God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 822 Change (a change)

Mu Qinglan's expression was calm, as if he didn't see the people around him at all, let alone the spears that were ready to be stabbed in their hands at any time. He dusted off the dust that didn't exist on his body, looked around, and then lifted up slightly. Chin, with a half-smile and said:

"Why, are the people in Shengfeng so unruly now?"

She was calm and relaxed, just standing there, her whole body exuded an air of dignity that cannot be ignored, and when she opened her mouth, her words carried a touch of majesty from a superior person, which instantly made those guards panic. hesitated.

This boy looks like he really has some identity...

Several people looked at each other, all a little uncertain, but no one stood up for a while.

In case it is really someone who cannot be offended, they will go away without food!

Finally, a man frowned and asked:

"This is clearly the teleportation array used exclusively by Hall Master Baisong. He is usually the only one to use it. What is your identity? You will come out from here? If you don't make it clear, don't blame us for being rude!"

Mu Qinglan could already see clearly that this was a circular room, and in it, there was a small teleportation array at intervals on the ground.

After a cursory glance, there were about eight of them.

Thinking about what these people said just now, it is not difficult to guess that this is the teleportation array specially used by the Eight Great Hall Masters to go back and forth.

But in this room, there are not many guards, only the four people in front of him.

Probably because no one dares to make a fuss about the hall master's teleportation array, so there are not so many guards here.

However, the vigilance that these people should have is still there.

Mu Qinglan stepped on her toes lightly.

Soon, two figures appeared behind her!

It was Qing Wu and Ju Jiu!

The appearance of these two people made the guards nervous again.

"Say it! Or—"


Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly slapped on the face!

The loud slap in the face startled everyone.

Even Qingwu and Jujiu.

What is Mu Linghan planning to do?

They came secretly, shouldn't they be more cautious, more careful?

Now you beat someone first?

"you wanna die!"

After the guards reacted, they were immediately shocked and angry, and the spears in their hands were about to be sent out immediately!

Mu Qinglan suddenly sneered.

This laugh was full of disdain and sarcasm, looking at them as if they were looking at a clown.

"This slap is for you."

The movements of several people actually stopped involuntarily.

Including the guard who was beaten, also covered his face, looking at her angrily and blankly.

"Even Hall Master Baisong dared not treat me so presumptuously, what kind of things are you?"

She slowly withdrew her hand. In fact, the slap just now was just a wave of Yuanli with her hand, but it still blinded the other party.

Arms folded with both hands, chin raised slightly, there was a look of disdain between the eyebrows and eyes.

"What is my identity, you are not qualified to ask. If you are still acquainted, go to Hall Master Baisong now! Tell him, Baisong Hall is no longer his territory!"

Hearing this, several guards looked at each other in blank dismay.

The meaning of these words... They don't dare to guess too much!

That is the hall master after all!

"If your actions are too slow, leading to the loss of Hall Master Baisong, and even affecting the entire Holy Heaven Sect... I really don't know if you can afford this responsibility alone, huh?"

Mu Qinglan's ending sound was extremely soft, rising slightly, but it made the backs of those few people suddenly break out in cold sweat.

Did something really happen?

"You three are watching here, I'm going to report now!"

The guard who was slapped hesitated and opened his mouth, then turned and left.

After walking a few steps, he looked back hesitantly.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and met his eyes, refusing to give in.

The guard's heart skipped a beat, and he left in a hurry.

The remaining three people continued to surround Mu Qinglan and the others.

Probably because of Mu Qinglan's imposing manner, the three of them didn't say anything, just looked at them carefully.

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu looked at the boy's back, and found that the boy at this time was completely different from before.

He was clearly a teenager, but standing there, he suddenly had an aura of dignity and inviolability!

It is also true that those people will be bluffed.

If they hadn't followed all the way, I'm afraid they would have believed what Mu Linghan said just now.

Mu Qinglan suddenly turned his head and looked over, seemingly unintentionally, and met the eyes of the two of them.

In just a moment, the two of them immediately understood what Mu Qinglan meant.

Mu Qinglan suddenly waved at the guard in front of him.

The guard looked at her warily: "What do you want to do?"

Mu Qinglan smiled: "This is Shengfeng, what can I do? It's just that I want to ask you about some things."

