God Concubine Supreme

Chapter 860 Come to Learn! (three more)

Above the square, there was a dead silence.

No one expected that this would be the result.

Except for the people from Xiling College, everyone else present looked at Xie Zhifan in shock.

Although there is a difference in strength between these two people, one is in the middle stage of the lordship, and the other is in the early stage of the lordship, but... it is not possible to decide the outcome with one punch!

But at this moment, looking at Hua Lang who had been kicked out of the field and fell to the ground hard, everyone was speechless.

"Xi Ling College - Xie Zhifan, win!"

Xie Zhifan slowly withdrew his hand, his expression was calm, there was no surprise of victory on his face, it seemed as if it should be taken for granted.

He then clasped his fists together: "Accept."

This sound is really more ironic than any other words!

After Xie Zhifan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Xiling College.


Jing Hongfei stood up suddenly, looking at Xie Zhifan with a gloomy expression.

Xie Zhifan turned around: "What's the matter? Does Dean Jing Hongfei have any objections to the outcome?"

Everyone is already lying outside the arena, everyone knows who wins and loses in this match!

Jing Hongfei was furious in his heart, looked at Xie Zhifan, as if he wanted to rush forward.

Xie Zhifan just let him watch with a calm expression.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be the mid-term lord..." Jing Hongfei's every word seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, with strong resentment and unwillingness.

Xie Zhifan laughed.

"I'm afraid there are still many things you don't know."

Jing Hongfei glanced at Hua Lang lying on the ground, clenched his fists, and took a deep breath.

"However, although your realm is a bit higher than Hua Lang, it is still a bit difficult to win with one move. The Thousand Illusions and Lost Traces he cultivated, even the peak lords, may not be able to recognize at a glance—"

"Dean Jing Hongfei, it's other people's business if others don't recognize it, and it has nothing to do with me. This competition is over, and the result is clear. Regarding your doubts, I just want to say that in my eyes, the students of your school are also But that's all. Therefore, I can recognize it at a glance, and I can win with one punch!"

Xie Zhifan's tone was still very calm, but the calmer he was, the more anger surged in Jing Hongfei's heart!


"Generally speaking, those who lose miserably are either because the enemy is too strong, or they are too weak. Your student is unlucky, and both of them are accounted for. I am also very sorry about this."

The smile on Xie Zhifan's face was very polite, he didn't feel that his two words could kill his anger at all!

Afterwards, he glanced at Hua Lang on the ground, and said calmly:

"Brother Hua, for the sake of the fight between you and me, I also advise you that it is more meaningful to spend more energy to improve your own strength than to pay attention to any messy list. After all, some things , It’s not something you can get if you want to fight for it!”

After finishing speaking, Xie Zhifan turned around and left gracefully!

Everyone was silent.

Who is being satirized by these words, I really can't understand it!

But Xie Zhifan's words were very polite, making it impossible to find any problems!

After all, he has already won! What he said is also true!

This time, Qingfeng Academy can only endure it abruptly!


Sensing that Jing Hongfei's aura was very dangerous, the people behind carefully planned to speak a few words of comfort.

"Hurry up and pull him down!" Jing Hongfei yelled, and gave Hua Lang a hard look, "What a shame!"

"Yes Yes!"

Immediately, someone rushed up from behind and helped Hua Lang up in a hurry.

At first, Hua Lang wanted to refute himself, but when he saw the gloomy expression of his dean, his heart trembled, and he hurried down.

In this way, the first match between Xiling Academy and Qingfeng Academy ended with the victory of Xiling Academy!

After Xie Zhifan went back, everyone couldn't hide their joy.

Although he knew his strength for a long time, but just now Xie Zhifan was on top, and he really helped Xiling Academy to vent his anger!

This naturally makes everyone who has been angry a lot happier.

Dean Chu Yu nodded: "That's right, your strength has indeed increased a lot during this period of time. It's really a bit of a shame for you to deal with such an opponent."

With Xie Zhifan's strength, it is no problem for him to be ranked in the top five among the younger generation. Now he is fighting against a mere lord who is in the early stage, which is a bit useless.

Xie Zhifan shook his head and said with a smile: "If you can help the academy accumulate points, this game is not in vain. It's just..."

"Just what?"

Xie Zhifan hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "I don't know why, but the students always feel that if the strongest student in Qingfeng College is really only Hua Lang's level, then Jing Hongfei should not be so arrogant... "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Xiling Academy fell into deep thought.

Elder Gu Qi nodded with a serious face.

"You're right, and that's what we're thinking about. But the game has already started, so let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, no matter how good they are, they shouldn't be able to make a fuss. Three wins in five games, we have now Winning a game is a good start. Just let them deal with the rest."

