God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 811 Surnamed Mu (second watch)

His feet were about to fall, but they suddenly bumped into Mu Qinglan's eyes.

Those are a pair of black jade-like eyes, unfathomable, but they seem to be able to see through everything, with extreme penetrating power.

The man's movements suddenly slowed down a beat.

The corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth curled up in a sarcasm.

"Your knowledge is not enough."

Hearing this, the man's expression became more and more angry, and he was about to continue to attack when a voice suddenly came from inside the room.

"Okay, you go down."

Mu Qinglan looked in the direction of the voice.

After the man heard the voice, he immediately became respectful, put his hands in front of him, bowed respectfully towards the inside, and then carefully entered another side door.

Come out alone.

It looks exactly the same as that person just now.

But it's clearly not the same person.

Compared with the previous one, this person is much deeper.

"You have sharp eyes. You can guess his identity so quickly."

Looking directly at each other, when he spoke, Mu Qinglan could feel the looming coercion.

This is the real hall master, the strength he should have!

Mu Qinglan didn't speak.

"It seems that you do have some skills. I heard that you contracted an eighth-rank ice pupil bone dragon, and you are a fifth-level star formation master?"

Mu Qinglan said: "I haven't asked the church master's name yet. Even if I die, I have to die to understand, right?"

The man looked at Mu Qinglan, and after a while, he smiled meaningfully.

"This is Baisong Hall."

Mu Qinglan was startled.

Bai Song Tang?

Isn't the hall master——

"So it's Hall Master Bai, I'm sorry."

It is rumored that under the Holy Heaven Sect, there are a total of eight halls, each with a hall master. And the name of each hall master is the same as the name of the hall gate.

This is not because of a coincidence, but because there is an unwritten rule in Shengtianzong, whoever becomes the head of the hall must have the same name as the door.

In other words, the name doesn't change, it just becomes a person.

"No problem. You'll always know anyway."

Hall Master Baisong waved his hand, as if he didn't care, and seemed to have other deep meanings.

"You haven't answered the hall master's question yet."

Mu Qinglan looked relaxed:

"Don't you know everything? Why do you need to ask me again?"

She didn't believe that such a high-ranking hall master couldn't get such news?

"It's nothing, I just felt a little surprised. After all, your age looks very young..."

Mu Qinglan was a little skeptical at first, but now she is sure that these people in the Holy Heaven Sect do not know her identity.

After all, the existence of Silver Wind is indeed extremely special. But anyone who pays more attention to the several colleges will not fail to guess her identity.

However, none of these people, even Hallmaster Baisong, showed any suspicion in this regard.

Mu Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the Yuantian Continent is extremely vast, so it's normal that people in the Western Territory don't know her identity.

After all, in the final analysis, she is just a student of Xiling College.

The people here in the western border are almost all fighting to survive, so naturally they don't have much experience to pay attention to such an inconspicuous existence as her.

This is quite convenient for her.

"I might as well tell you that Di Qianjue is in trouble now, and he can't protect himself, so if you know something, it's not too late to say it now."

Mu Qinglan said very sincerely: "I really have nothing to do with Di Qianjue."

Of course Hall Master Bai Song would not believe this.

"You have a good talent. If you are willing to tell what you know, the benefits in the future will be beyond your imagination."

Hall Master Baisong's words were a bit vague, but Mu Qinglan could guess the general idea—could he mean that if Mu Qinglan told everything he knew, maybe he could get Mu Qinglan to be taken care of by Shengtianzong?

But what Mu Qinglan said was also true.

During those eight days, she stayed in the house all the time, and she really didn't know anything.

So, she still said:

"I really do not know."

Hall Master Baisong's expression didn't change much, he just smiled without a smile, and then stood up.

"Since this is the case, then we have nothing to say. Someone, take him down, and 'serve' him well!"

Mu Qinglan was then taken to a dungeon-like place.

The surrounding area is dark and humid, without sunlight, and there are various unspeakable smells mixed in the thick bloody smell.

When Mu Qinglan passed by the narrow aisle in the middle, the people on both sides rushed up like crazy!

The cage made of black iron made it impossible for these people to cross, but those eyes seemed to swallow Mu Qinglan alive.

"Someone is coming! Someone is coming!"

"This time it's tender! Hahaha!"

"Smell it, the smell on him is really superb!"

All kinds of voices mixed together, making people uneasy.