"There's nothing to inquire about! Everything will be discussed after reporting back to the higher authorities!"

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows and sighed softly.

"Since this is the case...it's really a pity..."

Although they were afraid that Mu Qinglan would be deceitful, the guards looked at each other with some curiosity, and couldn't help but ask, "What's the pity?"

Mu Qinglan frowned:

"It's a pity... If you want to talk about it later, I'm afraid you won't be able to!"


As soon as Mu Qinglan finished speaking, several golden sand vines quickly spread out, tightly wrapping around the ankles of the three of them!

She pulled hard, and the three of them fell to the ground!

She moved extremely fast, and she had no intention of doing anything before, so the three of them were unprepared, and were immediately dragged in front of Mu Qinglan!

"Hurry up!"

Only then did they realize that something was wrong, a guard quickly shouted, and took out a whistle from his pocket!

He wants to notify someone!

Mu Qinglan's eyes sharpened, but Qingwu had already flew up and kicked him on the wrist, and the whistle flew out immediately! Qingwu quickly grabbed his neck! Twist hard!


A clear voice came!

The guard's eyes widened, full of unwillingness and fear, but he was silent.

At the same time, Ju Jiu on the other side also shot almost at the same time, grabbed the guard's long spear, and stabbed him hard in the heart!

In an instant, two of the three guards died!

There was only the last one left, the guard who had just talked to Mu Qinglan.

"You, you guys are so courageous!"

He shouted tremblingly, he had cut off the sea gold sand vine, turned around and planned to run!

How could Mu Qinglan let him leave?

A cold light flashed, and the guard who had just walked half a step, a red streak slowly overflowed from his neck, and then fell to the ground with a bang!

"Fortunately, we moved fast enough, otherwise we might not be able to solve them."

Qing Wu said happily.

The corners of Mu Qinglan's lips twitched.

The thorns on the sea gold sand vines are poisonous. When she was talking to those people just now to delay the time, she had already moved her hands. Because the thorns were extremely thin, even if there was a slight sting, in the situation just now, they Will not notice anything.

"Wait! Those people just now are wrong—"

At this moment, the guard who left just now turned around and returned!

As soon as he came in, he finished half of his words, and saw the scene inside!

He immediately realized that something was wrong, turned around and ran away!

As soon as Mu Qinglan's footsteps moved, his figure quickly approached like a ghost!

Recently, practicing Liuyun Jue has always been effective. His movements are smooth and flowing, and his speed has improved a bit compared to before, so Mu Qinglan chased after the man directly before he escaped!

She kicked the man to the ground without any nonsense, and then stepped forward to finish him with a knife.

All the movements were done in one go, and even only took a few breaths.

Mu Qinglan listened for a while, and realized that there was nothing unusual outside, so she turned her head and said to the two:

"Don't worry, he turned around and came back before he could tell the news just now. No one outside should know what happened here now."

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu looked at her blankly, as if they didn't know each other.

Mu Qinglan couldn't help laughing.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"

After a while, Ju Jiu stammered and said:

"You, you... are you really only fifteen years old?"

Mu Qinglan froze for a moment: "It should be another month."

Since so many things had happened, she hadn't thought about these issues, and even her fourteenth birthday had already passed when she thought about it.

She used to like birthdays very much, but now she doesn't want to think about it.

Because the person who accompanied her on her birthday, no, those people, are no longer there.

So, don't think so much, but it will be better.

Ju Jiu's face was full of shock: "You, you, you... are not... fifteen years old?! Then why do you—"

Then how do you kill so skillfully?

The series of reactions just now are simply breathtaking!

No one would have thought that this is what a teenager can do!

However, Qing Wu saw something on Mu Qinglan's face, and felt a little pity in his heart.

This child... is really only a teenager, but he has clearly experienced too much.

What he showed is something that can only be possessed after countless battles of life and death.

It can be seen that his previous life may not have been easy.

Parents are not there, only such a half-grown child is left, and it is inevitable that life will be more difficult.

Otherwise, how did he get to the western border?

Seeing that Mu Qinglan didn't seem to want to say more, Qingwu changed the topic calmly:

"Then let's deal with these people first."

Mu Qinglan nodded:

"Take off their clothes."

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