God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1514 Question (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan didn't take Yuan Lingshu's little farce to heart.

At this time, she is more concerned about the situation of the gods.

Except for Dean Xiling and Ice Blue Excalibur, who can freely enter and leave the ancient battlefield, and God Lord Nine Thunders, who has already entered Mu Qinglan's sea of ​​energy, the remaining God Lords basically exist in the state of remnant souls.

It is not an easy task to help them reshape their physical bodies and completely restore their strength.

The amount of time and effort it takes is astounding.

With Mu Qinglan's current strength, he can't help them all at once.

That's why from the very beginning, all the god masters broke their heads.

They also knew that there were not many people that Mu Qinglan could bring out this time, so it was of course the best thing to do earlier.

After much calculation, Mu Qinglan felt that he could bring three more gods out at most.

It's just that in this way, it's a bit regretful for those divine masters left behind.

Mu Qinglan hesitated and shared his thoughts with the other gods.

Unexpectedly, they seemed to have thought of this long ago, so they did not raise objections.

And they jointly decided to let Mu Qinglan choose these three people by himself.

Mu Qinglan hesitated for a long time before deciding on God-Lord Shentu, God-Lord Tiankui, and God-Lord Yu Gan.

God Lord Shentu needless to say, it was discussed early in the morning.

God-lord Tiankui and God-lord Yu Gan helped Mu Qinglan break through the Star Formation Master.

Including later they also helped Mu Qinglan a lot.

Although the other gods were a bit pity, they all agreed.

Mu Qinglan felt a little embarrassed that they were so easy to talk to.

"The Ten Thousand Gods Grand Meeting is held once every ten years, so don't you have to wait another ten years, or even longer? In my heart, I really feel ashamed of you."

Ten years is still a long time.

All the gods laughed.

"Don't worry, girl Qinglan! After all, this is our territory. If you want to come, you can come anytime!"

Mu Qinglan was a little surprised, but soon understood, and her heart became much more stable.

"If this is the case, this junior can rest assured. Afterwards, this junior will definitely try his best to come back as soon as possible."

After everyone talked for a while, the gods urged Mu Qinglan and the others to leave.

Only then did Mu Qinglan say goodbye to the gods respectfully, and then stepped on the golden light with her mother and others, and headed for the exit above the sky!


A cracking sound suddenly sounded, and the screen of the first battlefield that was originally covered by the black mist suddenly shattered!

Everyone who was watching in the square and waiting anxiously was taken aback.

When they looked intently, they saw above their heads that the gorgeous barrier covering the entire top of Shenmeng Cliff completely disintegrated!

The sun was shining down, and the breeze was blowing, blowing everything away silently.

At this moment, a "click" sound was heard from the colorful column in the middle of the square!

When everyone stared, they saw several cracks spreading rapidly!

In the blink of an eye, the colorful cylinder also shattered!

"This is... the first battlefield has opened? Are they coming out?"

There were murmurs of discussion among the crowd.

Since the black mist completely blocked the picture of the first battlefield, everyone couldn't see anything.

The waiting time seemed extremely long.

At this time, there was finally movement, and everyone was inevitably curious.

What the hell happened there?

"Look! Someone really came out!"

Someone exclaimed, immediately causing everyone to look down.

A golden crack appeared where the colorful column was before.

And under the transparent rock is a black abyss.

At this time, several figures rushed out of the darkness quickly!

"It's Mu Qinglan!?"

You Jue saw the familiar face at a glance, and frowned.

"How could this be?" You Yue's expression was also very ugly.

According to the past practice, in the first battlefield, the first to come out should be Yuan Ruili and others.

But this time, how did he become Mu Qinglan?

"There are a few people around her... who is that person?"

Youjue murmured.

You Yue looked down, and sure enough, there were several people beside Mu Qinglan.

One is Yuan Yixuan, and the other is Mu Linghan.

These are all her family members, so it's not surprising that they came out together.

But... why is there a young man in white next to him?

Where did this person come from? How come out from the first battlefield?

Judging by his demeanor and temperament, he seems to be the son of some great family, but Shenmotian doesn't seem to have such a person...

You Yue was wondering, when he suddenly saw some people rushing up from below!

It is the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong!

And...that Xueyou!

You Yue had some doubts about Xue You's identity before, but when he saw him appearing now, he was naturally more concerned.

But after looking at it, he found that the divine seal between Xueyou's eyebrows had disappeared.

Probably because it is no longer used...

You Yue thought uncertainly in his heart, his eyes were fixed on Xue You's face all the time.

