God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 808 Tongling Sea, Wang Yan (2 more)

The sudden appearance of Yinfeng surprised these people.


The man known as the big brother immediately gave an order to lead his men to chase after him.

"Brother, what about this person?"

A man spoke suddenly, and looked at Cang Ya worriedly.

This...they are going to clean up the person soon...if he leaves now, this person...

"You two come with me, and the rest stay here and hold this man! Let's talk after everyone else has rushed over!"

Seeing that a few people were still a little hesitant, the man scolded angrily:

"His grandma's, use your brains to think about which one is more important!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in chasing after Mu Qinglan in the direction where Mu Qinglan disappeared!

The two people who were standing behind looked at each other, and they both hurriedly chased after them.

Cang Ya hated secretly in his heart, he knew that the kid was going to take this opportunity to escape!

He also wanted to catch up, but the rest of the people held him back tightly, and after a while, he fell into a disadvantage.

"Hey, I want to see how long you can go on! Di Qianjue's subordinates are nothing more than that!"

Hearing this sentence, Cang Ya turned his head with gloomy eyes.

Yinfeng moved very quickly. During this time, Mu Qinglan was practicing, and it was not idle.

The last time I got a lot of dragon blood power, not only made Yinfeng's body recover very well, but also strengthened a lot.

Mu Qinglan could clearly feel the changes in Yinfeng, and the scales on its body seemed to have become tougher.

Of course, unlike the drastic changes during the promotion and breakthrough, the current changes in Yinfeng are produced imperceptibly. It seems that because of the golden dragon blood Lin in his body, Mu Qinglan also feels the changes in Yinfeng's body more clearly. .

Standing on Yinfeng's back, Mu Qinglan looked around.

This is an extremely desolate land, the ground is dark reddish-brown, occasionally there are some sparse withered yellow vegetation, it seems that it is very difficult to hide oneself.

Other than that, there was nothing else.

There are so few people, no wonder Di Qianjue wants to set up his place in this place. If people who don't know it want to find this place, they will have to spend a lot of effort.

Mu Qinglan had no memory of what happened when she came here, so she didn't know how to leave at this time, so she could only move forward aimlessly.

——Of course she can't stop, those people of Shengtianzong will not let her go easily.

Mu Qinglan looked back, and could even see someone chasing this way in the sky.

Fortunately, Yinfeng's speed was extremely fast, and they couldn't catch up for a while.

I don't know where Elder Gu Qi and the others are now, and what's going on...

Eight days have passed, logically speaking, at least Lord Wang Yan will come to find her. But until now, there is no news at all.

The only explanation is that this place is so far away from the teleportation array at that time that they haven't been able to find her.


Mu Qinglan's eyes suddenly brightened - Di Qianjue had previously promised to disclose the news that the dean's disappearance had something to do with Shengtianzong to the people in the academy. If they got the news, they would definitely try their best to find Shengtianzong !

Since there is no clue now, going to Shengtianzong is the best choice!

Of course, there are some dangers in doing so.

First, Mu Qinglan was not sure whether Di Qianjue had really given the news to Elder Gu Qi and the others. Second, according to her current strength, going to Shengtianzong is simply sending her to death.

To be honest, it was easy to get in, but not so easy to get out.

This would be an uncertain gamble.

Mu Qinglan was constantly thinking in her mind, and the balance in her heart was also shaking.

After a while, Mu Qinglan finally made up his mind.

"Silver Wind, go back!"

Rosa City.

As one of the thirteen largest cities under the Xiejun Mansion, Luosha City covers an extremely large area and is very lively with people coming and going.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, apart from the endless wasteland and mountains, there are many small cities, but compared to Luosha City, those are not worth mentioning, and they all belong to Luosha City.

The houses in Luosha City are basically paved with large gray-white stones. Although they are rough, they are not lacking in atmosphere.

At this time, on the street, a group of people were passing through the crowd.

In Luosha city, whoever has the hardest fist always counts what he says, so even if he simply walks on the street, many conflicts will erupt.

Sometimes the two sides don't like it, and they will fight directly.

But when this group of people passed by, many people around showed signs of fear.

"Old Wang, they seem to be watching us..."

Elder Shannai said in a low voice while watching his surroundings vigilantly.

"He didn't suppress the coercion on his body. Others will naturally feel that he is very strong. If he still rushes forward at this time, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?"

Elder Yaoguang laughed.

In order to hide their identities, they have changed their appearance to some extent, at least they cannot be recognized as coming from Xiling College.

On the contrary, Lord Wang Yan didn't do any disguise, but he wasn't worried about his identity being leaked.

——He has not come out for more than four hundred years, and there are very few people who can recognize him.

And the purpose of their trip was none other than to find the Lord of Luosha City.