If ordinary people came here and saw such a scene, they would probably be terrified.

But Mu Qinglan didn't care.

The scenes she has seen are more bloody and terrifying than this, and as for these people who seem to have gone crazy...

It seems that there are some secrets hidden...

Mu Qinglan was escorted and walked all the way inside.

The closer you get to the inside, the quieter the noise becomes.

By the time Mu Qinglan was pushed into the cell, no one around was shouting frantically.

On the contrary, unlike those excited people, those who were detained around Mu Qinglan were very calm when they noticed Mu Qinglan's arrival.

Some didn't even look at her.

But Mu Qinglan soon discovered that these people didn't really care about her appearance, but were full of hostility instead!

But they were not very obvious, so Mu Qinglan pretended not to see them.

Mu Qinglan looked around, picked a seat at random, and sat cross-legged.

Afterwards, she closed her eyes and began to repair the injuries in her body.

In the previous scene with that big brother, in order to pretend to be a little more like, she was somewhat injured.

The screaming voices outside gradually subsided.

Mu Qinglan could vaguely hear some people whispering, and they seemed to be discussing her.

"Hello, what's your name?"

The person in the cage on the right suddenly opened his mouth and asked Mu Qinglan.

Mu Qinglan ignored it.

After a moment of silence, the man stood up and walked towards Mu Qinglan.

Of course, each cell is separated, leaving only some gaps where they can see each other.

And those on the opposite side, too.

"I'm asking you something, can't you hear me?"

The voice sounded like a man in his thirties who was looking down at Mu Qinglan with a dangerous tone.

Mu Qinglan didn't open her eyes.

This time, the person in the cage on the left also suddenly stood up and walked towards her.

Mu Qinglan couldn't ignore the attack from both sides.

She sneered and said in a low voice:

"If you want to know my name, you must at least declare your family name first, right?"

"A young boy, he is not very young, but his temper is not small."

The man in the cage on the left seems to be younger, in his twenties, and is more likely to be aroused by Mu Qinglan's uncooperative attitude.

Mu Qinglan turned her head and glanced at him with a smile.

"Brother, you don't seem to be much older than me, do you?"

The young man was about to speak, but was stopped by the man.

"Ju Jiu, you forgot to teach you the rules again."

The man's clear and indifferent sentence immediately surprised Ju Jiu, and immediately lowered his head respectfully.

"Yes, I know I was wrong."

After finishing speaking, he took three steps back. Although he still looked at Mu Qinglan, he didn't speak again.

Mu Qinglan simply turned around and stood up, looking at the man in the cage on the right.


Mu Qinglan nodded:


What the other party said was not necessarily her real name, but she didn't care, anyway, she couldn't possibly say her real name here.

Mu Qinglan thought that after she said these two words, the other party would be somewhat angry, but unexpectedly saw a hint of surprise on the other party's face.

"...your... surname is Mu?"

Mu Qinglan's heart clicked, but nothing showed on his face.

"What's wrong with the surname Mu?"

The man stared at Mu Qinglan, suddenly his expression changed, and he took another step forward.

He had already stood where the two cells were separated by black iron, and he couldn't get any closer.

However, those eyes were still sizing up Mu Qinglan's face.

"Come closer, please?"

Qing Wu's tone suddenly became polite.

The faint premonition in Mu Qinglan's heart seemed to be boiling in the next moment!

She didn't move, she just stood there.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, you don't have to—"


Before Mu Qinglan finished speaking, he saw the man's palm, and suddenly a ball of flame flew out! Fly towards Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan frowned, but did not move.

And that flame, when it flew over the refined iron, seemed to have encountered something terrible, and quickly annihilated it!

In addition to the obstacle of the fine iron, there is actually a solid barrier between the two!

Mu Qinglan clenched her fists slowly, and her heart began to beat faster.

——The other party has been here for so long, it is impossible not to know that the flame cannot pass through, and his purpose is naturally not to attack Mu Qinglan.

He did this on purpose, just for that moment of light!

He wanted to see Mu Qinglan's face clearly!

Mu Qinglan's heart beat like thunder.

Who would be interested in her face?

The answer is almost obvious!


The moment Qingwu saw Mu Qinglan's face clearly, his heart was shocked!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and met his eyes!

In an instant, lightning and flint!

"Your surname is Mu?" There was an imperceptible tremor in his voice.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath.

"My surname is Mu."

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