God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 217 Someone is in Trouble Again (Part 2)


For a moment, Zhao Qingshan didn't realize the meaning of this sentence.

But Mu Qinglan suddenly raised his hand, tapped lightly somewhere, the sound of gears turning, and a horizontal grid suddenly protruded from the right side of Zhao Qingshan.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, but saw several grooves of different sizes on it.

"If An Binghuai and the others find this place before I come back, you can press the groove on it. Different grooves correspond to different organs, but they can all help you resist their attacks."

Mu Qinglan walked a few more steps, and after looking around, raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that the construction of this dungeon is still very fine, and even these have been restored."

Zhao Qingshan finally understood what the strange feeling in his heart was!

Yes! This young man has a mysterious background, but he seems to know everything about this dungeon very well!

He is here, almost like entering no man's land!

However, Commander Mu Feng specially sent someone to create it with painstaking efforts a few years ago, and it was kept secret so strictly that even he didn't know it!

These captains were almost all single-handedly promoted by Mu Feng, so they were naturally full of reverence and loyalty to Mu Feng.

But even so, they only know part of it.

However, only Mu Feng himself is the most proficient in the mystery of this.

In fact, there is one exception——Li Hongfei!

When he was under Mu Feng, one of his most important responsibilities was to guard and maintain the dungeon!

Because of this, he knows more about this dungeon than Jiang Dayuan and Zhao Qingshan.

Otherwise, An Binghuai would not have attached so much importance to Li Hongfei, and even promoted him to the position of deputy commander!

However, even Li Hongfei is absolutely impossible to compare with Mu Feng himself!

And how did the young man in front of him know all these things so well?

Thinking of An Binghuai's shocked face when he disappeared in the end, Zhao Qingshan can be sure that An Binghuai himself doesn't know that there is another passage under this small cage!

And An Binghuai's assassination of the young man before was obviously avoided by him.

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Zhao Qingshan's mind, and his mind was in a mess. Something was about to come out, but it was always a little bit short.

He looked at the groove on the horizontal grid next to him, and saw Mu Qinglan's calm expression, obviously he knew everything here very well.

Mu Qinglan checked around and made sure that Zhao Qingshan could rely on these hidden mechanisms to protect himself before turning around and leaving.

Her steps were calm, and her figure almost merged with the darkness.

Zhao Qingshan looked at her back, but suddenly shouted:

"Wait! You... what's your name?"

Mu Qinglan reached forward with his hand and pressed lightly.

Just before disappearing, she looked back and smiled brightly.

"Mu Linghan."


The next moment, the stone slab in front of Mu Qinglan suddenly turned.

Mu Qinglan stepped in and disappeared in an instant!

In the whole space, it became quiet in an instant.

Zhao Qingshan muttered that name in a daze.

"Mu Linghan...Mu...Ling Han..."

Finally, he thought of something, and in the deeply sunken eye sockets, an unbelievable light flashed in the originally dim eyes!

Mu Linghan!

He knows this name!

Although I haven't seen it before, who doesn't know that Mu Feng has a pair of sons and daughters who are extremely talented!

It turned out to be the son of Commander Mu!

These thoughts rushed into Zhao Qingshan's mind like sea water in an instant! Almost exploded!

It turned out to be the son of Commander Mu!

No wonder!

No wonder he knows so well about this place!

No wonder he came to Jiuge with Jiang Dayuan, and even entered this dungeon alone!

No wonder, he just said that!

Everything is explained!

Zhao Qingshan didn't know how to describe his mood at this time, after learning the news that Mu Feng, his wife and 50,000 soldiers were wiped out in the sunset, he almost never felt like this again!

He wanted to laugh, wanted to shout, endless excitement, ecstasy, and relief poured out of his eyes, but in the end, he just stretched out his hand and covered his face.

His fingers were bloody and his face was bloodied.

It was eerily quiet all around.

After a long time, there was finally a hoarse whimpering sound.

It was a voice that suppressed the soul, and it moved people's faces when they heard it.

Just listening to this voice, one can imagine what kind of torture and pain the person who made this voice has endured.

But in the end, he was so relieved, so carefree!

Mu Feng led their revenge, and finally - can avenge it!


When the stone gate in front of Mu Qinglan turned around, she raised her foot to enter, and there was another corridor.

In the corridor, it was pitch black.

Mu Qinglan took out a luminous pearl, and the faint glow fell, and the road ahead could be vaguely seen bending, but the end could not be seen.

