God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 820 Holy Fire (Part 2)

Mu Qinglan kept holding a glimmer of hope in her heart, thinking how mother and father were together. But now the facts are in front of him, and he has to accept it.

Although father and mother disappeared together, many things that happened to them before have actually hinted at the signs, indicating that they are most likely to be separated.

Sure enough.

This is the worst case scenario.

Thinking of what happened in the Yinyang Valley mountain peak, and what the woman said, Mu Qinglan felt more and more uneasy.

She collected herself and asked: "Then... Didn't my father mention my mother?"

Since he, Qingwu and the others talked about her and brother, then mother...

"No." Both Qingwu and Jujiu shook their heads, "I've never heard him mention these things. He only occasionally mentioned the existence of your brother and sister, but never mentioned your mother. We all thought ...and never asked."

When Brother Mu Feng mentioned this pair of children, he always had a smile on his face, but when he heard others mention his wife, he never said a word, so they all guessed that his wife was gone, so they were even more unhappy. Dare to ask more.

Mu Qinglan frowned.

The relationship between father and mother is very good, there must be a reason why he didn't mention it.

But at least now it is certain that mother and father should have separated from the very beginning.

Dad didn't know who was brought to the western border, so... where's mother?

There has never been her name on Ukiyojue, and Mu Qinglan has no way of finding out.

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu looked at each other in blank dismay, only then did they notice something was wrong.

Mu Qinglan took a deep breath: "Forget it, let's not mention these things for now. Think about how we will deal with it after we get out."

Suppressing the many emotions in his heart, Mu Qinglan pondered for a moment and said:

"This teleportation array is in the main study of Baisong Hall, so it must be very important. In my opinion, the destination of this teleportation array is either his private place, or... the Holy Heaven Sect!"

Both Qingwu and Qingwu nodded in agreement.

Qing Wu thought for a while, and said:

"Actually, I think the second possibility is more likely. Mu..."

Mu Qinglan smiled.

"You can just call me Ling Han. We are now a life-long friendship, so there is no need to worry about it."

Qing Wu let out a "hmm" before continuing: "Ling Han, you may not know something, but the hall master of this Baisong Hall actually changes very quickly. In the past five years, there have been three changes."

Mu Qinglan was taken aback: "Why is this happening? People of this level shouldn't change so frequently, right?"

"Generally speaking, this is the case, but this Baisong Hall is somewhat evil. Before this Baisong hall master, of the two hall masters, one died in battle and the other was poisoned. This is the turn of this one. No matter who is the hall master Lord, the study is always the one I use!"

Mu Qinglan understood: "So, this teleportation array is unlikely to be set up privately, but should be used by all the previous hall masters."

"That's right."

Mu Qinglan rested her chin in one hand, lost in thought.

If this is the case, then it is basically certain that this teleportation array leads to the Holy Heaven Sect!

She laughed at herself: "Unexpectedly, we went to the headquarters of the legendary Holy Heaven Sect, which is so mysterious!"

I really don't know whether to say it's unlucky or lucky.

She had just come up with the idea of ​​going to the headquarters of the Holy Heaven Sect to see if Dean Chu Yu and Elder Tianxuan were there, but in the blink of an eye, she embarked on the road to go.

But now that they have reached this point, the front is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and they have to make a breakthrough!

"Ling Han, aren't you worried at all?" Qing Wu was surprised to see Mu Qinglan's bright eyes, which seemed full of fighting intent, "That's... the headquarters of the Holy Heaven Sect!"

There should be some worry and uneasiness, right?

Mu Qinglan waved his hand.

"It's no use worrying any more. Can we go back now?"

Neither of them spoke.

Going forward is also a dead end, and going back is the same choice, so they might as well go forward, at least they can go and see what the legendary Holy Heaven Sect is like.

"Besides, didn't you say that you have always suspected that the person who locked you up was the Holy Heaven Sect? Taking this opportunity, maybe you can find out! It just so happens that the things you found just now, Ju Jiu, can also be used. Useful."

Being called suddenly, Ju Jiu was taken aback for a moment, and then she felt a little embarrassed.

"Actually... Actually, I know that thing is useless..."

Mu Qinglan blinked.


Sensing that the surrounding energy began to change, several people looked forward.

A ray of light appeared in front of my eyes!

It's finally here!

Mu Qinglan's heart beat faster unconsciously, and there was also a fighting spirit in his heart, which gradually permeated!

——Holy Heaven Sect!

holy peak.

As the headquarters of Shengtianzong, Shengfeng is the most sacred existence in the eyes of everyone in the sect.

To them, being able to enter the holy peak is a kind of supreme glory in itself.

Outside the holy peak, there is the strictest defense, and inside, the atmosphere has always been quiet and sacred.

