God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1506 Danger (1 more)

The colorful stone platform broke quickly, and Mu Qinglan only felt empty under his feet, and then his whole body fell downwards!

Before she could make a move, she suddenly saw an ice-blue light flashing in front of her eyes.

Then, a force lifted her up and slowly landed.

She lowered her head and glanced, it was an icy blue long sword - it was clearly the power of the icy blue sword!

She immediately looked at her mother and elder brother, and saw that they were also falling at this time, but both of them were also stepping on a sharp arrow under their feet.

Only then did Mu Qinglan feel relieved, looked up, and slowly frowned.

The colorful stone platform where they were just now has completely collapsed.

It seemed that there was an invisible force that directly crushed the colorful stone platform!

The colorful stone platform completely disintegrated in the blink of an eye, and even the countless fragments were quickly turned into powder when they flew towards the surroundings! No trace left!

This was built by several gods together before, how could it be broken suddenly like this now?

With this question in mind, Mu Qinglan quickly glanced around, and found that Master Yiran and the others were also shocked at this time, and obviously did not expect such a thing to happen.

After everyone gradually fell to the ground, the colorful stone platform completely dissipated into nothingness!

Everyone looked at the position in mid-air, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Kagura opened his eyes wide and murmured.

"We haven't gone out yet, this—why is it broken?"

This colorful stone platform was jointly built by several of their gods.

In the beginning they used this to open the ancient battlefield, and now they should also use this to leave.

According to the previous management, the ancient battlefield will be completely closed only after all their people leave and the several people destroy the colorful stone platform together.

In this way, wait ten years later for the opening of the next Pantheon of the Gods.

But now, before the people go out, the colorful stone platform collapsed directly!

This is equivalent to cutting off their way out!

Master Yi Ran frowned tightly:

"Let's try again!"

This kind of situation has never happened before, so for a while, they don't know how to deal with it.

In a short period of time, it may be difficult to figure out why the colorful stone platform suddenly shattered.

And their most important task at present is to leave from the ancient battlefield.

Several people looked at each other, nodded, and then shot again at the same time!

The forces of several different colors are quickly intertwined! Form a gorgeous colorful light group!

Everyone feels at ease: It seems that this method is still——


The colored light group flickered a few times in the air, and then suddenly shattered without warning!

The bodies of the several god masters were all shaken, obviously being backlashed by the power.

Yuan Ruili's situation was the most miserable, he staggered and fell to the ground.

He was injured too badly before, and he was almost at the end of his strength at this time, and he couldn't hold on for too long.

Yuan Xingze stepped forward anxiously, intending to carefully help him up.

Yuan Ruili's face was cold, his scarred body stiffened, and he pushed Yuan Xingze away.

The situation was already miserable enough, but what would it look like if he was supported again?

He tried his best to support himself to stand up, the power in his body was disordered for a while, and he was so excited that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yuan Xingze looked worried and moved slightly, but in the end he still didn't move forward.

For Yuan Ruili, face and dignity are indeed more important than anything else!

Even now he has no face.

"how so?"

Feng Tian also sensed the seriousness of the matter, and his expression was solemn.

The strength of the few of them can't be gathered at all!

Even if they managed to condense for a moment, they would soon be shattered by some force!

It is absolutely impossible for this to happen for no reason, and even this power must have been displayed on purpose!

But—other than them, who else was there?

What's more, the one who can easily destroy the power of several of their god masters must be a top powerhouse!

Looking at Motian, there is almost no one who can do this!


His eyes couldn't help looking at Mu Qinglan and the gods who came down with her just now.

These twenty or so are all God Lords...

When Feng Tian looked at it like this, it also instantly attracted the attention of several other people to Mu Qinglan.

All eyes fell on Mu Qinglan.

Although no one spoke, the suspicious eyes were too clear.

Realizing that these people seem to be beginning to doubt herself, Mu Qinglan shrugged helplessly:

"You don't need to look at me, I didn't do it."

Come to think of it, she had no reason to do this at all.

The gods around her can do this, but because there are so many strong people behind her, isn't it easy for Mu Qinglan to do anything, why is it so troublesome?

Besides, the matter between their family and the Yuan family has been completely settled.

She probably doesn't want to stay here either.

But...if it wasn't Mu Qinglan, who would it be?

Several gods did not believe in evil, tried again, but still failed!

At this moment, they finally affirmed that the exit passage from the first battlefield could no longer be established!

All of them are indeed completely trapped here!

Seeing the expressions of those people gradually becoming more serious, Mu Qinglan also felt a little doubt in his heart, and couldn't help but look up.

Above the sky, there was a piece of calm.

She also didn't feel any power fluctuations around her at all, but Master Yiran and the others still couldn't succeed.

Every time their power starts to merge, it will quickly break apart!

In this first battlefield, it seems really weird...

She couldn't help but look at the gods around her.

They have been here for ten thousand years, so they should know what is going on, right?

Sure enough, the faces of the god masters gradually became more dignified.

As if thinking of something, they all fell into a weird silence.

Mu Qinglan suddenly felt a little uneasy.

It is definitely not a good thing to make so many god masters show such expressions!

"I didn't expect that after so many years, they still haven't died..."

Just when Mu Qinglan was full of doubts, he suddenly heard the Lord Nine Thunders speak in the sea of ​​Qi.

