God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 253 Betrayal (two more)


This time, the bamboo forest was quiet for a while.

The boy who made the joke finally felt a little embarrassed, coughed, and said:

"I forgot, those are the past..."

Everyone is dead, what else is there to say?

Although he really thinks in his heart, let alone the imperial capital, it is the entire Shengyuan Empire, I am afraid that there are not many women who can match the talent of Mu Qinglan at the beginning.

What's more, although Mu Qinglan is only thirteen or fourteen years old, he has already shown a stunning appearance. If he can grow up, he will definitely attract many men crazy.

However, among these people, the only one that did not include her former fiancé—the current Fourth Highness, Xiao Beitang.

The two had a marriage contract since they were young. If they liked it, Xiao Beitang would have liked it long ago, and it would not have been so cold for so many years.

Not long after the news of Mu Qinglan's death, he was engaged to the eldest lady of the An family.

In his heart, he felt a little inappropriate.

But Xiao Beitang's talent and ability are the best among the princes. As long as there is no accident, it will be Xiao Beitang who will ascend to the throne of the great treasure in the future.

Therefore, when many people faced the fourth prince, it was inevitable that they would feel a little more fearful in their hearts.

It was as if he felt pity for the beauty who died, but he wouldn't really accuse Xiao Beitang of doing these things badly.

It's a big deal, and no one will take it seriously.

However, just as he was about to uncover this matter, a young man walked out of the bamboo forest.

This young man had black hair tied up with a golden crown, wore a crescent-colored robe, and had a dragon head tattooed on his left chest.

Obviously, it was the same uniform that An Jialuo wore.

However, even with such ordinary clothes, it still can't hide his dragon and phoenix appearance.

The bridge of the nose is straight and the eyebrows are drawn into the temples. The most noticeable thing is his long and narrow brown eyes.

However, his expression is clean and straight, his shoulders are straight, and he is holding a long sword in his hand.

He walked forward, every step as if it had been meticulously measured, with the same length and straight lines.

"She doesn't need me to speak."

He spoke lightly. Although he was talking about such a thing, he still gave off a very serious and serious feeling.

Seeing this, the young man in the courtyard couldn't help but sigh, and rolled his eyes secretly in his heart.

I don't know how this Xiao Beitang could have such a character, he was just like the old men in his family, he was stern and didn't say anything, and there were a lot of rules and regulations.

Every time I talk to him, I get tired and sweaty.

However, who made the family the fourth prince?

From a certain point of view, it is very rare to be able to hold such an identity so much.

It is also a grade of sixteen or seventeen, always giving people a feeling of maturity, without any meaning at all.

Hearing this, he was even more disdainful.

What do you mean when you don't need her to speak?

It's not someone else, but your fiancee! Even if they don't lack anything, you have to show your heart to please them, right?

But he had followed Xiao Beitang for so long, and he had never seen Xiao Beitang work on Mu Qinglan.

When Mu Qinglan was alive, his appearance was stunning, his talent was first-class, and he was from a big family like the Mu family, so it could be said that there was nothing wrong with him.

There are not many people in the imperial capital who secretly admire her, but such a peerless beauty was given to Xiao Beitang early on.

No one else can think about it.

However, the fourth prince, who was in the midst of blessings, did not know the blessings, and his attitude was always very cold.

If he hadn't seen that he cared so much about An Jialuo later, he would have suspected that Xiao Beitang liked men!

"I don't know how they offended you. What about you? Forget it, anyway, the beautiful woman has passed away, so it's boring to talk about it."

Xiao Beitang looked at him.

"Yichen, you don't seem to know her very well, why do you remember to speak for her now?"

Ouyang Yichen glared at him.

"Anyway, my sister is also going to marry her brother, okay? What's wrong with me?"

Speaking of this, Ouyang Yichen couldn't help but feel angry.

My sister has also become a widow, what's the matter? !

But the Mu family was already pitiful enough, and he couldn't blame him any more.

All I can say is that God made people.

It's all to blame for his mouth, what are you doing when you mention that person?

Xiao Beitang likes An Jialuo, and that has nothing to do with him.

Xiao Beitang didn't speak any more.

No matter how much he disliked that fiancee in his heart, now that the person is gone, he doesn't bother to talk about anything behind his back.

He sat next to Ouyang Yichen and changed the subject.

"You don't have a contracted primordial beast yet? The one from the Ouyang family didn't say anything?"

Ouyang Yichen sighed.

"I can't compare to you! The dean, the old man, has a lot of heart for you, and he rushed to help you find the primordial beast. I'm better, no one cares at all! Not to mention the old man in our family, he has been busy recently. As for Mo'er. As you know, she has been in bad health since she was a child. Although she has recovered a little now, she still needs to be careful."

Xiao Beitang nodded clearly.

Ouyang Yichen rolled his eyes, but suddenly took two steps closer and asked in a low voice:

"However, although I know you will be unhappy to ask this, I still want to know - have you heard the rumors about the imperial capital recently?"

Xiao Beitang frowned slightly.

"You mean the Zhong family and the Wang family?"

Ouyang Yichen blinked: "It's more than that! There is also the Xia Shang auction house!"

Xiao Beitang nodded: "I heard a little."

Ouyang Yichen pouted, Xiao Beitang's nature was cautious and restrained, even if he really understood the matter, he would only say that he only knew a thing or two.

He didn't believe it, Xiao Beitang wouldn't know if the trouble was so big!

He reclined in his chair and sighed.

"Actually, if it weren't for our family Mo'er, I really don't want to ask you about these things. But you also know that she just admits the truth, and I don't know where I heard that Mu Linghan has appeared again, and he has not become a waste. , let me help you find out what you say. I can only come to you for some advice. "

Although Ouyang Yichen had been separated from Ouyang Mo since he was a child, he was a compatriot after all, and his brother still cared about his sister's affairs.