Xie Zhifan nodded.

The game continues.

However, soon, things turned out to be unfavorable to them as they had expected.

——The one who came up in the second round turned out to be a newcomer from Qingfeng Academy!

However, Xiling Academy's opponent is the mighty Qin Chuan!

In this way, Qin Chuan won the second round as a matter of course, but for them this time, they suffered a big loss!

Sure enough, in the third match that followed, the person they sent was actually a strong early-stage lord!

The people sent by Xiling College were of the same realm as the opponent, but after a hard fight, they were finally tricked by the opponent, and it was a pity that they lost!

In the fourth round, Xiling Academy still lost!

Up to this point, the two sides have played four games, each with two wins and two losses, and it was a tie!

On the side of Xiling College, the atmosphere became gloomy.

Because this last game is related to whether they can advance to the next round! It is a crucial game!

But——until now, they haven't sent any newcomers to the stage!

In other words, this time, they had to choose one of Helian Liefeng and Ouyang Mo to fight!

Although the strength of these two people is not weak, but the opponent's rookie has already played, so it is very likely that the strength of the opponent is stronger than them!

This situation is extremely unfavorable to them!

At Qingfeng Academy, the atmosphere was obviously different from here, almost as if it was about to celebrate!

"Why hasn't Ling Han come back yet?" Elder Gu Qi was anxious, "He said before that he would come back on time! But this game is about to start - if we lose this game, our situation will become worse." Very bad!"

Dean Chu Yu sighed.

"If it doesn't work, let one of them go."

When I brought the two of them here, I was also worried about this situation.

But the key point now is that even if Helian Gaefeng goes up, he cannot be sure that he is the opponent of the other party!

Although Helian Gaefeng is warlike, but after all, his cultivation time is not as good as those who are a few years older. If he insists, he will basically lose!

"But there is no other way now... and it is impossible to delay..."

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came from the field.

"Qingfeng Academy——Huafeng! Come and ask for advice!"

Hearing this name, everyone immediately looked over, but they saw the man standing on the field, his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to the previous Hua Lang!

Xie Zhifan took a step forward and asked, "Hua Feng? What's your relationship with Hua Lang?"

Hua Feng smiled darkly: "I am Brother Hua Lang."

Xie Zhifan and the others all sank in their hearts.

He turned out to be Hua Lang's brother!

Doesn't that mean that his strength is likely to be stronger than Hua Lang! ?

Helian Liefeng, who was still somewhat confident, frowned.

He has not yet broken through the lord, how can he be the opponent's opponent?

"Before, brother Xie gave my brother a very good one. I am very grateful. It's a pity that I can't continue to compete with brother Xie. Therefore, in this last match, I plan to be the last person to fight against your school. , have a good exchange. It can be regarded as not disappointing, brother Xie taught my younger brother, how about it?"

These words are neither yin nor yang, but they are full of threats!

This clearly means that he will definitely do his best to teach the last person in Xiling Academy a hard lesson!

His eyes swept over the people from Xiling College, and he smiled.

"Why, is your school still deciding who will be the last person to fight? Or... there is no one to send?"

He turned his neck, made a crisp sound, and his eyes were filled with a gloomy look.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you seem to have a newcomer who hasn't come out yet? I'm curious... I don't know, who is coming out?"

A determined smile was already on his face.

Not only him, even the people of Qingfeng Academy basically showed the same expression!

"That's right! Why haven't your people come out yet! Could it be because you're afraid?"

"Newcomer! It must be a newcomer!"

"Hahaha! I think they are really scared. After all, they are one of the five major colleges. In the end, they couldn't even win the first round. Isn't this too embarrassing?!"

"Hmph, after today, it's still a question of whether you can sit firmly in this position..."

It was probably because they were sure that Xiling College would lose, so their attitude became arrogant again.

If they can't pass the first round, Xiling Academy will basically be doomed and miss the top five.

And if this is the case, they will definitely be replaced this time!

Even people from other colleges have already shook their heads secretly.

No matter how powerful a rookie is, can he beat Hua Feng, who is obviously a powerful lord?

Helian Liefeng snorted coldly, and held the black sword in his arms.

"I want to see what level this Huafeng is!"

As he said that, he strode forward with great strides!

Hua Feng was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"A person who is not even a lord has the guts to challenge? Hahaha! How ridiculous!"

Helian Liefeng was furious, and was about to speak, but was suddenly stopped by a gentle force.

Then, a thin and slender black figure quickly flashed in front of his eyes!

Then, a clear voice spread throughout the square in an instant!

"Oh? It just so happens that this young master is also a lord, why don't you let me experience your strength, how about it?"

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