qinglan's body.

There was silence in the arena, and no one made a sound.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath, and then, his eyes swept over the people around him.

"Today, everyone present, please be a witness. God's punishment has been passed, and I, Mu Qinglan's family, have never had anything to do with the Yuan Clan since then!"

Mu Qinglan's voice, clear and powerful, quickly spread across the world!

Even the people who were watching this scene outside couldn't help being shocked!

Never mind!

This matter has been going on for decades, and now it has finally come to an end!

However, no one thought before that it was the Yuan Clan who ended up in such a fate!

Mu Qinglan's words and sentences are extremely clear!

"If the Yuan clan continues to entangle with my family in the future, don't blame us for being cruel! If you see one, kill one, and if you see a pair, kill a pair!"

A strong killing intent suddenly gushed out from Mu Qinglan's eyes!

She was burning with a fighting spirit all over her body!

No one will doubt the authenticity of her words!

She must be able to do what she says!

There seemed to be something churning in Yuan Ruili's chest, and finally all of them were blocked in his throat.

There seemed to be something constantly hitting in the ears, and there was a buzzing.

This is the end?

Yuan Ruili was in a daze for a moment.

He has been thinking about this matter for many years. He thought that it could be completely resolved today, but he didn't expect that it would cause even greater troubles and put himself and the entire Yuan clan into a passive situation.

I also know that from then on, their Yuan clan will definitely be criticized and ridiculed for a long time.

And...except for Yuan Yixuan, they really lost two divine bloodlines!

If the two brothers and sisters were just ordinary talents, he wouldn't have any extra thoughts.


Who knows how long it will take for the Yuan Clan to reappear with divine grade blood?

If, if he could change his attitude earlier...or if he didn't kill Yuan Yixuan back then-today, wouldn't it be equivalent to two more divine bloodlines of the Yuan Clan?

Looking at the entire Heaven of Gods and Demons, they are all top-notch and enviable existences!

His whole body suddenly seemed to be discouraged, his whole body was weak, his mind was numb, and he was at a loss for a while.

However, amidst the silence, Mu Qinglan didn't turn around and leave directly.

"Shua" sound!

The Qingyuan Zhan in her hand pointed at Yuan Ruili from afar again!

The sword light is cold! Heartbreaking!

Everyone gasped - what is she planning to do?

Isn't everything over? The relationship has also been broken, she is...

Yuan Ruili was startled suddenly, and looked at Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan held Qingyuan Zhan, and there was a tinge of chill in the corners of his eyes and brows.

"Since all these have been explained clearly, then we should settle the accounts carefully!"

Settle accounts?

What account?

"Twenty years ago, your Yuan Clan drove my mother and father to death! Five years ago, you forcibly took my mother away and trapped me in a cage! One year ago, you took my brother back to the Yuan Clan, making him Tormented!"

Mu Qinglan counted one by one, thinking of her mother's pale face, weak breath, and her brother's scars all over her body, the anger in her heart burned fiercely uncontrollably!

She stared at Yuan Ruili with awe-inspiring killing intent!

"We have to settle this account carefully!"

Yuan Ruili frowned.

They wanted to say that they deserved it, but when the words came to their lips, they still swallowed them back.

Immediately, he asked:

"Then what do you want? Is it possible that you want to fight me again?"

Mu Qinglan suddenly laughed, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

How could she make trouble for herself?

There are many ways to deal with Yuan Ruili.

Before she could speak, God Lord Shentu's voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Let the Lord God come!"

Mu Qinglan turned her head, and saw God Lord Shentu, who hadn't spoken much before, suddenly walked forward quickly.

Although she originally planned to ask Senior Divine Master for help, but... Divine Master Shentu seems to be a bit too active, right?

"Senior Shentu...how did you come out?" Mu Qinglan asked blankly.

He doesn't seem to have been arguing with other gods much, has he?

God Lord Shentu chuckled and winked at Mu Qinglan.

"Didn't you already promise you that if you confront them, you will help me?"

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment, then remembered that it seemed to be the case.

But what was said at the time was... If she and the Yuan Clan were to tear each other apart, just in case, she would ask God Lord Shentu for help.

However, in the current situation, there should be no need for this promise...

Mu Qinglan opened his mouth, and was about to speak, when God Master Shentu quickly waved his hand.

"Now, it's time for the God Lord to fulfill his promise! You just stand back! Just watch!"


If he didn't act now, how could he expect Mu Qinglan to consider him first?

The group of old things scrambled to grab him before, and he watched from the sidelines because he had discussed it with Mu Qinglan before!

Must hurry up! Make a future for yourself!

God Lord Shentu thought so, he raised his hand, and slapped Yuan Ruili with a slap!

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