Because of Mu Qinglan before, he didn't have a good impression of this Xueyou. Although he had seen it before, he hadn't looked at it carefully.

And the appearance of that divine seal made him doubtful, at this moment he naturally fixed Xue You tightly, and kept looking him up and down.

He really felt that this face was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

And behind You Yue, all the elders of the Nether Palace also focused their attention on Xue You.

Gao Rong stood beside her, her body was stiff and her limbs were cold.

As Xueyou got closer, that face became more and more clear!

Her heart was also pounding, and that absurd and terrifying conjecture kept reappearing in her mind!

don't be...


Under the gazes of everyone with different thoughts, Mu Qinglan and his party finally jumped out!

Seeing Mu Qinglan and others appearing on the square one after another, everyone became quieter.

Although the picture of the first battlefield was blocked by the black fog later, they could see clearly the situation before that!

Mu Qinglan's true identity is shocking enough, I thought she would be defeated today, but then the situation turned completely upside down!

Seeing Mu Qinglan at this time, everyone couldn't help but think of the gods who stood beside her before.

The scene where one after another God Lord appeared from the sky is really unforgettable.

What's more, at this time, there is indeed a divine master behind her!

That person seems to be called Xiling? It seems to be Mu Qinglan's dean.

The man next to him is obviously not a real human race, and his whole body is full of sword intent. It is obviously a very powerful artifact that has transformed into a weapon spirit!

With such a backing, who would dare to easily offend Piao Miao Shenzong?

Everyone's mood is very complicated.

Before, everyone thought that Piaomiao Shenzong was just a small sect, and these people present could crush it with any finger.

It turned out not to be the case.

In the bad situation before, they could win the Netherworld, let alone now?

Looking at it, almost all of the dozen or so people who went in broke through!

The people of Piao Miao Shenzong have all become Holy Masters!

Not only do they have backers, but their own strength cannot be underestimated now!

In the face of such a Piao Miao Shenzong, how many people dare to show even a little contempt?

Mu Qinglan didn't care about the eyes of those people, and asked her mother and elder brother to return to the place where Piao Miao Shenzong was before and sit down.

Xue Ning and others from Wuyun Mansion next to him hurriedly backed up a few steps to get out of their way.

"You please—"

It seems rather cautious.

Who would have thought that Mu Qinglan's life experience would be so amazing?

Moreover, those backers of hers are too awesome, right?

Seeing Mu Qinglan and the others at this time, Xue Ning inevitably felt nervous.

Mu Qinglan said with a smile:

"Palace Master Xue is polite, please sit down. We have a seat here."

"No, no, let's sit together..." Xue Ning waved his hands subconsciously, becoming more polite.

Mu Qinglan rolled her eyes, but she didn't force it. Seeing Xue Ning's nervousness, she deliberately asked:

"Palace Master Xue, I told you before that my Piao Miao Shenzong might not lose in the competition with the Yuan Clan. Now, are you trustworthy?"

Xue Ning was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and cried.

At that time, he thought that Mu Qinglan was joking, how could he have imagined that such a result would really happen?

Thinking that at that time, he had actually cautiously told Mu Qinglan not to talk nonsense, he couldn't help but feel hot.

"But I greatly underestimated..."

Mu Qinglan shook her head and said seriously:

"No matter what, I still want to thank Palace Master Xue for his kindness. If you have time in the future, you can also come to my Piao Miao Shenzong to have a look."

Xue Ning was a little flattered.

After this battle, Piaomiao Shenzong will definitely become one of the top sects in Shenmotian.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qinglan was so polite.

Knowing that she was secretly supporting Wuyun Mansion, Xue Ning let out a long sigh, cupped his hands and said:

"Then - thank you Miss Mu first."

Mu Qinglan nodded.

Wuyun Mansion had offended some people because of them before, if they didn't express their position in public, they might be implicated.

That was not what Mu Qinglan wanted to see.

Mu Qinglan then looked at Yuan Yixuan:

"Mother, please wait a moment. I still have a little work to do. Let's leave when it's settled."

Yuan Yixuan glanced over Xueyou's body, then smiled and nodded slightly.

"No hurry. Believe in this day, he has been waiting for a long time."

Mu Qinglan thought that she couldn't hide it from her mother, so she also laughed.

"Thank you, mother."

Xueyou was grateful in her heart, glanced at Yuan Yixuan, and nodded slightly.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and looked at You Yue.

"Master Youfu, I have a few questions that I want to ask you."

More than 3,000 words, all disappeared...

Rewrite word by word...

I'm really, really broken...

My heart is shaking...

The third watch is about an hour away...

I'll finish writing and then cry, it's driving me crazy...

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