God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1521 The People Inside (Third Watch)

Mu Qinglan didn't have time to think too much, so she immediately shouted:

"Stop him!"

Before the words finished, Dean Xiling actually moved!

With a wave of his sleeve robe, a huge net enveloped the heads of everyone!

However, that ball of red light is still rushing towards the outside at high speed!


It directly hit Dean Xiling's blocking net!

Then, there was a sizzling sound that seemed to be corroding!

It looked like it was about to break open! Rush outside!

Mu Qinglan didn't say anything, just tiptoed, and immediately followed!

But that thing was very cunning, when Mu Qinglan was about to arrive, he suddenly changed direction and went to the other side!

Several silver threads flew towards it suddenly, intercepting it before it!

Yun Yi also made a move!

The silver thread was entangled quickly!

That ball of red light kept trying to break through, bumping back and forth!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and when everyone reacted, they saw in midair, Dean Xiling and others, they all shot together to stop that thing!

"what is that?"

"I don't know, it clearly flew out of Youjue's body just now, it should be his soul."

"The power in this light group is terrifying, and it's no wonder that Youjue's body exploded directly... But is it really just his soul? It seems something is wrong... Why did Mu Qinglan and the others fight together? Please move Lord God..."

Everyone had different thoughts, and it was difficult to guess the real reason behind it all at once.

In this short period of time, all the elders of Piaomiao Shenzong also attacked one after another!

Others don't know what it is, but they know it best!

Especially the elders who followed Mu Qinglan and came here from the Yuantian Continent are like a mirror in their hearts.

Isn't that the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

At the top of the gods back then, because of the Blood Heaven Cauldron, there was an uproar!

Even in order to find out the truth, Mu Qinglan risked herself and went to the Black Demon Sect.

However, none of them expected that this thing would appear here!

Mu Qinglan stared closely at the ball of light.

Because of the shroud of light outside, it is only after getting close that you can see clearly that there is a blood heaven tripod inside.

If it wasn't for Dean Xiling's quick reaction just now, I'm afraid this thing has already run out!

At this time, with the double shackles of Dean Xiling and Yun Yi, the thing was barely trapped, but the power on it was violent and terrifying. Mu Qinglan guessed that it was very likely to rush out quickly.

This Blood Heaven Cauldron was much stronger than the one she had seen before!

It is also difficult to deal with a lot!

Mu Qinglan didn't even have time to think about why the Blood Heaven Cauldron appeared here, and it even came out of Youjue's body!

The most important thing now is to get this thing under control!

Dean Xiling's expression became much more serious.

This thing is too weird and powerful, and it is very difficult to deal with.

He suddenly raised his voice and shouted:

"Ice blue!"

The Ice Blue Excalibur suddenly flew up!

In the middle of the sky, ice blue light suddenly burst out from his body!

Then, under everyone's gaze, it turned into an ice blue long sword!

That's the ontology!

As soon as Dean Xiling raised his hand, the Ice Blue Excalibur fell directly into his palm!

In an instant, a powerful sword intent erupted from the ice blue sword!

Almost all the people who were watching changed their expressions!

Because as this sword intent continued to spread, the aura on Dean Xiling's body was also strengthening!

Mu Qinglan looked over in shock.

In the blink of an eye, Dean Xiling directly broke through to the God Lord!

Then, holding the sword in both hands, he stabbed forward!

Pointing at the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

Everyone was taken aback.

I thought Dean Xiling was the lower god master, but no one thought that when he held the ice blue sword in his hand, his own strength would directly break through the upper god master!

Mu Qinglan suddenly understood why so many seniors of the Supreme Lord had been so polite when facing Dean Xiling.

She thought it was because of the ancient gods, but now it seems...

Those seniors probably knew long ago that if he had the Ice Blue Excalibur, he could become the Supreme God Lord! ?

"That ice-blue Excalibur is his destiny."

Within the sea of ​​qi, the voice of God Lord Nine Thunders suddenly came.

Mu Qinglan's heart was shocked!

it turns out--

"Hey, do you really think that you, the dean, are as gentle and ordinary as you seem on the surface? You know, in this world, there are very few people who can cultivate divine weapons into their own destiny! This is no better than being a teacher. It will be a bit more difficult to cultivate a second natal object!"

