God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 852: Going Back (One More)

Huo Zunting looked at Dugu Ren with a smile.

"Sect Master Dugu, because my third brother managed to save you once today, we won't be staying in the Evil Monarch's Mansion for long this time! But you should be more careful next time, otherwise... But you don't have such good luck Already!"

Everyone was stunned. Even Mu Qinglan blinked, puzzled.

What's the meaning? Because she saved Duguren, Huo Zunting planned to withdraw?

This... this is too random! ?

But Huo Zunting had already made up his mind, and there was no room for excuses. After speaking, he turned around and waved his hand.

"Go home!"

Everyone in Xiejun's Mansion naturally did not dare to disobey his order, and immediately turned and left.

However, Huo Zunting looked back at Mu Qinglan before leaving, and threw Mu Qinglan a tip.

"Third brother, if you encounter danger in the future, just open the bag! Brother Huo will definitely help you! Hahaha!"

After finishing speaking, he left in a very chic manner.

The people in Xiejun's Mansion moved extremely fast, but in an instant, their figures disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Mu Qinglan looked down at the kit in his hand.

This kit is also blue, it seems to be the same as Huo Zunting's clothes, with dark patterns embroidered on it, it looks exquisite and luxurious.

Mu Qinglan weighed it, but it felt very light inside, as if there was nothing there.

Strange... Why did Huo Zunting keep this thing? Is it really for her to use this kit to get out of danger when she encounters danger?

Mu Qinglan couldn't laugh or cry for a while, but she didn't intend to throw it away.

For some reason, she always felt that Huo Zunting would not harm her.

"Oh. This hall is still something, but it's just a bag of broken kits. There's nothing rare about it."

At this moment, Di Qianjue who was next to him suddenly sneered, and looked at Mu Qinglan and the kit in her hand with a sarcasm.

Mu Qinglan raised her eyebrows, but shook the kit instead.

"No matter how broken it is, it's someone who specially wanted to help me. How can I not care about it?"

In this world, there are still people who think that their thighs are not thick enough?

He offered to help, and after much deliberation, she didn't have any reason to refuse. What's more, she couldn't wait for this opportunity, how could she refuse?

Di Qianjue was even more angry, staring at Mu Qinglan, his thin lips that seemed to be full of blood moved slightly, and then spit out a few cold words.

"....No Promise!"

Mu Qinglan snorted lightly, not bothering to argue with Di Qianjue, and directly put the kit in the mustard ring.

Just kidding, maybe this kit can be kept against Di Qianjue in the future! Of course she wants to keep it!

Don't look at Di Qianjue's very polite behavior at the moment, isn't it all for the face of Lord Wang Yan?

If Lord Wang Yan is gone, who knows what he will do!

The aura on Di Qianjue's body was extremely dangerous, and the blood in his eyes became more intense!

Sensing the murderous aura on his body, several people behind him hurriedly persuaded in a low voice:

"Your Highness, let's go back first! It's been too long since you came out and left the Demon Palace!"

"That's right! What's more, the Evil Monarch's Mansion has already left. If we don't leave, won't we continue to fight against the people of the Holy Heaven Sect? Even if you really want to do this, you have to be fully prepared!"

"Your Highness..."

In fact, Di Qianjue knew it was time to go back without their persuasion.

This time it was indeed too long to leave the magic palace. He already felt the discomfort from his body, but because he wanted to stay here, he endured it all the time.

Di Qianjue clenched his fists tightly.

In fact, he could go back a long time ago, but he still has something in his heart that he can't let go of, so he never left.

Although he blatantly said it was for the Holy Heaven Sect, only he himself knew what it was for.

Unexpectedly, the little thing would dare to accept Huo Zunting's things in front of him!


Di Qianjue gave a cold shout, and the people behind him immediately waved their sleeves, tearing apart the space.

Di Qianjue walked forward without hesitation.


Dugu Ren suddenly raised his voice and said coldly:

"Di Qianjue, you want to leave before the matter is finished?"

Di Qianjue paused, turned around and sneered.

"Isn't it just a sacred fire? Since it belongs to your Holy Heaven Sect, the problem is naturally solved by you!"

After speaking, he really left directly, and the figure quickly disappeared into that space crack!

"Di Qianjue!"

Duguren yelled, and took a step forward to catch Di Qianjue, but at this moment, how could her strength be the opponent of Di Qianjue and his party?

In the blink of an eye, the space crack also disappeared completely!

Only a dead and silent holy peak remained.

This time, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attract Di Qianjue, and then let him light the holy fire again, but I didn't expect that it didn't work out, and left a lot of trouble instead!

Mu Qinglan looked at Duguren, laughed softly and said:

"Dugu Ren, if I'm not mistaken, the fire poison in your body should be due to the holy fire, right?"

Dugu Ren didn't speak.

