God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 1548 Extinguishment (fourth update)

Lord Wang Yan and others have been waiting anxiously outside the Tongling Hall.

Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi went in one after another, but the fluctuations did not stop, and even intensified.

And the two of them had no intention of coming out.

This has to make everyone worry.

Even Venerable Wang Yan, who had full confidence in the two of them, gradually became uneasy.


On the main hall of Tongling Hall, a crack finally appeared!

Everyone was shocked.

Elder Wang Yi looked at Lord Wang Yan and shouted anxiously:

"Patriarch! We can't wait any longer!"

Tongling Hall is the holy place of Tongling Sea, and now that this situation has happened, how can they stand by and watch?

Venerable Wang Yan glanced back, the elders who fell just now hadn't slowed down yet, and there was even a faint tendency to get worse.

Earlier, he wanted to let them go down the mountain to see what happened to the other members of the Tongling Sea Clan, but Xinghai fluctuated violently, blocking their way.

So much so that until now, they still don't know what's going on below.

It's not that Lord Wang Yan never thought of going down by himself, but if he leaves, what should he do here?

The Tongling Hall is of great significance to them. If there is a problem... As the patriarch, is there any reason why he should not be there?

What's more, Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi are still inside!

"You guys wait here for now, I'll go in and take a look first!"

Lord Wang Yan finally made up his mind to force his way in immediately.

Now that there are cracks on the outside of Tongling Hall, it should be much easier to get in than before.

However, as soon as Lord Wang Yan arrived at the gate of the main hall, a more terrifying coercion suddenly erupted inside!

At the same time, a huge boulder suddenly fell and smashed hard in front of Lord Wang Yan!


The dull sound surprised everyone, and when they saw the scene clearly, they realized that it was actually a piece of white jade on the dome of Tongling Hall!

The stone suddenly fell down, and directly smashed a deep hole on the ground one step away from Lord Wang Yan!

Lord Wang Yan stood still immediately!


Seeing this, everyone exclaimed in surprise.

Venerable Wang Yan raised his palms to indicate that he was fine, but with his back to everyone, he raised his eyes to look at the Tongling Hall in front of him, but frowned tightly.

Today's Tongling Hall, it is easier to enter, but... I don't know what happened inside, it has become more dangerous!

I'm afraid the Tongling Hall is really about to collapse!

"All of you are not allowed to come here! If there is any abnormality, go down the mountain immediately! Protect the people in the clan and go to Sifeng Bay!"

Seeing the cracks spreading continuously above the Tongling Hall and the falling stones, Lord Wang Yan's heart sank directly.

He had a premonition—today, Tonglinghai might face a catastrophe of life and death!

All the elders were shocked when they heard this.

The meaning of Lord Wang Yan could not be more obvious!

He is preparing them to escape!

So what happened?

The Tongling Hall collapsed suddenly, but they didn't even know the reason, let alone what was going on inside.

But they all know that this is not the time to worry about these things.


Everyone responded in unison.

Lord Wang Yan looked dignified, and then summoned a bronze mirror!

It was the original soul-breaking mirror!

Venerable Wang Yan circulated his main force and poured it into it. A bright light instantly filled the entire soul-breaking mirror!

However, just as he was about to leave, there was an extremely cold aura that spread out in the Tongling Hall!

Lord Wang Yan's expression suddenly changed!

This breath—

Without even thinking about it, he backed away immediately, and at the same time shouted loudly:

"Evacuate all immediately!"

The elders behind him hadn't realized what was going on, but they all knew in their hearts that they were in trouble when they heard him yelling, and they all got up and rushed down the mountain!

The Xinghai entrenched on the middle of the mountain, the fluctuations at this time have become more and more intense!

If they continue to force their way, most of them will have to pay a considerable price.

"What should we do?" Several elders looked at each other.

Elder Wang Yi gave a deep voice:

"What else can I do? Of course continue!"

He has almost never seen such a reaction from Lord Wang Yan, so it can be seen that the situation in Tongling Hall has become very bad!

The other elders actually understood it in their hearts, so they gritted their teeth and started rushing down!

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the Tongling Hall!


This huge movement immediately attracted everyone's attention, including the elders who were about to leave.

But when they turned around, they were shocked on the spot.

Because the Tongling Hall has completely collapsed!

Seeing the collapse of the Tongling Hall, which symbolized the supremacy, had a great impact on everyone present.

Tongling Hall has always been the most sacred place in the entire Tongling Sea. Since the ancestors built it themselves, it has become a place that everyone in Tongling Sea respects and yearns for.

