God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 829 Dugu Ren (Eighth)

This word of communication immediately spread throughout the entire Sacred Peak!

Mu Qinglan naturally heard it clearly.

Evil Monarch Mansion?

How did their people come?

Mu Qinglan was a little puzzled for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

It is rumored that the Xiejun Mansion and the Shengtianzong have always been rivals, but they are afraid of each other, and have never come to declare war with such a big fanfare.

What's going on now?

Wei Linlang looked back at Mu Qinglan and said, "You stay here now, normally no one will come here."

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows.

Just kidding, she came here for the dungeon! People from the Evil Monarch's Mansion are here... What a great opportunity this is!

In the chaos, who would have noticed that she had broken into the dungeon?

Wei Linlang seemed to understand Mu Qinglan's thoughts, hesitated for a while, and said nothing, but left quickly, heading towards the temple.

Mu Qinglan turned around, quickly found Qingwu and Ju Jiu who had been guarding not far away, and went to the dungeon together.

The three of them were wearing the clothes of the guards, and they were not attracting attention as they shuttled over the holy peak.

Because at this time, the people on the entire holy peak are already in chaos!

While Mu Qinglan was walking towards the dungeon quickly, she raised her head, and could vaguely see a black patch above the sky, approaching rapidly!

Although there is still a distance away, I can already feel that terrible coercion!

Even Mu Qinglan couldn't help being secretly surprised.

How many people from Xiejun's mansion have come here? This is clearly intended to completely end the Holy Heaven Sect today!

"What's the matter with the people of the Xiejun's mansion, who actually came to commit crimes at this time? The hall masters of the Holy Heaven Sect are all here now!"

Ju Jiu murmured strangely while running.

Suddenly, Mu Qinglan's eyes lit up!

A bold guess came to mind!

It is impossible for the people in the Xiejun Mansion not to know this!

But they still came, which proves that they deliberately chose at this time!

Since the Hall Masters are all here at the Holy Peak, then...if she was from the Evil Monarch's Mansion, what would she do now?

There is no doubt that it must be to solve the eight sects of Shengtianzong!

Among these people, only Hall Master Bai Song went back, but that's okay.

Since the Xiejun Mansion dared to do this, it proved that it was fully prepared!

At this moment, I'm afraid that the eight halls are already in dire straits!

And these people came to Shengfeng... The people from Xiejun's Mansion may also know that they can't completely deal with the people of Shengtianzong, so they came here, probably for the purpose of blocking!

If these people are trapped in the holy peak, then the gates below them can be dealt with without any worries!

Sure enough, when this thought flashed through Mu Qinglan's mind, he saw the black patch above the sky suddenly spread out!

——They really wanted to surround Shengfeng!

Mu Qinglan withdrew her gaze and sped up the speed!

A fire broke out at the city gate, which affected Chi Yu. She had to find Dean Chu Yu and Elder Tianxuan as soon as possible!

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu followed behind, and couldn't help being surprised when they saw Mu Qinglan's speed.

Although I have seen it once before, I didn't expect it to be faster!

The two of them were not at a low level before. Although their bodies have not fully recovered now, their foundations are still there anyway. I didn't expect that they could barely keep up with all their strength!

However, in this state, they reached the dungeon very quickly!

Without hesitation, Mu Qinglan grabbed the key and placed it on the barrier!


A subtle vibration sound came!

Then, the enchantment opened!

Mu Qinglan was overjoyed, and immediately moved forward!

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu followed closely behind!

At this time, because of the arrival of the people from the Evil Lord's Mansion above the sky, the people on the entire holy peak are already in full battle, all their attention is on this, and no one has noticed that someone has taken this opportunity to break into The dungeon!

Mu Qinglan quickly entered the cave.

Fortunately, in this cave, there are burning candles at intervals, making the whole cave brightly lit!

Mu Qinglan moved forward all the way, and soon found that the dungeon really went down.

The steps appeared in front of her eyes, and Mu Qinglan rushed down without hesitation!

But after arriving below, Mu Qinglan discovered that this place turned out to be a huge maze!

Roads appear in front of you, making it difficult to choose!

"What... what should I do?" Qingwu subconsciously looked at Mu Qinglan.

For some reason, I always feel that this young man can think of a way to solve any problem he encounters.

Sure enough, Mu Qinglan did not disappoint them. After holding his breath for a while, he pointed in one direction:


——She activated the Ukiyojue!

She could already feel Dean Chu Yu's breath!

The three of them ran wildly all the way, relying on the Ukiyojue, Mu Qinglan wasted almost no time along the way, and was completely on the right path.

Because of this, they quickly rushed to the bottom!

Mu Qinglan could already feel the chill inside.

This breath...seems somewhat familiar...

Mu Qinglan frowned, and then suddenly remembered, isn't this breath the same medicine that Wei Linlang used the day before?

He actually took something from here!

The further down, the heavier the icy breath!

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu couldn't help shivering, their lips turned blue.

Mu Qinglan speeded up.

Soon, Dean Chu Yu's breath was getting closer and closer!

She turned a corner and finally saw an ice cave at the end of this narrow road!

An old figure was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed!

It was Dean Chu Yu!


Mu Qinglan yelled, and rushed over immediately!

Dean Chu Yu's breath was already very weak, and he heard a shout in a trance, thinking it was a hallucination.

But he clearly felt something...

Dean Chu Yu opened his eyes with difficulty, and saw a person running towards him!

He froze for a moment, and then saw those eyes that were as clear and bright as black jade!

It turned out to be——


Dean Chu Yu exhausted all his strength and shouted hoarsely!

Mu Qinglan was taken aback.

A figure suddenly appeared between the two of them!

Tall and breathy!

Mu Qinglan's heart sank and she stopped suddenly.

The man turned around.

A mask with blue face and fangs, cold and cruel eyes!

But it was Dugu Ren!

Because the review time has passed, today is temporarily eight shifts, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be eight shifts in the morning, okay?

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