"Although this is indeed a way to quickly improve your strength, you know the consequences best. As for the future...you can decide for yourself. But let me say yes first, I will never try to save you next time. "

Duguren rolled his eyes at Mu Qinglan.

"Who wants you to save!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left directly.

Mu Qinglan: "..."

For some reason, I feel that ever since I found out that Duguren is a woman, I feel that she likes to be aggressive...

Mu Qinglan sighed softly, no wonder Wei Linlang has always treated her this way in the past few years, it seems that she will suffer in the future.

But presumably he is also willing, and it is not up to others to say anything.

The people from Xiejun's Mansion and Di Qianjue had already left, so there was nothing to see in this excitement.

Mu Qinglan returned to Lord Wang Yan.

Lord Wang Yan looked Mu Qinglan up and down, and realized that there was nothing unusual about her body, so the stone in his heart was finally let go.

Although he was always the one who said to continue to wait, in fact, the anxiety and worry in his heart did not need to be less than Dean Chu Yu's few people.

Dean Chu Yu quickly walked in front of Mu Qinglan: "Ling Han, how are you?"

Mu Qinglan shook her head and said with a smile: "I'm fine, you didn't look at me and found a backer by the way?"

Dean Chu Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This is obviously an extremely dangerous thing, but it seems like it's not worth mentioning when this kid says it.

But only he knows how dangerous Dugu Ren is!

Inside the temple, I don't know what happened...

Seeing Dean Chu Yu's expression, Mu Qinglan thought that he still cared about being imprisoned by Shengtianzong for so long, and persuaded:

"Dean, don't worry, people from the Holy Heaven Sect will definitely not deliberately target our college again."

Dean Chu Yu's expression became serious, and he suddenly thought that Dugu Ren had arrested him just to find out the whereabouts of that thing. Could it be that he really gave up so easily?

He wanted to ask a few more questions, but this matter involved too much, if Ling Han found out, it might cause him some trouble instead.

Mu Qinglan's eyes quickly glanced at Dean Chu Yu, but he could guess what he was worried about, so he didn't say much.

It's better not to let anyone know the agreement between her and the person in the Seventh Peak until it is completed.

Dean Chu Yu coughed and changed the subject.

"Hey, since that's the case, let's forget about the matter here, let's..."


At this moment, several figures suddenly flew out from the holy peak and came towards Dean Chu Yu!

Dean Chu Yu looked back and was immediately startled.

"Gucci? How do you—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Elder Yaoguang behind Elder Gu Qi!

How can this one-

Dean Chu Yu paused, and then remembered that Ling Han seemed to have said that he was not the only one in the academy...

"Dean, it seems that you have suffered a lot during this time."

Elder Yaoguang laughed and joked.

Elder Gu Qi and the others were sweating profusely. At this time, only Elder Yao Guang dared to joke with the dean like this.

The dean was about to salute Elder Yaoguang, but suddenly saw her blinking, and then noticed that she was standing behind Elder Gu Qi, as if... pretending to be an ordinary elder in the academy.

Dean Chu Yu didn't expose it, and nodded at Elder Yaoguang, laughing at himself.

"My old bones have caused you a lot of trouble. It's because of your hard work that you have traveled so far..."

"Dean, what are you talking about." Elder Gu Qi sighed, "If we hadn't been too negligent, you wouldn't have—"

Xie Zhifan at the side suddenly said:

"Dean, elder, this is not a place to talk, let's go first."

A few people were startled, and then they realized this, and nodded one after another.

Dean Chu Yu turned his head to look at Lord Wang Yan, and was about to salute and thank him, but the latter waved at Mu Qinglan first.

"Ling Han! Let's go!"

Mu Qinglan responded with a smile: "By the way, I have two friends. I wonder if we can be together?"

Qing Wu and Ju Jiu looked at each other in surprise, they didn't expect Mu Qinglan to still think about them at this time.

"what ever!"

Mu Qinglan and his party really left Shengfeng so generously.

Everyone knew that she saved Duguren, so their attitude towards her was naturally different. When they left, there was no one to stop them, and it went smoothly.

The group flew for a long time, and after confirming that they had left the range of Shengtianzong, they began to discuss the next thing.

"By the way, what about Elder Kaiyang and the others?" Elder Gu Qi asked a little strangely.

Elder Yaoguang smiled mysteriously.

"They're waiting for us right here!"

Surprised, they quickly looked down and saw a group of people on the mountain below them.

Elder Kaiyang and Elder Yaoguang could have used a special method to contact each other, so it was not difficult to tell them to come here and wait.

The two groups of people gathered together.

Elder Gu Qi said: "Dean, we have to go back soon, the ranking competitions of the major colleges are about to start."

Dean Chu Yu was startled, and then sighed.

"It turns out that it's been so long..."

Mu Qinglan suddenly said:

"Dean, Elder, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back with you this time."

Have a meal, come back and continue

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