I didn't realize it at first, but later I found out that his younger sister actually fell in love with Mu Linghan!

To say that this marriage is actually excellent, after all, Mu Linghan is suave and suave, and his talent may be better than that of the fourth prince.

He also admired Mu Linghan very much.

But who would have thought that a person who used to be so beautiful would be kicked out of the family?

Today's Mu Linghan really has nothing, so how can he give up his sister with confidence?

"Don't you know that since Mu Linghan was kicked out of the Mu clan, our old man regretted it and said that he shouldn't have set up this marriage for Mo'er so early. I thought it was a great thing, but now—"

Ouyang Yichen picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Actually, I didn't care at first, but who knew that Mo'er wouldn't say anything about breaking the marriage!"

In fact, Ouyang Yichen didn't think his sister was wrong, he just felt it was a pity, he couldn't bear that his sister would fall into the hands of Mu Linghan, who had nothing in his life, but in the end he agreed to her request and came to visit him specially Xiao Beitang.

Only then did Xiao Beitang understand Ouyang Yichen's intention, and he was silent for a moment, then said:

"Actually, I just heard about it. If you really want to know, you should ask Wang Chuyun or Lao Qi."

Why doesn't Ouyang Yichen know?

But Wang Chuyun is still lying on the bed now, and the Wang family is strictly guarded, he can't get in at all!

As for the seventh prince...

"Hey, it's not like you don't know the temperament of His Highness the Seventh Prince. He's elusive, how can I find him?"

Therefore, they can only come up to block Xiao Beitang's door.

Xiao Beitang took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the sword in his hand.

"I can't help you with this, because I don't know. If you really want to know, you might as well check it out yourself."

Xiao Beitang's wrist flicked slightly, and a cold light flashed across the sword.

"I will leave the imperial capital tomorrow, and I can't help you."

Ouyang Yichen had a bitter look on his face.

"Then what should I do? Where do I go to check? These families in the imperial capital are very secretive about Mu Linghan. I am the young master of the little Ouyang family. I have no power or power. Why should they listen to me?"

Xiao Beitang paused, seeing Ouyang Yichen's pitiful look, his eyes moved slightly.

When Ouyang Yichen saw it, he quickly said:

"Well, if you can help me, I owe you a favor! How about it?! I just collected a set of jewelry, why don't you give it to Miss An for you? It's made of broken red jade—"

"She doesn't like these vulgar things."

Xiao Beitang suddenly interrupted him, and seemed to ponder for a moment before saying:

"But she should like your three-ring wolf hair."

Ouyang Yichen looked at Xiao Beitang strangely, and after a while, he muttered:

"You're actually willing to ask for something for her... It seems that Miss An has an unusual position in your heart..."

This ridicule, Xiao Beitang was not angry, only a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"She's my fiancee, and that's fine."

Ouyang Yichen was stunned for a while, and immediately agreed.

It's just that in my heart, there was a word that I didn't say again--

He remembered that Mu Qinglan also wanted to ask for a baby from him back then, but he was reluctant to ask Xiao Beitang, who was his fiancee after all.

But at that time, Xiao Beitang said that the man and the woman were unmarried, and their respective affairs were not involved.

The treatment of people and people is really different...

Thinking of this, Ouyang Yichen suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He is also a brother, and he can do his best to his sister whom he has not seen for many years. Mu Linghan and Mu Qinglan are twins, how deep should their relationship be?

Mu Qinglan didn't know this, that's all.

But if Mu Linghan is really alive as rumored, then when he returns to the imperial capital, knowing all this, how angry he should be?

Who didn't grow up being held in the palm of your hand?

But these thoughts just flashed by, his face quickly regained a smile, and patted Xiao Beitang on the shoulder:

"Thank you!"

Xiao Beitang raised his eyebrows slightly, still wiping his sword carefully.

Ouyang Yichen accidentally saw what seemed to be embroidered on the handkerchief, and there was a faint scent coming from it, and suddenly became curious:

"Is this handkerchief sent by Miss An?"

Xiao Beitang's expression softened a lot unconsciously.

"She gave it to her on her engagement day. She also embroidered it herself."

Since they are already fiancées, sending such a token of love will naturally not seem arrogant.

Ouyang Yichen laughed clearly, and then suddenly thought of something, the smile on his face faded slightly.

On your engagement day?

Embroidered by yourself?

He remembered that when they got engaged, the news of Mu Qinglan's death had just been sent back, right?

And this is not something that can be embroidered in one or two days, obviously it has been prepared for a long time...

Ouyang Yichen lowered his eyes, a thought flashed in his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly laughed.

Xiao Beitang turned his head and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Ouyang Yiyun smiled and said, "It's nothing."

Mu Qinglan, or dying in the secret realm of Zhongyuan, is the best ending, right?

Such a proud and brilliant woman, if she knew that she had been betrayed long ago, how painful would it be?

"Pain? What's the pain in that?"

Mu Qinglan looked at the hot desert in front of her, like a furnace, and wiped the sweat that kept oozing from her forehead.

Since entering this desert, the group of them felt like they were put into a steamer. Not long after they left, Mu Qinglan was soaked several times and quickly dried out.

Her face was slightly red due to the high temperature, but her eyes were exceptionally bright.

Jiang Dayuan looked at her worriedly: "But San Shao, if you want to go to the end of the sunset, you still need to endure a lot of torture..."

Mu Qinglan snorted, and the brows were arrogant—

"It's just a small matter! This young master won't even blink his eyes!"

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