At this time, in the holy temple above the holy peak, almost all the people of some status in the Holy Sky Sect gathered here.

At this time, most of their expressions were very dignified.

Inside the temple, no one spoke, and there was a dead silence.

The atmosphere is like freezing, stiff and condensed.

And at the top position, a man in a red robe with a blue-faced fangs mask was staring at everyone coldly.

"Why, aren't you usually good at talking? At this critical moment, they have all become dumb?!"

"Sovereign calm down!"

Everyone knelt down in unison.

"Calm your anger? How can I let the suzerain calm your anger after raising you bunch of trash!? Ah? It's been a day and a night for you to think of a way, you really want to!"

Now, everyone fell into dead silence again.

No one thought that the holy fire that had been burning in the temple would suddenly go out, and they were too shocked. How could they know what to do?

They also want to come up with a solution as soon as possible, but is this solution so easy to think about?

The holy fire has existed in the temple since the day when the Holy Heaven Sect was established, and it has been prosperous and burning for a hundred years.

It is also a sacred and undefiled existence in the hearts of everyone, and it is also a representative of the growing strength of the Holy Heaven Sect. Now that the holy flame is suddenly extinguished, it is normal for them to be scolded for not being able to figure out a way.

But even if they were scolded, no one dared to step forward easily.

——What if the method mentioned does not work, and the Suzerain becomes even more angry, so what if he directly beheads him?

Therefore, under such a state of mind, no one speaks out.

In this almost suffocating condensed atmosphere, a tall figure suddenly walked up from the side hall.

The temple is an extremely noble place, and it is closely guarded. Even the hall masters have to go through multiple inspections when they enter, but this young man walked up like a stroll.

Nothing stands in the way.

Even when they saw his figure, the people who were waiting above the temple unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

—He is here at last!

The young man walked to the middle and respectfully saluted with fists in his hands:

"Lin Lang, I have met the suzerain."

The suzerain Dugu Ren's terrifying aura finally subsided a little, and his voice was a little softer than before.

"Lin Lang, why are you here?"

Wei Linlang raised her head, with a smile on her face.

In fact, his facial features were only ordinary, but this smile suddenly wrinkled a pool of spring water like a spring breeze, inexplicably adding a bit of elegant and unrestrained aura.

"Sovereign, Lin Lang is here to announce the good news to you."

Dugu Ren snorted: "The holy fire suddenly goes out, what good things can happen at this time?"

Wei Linlang said, "When did Linlang deceive the suzerain?"

Duguren sat up straight suddenly, and asked, "What's the matter, tell me? Could it be that you figured out a way to rekindle the holy fire?"

Wei Linlang shook his head with apologetic expression: "Linlang is useless, I haven't figured out such a way yet."

Seeing the disappointment in Duguren's eyes, Wei Linlang paused, and then said, "However, there is a compromise. I don't know if it will be useful."

"Say it!"

Dugu Ren suddenly stood up and urged.

Everyone also looked at Wei Linlang curiously.

This ordinary-looking young man is also a legend himself.

He was just a small bodyguard of the Qingmu Hall under the Holy Heaven Sect before. He got the opportunity three years ago and came to the holy peak with the head of the Qingmu Hall. After winning the suzerain's favor, he has been exiled to the Holy Peak ever since.

And in the past three years, he has been on a steady rise, and the suzerain's trust in him is increasing day by day. He even ordered him to come in and out of this temple at will!

You know, this is a qualification that only the suzerain of the Shengtian sect and a few elders in the sect have!

I heard that he is the suzerain's think tank, and he can always solve the suzerain's worries and problems, but I don't know... can he do it this time?

Under everyone's gaze, Wei Linlang did not directly answer the suzerain's words, but instead looked to the other side, a person who had been silent all this time.

"Master Baisong, how about you say it?"


Everyone immediately looked at Hallmaster Baisong!

Hall Master Baisong himself was also stunned, and looked up at Wei Linlang in astonishment.

say what? Could it be that Wei Linlang asked him to talk to the suzerain about how to relight the holy flame?

But he doesn't know anything!

Hall Master Baisong's whole body was stiff, and a thought flashed through his mind - he didn't seem to have offended Wei Linlang!

"Master Baisong, come quickly, the suzerain is waiting!" Wei Linlang urged with a smile.

In Hallmaster Baisong's eyes, that face was like a life-threatening talisman!

He walked out stiffly and stood beside Wei Linlang.

Wei Linlang smiled very kindly.

"Master Baisong, tell the suzerain quickly, what's new on your side recently?"

Hall Master Baisong was taken aback for a moment, but then he heard Wei Linlang say meaningfully:

"You have to say it carefully. Whether the holy fire can be rekindled depends on you."

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