Mu Qinglan walked forward, and soon came to a step.

She went up the steps, and there was a closed space above her head.

She knocked and moved the stone above her head, revealing a one-foot-square space.

Then, turn around and go up.

After going up, it is still not a dungeon. Looking around, it is actually a road with steps in four directions.

Mu Qinglan recognized it with a glance, and then walked in a certain direction without hesitation.

After so many twists and turns, she went up and down several times before she finally stopped somewhere.

Looking at the small stone sculpture in front of her, the corners of Mu Qinglan's lips curved slightly.

At that time, for the sake of fun, she specially set up different stone carvings in these places. In fact, they all have the same function. I thought Mu Feng would not care about it. Who would have thought that he would restore her drawings meticulously.

Being able to have such a family in this life, she has accumulated countless lifetimes of blessings.

Therefore, the more this is the case, the more she wants to save her father!

"Girl, can you predict whether or not the prophet will succeed? When you designed this dungeon, didn't you already think of today?"

Along the way, Mu Qinglan moved extremely fast and smoothly. To others, this dungeon is heavily guarded and exquisitely designed. If someone breaks into the corridor below, it will be regarded as a maze.

But for her, it couldn't be easier.

Because this map is in her heart, very clear!

Hearing what Xueyou said, Mu Qinglan couldn't help curling her lips.

"I didn't even think about coming to Jiuge, so naturally I didn't think of these."

However, no matter what, it is very beneficial to her!

Mu Qinglan pressed his hand on the stone carving, and then turned it around slightly!



After An Binghuai sent the order down, he quickly thought of something, and frowned and returned quickly.

When he saw that Liu Kaixuan was still in that cage, and still looked half-dead, he let out a breath slowly.

Although Liu Kaixuan didn't know as much as Zhao Qingshan, he couldn't say for certain.

After all, the two of them are life and death friends.

Zhao Qingshan has been taken away by that person, maybe he will come to rescue Liu Kaixuan again!

Although he didn't know the identity of that person, An Binghuai was already extremely alert.

He raised his hand, and the iron gate of Liu Kaixuan's cage slowly rose!

An Binghuai took a few steps forward, grabbed Liu Kaixuan by the collar, and grabbed him! Then get out of the cage!

And the moment he left with Liu Kaixuan, he immediately activated the mechanism next to him!


There is a loud noise!

It was the huge boulder that was hanging, and it fell to the ground with a crash!

When Liu Kaixuan woke up from a coma, he found that he was actually held by An Binghuai.

His injury was not as serious as Zhao Qingshan, so his mental state was not bad, and he still had some strength.

However, that bit of strength is nothing in front of An Binghuai.

An Binghuai looked cold and stern, staring at Liu Kaixuan.

"It seems that I still underestimated you. I thought it would be enough to deal with your people, but in the end...you can still find someone? However, it is too naive to want to escape from here! Do you really think that, Am I defenseless against you!?

Liu Kaixuan couldn't understand what An Binghuai was saying.

However, he heard the meaning of it.

—Someone broke in? Or save them?

How can this be! ?

After An Binghuai came to Jiuge, his methods were tough. Anyone who was not loyal and submissive was dealt with by him by various means, and he and Zhao Qingshan were imprisoned here, and life was worse than death.

There is no one in Jiuge, so how could...

"Even a Void Realm expert might not be able to escape unscathed, let alone a dying Zhao Qingshan!"

An Binghuai was full of anger, and suddenly thought of the person who broke into the Commander's Mansion the night before!

His expression changed - could it be that the young man just now was that person! ?

That's right, they are all in the middle stage of Yutian Realm!

And now that I think about it, it seems that the breath is somewhat similar!


An Binghuai's expression was already extremely ugly. He had used almost all his strength in the past two days and turned the whole nine games upside down, but still got nothing. Never expected that that person would be so bold that he dared to do these things under his nose!

Breaking into the Commander's Mansion, even pretending to be Zhao Qingshan's younger brother, following him into this dungeon, and then hiding Zhao Qingshan! ?

He no longer intends to cut that person into pieces, how can such a criminal law dispel the hatred in his heart!


On the other side, Yun Yi was in the room, looking at a picture on the table, but suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

Mo Yu walked in: "Young master, it seems that people from the Commander's Mansion have surrounded this place."

Yun Yi stared slightly, then raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

Someone seems to be in trouble again...

Let's have a meal, later in the middle of the night

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