Different from the tone that was always a bit teasing before, the attitude of Lord Nine Thunders at this time has changed greatly, and the tone has also become colder.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking in her heart:

"Master, what is going on here?"

Lord Nine Thunders sighed softly.

"It's a long story, but in short, it's actually related to that battle that year."

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat—is it actually related to the shocking battle ten thousand years ago?

"I can't explain it in a sentence or two. Anyway, as long as you know, these people are very troublesome."

Lord Nine Thunder God's tone was unprecedentedly dignified.

"For ten thousand years, those people haven't made any noise. I thought they were all dead, but I didn't expect...it seems to be similar to our situation."

those people?

Mu Qinglan frowned.

Why does it sound like there are not many people there?

From this point of view, it seems that the battle back then was a confrontation between two major forces?

But because too much time has passed, future generations don't know much about that battle.

So when hearing this, Mu Qinglan was also very at a loss.

"Those people... are they difficult to deal with?" Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking.

Nine Thunder God Lord paused.

"Stronger than you think."

Mu Qinglan's heart sank slightly.

Immediately, a buzzing sound came suddenly.

Mu Qinglan was startled, and subconsciously looked back.

On the vast and desolate red-brown ancient battlefield, there is no end to it.

Except for some scattered white bones, broken components, etc., nothing else can be seen at all.

But the voice did not disappear, on the contrary, it became louder and louder.

It seems that something is approaching quickly!

Moreover, it is clearly not just coming from one direction!

Mu Qinglan quickly looked around, and found that the seemingly invisible buzz gradually became clearer, and it was impossible to tell where the sound came from!



She clearly knew that something was approaching, but she couldn't know what it was, nor where it came from.

This made Mu Qinglan feel very bad.

She seemed to feel a chill, which was spreading rapidly towards this side!

Mu Qinglan pursed her lips, and then quickly walked towards her mother and brother.

Mu Linghan had also noticed something, raised his eyes to look around, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"elder brother."

Mu Qinglan walked over and stood still in front of Mu Linghan.

The two brothers and sisters quickly exchanged a look.

Mu Linghan's expression froze slightly.

"Looks like there's trouble."

And this trouble seems to be not small.

Mu Qinglan was planning to tell his brother what God Lord Jiulei said before, so that he could be mentally prepared, but he accidentally saw his mother's expression was a little strange.

She frowned slightly, her eyes fixed on a certain direction.

Mu Qinglan thought she was lost in thought at first, but soon realized that her mother was looking at something.

She followed her mother's line of sight and found that she was looking at the location where the colorful stone platform disintegrated just now.

But there is nothing in that place now, what is mother looking at?

For some reason, Mu Qinglan inexplicably felt that her mother seemed to know something.

Gradually, she saw the bottom of her mother's eyes, and gradually there was a surge of shock and anger.

Although she tried her best to suppress it, Mu Qinglan was standing beside her, and since she was a mother and daughter, they were connected, so she could see clearly.

What the hell are you looking at?

Or... what did she think of?

This question flashed across Mu Qinglan's mind, before she could open her mouth, her mother had already grabbed her hand and asked in a low voice.

"Where's your father? Where is he now?"

Mu Qinglan felt more and more strange.

It has been a while since I saw my mother, but this is the first time my mother directly asked about my father's recent situation.

If it was because they were still facing Yuan Ruili at the beginning, so they couldn't take care of it, then why did they suddenly ask at this time?

What was the opportunity that made my mother suddenly ask this?

When Mu Linghan heard the words, he also looked at Mu Qinglan.

When he was captured by the Yuan Clan people, he hadn't found Mu Feng's whereabouts yet, and he didn't know what the situation is now.

Mu Qinglan said with relief:

"Mother, don't worry, brother, Daddy has returned now, and with the protection of the elders of Piaomiao Sect, there is nothing serious."

Mu Linghan stroked Mu Qinglan's hair, his eyes filled with distress.

Yuan Yixuan's expression relaxed a little, but he still seemed a little worried. He paused and continued to ask:

"Then...how is his body?"

Mu Qinglan's heart skipped a beat.

Mother's question seems to mean something...

Does the mother know something?

Few people actually know that Daddy was trapped and suffered a lot of pain.

It is even more impossible for anyone to tell mother.

The only possibility is—mother probably knows about dad's situation these few years!

A light suddenly flashed in Mu Qinglan's mind!

A bold and absurd conjecture suddenly emerged!

Mu Qinglan said calmly:

"Daddy is fine."

Yuan Yixuan closed his eyes, as if he was relieved.

But Mu Qinglan couldn't help holding her hand back.


She just yelled this, and before she had time to say anything, she suddenly heard a screaming sound!

Mu Qinglan suddenly raised her eyes, and saw that on the ground not far behind her mother and brother, there were suddenly streaks of black mist rising into the sky!

It looked like long centipedes and twisted whips, suddenly lifted from under the ground! Come to them quickly!

Mu Qinglan's heart sank completely!


Her guess was right!

The worst case has yet to happen!

This black mist is clearly the same as the black mist around the mysterious man she saw after entering the Tibetan Snow Sea again during the year before!

Although she didn't see the man at all from the beginning to the end, the cold and violent aura of the black mist was exactly the same as that man!

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