"Old Wang, can that person really help us?"

Not only Elder Shanna, but several other people are also a little worried.

"This is a favor, he has to help, or he has to help."

Lord Wang Yan spit out a sentence expressionlessly.

The man was lost on the territory of their evil monarch's mansion, if he didn't come to trouble them, who would he trouble him with?

In fact, he didn't expect this at the beginning. After asking those people, he realized that the area actually belonged to the Xiejun Mansion, and it seemed that the Xiejun Mansion specially cultivated the dead.

Lord Wang Yan asked a few more questions later, only to know that the largest city here is Luosha City.

Only when they arrive at Luosha City and meet the city lord, can they really talk to the people from the Xiejun Mansion.

Lord Wang Yan didn't hesitate, and directly brought people to kill him. The journey was so long that it took them almost ten days.

Elder Yaoguang couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

"Shannai, have you forgotten the identity of Wang Lao?"

identity? What identity?

Of course it is the identity of the Lord and the strong!

And - the identity of the master of the star array!

Several people were startled, and then suddenly slapped their heads.

"Look at us, how impatient and stupid! We even forgot this!"

A power like the Evil Monarch's Mansion may not care about a Venerable Master, but it is impossible not to care about a Star Formation Master!

In the hearts of several people, they finally cheered up.

In this way, under the attention of many people around, a group of people walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion of Luosha City occupies a street alone, and almost no one around passes by this road.

But when they saw Lord Wang Yan and his party walking in, many people behind them were shocked, and immediately looked like they were watching a good show.

It's been a long time since I've seen anyone who dared to go to the City Lord's Mansion so rashly. I don't know if these people are too courageous, or they are too confident in themselves!

In front of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, there were two guards standing.

The two guards had noticed them from the moment they walked down the street.

Venerable Lord Wang Yan walked in the front, but Elder Yaoguang restrained his breath, suppressed his realm at the early stage of domain master, and stood with Elder Shannai.

Seeing their arrival, the two guards did not show any surprise, apparently someone had already informed them.

The Lord of Luosha City is really sharp enough...

Lord Wang Yan stepped forward:

"I want to see your city lord."

The two guards looked at each other, and then opened the door directly.

"The city lord has been waiting for a long time, please—"

Lord Wang Yan did not hesitate, and directly raised his foot forward.

The few people behind immediately followed, and they had more guesses about the Lord of Luosha City in their hearts.

After entering, there was still a young guard leading them all the way into the hall.

"You please—"

This time, several people noticed that the guard's respectful "please" seemed to be addressed only to Lord Wang Yan.

Sure enough, when Venerable Wang Yan entered, they were stopped outside.

The two people waiting at the door closed it carefully, and the guards stood in front of them, the respectful expression on their faces had disappeared, replaced by indifference.

"Everyone, just wait here."

Several people looked at each other, but didn't argue about anything at this time.

Come to think of it, the city lord of Luosha City has seen that Lord Wang Yan is not weak, so he is so polite.

But that's okay, as long as Lord Wang Yan goes in and can negotiate, it's the same.

The few people didn't say much, they all stood not far away and waited.

Elder Shannai glanced at Elder Yaoguang, with a hesitant look on his face, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Elder Yaoguang's eyes.

If Elder Yaoguang showed his strength and coercion, he should be invited in politely, but in the eyes of Elder Yaoguang, these are not important. What's more, if they go in, they may reveal their identities, so it's better to be here.

Now, the only worry is - I don't know if the Lord of Luosha City will help.

After Venerable Wang Yan entered, the door behind him was slowly closed.

Inside the hall, a man who looked to be in his thirties or forties was sitting at the head. When he saw Lord Wang Yan coming in, he laughed, got up and walked towards Lord Wang Yan:

"The lord has come from afar, and we have not greeted him from afar, what a disrespect!"

Lord Wang Yan held his hands behind his back, and he was not interested in these polite words.

"Time is running out, let's get straight to the point! This deity is here to ask for something, and I hope the city lord can help this deity."

Luo Daying froze for a moment, then felt a little unhappy.

This person is too inattentive. Although he is a strong man who respects the lord, he is asking for help after all. Such an attitude is indeed a bit arrogant.

The smile on his face faded a little.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, if there is anything that can help, we will definitely help! However, you also know that our Luosha City is one of the thirteen cities of the Xiejun Mansion after all. If we help casually, it will be... a bit uncomfortable. Convenience. Although you are a powerful lord, but...in the end, you are not from the Evil Monarch's Mansion..."

If this person is on the side of Shengtianzong, let alone helping, it would be good if he didn't kill him on the spot!

Lord Wang Yan looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"I forgot to mention, this deity—Tonglinghai, Wang Yan!"

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