God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1509 Mother-in-law (one more)

Then, she saw Yun Yi's God King Sword piercing directly into the black mist above the sky!

Hearing a strange neighing sound, the cloud of black mist seemed to be in pain, violently churning!

But fortunately, it did not continue to disperse and spread towards the surroundings.

The God King Sword is entangled in it, as if trapping it.

Yun Yi hugged Mu Qinglan and fell back to the ground.

Only then did Mu Qinglan have a chance to look back at him.

His eyebrows and eyes are cold, as if the mountains and ice and snow are unattainable, the bridge of his nose is high, and his thin lips are faintly crimson.

Looking at it this way, it will involuntarily make people feel a sense of alienation.

But the shimmering light in his eyes was the tenderness only given to her.

It seemed that he hadn't seen this face for a long time.

In an instant, Mu Qinglan's thoughts that were suppressed in her heart poured out!

The whole heart seems to be filled with something in an instant, which is an indescribable feeling.

It seemed that all the tension and exhaustion suddenly let go at this moment.

In my heart, there is only this one person.

"I'm late."

Yun Yi opened his mouth in a low voice, wrapped Mu Qinglan's slender waist with one hand, and gently rubbed her black hair with the other hand.

In fact, at this moment, his heart was far less peaceful than it appeared on the surface.

When he saw that cloud of black mist rushing towards Mu Qinglan, even when he was about to see her restrained, his heart seemed to stop beating.

He has seen such a scene once, and he never wants to watch it a second time!

Therefore, only by holding her in my arms at this moment, feeling the body temperature under her thin shirt, and looking at her shining eyes, can my heart seem to be able to settle down.

God knows what would happen if he was one step behind.

Mu Qinglan shook her head.

In fact, she was already ready to burn the boat just now, and she knew better than anyone how powerful the black mist was.

At that moment, she thought about many things in her mind, but she never thought that Yun Yi would appear here!

This is the first battlefield!

Except for them who entered here from the beginning, the rest of them were all sent here by the black mist.

But—they are also people from the third and second battlefields!

Yun Yi should be in the Yun family now, right?

Thinking of this, Mu Qinglan didn't care about anything, grabbed Yun Yi's hand, and asked nervously:

"How did you come here?"

Could it be that he was also sent by the black mist?

But it doesn't seem right...

Yun Yi raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, and did not answer her immediately, but raised his eyes and looked around.

"This is the first battlefield?"

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised.

How could Yun Yi know this?

She nodded slightly.

Yun Yi said:

"Actually, I have been here for a while, but... I have always been under the three major battlefields. I was able to come out after breaking through today."

Mu Qinglan was dumbfounded.

This sentence contains too much information!

He said he was already here?

And has been in the three major battlefields?

Breakthrough today?

Mu Qinglan stared at him blankly, only then realized that Yun Yi had already broken through to the Holy Lord!

And it turned out to be the peak of the Holy Master!

When they parted last time, wasn't he just the Lord?

How long has it been since he actually became the pinnacle of the Holy Master?

The most important thing is that Mu Qinglan faintly felt that Yun Yi's aura seemed to be stronger than the peaks of other holy masters she had seen!

There seemed to be an invisible coercion on his body, giving people a sense of oppression.

Mu Qinglan even felt that such coercion seemed to be possessed only by a strong divine master!

But Yun Yi is indeed at the peak of the Holy Master now.

"It's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later."

As Yun Yi said, he raised his eyes and looked forward, seeming to smile.

"Leave the rest to me, you go back first, lest...my mother-in-law is worried."

Mu Qinglan was dumbfounded.


Mother-in-law! ?

She actually forgot that her mother was still behind!

Too many things happened in a short period of time just now, and Mu Qinglan was thinking about how to deal with this weird black mist. After Yun Yi appeared, she was full of doubts, so she ignored many things.

At this moment when Yun Yi opened his mouth, Mu Qinglan suddenly remembered - what they did just now, must have been clearly seen by mother! ?

Mu Qinglan had her back to them, but Yun Yi could see her mother and elder brother just by raising her eyes.

He must have seen it just now!

For a moment, Mu Qinglan felt the back of her head burn.

Fortunately, my brother said that he knew everything about the past. Although he always seemed to dislike Yun Yi, in fact, he never stopped him at critical times.