Mu Qinglan was shocked for a moment.

She used to think that Dean Xiling was very powerful, but only now did she realize that she still knew too little about him!

Take the artifact as your own destiny...

No wonder thousands of years ago, he was able to suppress the ancient gods with the ice blue divine sword! And so relieved to leave directly!

Now that I think about it, it is clearly because I have the confidence to do all this well!

"When they separated, they could fight on their own, but because of the lack of natal objects, he could only stay in the realm of the lower god master. But once they fit together, Xi Ling can immediately break through to the upper god master! Reach the peak strength!"

Lord Nine Thunders sighed softly.

"He is indeed an extraordinary character... You have to say that he has made great contributions to making it this far."

Whether it's the soul-suppressing stone soul, the Piaomiao Shenzong, or even the incomplete ancient divine tome, in fact, it was all left to her by Dean Xiling.

What Lord Nine Thunders said was not wrong at all.

Without the help of Dean Xiling, it would have been difficult for Mu Qinglan to get to where she is today.

Dean Xiling seems to be hiding some secrets...


While Mu Qinglan and the others were in a daze, Dean Xiling's sword had already pierced the ball of red light!

The tip of the sword glowed with a piercing light, piercing directly!

With a loud noise, the red light shrouded outside disappeared in an instant!

At this moment, everyone was finally able to see clearly what was going on inside!

It was a dark red three-legged tripod!

The Ice Blue Excalibur is hitting it!

After a short period of silence, a violent and cold force suddenly erupted from the bloody cauldron!

In an instant, it was like a mountain torrent erupting! pour down!

With Xue Tianding and Dean Xi Ling as the center, a blood-colored halo quickly spread towards the surroundings!

Mu Qinglan was in a bad mood, and immediately yelled:

"Everyone retreat!"

But that power has come quickly!

Mu Qinglan quickly summoned Qingyuan Zhan and stood in front of him!


A huge impact force strikes!

Mu Qinglan's body shook, and her arms went numb for an instant!

At this moment, several silver threads suddenly flew towards her and quickly wrapped around her waist.

Mu Qinglan took advantage of her strength, flipped her body, and flew in another direction.

Yun Yi stretched out his long arms and pulled her back behind him.

The people who were still watching in a daze before became nervous now.

What is that three-legged tripod that actually contains such a powerful force?

I also want to know that this is definitely not as simple as Youjue's soul!

What level is Youjue? How can he fight against a divine master like Dean Xiling?

In particular, the current Divine Master Xiling has broken through to the Supreme Divine Master!

This sword is extremely powerful, and it is simply not something ordinary people can bear!

Just as Master Yiran and the others were planning to set up a barrier, Dean Xiling had already swung his sleeves and closed the huge net in the sky!

In the end, the huge net actually trapped himself and Xue Tianding in it!

All power fluctuations are also blocked!

Mu Qinglan frowned tightly, her eyes fixed on the bloody heavenly cauldron.


Only a slight cracking sound could be heard!

A crack appeared on the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

Mu Qinglan was overjoyed, but before the smile spread across her face, she saw Gao Rong lying on the ground not far away, and suddenly moved!

Xueyou's expression froze, and she was about to make a move immediately!

However, Gao Rong's body exploded in an instant!

——She also chose to blew herself up!

At the same time, a wisp of black mist suddenly appeared!

"It's the black mist! It's exactly the same as the black mist in the ancient battlefield!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd!

Everyone was in an uproar!

In this short period of time, the black mist has quickly drifted towards the sky, and rushed directly into the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

The crack on the Blood Heaven Cauldron suddenly stopped spreading!

Then, the Blood Heavenly Cauldron trembled suddenly, and then a black mist gushed out, quickly covering itself!

But in the blink of an eye, a crack in space appeared behind the black mist!

Afterwards, the Blood Heaven Cauldron quickly got into it! Disappear!

Dean Xiling said coldly:


Mu Qinglan stepped forward:


From the looks of it, Dean Xiling clearly knew about the Blood Heaven Cauldron!

Dean Xiling took back the Ice Blue Excalibur and shook his head lightly:

"Don't worry, the sword just now is enough to completely kill You Jue and Gao Rong. It's just...the ones inside are not easy to deal with."

Mu Qinglan frowned.

Who's in there... again?

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