God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 156 Mu Qinglan! (three more)


Mu Qinglan moved in his heart and immediately looked over.


That last door finally opened completely!

Several figures entered one after another!

At the same time, the gloomy and fierce aura became stronger and stronger!

Mu Qinglan frowned indiscernibly—she was somewhat familiar with this aura, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

And this kind of movement naturally attracted everyone in the field to look at it.

Aware of that unusual aura, many people's expressions changed slightly.

Even Xia Yinyin and the others had a condensed expression.

When the door closed, those few people finally stood still.

There were about five or six people in the group, all wearing black robes, and even their heads were covered by hoods. They couldn't see the full face, only the chin could be vaguely seen. The skin was a little too pale, and it looked a little sick.

And their bodies are also very thin, swaying in their wide robes, and they land silently when they move, like ghosts.

The atmosphere in the field was stagnant for a moment.

However, Mu Qinglan finally remembered where he had seen these people!

Yun Yi!

It was such a group of people back then, chasing and killing Yun Yi!

Of course, those people were not Yun Yi's opponents, and he was happy to solve them.

But she didn't expect to meet these people here!

Yun Yi's identity and background are extraordinary, and the people who dare to hunt him down must have a lot of power.

Yun Yi is not here now!

Then, did they really come to this towering tower?

Mu Qinglan looked back calmly, Lin Qingmo and Jin Chuan didn't notice her movements, but asked in a low voice, "Those people look a little weird."

Jin Chuan also nodded, with a serious expression: "The aura on their bodies is very unusual, not to mention Linzhou, it is even further away, I have never seen such a person..."

Mu Qinglan shook her head: "Stop with stillness, just be careful."

After all, the origin, strength, and even the purpose of the other party are unclear, so it is better not to provoke them at will.

Lin Qingmo and Jin Chuan looked at each other and nodded.

And the people in front of the other six doors obviously have some opinions on this group of people.

"Who are you? Which way are you? How come I've never seen you before?"

Wu Qiming spoke first, his tone impatient.

I was angry with Xia Yinyin and the others just now, and when I saw these people, I directly swept my anger on them.

At first, Xiong Jinhai and Meng Guanshan, who had joked with him about Mu Qinglan and others, didn't say anything.

Mu Qinglan sneered in his heart.

That Xiong Jinhai looked reckless, but he wasn't actually stupid.

Although the three of Mu Qinglan came out of the most difficult phantom gate, on the surface, they were only two middle stages of Divine Soul Realm and one middle stage of Yutian Realm. They were very easy to bully.

That Xiong Jinhai and Meng Guanshan naturally didn't care much, and even made a bet and joked about it.

Between the words, there is no fear of offending them.

But after Xia Yinyin and others appeared, they glanced at it, but they didn't take the initiative to speak, but Wu Qiming, self-righteous, even directly confronted the Xia Shang auction house, recruiting an enemy for himself in vain.

Because of this, Xiong Jinhai, Meng Guanshan and others didn't even talk to each other, they just didn't want to offend Xia Yinyin and the others.

And the person who came out behind the eighth door was obviously beyond their expectations, and the gloomy and strange appearance of the other side made them even more cautious.

Only this Wu Qiming is very happy to find death.

The person who dares to fight against Yun Yi... Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, her eyes drooping slightly.

Anyway, she will not take the initiative to provoke now.

Wu Qiming's voice fell, wandering in the empty space.

The person in the lead seemed to raise his head and glance at Wu Qiming. He couldn't see his expression clearly, and didn't say anything, but everyone still felt an invisible coercion. Small!

Wu Qiming was given that look, and his heart trembled suddenly, he felt a basin of ice water and headed down!

In fact, he didn't even see the other party's appearance clearly, he only felt that a cold gaze swept around him, as if he was being stared at by the god of death as terrifying!

"You, you..."

Wu Qiming forced his mouth to speak, but he couldn't say the following words.

In fact, his back was covered in cold sweat!

If those mysterious people do it, he can be sure that he is definitely not an opponent!

At this time, Wu Qiming was very regretful in his heart. He knew that he should not speak casually, and offended so many people!

But he loved face again, stammered for a long time, didn't say anything, only sighed in his heart, feeling aggrieved.

Others watched with cold eyes, but they all had some guesses.

Meng Guanshan also stood up suddenly, with a smile on his face, looking more graceful.

"In Xia Mengguan Mountain, some of you present may have heard the name Xia. Today, since everyone has the fate to gather here, they are naturally brothers. I don't know if you can give me a face? Let's think about this third layer thing?"

Meng Guanshan obviously had an extraordinary background. As soon as these words came out, even Xia Yinyin and the others nodded.

"The Meng family has always been fair, and the fourth son's words are naturally trustworthy!"

"Yes! Fourth Young Master Meng speak up! Now, how to enter the third floor is the most important thing!"