Normally, even ordinary elders had to apply strictly if they wanted to enter the Tongling Hall.

They can only enter with permission.

As for many of the younger generations in the clan, it is basically impossible for them to come back at other times except when they are checking the Yuanmai.

It is conceivable how shocking and terrifying it was for them to see the collapse of the Tongling Hall with their own eyes.

But Venerable Wang Yan couldn't care less about these things at this time.

His eyes were fixed on the Tongling Hall.

Countless rubble fell down, smoke and dust rose up, and for a while, it was impossible to see clearly the situation in the middle.

He wanted to rush up immediately, but his body seemed to be bound by something, completely frozen and unable to move.

And in his mind, the memory that had been buried for hundreds of years finally opened again!

Because of this breath, he is too familiar!

If...if he didn't guess wrong...

Suddenly, a black mist floated up from the smoke and dust!

In fact, under such a chaotic scene, this black mist, which is no more than the thickness of a thumb, is not so conspicuous.

But Lord Wang Yan still saw it at a glance!

His pupils shrank in an instant! The heart also seemed to be hit by something suddenly!

Others may not know it, but this black mist... this breath...

But he is all too familiar!

Even if he dies, he will never forget what this is!

Hundreds of years ago, the person who attacked him... was carrying such a black mist!

After that fierce battle, Lord Wang Yan was trapped for nearly five hundred years.

If he hadn't used the star array later to move the hall that bound him, he might not be able to escape now.

A long time has passed, but he still remembers the scenes of that year clearly!

Even if I die, I will never forget it!

But—this is the Tongling Sea, and even, above this mountain is the Tongling Palace that has existed for more than a thousand years!

Here, how could such a thing appear! ?

Lord Wang Yan thought of this and was very shocked and angry.

Seeing the cloud of black mist gradually condense into a figure, Lord Wang Yan shouted loudly without turning his head:


At the same time, as soon as he moved, he flew directly towards that side!

All the elders seemed to be screaming out when they heard Lord Wang Yan's voice, and they all trembled in their hearts. Before they had time to think about it, they immediately turned around and broke into the Xinghai!

Even if they have to pay the price, they must act immediately!

Although I still don't know what it is, but...Honor Wang Yan's reaction can already explain everything!

However, just as Lord Wang Yan was about to rush over, the fog in front of him gradually dissipated, and he finally saw clearly that there were actually three people behind that person!

Two of them, facing the figure condensed by the black mist, were Mu Qinglan and Yun Yi!

Standing next to him was a man wearing a blue robe, but it was translucent, obviously a soul.

Lord Wang Yan is not familiar with him, but judging from the situation, it seems to be someone from Mu Qinglan and the others.

His eyes quickly swept over those people, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that none of them were seriously injured.

Of course, he couldn't completely relax in the face of this black mist.

Presumably, the Tongling Hall collapsed because of the appearance of this person!

Lord Wang Yan had countless questions in his mind, but before he could open his mouth, he saw a blue lotus seat suddenly appearing in front of Mu Qinglan.

With a leap, she sat cross-legged on the rosette, and then even closed her eyes.

At the same time, a red lantern appeared above her head.

She said:

"Master, Qing Lin, Yun Yi, please forgive me."

When Lord Wang Yan was wondering, he saw countless stars suddenly appearing around Mu Qinglan's body!

The huge sea of ​​stars surrounded her in an instant!

"I thought Tongling was exhausted, but I didn't expect... to meet you here."

The man suddenly opened his mouth and laughed sinisterly.

"It just so happens that the leader is looking for you. So, follow me and wait to go back!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeve robe, and countless black mist suddenly shot out from under the ground!

The black mist began to condense into silhouettes at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Just when Lord Wang Yan was startled, he suddenly heard the exclamation of Elder Wang Yi and others.

The voice trembled, with obvious shock and panic.

He had a bad heart, and immediately turned his head, following the eyes of Elder Wang Yi and the others.

Seeing this, Lord Wang Yan was chilled all over! A chill suddenly swept through the whole body!

At the foot of the mountain and above the ground, streaks of black mist appeared one after another!

Near and far!

Down the mountain, flat ground!

Even... at the place where the sea and the sky meet, a black line seems to appear!

This black mist surrounded the entire Tongling Sea in an instant!

This is—a catastrophe!

The next door waited for Bai to only have a few hundred thousand characters, and he was already driving every day. Looking back at himself, he felt ashamed.

The wedding day is the time to eat meat!

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