Mu Qinglan knew very well that it was just her brother's reluctance.


I haven't seen each other for several years, and suddenly found out that I have an extra son-in-law... I really don't know how my mother will feel...

Mu Qinglan turned around stiffly, felt her mother's gaze, and her face felt a little hot.

But such emotions are only for a moment.

Yun Yi is the person she likes, so mother will definitely like it too.

Although it was too sudden to see the parents, it might not be a good time.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes, meeting her mother's gaze.


Mu Qinglan suddenly took Yun Yi's hand.

"This is Yun Yi."

Without any redundant explanation, her actions and expressions can already explain everything, and at the same time, it also shows her attitude.

In fact, Yuan Yixuan felt a little strange when he saw Yun Yi suddenly appear and took Mu Qinglan into his arms.

What happened next confirmed her previous guess.

——This Yun Yi is indeed the man her daughter likes, that's right.

Yuan Yixuan nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Yun Yi.

Yun Yi bowed his head slightly, and saluted respectfully:

"Junior Yun Yi, I have met my mother-in-law."

After saying that, he paused, and then took another look at Mu Linghan.

"I've seen my brother."

Mu Linghan's chest was blocked.

Although he has already accepted Yun Yi as his brother-in-law in his heart, but seeing that the treasure he has been holding in his palm after being doted on for so long has been snatched away by others, he still feels uncomfortable.

But Yun Yi had just rescued Qing'er, so he had no reason to say anything.

This "big brother", Yun Yi clearly called it to his mother!

Mu Linghan secretly scolded Yun Yi for being cunning, and he never forgot to see the needles at such times, but he could only admit it.

Yuan Yixuan looked at Yun Yi curiously.

From just now, she has been looking at him.

When you look at it from a distance, you feel that it is peerless, and it is even more noble when you look at it up close.

There is no need to pick on the appearance and demeanor, and obviously the strength is also very strong.

The most important thing is that he saved Qing'er desperately just now.

Although Yuan Yixuan felt that this was a bit sudden, she was not a rigid person.

Back then, she was able to fight against the entire Yuan clan because of Mu Feng, so she was naturally very open about these things about her children.

Especially this person, no matter how you look at it, he is the best.

She smiled and asked:

"Your surname is Yun? But... what does it have to do with the Yuan Clan on top of the gods?"

Yun Yi nodded:

"The patriarch retreats, and now the Yun clan is in charge of the younger generation."

Yuan also made it clear.

It turned out to be the young master of the Yun clan.

And it seems that he is very likely to become the next patriarch.

Yuan Yixuan sighed lightly.

"If you want to talk about the Yun clan, I actually once had a relationship with a member of the Yuan clan. His name is Yun Xiao, I wonder if you can recognize him?"

Mu Qinglan was taken aback—mother knew Yun Yi's father? Why doesn't she know about this?

Niangqin has never mentioned it before!

Yun Yi was obviously also a little surprised, and said:

"It's my father."

Yuan Yixuan showed no surprise, but laughed instead.

"I said, you are indeed somewhat similar to him. Although it's the first time I've seen you, I feel like I've seen you before."

Mu Qinglan couldn't help asking:

"Mother, how did you know Yun Yi's family?"

Yuan Yixuan thought for a while and said:

"Actually, it's all a coincidence. I can't explain a sentence or two. I'll talk to you after I get out of here."

Yun Yi nodded and looked at Mu Qinglan:

"You stay here with your mother-in-law and elder brother first, and I will come back as soon as I go."

With that said, he turned to leave.

Mu Qinglan was a little worried:

"You...the other party is very powerful..."

She was really worried about letting Yun Yi go by herself.

There seemed to be a dark light in Yun Yi's eyes, and he said:

"Your safety is more important. Don't worry, this time it's time to settle the old and the new."

After saying that, he jumped up and walked towards the mid-air!

As soon as he raised his hand, the God King Sword flew back into his hand!

The black mist that had been surging violently had become much calmer.

In other words, it seems that a lot of power has been consumed.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very surprised.

Where did this man in white come from?

So many people are helpless against the black mist, why does he seem to be able to fight against it?

Yun Yi's face was icy cold, and the sword of the king of gods was pointing directly at the opposite side!

In that cloud of black mist, a low, hoarse man's voice suddenly came.

"It seems that old Yunjing is not dead yet..."

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