As soon as the voice fell, many people responded.

Meng Guanshan smiled and cupped his hands: "Thank you for your praise. Then I will tell you what I know and give you some reference."

"It is rumored that the third floor of Qingtian Pagoda, only after all eight doors have been opened, can everyone join forces to enter the third floor. We have been waiting here for nearly a day today, and now that everyone has arrived, then this Tiantian Pagoda's The third floor, presumably can be opened."

Everyone listened quietly.

"Everyone knows that this Pagoda has an exquisite structure and countless profound connections. There are nearly three hundred people entering the wasteland. There are eight doors in this Pagoda, and there are very few people who can enter. There are very few, and each door is only allowed to be opened once, so the only people who can enter here are those present.”

Holding everyone calmly, Meng Guanshan looked at Mu Qinglan and the three of them and said with a smile:

"Actually, when I heard this rumor, I always had doubts in my heart - I heard that the Xuanmen has not been opened for ten years, so the third floor cannot be opened? Then these ten years, those who entered the Qingtian Pagoda, Did anyone go up to a higher level and get the treasure? No one knows that. However, unexpectedly, this year, a few people have successfully entered through the extremely difficult Xuanmen. I would like to congratulate a few of them. "

Saying that, they cupped their hands towards Mu Qinglan and the three of them.

The three of Mu Qinglan had already stood up. Hearing the words, Mu Qinglan's expression was calm, and there was an appropriate slight smile on his face: "You're welcome."

Meng Guanshan continued:

"Now that the eight parties have gathered together, in my opinion, it is more convenient for us to enter the third floor. However, the information is limited, but I don't know the specific method? I don't know everyone, but what can I do?"

"Meng Laosi, you can't do anything about it, what can we do?" Xiong Jinhai laughed, his voice trembled, "You have a lot of heart, if you knew the way, you would sneak in and turn around. But I can't spare you!"

Xiong Jinhai and Meng Guanshan obviously had a relationship for a long time. Meng Guanshan was not angry when he said this, but smiled and said:

"If only I knew how to do it! Where is the need to say these words here?"

Xia Yinyin's beautiful eyes blinked lightly: "Meng Fourth Young Master really doesn't know?"

Meng Guanshan smiled bitterly: "Miss Xia has already asked herself, how dare I lie? I really don't know!"

Xia Yinyin snorted.

It is strange that she believed these words.

The people who came this time are almost all extraordinary, and some of them are even as powerful as their Xia Shang Auction House. Obviously, they heard the news of the birth of the Earth Rank Art.

These people are all prepared!

"I've heard a certain saying that people who need to open these eight doors must make a move to enter the third floor. Why don't we try?"

Someone tentatively spoke.

Many people looked slightly moved, but no one objected.

"In that case, how about we try?"

"Yeah, I see that, let these eight people come out and try it first!"

"Okay! Then I will be the first one!" Xiong Jinhai laughed and walked to the middle first.

Then, a palm slapped on the ground—

"I want to see, what's weird here!"


The palm fell, and a dazzling light suddenly appeared under his feet!

Everyone was shocked, and only then did they see a golden circle at Xiong Jinhai's feet!

And the circle was clearly divided into eight parts. At this time, the place where Xiong Jinhai was standing was already lit up!

Everyone's eyes lit up, Meng Guanshan immediately walked up, slapped it with a palm, and another ray of light rose into the sky!

Sure enough!

Seeing this, the others no longer hesitated. In front of each door, there was a person who came forward.

In the end, even one of the mysterious people walked over.

The entire golden disc has been lit up seven times, and only the last one is left, and it can be completely consummated!

Everyone looked at Mu Qinglan and the others.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Many people's eyes are full of stunned - turned out to be the door opened by this Yutianjing? This, this is too...

When everyone was surprised, Mu Qinglan had stepped on the golden disc with one foot!


A light suddenly shines!

The entire golden disc suddenly glowed with golden light! And then spun at the feet of everyone!

Mu Qinglan's expression didn't change, but his heart was agitated!

The fluctuations of the black jade slip suddenly rose sharply!

An indescribably strong call came from a distance!


The second floor of the huge Sky Tower was instantly golden!

A silver cicada came from a distance.

Dressed in white, followed closely behind.

When he saw that golden light, Yun Yi frowned slightly.

There, he did feel the breath of the people of the Black Demon Sect, and...

He looked shocked and felt that familiar wave, almost unbelievable!

That is--

Mu Qinglan's Yuan Power fluctuates!

As for why Young Master Yun thought it was Mu Qinglan's fluctuation, not "Mu Linghan"? Why didn't you notice it before? It will be revealed later haha! Anyway, Young Master Yun was already prepared, I really thought they were stupid, hehe, anyway, it was a trick to our little Qinglan.

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