God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 856: Ranking Competition (Part 2)

Zhongyuan College.

"What? The Holy Heaven Sect is under siege!?"

Feng Yi, who had just received the news, stood up abruptly, with a shocked expression on his face. He quickly stepped forward, looked at the man kneeling in front of him, and asked eagerly:

"But sure?"

"Dean, this matter is absolutely true! Huo Zunting, the head of the Xiejun Mansion, actually led people to encircle and suppress the Holy Heaven Sect! Duguren, the suzerain of the Holy Heaven Sect, almost exploded himself! But later, for some reason, the Xiejun Mansion Those people actually didn't take the opportunity to take the Holy Heaven Sect, but left after staying for a few days...Because the Holy Heaven Sect is extremely tightly sealed, so we have limited information..."

Feng Yi looked confused, then lowered his voice and asked:

"Then... what about that person?"

The man kneeling on the ground looked embarrassed.


Feng Yi's heart sank, and the feeling of uneasiness before became even stronger.

"Principal, this matter is a long story. The Holy Heaven Sect somehow provoked Lord Wang Yan..."

Feng Yi's expression froze: "Who are you talking about?"

"Dean, it's Lord Wang Yan! It's the one from Tonglinghai! He's not dead!"

Feng Yi frowned tightly: "What does this have to do with him? Why does he want to go to Shengtianzong?"

"Dean, the people from the Holy Heaven Sect are so arrogant that they even arrested his apprentice! When Lord Wang Yan went to ask for someone, he happened to catch up with the people from the Xiejun Palace! Later, Emperor Qianjue I went too..."

Feng Yi was full of anxiety: "I'm asking you how that person is doing!"

The man's body trembled, and he said in a low voice:

"He, he was rescued by Lord Wang Yan's apprentice... He should have left the Western Territory by now..."

"What? What does this have to do with Lord Wang Yan's apprentice? What's going on here?" Feng Yi was confused, "Who is his apprentice?"

"... Dean, you really haven't heard of it?"

"What did you hear?"

"...Did you forget that there were rumors before that Lord Poison Dragon had brought people to deal with Xiling Academy? At that time, Xiling Academy was not an opponent at all, but in the end, Lord Wang Yan suddenly appeared and easily drove Lord Poison Dragon away Walk…"

Feng Yi frowned.

"I've been in retreat for a while, but I haven't heard much about this news."

After all, this incident happened in Xiling College, and the news has been tightly blocked. Few people know about it. Even if they hear some words, few people actually believe it.

After all, Lord Wang Yan has disappeared on the mainland for hundreds of years. How could such a strong man standing at the pinnacle of the mainland somehow get involved with Xiling College?

In particular, many elders of Zhongyuan College actually think that this is just fake news deliberately released by Xiling College, just to make other colleges or forces afraid. Maybe someone really helped them, but it definitely wouldn't be the legendary Lord Wang Yan.

Because of this, no one mentioned this matter to Feng Yi at all.

The man kneeling on the ground was extremely nervous, and finally resigned to his fate, knocking his head on the ground.

"Principal! The apprentice of Lord Wang Yan... is Mu Linghan!"

This is the news that their people managed to find out. In fact, he couldn't believe it when he heard it at first, but after thinking about it, if it wasn't for that person, why bother to save the dean of Xiling College?

Sure enough, Feng Yi paused, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"What did you say?! Mu Linghan? Which Mu Linghan?"

"It's... that Dean Mu Linghan of Xiling College!"

"This is impossible!" Feng Yi waved his sleeve robe, his face was covered with a layer of frost, "When Mu Linghan entered the academy a year ago, he was only in the Void Realm. How can time be so strong? Can he save that old Chu Yu from the siege of the Holy Heaven Sect? Impossible!"

Although he said it was impossible, Feng Yi actually believed it in his heart.

Although there is more than one person named Mu Linghan in this world, there must be only one who can go to the western border to save Chu Yu, and who has a relationship with Lord Wang Yan!

It must be because of Lord Wang Yan that he was able to rescue people so smoothly!

"...Dean, Dean Chu Yu seems to have left with Lord Wang Yan and the others..."

It's a certainty!

If this is not true, how could Venerable Wang Yan help?

Feng Yi was silent for a while, his eyes were serious and cold.

"In other words, Chu Yu is already on his way back to Xiling College?"

"Yes. But the principal, Lord Wang Yan and Mu Linghan, didn't seem to go back with them."

Feng Yi asked in surprise: "Really? Why?"

"The subordinates don't know, but they should still stay in the western border. I don't know what they want to do. Lord Wang Yan is too powerful, and the subordinates are afraid of revealing their identities, so they don't send anyone to follow."

Feng Yi glanced at him: "You did a good job."

Even if Mu Linghan and the others rescued him now, they probably wouldn't know about their collaboration with the Holy Heaven Sect.

However, just in case, Xiling Academy should be solved as soon as possible!

"There are still three days before the ranking competition of the major colleges, so don't disturb the Western Territory for the time being. It's a good time for Mu Linghan and the others to be away. Xiling College is currently weak. This time is an excellent opportunity to pull them down. Absolutely not to be missed!"

"The dean is wise!"

Feng Yi waved his hand: "You go down first. People from the academy are going to Mingqi Mountain too. No matter how much power you use, you must stop Lord Wang Yan from Mingqi Mountain! If you can't stop it, at least you have to drag it until the competition It's over, you know?"


Three days later, Mingqi Mountain.

Mingqi Mountain can be called a land of exquisite beauty, and the scenery is extremely beautiful. The entire mountain is full of lush trees, and the color of the leaves is mostly rich red or relatively clear yellow. On the mountain, there is also a stream flowing down , the water flow is clear and tinkling.

Standing on Mingqi Mountain is refreshing.

But the most famous thing about Mingqi Mountain is not such a beautiful scenery, but its natural environment with extremely strong energy.

Outside Mingqi Mountain, there seems to be an invisible barrier. After entering, one will obviously feel that the concentration of Yuanli is much higher than that of the outside world.

And such an environment has also allowed many treasures of heaven and earth to grow up and down Mingqi Mountain.

It stands to reason that such a place would have been snatched by some forces as their stronghold, but for thousands of years, no one has been able to really occupy Mingqi Mountain.

Because although Mingqi Mountain has an excellent cultivation environment, some high-level Yuan beasts are prone to appear around it, which is still relatively dangerous for ordinary practitioners. In addition, Mingqi Mountain is actually not steep, it is just a small mountain. Although everyone covets it, such a small place is really difficult to develop and grow.

What's more, once you make a move, it will inevitably attract other people's attacks.

After thinking about it, we all know that this is actually not cost-effective.

Therefore, Mingqi Mountain became the place where many colleges hold their ranking matches every time.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge flat square, and people have already appeared one after another at this time.

Those who can come here to participate in the college ranking competition are all famous colleges on the mainland.

In addition to the five major colleges, other colleges that were able to enter Golden Eye at the beginning naturally also sent people.

Counting it all together, there are almost twenty colleges here.

The top of the mountain is a huge circular square, and around this square, a total of twenty colleges have been set up.

Each college has a golden stone chair for the dean, and green sandalwood chairs for the three elders, and the others are ordinary wooden chairs.

In the east of the square, there are five purple and gold chairs.

That was the last seat reserved for the top five deans.

Over the years, the academy represented by those five seats has never changed.

However, only this year's Xiling Academy is particularly dangerous.

Many people have already set their sights on that position and want to replace it!

But at this time, the competition had not yet started, so everyone hid their thoughts well, and even exchanged greetings with each other, looking lively.

Nanhua College was the first to arrive among the five colleges.

Because this competition is not only a competition between students, but also includes elders and deans, so generally everyone will not bring too many students, usually ten.

Seeing Si Changyi coming, many people hurriedly got up and went to meet him.

Between the words, there is a bit of a holding meaning.

But this is also normal. Although the momentum of Nanhua College is not as good as that of Zhongyuan College, the overall level is still very high. Basically, it will still sit firmly on the top few thrones, and everyone will naturally please one or two.

When Si Changyi greeted everyone, Chong Shuangshuang behind him had already looked around the square eagerly.

Unexpectedly... not here yet...

Chong Shuangshuang couldn't help sighing when he didn't see the figure he wanted to see, with disappointment that couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

Huang Ye at the side knew what she was thinking, and a faint bitterness passed through his heart, and then comforted her in a low voice:

"Junior Sister, we came earlier. It seems that people from the other colleges have not come yet."

Chong Shuangshuang nodded absently.

It hasn't been a long time since the last farewell at Golden Eye, but she always thinks of that person in her heart.

She knew it wasn't good for her, but she couldn't fully control it.

"...I don't know if he will bring his fiancee this time..."

Chong Shuangshuang muttered a little dejectedly.

The person who can make Brother Ling Han care about her must be a particularly outstanding woman, right?

Just as Huang Ye was about to speak, Chong Shuangshuang suddenly looked back and frowned.

He also looked over, and after a while, he saw several figures approaching quickly!

After seeing those people clearly, he couldn't help but say:

"Zhongyuan Academy came so early this year?"

Almost qualifying... have dinner and continue

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